10,740 research outputs found

    Comparison of Material Properties and Microstructure of Specimens Built Using the 3D Systems Vanguard HS and Vanguard HiQ+HSSLS Systems

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    The HiQ upgrade to the 3D Systems Vanguard selective laser sintering (SLS) machine incorporates a revised thermal calibration system and new control software. The paper compares the tensile modulus, tensile strength, elongation at break, flexural modulus, Izod impact resistance and microstructure of two batteries of standard specimens built from recycled Duraform PA (Nylon 12). The first set is built on a Vanguard HS system and the second on the same system with the HiQ upgrade installed. The upgrade reduces user intervention, decreases total build time and improves surface finish. However, using the default processing parameters, tensile, flexure and impact properties are all found to decline after the upgrade is installed.Mechanical Engineerin

    Time-dependent perturbation theory for vibrational energy relaxation and dephasing in peptides and proteins

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    Without invoking the Markov approximation, we derive formulas for vibrational energy relaxation (VER) and dephasing for an anharmonic system oscillator using a time-dependent perturbation theory. The system-bath Hamiltonian contains more than the third order coupling terms since we take a normal mode picture as a zeroth order approximation. When we invoke the Markov approximation, our theory reduces to the Maradudin-Fein formula which is used to describe VER properties of glass and proteins. When the system anharmonicity and the renormalization effect due to the environment vanishes, our formulas reduce to those derived by Mikami and Okazaki invoking the path-integral influence functional method [J. Chem. Phys. 121 (2004) 10052]. We apply our formulas to VER of the amide I mode of a small amino-acide like molecule, N-methylacetamide, in heavy water.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, 5 tables, submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Acoustically evoked potentials in two cephalopods inferred using the auditory brainstem response (ABR) approach

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    It is still a matter of debate whether cephalopods can detect sound frequencies above 400 Hz. So far there is no proof for the detection of underwater sound above 400 Hz via a physiological approach. The controversy of whether cephalopods have a sound detection ability above 400 Hz was tested using the auditory brainstem response (ABR) approach, which has been successfully applied in fish, crustaceans, amphibians, reptiles and birds. Using ABR we found that auditory evoked potentials can be obtained in the frequency range 400 to 1500 Hz (Sepiotheutis lessoniana) and 400 to 1000 Hz (Octopus vulgaris), respectively. The thresholds of S. lessoniana were generally lower than those of O. vulgaris

    Influence of oxygen vacancy on the electronic structure of HfO2_2 film

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    We investigated the unoccupied part of the electronic structure of the oxygen-deficient hafnium oxide (HfO1.8_{\sim1.8}) using soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy at O KK and Hf N3N_3 edges. Band-tail states beneath the unoccupied Hf 5dd band are observed in the O KK-edge spectra; combined with ultraviolet photoemission spectrum, this indicates the non-negligible occupation of Hf 5dd state. However, Hf N3N_3-edge magnetic circular dichroism spectrum reveals the absence of a long-range ferromagnetic spin order in the oxide. Thus the small amount of dd electron gained by the vacancy formation does not show inter-site correlation, contrary to a recent report [M. Venkatesan {\it et al.}, Nature {\bf 430}, 630 (2004)].Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Path integrals and symmetry breaking for optimal control theory

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    This paper considers linear-quadratic control of a non-linear dynamical system subject to arbitrary cost. I show that for this class of stochastic control problems the non-linear Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation can be transformed into a linear equation. The transformation is similar to the transformation used to relate the classical Hamilton-Jacobi equation to the Schr\"odinger equation. As a result of the linearity, the usual backward computation can be replaced by a forward diffusion process, that can be computed by stochastic integration or by the evaluation of a path integral. It is shown, how in the deterministic limit the PMP formalism is recovered. The significance of the path integral approach is that it forms the basis for a number of efficient computational methods, such as MC sampling, the Laplace approximation and the variational approximation. We show the effectiveness of the first two methods in number of examples. Examples are given that show the qualitative difference between stochastic and deterministic control and the occurrence of symmetry breaking as a function of the noise.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, submitted to JSTA

    Scaling for Interfacial Tensions near Critical Endpoints

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    Parametric scaling representations are obtained and studied for the asymptotic behavior of interfacial tensions in the \textit{full} neighborhood of a fluid (or Ising-type) critical endpoint, i.e., as a function \textit{both} of temperature \textit{and} of density/order parameter \textit{or} chemical potential/ordering field. Accurate \textit{nonclassical critical exponents} and reliable estimates for the \textit{universal amplitude ratios} are included naturally on the basis of the ``extended de Gennes-Fisher'' local-functional theory. Serious defects in previous scaling treatments are rectified and complete wetting behavior is represented; however, quantitatively small, but unphysical residual nonanalyticities on the wetting side of the critical isotherm are smoothed out ``manually.'' Comparisons with the limited available observations are presented elsewhere but the theory invites new, searching experiments and simulations, e.g., for the vapor-liquid interfacial tension on the two sides of the critical endpoint isotherm for which an amplitude ratio 3.25±0.05-3.25 \pm 0.05 is predicted.Comment: 42 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Analysis of Laser ARPES from Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+δ_{8+\delta} in superconductive state: angle resolved self-energy and fluctuation spectrum

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    We analyze the ultra high resolution laser angle resolved photo-emission spectroscopy (ARPES) intensity from the slightly underdoped Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+δ_{8+\delta} in the superconductive (SC) state. The momentum distribution curves (MDC) were fitted at each energy \w employing the SC Green's function along several cuts perpendicular to the Fermi surface with the tilt angle θ\theta with respect to the nodal cut. The clear observation of particle-hole mixing was utilized such that the complex self-energy as a function of ω\omega is directly obtained from the fitting. The obtained angle resolved self-energy is then used to deduce the Eliashberg function \alpha^2 F^{(+)}(\th,\w) in the diagonal channel by inverting the d-wave Eliashberg equation using the maximum entropy method. Besides a broad featureless spectrum up to the cutoff energy ωc\omega_c, the deduced α2F\alpha^2 F exhibits two peaks around 0.05 eV and 0.015 eV. The former and the broad feature are already present in the normal state, while the latter emerges only below TcT_c. Both peaks become enhanced as TT is lowered or the angle th\th moves away from the nodal direction. The implication of these findings are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, summited to PR