15 research outputs found


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    Payung Sekaki district is one of the area in Solok Region that needs the development of electricity network.  To support its development plan, the real condition of Payung Sekaki district should be known. The mapping method is one of the way to know the already implemented electricity area.Based on the mapping result, it is known that the electricity network of SUTM 20 kV at Payung Sekaki district has been implemented in Sikrukam area and Supayang area and not yet in Aie Luo area. The estimation method of electricity needs at Payung Sekaki district is motivated to get information on its development based on economic and population growth. Data processing results using SPSS show that the eletricity needs at Payung Sekaki district from 2013 to 2014 will dramatically increase followed by the increasing of economic growth in spite of population growth is still remain the same

    Optimasi Pengeringan Bahan Kerupuk Dengan Menggunakan Oven Berbahan Bakar GAS

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    Proses pengeringan sangat diperlukan dalam proses produksi kerupuk. Proses pengeringan merupakan pengurangan kadar air yang ada dalam bahan sehingga mencapai batasan tertentu. Pengeringan dengan menggunakan cahaya matahari bisa dilakukan selama cuaca masih mendukung akan tetapi ketika musim hujan datang proses pengeringan akan terganggu. Sehingga hal ini menjadi tantangan untuk pengusaha kerupuk supaya bisa melanjutkan produktifitasnya meskipun ketika musim hujan datang. Tim pengabdi berupaya untuk mencarikan solusi terhadap kendala yang dialami mitra melalui penyediaan alat pengering oven otomatis berbahan bakar Gas. Dengan adanya oven berbahan bakar Gas ini proses pengeringan bisa dilakukan lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan pengeringan menggunakan cahaya matahari secara langsung. Selisihnya mencapai 15 Jam 30 menit. Kemudian hitungan secara efisiensi, dengan bertambahnya biaya operasional sebesar Rp.100.00 akibat penggunaan oven bisa menanggulangi kerugian bahan baku sebesar Rp. 2.055.000 dan peraihan omset  pun masih bisa dicapai meskipun musim hujan datang


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    An Electric Load Controller is a tool to make easier an implementation of repeated activities such as to turn on and turn off the electric load by using a hand phone as a controller. The controller aims to take into account problems related to control systems and to design a control system that can be implemented in the house hold in case of turning on and off electric loads. A user may turn on and off electric loads from a remote place easily. The design of control, microcontroller, relay, load and rectifier are applied on this research. Furthermore, a hand phone is used for the missed call feature and IC AT89S52 is used on the microcontroller design through BASCOM 8051 programming so as to make missed call feature can be transmitted to a destination number without manually turning off and on electrical devices at home


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    Load balancing is load balancing activities in each phase distribution transformers are not balanced, the goal to reduce the magnitude of the neutral current transformer because inequality between phases. This activity was done by measuring each phase transformer load, calculate the average current in each phase, and shifted the burden of heavily loaded phase to phase which has a lot fewer burdens. Load balancing is done on a regular basis every 6 months. PT. PLN (Persero) Rayon Bukittinggi perform load balancing on the distribution transformer substation 100 KVA Distribution Tabek Gadang Tower 2 times on Wednesday, 15th May 2013 at 19:30 pm and Thursday, 16 May 2013 at 19:30 pm. First, by moving the load phase T to phase S at 18 A. Second, by moving the burden from phase to phase R T at 9 A. and load phase T to S phase by 11 A. load balancing distribution transformers 100 KVA Substation Tabek Gadang Tower is near parity with the transformer neutral currents in 14.18 A

    Model Pelatihan, Pembinaan Dan Pendampingan USAha Sala Lauak Di Ulakan Pariaman Sumatera Barat

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    This article discusses the model of training, development and accompaniment of small business of sala Lauak in Ulakan. The purposes of this project are to increase and improve: 1) Understanding of partner to business planning and management by transferring knowledge to improve their ability in accounting and simple book keeping. 2) Their ability to do process traditional food hygienically, using supported tools of production (Frying and packing) 3) The value added of traditional food and their income through product diversification, developing new recipes ,and variety of product sold. 4) Their Services in sales by re lay out stall and sales method in order to comfort their buyer; 5) their product quality by supporting partner get legality of production. 6) Finding the right model for training by sharing method and discussion also direct practice, 7) Finding model of development and empower the community to be role model of conceptual, hygienic and competitive development of regio


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    This article discusses the model of training, development and accompaniment of small business of sala Lauak in Ulakan. The purposes of this project are to increase and improve:  1) Understanding of partner to business planning and management by transferring knowledge to improve their ability in accounting and simple book keeping. 2) Their ability to do process traditional food hygienically, using supported tools of production (Frying and packing)  3) The value added of traditional food and their income through product diversification, developing new recipes ,and variety of product sold. 4) Their Services in sales by re lay out stall and sales method in order to comfort their buyer; 5) their product quality by supporting partner get legality of production. 6) Finding the right model for training by sharing method and discussion also direct practice, 7) Finding model of development and empower the community to be role model of conceptual, hygienic and  competitive development of regio

    Contribution of Production-Based Learning, Student Engagement, and Locus of Control towards Entrepreneurship Learning Outcomes in Engineering Education

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    This study was motivated by entrepreneurship learning outcomes in engineering education that could not have a significant positive impact on students’ interest in entrepreneurship. Currently, entrepreneurship learning is boring, predictable, and has not provided a good learning experience. This study described and tested the contribution of production-based learning, student engagement, and locus of control to entrepreneurship learning outcomes. This research used a quantitative method. The population was all students who take the entrepreneurship course in engineering education for 2,600 people, and the sample is 307 students. The research instruments used a reliable and valid Likert scale and the test for assessing entrepreneurship learning outcomes. Data were analyzed using parametric statistics. The results obtained from this research; there is the contribution of production-based learning, student engagement, and locus of control to the entrepreneurship learning outcome. Production-based learning provides an opportunity for students to be directly involved in a collaborative learning process. Besides, the raising of internal locus of control, for the level of confidence of students in the learning process, has a good impact on the entrepreneurship learning outcome students. The process of learning entrepreneurship by applying production-based learning also becomes more meaningful. It gives an influence on external locus of control, such as job opportunities and readiness in the community to be well open. Thus, it also automatically contributes to the improvement of the quality of graduates in engineering education

    The empirical analysis of production-based entrepreneurship training model, readiness and locus of control towards students entrepreneurship self efficacy

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    This research was conducted because the students' self-efficacy in entrepreneurship is still low. Production-based entrepreneurship training model, learning readiness is assumed to be a factor that affects student entrepreneurship self-efficacy. The purpose of this study was to examine the contribution of the production-based entrepreneurship training model, learning readiness, and locus of control to student entrepreneurship self-efficacy. This study uses quantitative methods with multiple regression. The population is all students who take the general course of entrepreneurship in Higher Education as many as 500 people, and a sample of 200 students who are selected using proportional stratified random sampling. The questionnaire stands as an effective data collection method to examine the variables to be measured and the answers expected by the respondents. The questionnaire applied the Likert scale by providing opportunities to answer each item. Data were analyzed using multiple regression. The research findings show that there is a joint contribution of the production-based entrepreneurship training model, learning readiness, and locus of control to the entrepreneurial self-efficacy of student

    Evaluation of Packet Tracer Application Effectiveness in Computer Design Networking Subject

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    The dynamics of technological progress in various fields indirectly affect the world of education. One of the indications can be seen in the use of media as a learning tool. This study aims; 1) to investigate the effectiveness of the packet tracer learning media application, 2) to investigate the responses of the students to such applications, 3) to determine the appropriate media used in a learning process.  The research is carried out in the subject of Computer Design Networking. The evaluation research is employed by using a mixed method of qualitative and quantitative approach. The quantitative analysis involved 58 students, while the qualitative analysis involved one productive teacher, one curriculum representative, and four students. Data are analysed by using quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques. The results show that, the effectiveness of learning media with packet tracer is high i.e., 82.76%, which covers three aspects; software engineering, learning aspects, and display aspects. This means that this packet tracer learning media can be applied as a solution to the limitation of facilities and infrastructures of network practices by considering certain learning situations and conditions. The results indicate that this application is very useful to deal with the high cost of practising tools. It makes the students more enthusiastic and motivated during the learning process. Hence, by implementing this learning method, the interaction and the learning outcomes of the student can be increased

    The detecting of damage conductor with guided image filter

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    The Damage of electrical conductor of high voltage transmission system is very common. This problem effected the distribution of electrical power from the sources into the costumer place. The main cause of this problem if come from the damage of electrical conductor. There were many ways to detect damage conductor so far. The most common is through compute the impedance of transmission line. This method is accurate, but it needs to switch of the line for a while. This disruption contribute losses for the costumers and energy provider. In order to handle this problem, our proposed method is to detect the damage conductor with Guided Image Filter. The input image is a visible image and the reference image is invisible image. The processing is very simple. The result obtained has high accuracy. The accuracy is shown on the detecting map