17 research outputs found

    Ekspresija E-selektina u mišjem sjemeniku nakon njegove pokusne torzije (ishemije/reperfuzije).

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    Germ cell-specific apoptosis occurs after ischemia/reperfusion of the testis and is dependent on E-selectin expression. The aim of the study was to determine differences in E-selectin expression in testes tissues of control, sham and treatment groups after ischemia/reperfusion in mice. Mice were subjected to 720° testicular torsion for 1 h or 2 h duration (ischemia) followed by detorsion (reperfusion). After 2 h of reperfusion, the testes were fixed in Bouin fixative and immunohistochemical analysis performed for E-Selectin expression. E-selectin expression increased in the ischemic testis and contralateral testis after 2 h of reperfusion in mice. This increase in E-selectin expression may confirm that E-selectins play a key role in mediating of apoptosis in germ cells after ischemia/reperfusion. Thus, the blockage of E-selectins might be a strategy for rescue of post-ischemic testes.Apoptoza germinativnih stanica javlja se nakon ishemije i reperfuzije sjemenika, a ovisna je o ekspresiji E-selektina. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti razlike u ekspresiji E-selektina u tkivu sjemenika kontrolne, placebo i pokusne skupine nakon ishemije/reperfuzije u miševa. Miševi su bili podvrgnuti torziji sjemenika od 7200 tijekom jednog ili dva sata (ishemija), nakon čega je slijedila detorzija (reperfuzija). Nakon dva sata reperfuzije tkivo sjemenika bilo je fiksirano u Bouinovom fiksativu i pretraženo imunohistokemijski na ekspresiju E-selektina. Ekspresija E-selektina povećala se u ishemičnih sjemenika nakon dva sata reperfuzije. Može se reći da povećanje ekspresije E-selektina potvrđuje njhovu ključnu ulogu u nastanku apoptoze germinativnih stanica nakon ishemije/reperfuzije pa bi blokada E-selektina mogla biti od važnosti za spašavanje sjemenika nakon ishemije

    Mammary fibroadenoma in a lamb

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    A fibroadenoma was diagnosed in the left udder of a 3-month-old female Chios lamb. No recurrence was observed after surgery. Grossly, the tumor had a whitish-gray lobular appearance, and the lobules were interlaced with thin septa. Microscopically, the tumor was composed of proliferating fibroepithelial tissue, including differentiated ducts lined by whorls and interlacing bundles of abundant loose fibrovascular stroma. Immunohistochemistry revealed the ductal epithelium to be positive for pancytokeratin (AE1/AE3) and loose fibrovascular stroma was positive for vimentin and basal cells covering the ductal epithelium of alpha-smooth-muscle actin. Immunostaining for the estrogen and progesterone receptors was negative. A diagnosis of mammary fibroadenoma was made based on the histological and immunohistochemical findings

    The Effects of Periostin in a Rat Model of Isoproterenol: Mediated Cardiotoxicity

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    Sozmen, Mahmut/0000-0001-7976-4051WOS: 000426954900004PubMed: 28895052Periostin is an extracellular matrix protein from fasciclin family, and it plays an important role in the cell adhesion, migration, and growth of the organism. Periostin prevents apoptosis while stimulating cardiomyocytes. The present study was designed to investigate cardioprotective effects of the recombinant murine periostin peptide administration in a rat model of isoproterenol (ISO)-induced myocardial injury. The experiment was performed on 84 adult male Sprague Dawley rats in 4 groups (n = 21): control group (1), periostin-treated group (2), ISO-treated group (3), and ISO + periostin-treated group (4). The groups were further divided into three subgroups based on the duration of the experiment in which rats were killed on days 1, 7, and 28 (n = 7). Growth factors (VEGF, ANGPT, FGF-2, TGF beta), mitosis and apoptosis (Bcl-2, Bax, PCNA, Ki-67, phospho-histone H3), cell cycle activators and inhibitors (cyclin D1, D2, A2, Cdc2), the origin of regenerating cells (cKit and CD45) mRNA were detected using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and PCR array. Immunohistochemistry staining was used to directly detect protein level and distribution in the heart tissues. Administration of periostin following ISO-induced cardiotoxicity revealed that periostin alleviated deleterious effects of ISO through several pathways: (1) periostin induced mitotic activity of endothelial/fibroblastic cells, (2) periostin drives cardiomyocytes into S and M phases, thus promoting proliferation of cardiomyocytes, (3) periostin contributed to collagen degradation, tissue remodeling, and reduced cardiac fibrosis during the healing process following myocardial damage while preserving tissue matrix, (4) periostin stimulated angiogenesis by upregulating THBS1, TGFB2, and HGF genes, (5) periostin regulated cell growth and proliferation while maintaining cell shape and cellular muscle contractions (ACTB) and functioned as chemoattractant factor (CCL2) at the beginning of myocardial damage.Turkish Scientific Research Council (TUBITAK-TOVAG), Ankara, Turkey [114O734]This project was financially supported by Turkish Scientific Research Council (TUBITAK-TOVAG; Project No: 114O734), Ankara, Turkey

    Insulinoma with regional lymph node metastasis in a dog

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    In this case, a female boxer dog, 6-year-old, with tonic-clonic convulsions and hind-limb paresis was evaluated. The serum insulin and serum glucose levels were 58 mu U/ml and 5 mg/dl, respectively. In spite of all care, the comatose dog died. At necropsy, one well-circumscribed white-grayish mass, 4x3x2 cm, was found at the caudal edge of right lobe of the pancreas. Subcortical malacic areas in reddish color was seen in the brain. Microscopically, the tumoral mass consisted of neoplastic cells with round shape, basophilic nucleous and granular eosinophilic cytoplasm. In addition to these findings, metastasis to the regional lymph node of the pancreas was observed. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells from both primary and metastatic tissues showed immunoreactivity to monoclonal mouse anti-insulin antibody. Clinically, histologically and immunohistochemically, functional insulinoma with lymph node metastasis was diagnosed in the present case