562 research outputs found

    Superconductivity at 5.2 K in ZrTe3 polycrystals and the effect of Cu, Ag intercalation

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    We report the occurrence of superconductivity in polycrystalline samples of ZrTe3 at 5.2 K temperature at ambient pressure. The superconducting state coexists with the charge density wave (CDW) phase, which sets in at 63K. The intercalation of Cu or Ag, does not have any bearing on the superconducting transition temperature but suppresses the CDW state. The feature of CDW anomaly in these compounds is clearly seen in the DC magnetization data. Resistivity data is analysed to estimate the relative loss of carriers and reduction in the nested Fermi surface area upon CDW formation in the ZrTe3 and the intercalated compounds.Comment: 5 pages, 8 figure

    Effects of agar on explant growth and callus formation in color morphs of Gracilaria domingensis (Kützing) Sonder ex Dickie (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta)

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    Os efeitos da concentração de ágar no crescimento de explantes e na formação de calos foram avaliados em culturas axênicas de gametófitos femininos de morfos de coloração verde e vermelha de Gracilaria domingensis (Kützing) Sonder ex Dickie. Culturas unialgáceas foram mantidas em água do mar esterilizada (30-32 ups) enriquecida com 25% da solução de von Stosch (VSES 25%), 22 ± 2 °C, fotoperíodo de 14 h, irradiância de 50-80 µmol de fótons m-2 s-1. Para a obtenção de explantes axênicos, segmentos apicais e intercalares dos dois morfos foram cultivados por 48 h em meio VSES 25% com adição de uma solução antibiótica e antifúngica, e submetidos a uma lavagem com uma solução de água do mar esterilizada com 0,5% de hipoclorito de sódio e 200 µL L-1 de detergente por 20 segundos. Para avaliar os efeitos da concentração de ágar, os segmentos axênicos foram inoculados em meio ASP 12-NTA com concentrações distintas de ágar que variaram de zero a 1%. A adição de ágar no meio inibiu o crescimento dos segmentos apicais de ambos os morfos, bem como o crescimento de segmentos intercalares do morfo verde. Observou-se uma tendência geral no crescimento dos explantes, onde a taxa de crescimento foi inversamente proporcional à concentração de ágar. A adição de ágar no meio induziu a formação de três tipos de calo, denominados conforme a região do explante onde se originaram: calo apical, calo basal e calo intermediário. As concentrações de 0,5% e 0,7% de ágar foram as concentrações ótimas para indução de calos basais e calos intermediários no morfo verde, respectivamente. A presença de ágar foi essencial para a formação de calos intermediários e apicais. Os resultados indicam que o ágar apresenta um papel na regulação dos processos morfogenéticos em morfos pigmentares de G. domingensis.The effects of agar concentrations on growth and callus formation were studied in axenic cultures of female gametophytes of green and red morphs of Gracilaria domingensis (Kützing) Sonder ex Dickie. Unialgal cultures of both color morphs were maintained in sterilized seawater (30-32 psu) enriched with a quarter-strength of von Stosch’s solution (VSES 25%), 22 ± 2 ºC, photoperiod of 14 h, irradiance of 50-80 µmol photons m-2 s-1. To obtain axenic explants, apical and intercalary segments of the green and red morphs were cultured for 48 h in VSES 25% medium with addition of antifungal and antibiotic solution, washed with a solution of sterile seawater with 0.5% of sodium hypochlorite and 200 µL L-1 of detergent during 20 seconds. In order to evaluate the effects of agar, apical and intercalary segments were inoculated into modified ASP 12-NTA synthetic medium with agar concentrations ranging from zero to 1.0%. Addition of agar to the culture medium inhibited the growth of apical segments of both morphs as well as the growth of intercalary segments of green morph. In general, growth rates of thallus segments were inversely proportional to agar concentration. Treatments with agar induced the formation of three types of callus, denominated in accordance with the explant region which gave rise to the callus: apical, basal, and intermediate calluses. Moreover, presence of agar is essential to induce intermediate and apical calluses. Concentrations of 0.5% and 0.7% of agar were the optimal values for the induction of basal and intermediate calluses of greem morph, respectively. The results indicated that agar has a regulatory role on morphogenetical processes in color morphs of G. domingensis

    In vitro assay of nitrate reductase enzyme and effect of nitrate and phosphate availability in colour strains of Hypnea musciformis (Wulfen) J. V. Lamour. (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta)

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    A enzima nitrato redutase (NR) catalisa a redução do nitrato a nitrito e controla a taxa de assimilação do nitrato. O ensaio in vitro da nitrato redutase foi otimizado para a linhagem selvagem (marrom, MA) e para a linhagem deficiente em ficoeritrina (verde-clara, VC) de Hypnea musciformis. As duas linhagens foram cultivadas em temperatura de 23 ± 2°C, fotoperíodo de 14 horas, irradiância de 60-90µmol fótons m-2s-1, e meio composto por água do mar esterilizada (30ups) enriquecida com a solução de von Stosch na concentração de 50% (VSES/2). As condições ótimas de ensaio para ambas as linhagens foram: 40µM de NADH; 10min de incubação do extrato bruto (EB) e 100µL de EB. A atividade ótima da NR ocorreu em 4 e 2mM de nitrato para a linhagem VC e MA, respectivamente. As linhagens VC e MA apresentaram, respectivamente, constante aparente de Michaelis-Menten (K M) para NADH de 0,2068 e 0,0837 µM, e K M para nitrato de 0,0492 e 0,0294mM. Os resultados indicam que a NR da linhagem MA tem maior afinidade pelo substrato do que a NR da linhagem VC de H. musciformis. Os experimentos para avaliar os efeitos da disponibilidade de nitrato (5 a 105µM) e nitrato e fosfato (0,5 a 25,5µM, com a relação N:P de 4:1) mostraram que a atividade da NR das linhagens VC e MA não aumentou com a adição de nitrato no meio, o que pode estar relacionado com o estado nutricional dessas algas. A atividade da NR foi maior nos tratamentos com adição de fosfato do que naqueles com adição de apenas nitrato, indicando que esse nutriente é importante para os processos metabólicos relacionados a atividade da NR.The enzyme nitrate reductase (NR) catalyzes the reduction of nitrate to nitrite and controls the rate of nitrate assimilation. The in vitro assay of NR was optimized for the wild strain (brown, MA), and the phycoerythrin-deficient strain (light-green, VC) of Hypnea musciformis. Both strains were cultured at temperature of 23 ± 2°C, photoperiod of 14h, irradiance of 60-90 µmol photons m-2s-1, with medium composed by sterilized seawater (salinity 30 psu) with 50% von Stosch's enrichment solution (VSES/2). The optimal conditions for in vitro assay of NR were: 40µM of NADH; 10min of incubation of crude extracts (EB), and 100µL of EB to both strains. Optimal activity of NR occurred at 4 and 2mM of nitrate to the VC and MA strains, respectively. The VC and MA strains showed, respectively, Michaelis-Menten constants (K M) for NADH of 0.2068 and 0.0837µM, and K M for nitrate of 0.0492 and 0.0294mM. The results indicate that the NR of MA strain has higher affinity by the substrate than the NR of VC strain of H. musciformis. Experiments on the effects of availabilities of nitrate (5 to 105µM) and nitrate and phosphate (0.5 to 25.5µM, with a N:P relation of 4:1) showed that NR activity of VC and MA strain did not increase with the addition of nitrate to the medium, what can be related with their nutritional state. The NR activity was higher in treatments with phosphate addition than those with only nitrate addition, indicating that this nutrient is important to metabolic processes related to the NR activity.CNPqFAPES

    Plans for Hadronic Structure Studies at J-PARC

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    Hadron-physics projects at J-PARC are explained. The J-PARC is the most-intense hadron-beam facility in the multi-GeV high-energy region. By using secondary beams of kaons, pions, and others as well as the primary-beam proton, various hadron projects are planned. First, some of approved experiments are introduced on strangeness hadron physics and hadron-mass modifications in nuclear medium. Second, future possibilities are discussed on hadron-structure physics, including structure functions of hadrons, spin physics, and high-energy hadron reactions in nuclear medium. The second part is discussed in more details because this is an article in the hadron-structure session.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, 20 eps files, to be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS), Proceedings of the 24th International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC 2010), Vancouver, Canada, July 4 - 9, 201

    STM study of multiband superconductivity in NbSe2 using a superconducting tip

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    We present a method to produce superconducting tips to be used in Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Spectroscopy experiments. We use these tips to investigate the evolution of the electronic density of states of NbSe2 from 0.3K up to its critical temperature (7.2K). The use of a superconducting tip (Pb) as ounterelectrode provides an enhancement of the different features related to the DOS of NbSe2 in the tunneling conductance curves, along all the studied thermal range. The analysis of the experimental results gives evidence of the presence of multiband superconductivity in NbSe2.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, PDF fil

    A tracking algorithm for the stable spin polarization field in storage rings using stroboscopic averaging

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    Polarized protons have never been accelerated to more than about 2525GeV. To achieve polarized proton beams in RHIC (250GeV), HERA (820GeV), and the TEVATRON (900GeV), ideas and techniques new to accelerator physics are needed. In this publication we will stress an important aspect of very high energy polarized proton beams, namely the fact that the equilibrium polarization direction can vary substantially across the beam in the interaction region of a high energy experiment when no countermeasure is taken. Such a divergence of the polarization direction would not only diminish the average polarization available to the particle physics experiment, but it would also make the polarization involved in each collision analyzed in a detector strongly dependent on the phase space position of the interacting particle. In order to analyze and compensate this effect, methods for computing the equilibrium polarization direction are needed. In this paper we introduce the method of stroboscopic averaging, which computes this direction in a very efficient way. Since only tracking data is needed, our method can be implemented easily in existing spin tracking programs. Several examples demonstrate the importance of the spin divergence and the applicability of stroboscopic averaging.Comment: 39 page