1,676 research outputs found

    Stability of a two-sublattice spin-glass model

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    We study the stability of the replica-symmetric solution of a two-sublattice infinite-range spin-glass model, which can describe the transition from antiferromagnetic to spin glass state. The eigenvalues associated with replica-symmetric perturbations are in general complex. The natural generalization of the usual stability condition is to require the real part of these eigenvalues to be positive. The necessary and sufficient conditions for all the roots of the secular equation to have positive real parts is given by the Hurwitz criterion. The generalized stability condition allows a consistent analysis of the phase diagram within the replica-symmetric approximation.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    An FFAG Transport Line for the PAMELA Project

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    The PAMELA project to design an accelerator for hadron therapy using non-scaling Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (NS-FFAG) magnets requires a transport line and gantry to take the beam to the patient. The NS-FFAG principle offers the possibility of a gantry much smaller, lighter and cheaper than conventional designs, with the added ability to accept a wide range of fast changing energies. This paper will build on previous work to investigate a transport line which could be used for the PAMELA project. The design is presented along with a study and optimisation of its acceptance

    187^{187}Re(\gamm,n) cross section close to and above the neutron threshold

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    The neutron capture cross section of the unstable nucleus 186^{186}Re is studied by investigating the inverse photodisintegration reaction 187^{187}Re(γ\gamma,n). The special interest of the {\it s}-process branching point 186^{186}Re is related to the question of possible {\it s}-process contributions to the abundance of the {\it r}-process chronometer nucleus ^{187}Re.Weusethephotoactivationtechniquetomeasurephotodisintegrationrates.Ourexperimentalresultsareingoodagreementwithtwodifferentstatisticalmodelcalculations.AlthoughthecrosssectionspredictedbybothmodelsfortheinversereactionRe. We use the photoactivation technique to measure photodisintegration rates. Our experimental results are in good agreement with two different statistical model calculations. Although the cross sections predicted by both models for the inverse reaction ^{186}Re(n,Re(n,\gamma)istoolowtoremovetheoverproductionof) is too low to remove the overproduction of ^{186}$Os; the two predicted neutron-capture cross sections differ by a factor of 2.4; this calls for future theoretical study.Comment: Phys. Rev. C, in pres

    On the moduli space of semilocal strings and lumps

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    We study BPS non-abelian semilocal vortices in U(Nc) gauge theory with Nf flavors, Nf > Nc, in the Higgs phase. The moduli space for arbitrary winding number is described using the moduli matrix formalism. We find a relation between the moduli spaces of the semilocal vortices in a Seiberg-like dual pairs of theories, U(Nc) and U(Nf-Nc). They are two alternative regularizations of a "parent" non-Hausdorff space, which tend to the same moduli space of sigma-model lumps in the infinite gauge coupling limits. We examine the normalizability of the zero-modes and find the somewhat surprising phenomenon that the number of normalizable zero-modes, dynamical fields in the effective action, depends on the point of the moduli space we are considering. We find, in the lump limit, an effective action on the vortex worldsheet, which we compare to that found by Shifman and Yung.Comment: 1+48 pages, 5 fig. v2 several changes to secton 6.3, sections 6.4 and 6.5 adde