835 research outputs found

    Inégalité salariale, mobilité salariale et commerce international au Québec et en Ontario

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    Selon certaines théories, la mondialisation aurait des effets négatifs sur le marché du travail, notamment sur l’accroissement des inégalités salariales. D’autre part, on fait souvent valoir que les inégalités sont largement déterminées par les choix politiques et, par exemple, que les gouvernements sociaux-démocrates travaillent à réduire les inégalités salariales. Dans ce texte, nous mettons à l’épreuve ces affirmations et étudions l’inégalité salariale au Québec et en Ontario, ainsi que la mobilité des personnes entre les divers niveaux de salaire. Les données indiquent que la croissance du commerce international, une des composantes de la mondialisation, n’a pas augmenté l’inégalité salariale dans ces deux provinces, pas plus qu’elle n’a détérioré les conditions du marché du travail pour les employés des industries les plus exposées au commerce international. Par ailleurs, aucun effet politique particulier n’apparaît à l’analyse.There is theory that suggests that globalization has a number of adverse effects on labour markets, one of which is to increase the level of earnings inequality. At the same time, it is frequently argued that actual inequality outcomes are substantially determined by the policy choices of governments. Social democratic governments are normally thought to act to reduce earnings inequality. In this paper we explore these claims by examining trends in earnings inequality in Quebec and Ontario, and the movement of people within the earnings distribution. The evidence examined suggests that increased trade, as one component of globalization, did not increase earnings inequality in these two provinces and did not lead to negative labour market outcomes for those employed in industries more exposed to trade. There is no strong evidence for distinctive political effects either

    Seduction of far-right actions: A pathway to an authentic self?

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    Far-right civil movements have emerged as a significant predicament in numerous regions worldwide. Despite abundant research on the tactics employed by far-right groups to instil ideologies, behaviours and sentiments in their followers, such as street demonstrations, investigations into the meaning-making of far-right actions in relation to the trajectories of the participants’ lives remain scarce. The present study uses the analytical tool proposed by Katz to explore how far-right activists obtain a sense of moral transcendence through their activism, including participating in the liminal moments of far-right rallies, revelling in unrestricted speech, discovering new abilities, acquiring knowledge and engaging in self-expression. We contend that these experiences engender in participants the sense that they are acquiring that which is absent from their lives and recovering their ‘true selves’. The study maintains that to comprehend the allure of the far right, it is essential to contextualise far-right actions within the participants’ lives, the societies that they inhabit, and the circumstances that surround them. In short, the sensation that one is rediscovering one’s ‘true self’ may encourage activists to pursue the more remote objective of reclaiming what they perceive as their nations’ lost ideals

    FK506-binding protein, FKBP12, promotes serine utilization and negatively regulates threonine deaminase in fission yeast

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    免疫抑制剤の新しい作用メカニズムの解明 --FKBP12は真菌のイソロイシン生合成酵素を抑制する--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-12-13.FK506-binding protein with a molecular weight of 12 kDa (FKBP12) is a receptor of the immunosuppressive drugs, FK506 and rapamycin. The physiological functions of FKBP12 remain ambiguous because of its nonessentiality and multifunctionality. Here, we show that FKBP12 promotes the utilization of serine as a nitrogen source and regulates the isoleucine biosynthetic pathway in fission yeast. In screening for small molecules that inhibit serine assimilation, we found that the growth of fission yeast cells in medium supplemented with serine as the sole nitrogen source, but not in glutamate-supplemented medium, was suppressed by FKBP12 inhibitors. Knockout of FKBP12 phenocopied the action of these compounds in serine-supplemented medium. Metabolome analyses and genetic screens identified the threonine deaminase, Tda1, to be regulated downstream of FKBP12. Genetic and biochemical analyses unveiled the negative regulation of Tda1 by FKBP12. Our findings reveal new roles of FKBP12 in amino acid biosynthesis and nitrogen metabolism homeostasis

    Generation of Stratified Squamous Epithelial Progenitor Cells from Mouse Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

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    Background: Application of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells in regenerative medicine will bypass ethical issues associated with use of embryonic stem cells. In addition, patient-specific IPS cells can be useful to elucidate the pathophysiology of genetic disorders, drug screening, and tailor-made medicine. However, in order to apply iPS cells to mitotic tissue, induction of tissue stem cells that give rise to progeny of the target organ is required. Methodology/Principal Findings: We induced stratified epithelial cells from mouse iPS cells by co-culture with PA6 feeder cells (SDIA-method) with use of BMP4. Clusters of cells positive for the differentiation markers KRT1 or KRT12 were observed in KRT14-positive colonies. We successfully cloned KRT14 and p63 double-positive stratified epithelial progenitor cells from iPS-derived epithelial cells, which formed stratified epithelial sheets consisting of five- to six-polarized epithelial cells in vitro. When these clonal cells were cultured on denuded mouse corneas, a robust stratified epithelial layer was observed with physiological cell polarity including high levels of E-cadherin, p63 and K15 expression in the basal layer and ZO-1 in the superficial layer, recapitulating the apico-basal polarity of the epithelium in vivo. Conclusions/Significance: These results suggest that KRT14 and p63 double-positive epithelial progenitor cells can b

    Naturally occurring ingredients as potential antiaging cosmetics

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    The criteria adopted for establishing whether a determined substance has potential as a cosmetic constituent are based on the present legislation of each country. In this study, natural antiaging constituents as Fomes officinalis, rice protein and glutamic acid were pharmacologically evaluated using neuromuscular preparation. These constituents induced a neuromuscular blockade, individually and also in mixture, simulating a Botox®, but not, dimethylaminoethanol-effect. The pharmacological knowledge is beneficial since the real effect of each ingredient becomes apparent, increasing the consumer's confidence on the antiaging cosmetic.Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire