746 research outputs found
Assessing Livelihood Vulnerability to Climate Change Based on Livelihood Zone: Evidence from Mixed Farming System in Kembata Tembaro Zone, Southern Ethiopia
Climate change vulnerability depends upon various factors and differs between places, sectors and communities. This study is aimed at analyzing smallholder farmers’ livelihood vulnerability to climate change and variability in Kembatta Tembaro zone, Southern Ethiopia using the IPCC Livelihood Vulnerability Index approach. The approach estimates vulnerabilities by grouping nine major components into three categories of exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity, using data collected from 508 randomly selected farm households based on five livelihood zones. The result score of Livelihood Vulnerability Index revealed that Coffee livelihood zone with high exposure index coupled with limited adaptive capacity made it the most vulnerable among the five livelihood zones; whereas, Ginger livelihood zone with very high adaptive capacity index and low sensitivity, coupled with medium level exposure index to climate change has greatly contributed for its least vulnerability score. In line with the results, people-centered strengthening of adaptive capacity based on the local geographical and socio-economic profiles as well as widening opportunities for off-farm livelihood strategies is essential. Keywords: Climate Change, Livelihood Zone, Livelihood Vulnerability DOI: 10.7176/JEES/9-6-06 Publication date:June 30th 201
Algoritma Pathfinding atau pencarian jalur tercepat merupakan salah satu varian
algoritma yang sering diterapkan pada permainan. Penelitian ini menggunakan 3 jenis
algoritma pathfinding yaiu algoritma A Star, Dijkstra dan Floyd Warshall yang nantinya akan
dilakukan perbandingan untuk mendapatkan jalur terpendek pada permainan Bacteria Defense.
Bacteria Defense adalah permainan yang memiliki genre Turn Base Strategy yaitu sebuah
permainan yang dimainkan dua orang pemain setiap player memiliki beberapa bidak dan
memiliki 100 titik untuk meletakkan bidaknya secara bergantian. Algoritma A Star, Dijkstra dan
Floyd Warshall digunakan untuk menentukan jalur terpendek berdasarkan bobot yang dimiliki
setiap titik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menerapkan dan menganalisis algoritma A
Star, Dijkstra dan Floyd Warshall untuk menentukan jalur terpendek pada permainan Bacteria
Defense. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui algoritma mana yang bekerja lebih efektif
diantara Algoritma A Star, Dijkstra dan Floyd Warshall dengan parameter perbandingan
Weight, Path Count, dan Checked Node. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa
algoritma A Star lebih efektif dari algoritma Dijkstra dan Floyd Warshall karena Algoritma A
Star melakukan pengecekan Node lebih sedikit dengan 2499 pengecekan sedangkan algoritma
Dijkstra melakukan 4717 pengecekkan node dan Floyd Warshall melakukan 4800 pengecekan
Molecular diversity study of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) from Ethiopia as revealed by inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers
Nigella sativa L. (commonly known as black cumin) belonging to family Rannunculaceae is an important medicinal plant with worldwide distribution. In Ethiopia, N. sativa occurs in all regions and agro-ecologies at different altitudinal ranges. This plant has a lot of importance in Ethiopia. However, there is no information available on molecular genetic diversity of this crop in respect to Ethiopia. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the genetic diversity of black cumin populations collected from Amhara, Oromia, Tigray, Benshangul and South Nation’s Nationality People regions of Ethiopia using ISSR marker. A total of 84 black cumin accessions were obtained from Institute of Biodiversity Conservation (IBC). The ISSR marker was used for computing gene diversity, percent polymorphism, Shannon diversity index and AMOVA. Overall, accessions from Oromia showed the highest gene diversity (H = 0.35) and Shannon information index (I= 0.52), followed by Amhara with gene diversity and Shannon index values of (0.35) and (0.51), respectively. NJ and UPGMA results showed strong grouping among accessions collected from the Oromia and Amhara region. The five geographical regions of Ethiopia showed different levels of genetic variation. Thus, conservation priority should be given for those regions that have low genetic diversity.Keywords: Conservation, indigenous, molecular markers, primer
Perancangan Coworking Space di Pekanbaru Berdasarkan Prinsip Desain Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe
Coworking Space is a place where start-ups work along side each other in flexible environtment, which desks are available to rent on daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. The space is in thesame line with Ludwig Mies van der Rohe design principle in function efficiency and simplicity of form. Through the design principle, concept of this coworking space design is Share Through The Glass, which is defined as interaction between outer and inner of building with glass wall. This is based on coworking space characters, such as collaboration, community, sustainability, openness, and accessibility. The concept is applied on zoning, mass order, massing, and facade. Zoning, mass order, and massing are based on Ludwig Mies van der Rohe design principle in simple geometric pattern. By applying vertical and horizontal surface composition principle, colomn and beam become building facade
A Conceptual Design Optimization of Collimator With 181Ta as Neutron Source for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Based Cyclotron Using Computer Simulation Program Monte Carlo N Particle Extended
The optimization of collimator with 30 MeV cyclotron as neutron source and 181Ta as its proton target. cyclotron assumed work at 30 MeV power with 1 mA and 30 kW operation condition. Criteria of design based on IAEA’s recommendation. Using MCNPX as simulator, the result indicated that with using 181Ta as target material with 0.55 cm thickness and 19 cm diameter, 25 cm and 45 cm PbF2 as reflector and back reflector, 30 cm 32S as a moderator, 20 cm 60Ni as fast neutron filter, 2 cm 209Bi as gamma filter, 1 cm 6Li2 CO3- polyethylenes as thermal neutron filter, and 23 cm diameter of aperture, an epithermal neutron beam with intensity 4.37 x 109 n.cm-2.s-1, fast neutron and gamma doses per epithermal neutron of 1.86 x 10-16 Gy.cm2.n-1 and 1.93 x 10-13Gy.cm2.n-1, minimum thermal neutron per epithermal neutron ratio of 0.003, and maximum directionality 0,728, respectively could be produced. The results have passed all the IAEA’s criteria
Perancangan Resor di Kampar Kiri Hulu dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Posmodern
Tanjung Belit village in Kampar Kiri Hulu subdistrict has been transformed to be tourism object and it is passed through by a river (Sebayang River). This place does not provide adequatefacility for accommodation. That is the reason why there has to be a temporary accommodation, such as resort. Buildings with the characteristics of rumah lontiok still stand in this region.However, the villagers had not used those characteristics. The villagers focus more on maximizing the function of the shapes and space of their house. To reflect characteristics of the place where the resort is built, Postmodern Architecture is the suitable theme for this resort design. By using Postmodern Architecture topic as design approach, hence we get the Compound of Composure andGregarious concept. Composure is interpreted as modern architeture which emphasizes on function and simple form, and Gregarious is interpreted as Lontiok Architecture which has more shapes and carved objects. The compatibility of the concept is applied on site pattern and building form including zoning, mass order, outdoor planning, mass formation, indoor planning, and interior
Inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis of Ethiopian white lupine (Lupinus albus L.)
White lupine (Lupinus albus L.) collected from two zones (West Gojjam and Awi) of Amhara region and one zone (Metekel) of Benishangul - Gumuz regional state of Ethiopia were studied using inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers in an attempt to assess the genetic diversity. Four ISSR primers of which three were dinucleotide repeats and one, a penta nucleotide repeat amplified a total of 39 clear and reproducible bands. Both unweighted pair- group method with arithmetic average (UPGMA) phenograms and a neighbor joining (NJ) trees were constructed for the individuals and populations using Jaccard’s similarity coefficient. The dendrogram clearly indicated four distinct groups/populations based on the area of origin. The principal coordinates (PCO) analysis also recovered UPGMA and neighbor joining tree groups, although Amhara region white lupine were intermixed with each other. The genetic diversity among white lupine population considered in the present study indicated that Merawi was the highest (0.223) followed by Addis Kidam, Sekela and Wembera with genetic diversity of 0.198, 0.189 and 0.167, respectively. Generally, Amhara region white lupine (0.203) population shows higher genetic diversity than white lupine population of B-Gumuz region (0.167). Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) in both grouping and without grouping revealed larger genetic diversity within the populations (74.6%) than among populations (25.4%). Shannon’s diversity index also confirmed the existence of higher genetic diversity in Amhara region lupine populations than in Benishangul-Gumuz. Furthermore AMOVA demonstrated highly significant (P = 0.00) genetic differences among populations within groups, among groups and within populations. Of the total variation, 64.64% was attributable to within populations, 27.23% to among groups and the least, 8.13% to among populations within groups. Generally, on the basis of samples of 39 bands in the four populations, ISSR was able to reveal moderate to high levels of genetic diversity within and among Ethiopian white lupine population.Keywords: Amhara, Benishangul - Gumuz, Ethiopia, genetic diversity, ISSR, white lupine.Abbreviation: ISSR, Inter simple sequence repeats; UPGMA, unweighted pair- group method with arithmetic average; NJ, neighbor joining; PCO, principal coordinates; AMOVA, analysis of molecular variance; RAPD, random amplified polymorphic DNA; AFLP, amplified fragment length polymorphism
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