790 research outputs found

    Prevalence of sheep and goat coccidiosis in different districts of Tigray region, Ethiopia

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    Prevalence study of coccidiosis was conducted in Mekelle, Regional state of Tigray, Northern Ethiopia, using a cross sectional approach. A total of 384 faecal samples were examined, the overall positive for the parasite was 86.19% of which, 87.31%, in sheep and 85.03% in goats. Sex and species did not significantly influence (p > 0.05) the trend of infection. The prevalence of identified pathogenic species present in sheep were Eimeria crandallis 5(3.22%), E. ovindallis 8(5.16%) and mixed infection 142(82.59.6%). The prevalence of pathogenic species from goats were E. arloingi 27 (30 %), E. ninakohlyakimovae 12(13.33%), E. christenseni 8(8.89%) and mixed 43(47.78%) infections. There was significant (p < 0.05) difference observed in prevalence of coccidia spp. in Mocharae compared with the other study sites. The overall prevalence of pathogenic Eimeria species was 63.8 %, while the prevalence of that in sheep and goats were 78.68% and 48.13% respectively. Species, sex and age of animals in this case significantly influenced (p < 0.05) the prevalence of pathogenic Eimeria species. The females (74.87%) significantly (p < 0.05) had higher infection rates than males (53.3%). Animals of age 3 months (91.13%) had significantly (p < 0.05) higher prevalence rates than 4-6 months (59.86%) and 7-12 months (38.94%). Conclusively, prevention and effective control programs should be targeted towards the most predisposed females and younger animals. Keywords: Eimeria; Coccidiosis; Prevalence; Oocyst; Small Ruminan

    Developing New Market Strategy from Supply Chain Management Perspective: A Case of Jotun in Brazil

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    This paper proposes to develop a supply chain managemnt strategy framework that will be unable Jotun to better configure its operations in Brazil

    Molecular diversity study of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) from Ethiopia as revealed by inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers

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    Nigella sativa L. (commonly known as black cumin) belonging to family Rannunculaceae is an important medicinal plant with worldwide distribution. In Ethiopia, N. sativa occurs in all regions and agro-ecologies at different altitudinal ranges. This plant has a lot of importance in Ethiopia. However, there is no information available on molecular genetic diversity of this crop in respect to Ethiopia. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the genetic diversity of black cumin populations collected from Amhara, Oromia, Tigray, Benshangul and South Nationā€™s Nationality People regions of Ethiopia using ISSR marker. A total of 84 black cumin accessions were obtained from Institute of Biodiversity Conservation (IBC). The ISSR marker was used for computing gene diversity, percent polymorphism, Shannon diversity index and AMOVA. Overall, accessions from Oromia showed the highest gene diversity (H = 0.35) and Shannon information index (I= 0.52), followed by Amhara with gene diversity and Shannon index values of (0.35) and (0.51), respectively. NJ and UPGMA results showed strong grouping among accessions collected from the Oromia and Amhara region. The five geographical regions of Ethiopia showed different levels of genetic variation. Thus, conservation priority should be given for those regions that have low genetic diversity.Keywords: Conservation, indigenous, molecular markers, primer

    Suitability of Groundwater Quality for Irrigation with Reference to Hand Dug Wells, Hantebet Catchment, Tigray, Northern Ethiopia

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    The purpose of the project has been to assess the suitability of groundwater quality for irrigation purpose in the Hantebet catchment (24.4 km2), Tigray region, northern Ethiopia. The total numbers of hand dug wells in the area are 154. Out of these, 110 are functional and the remaining dried out. Stratified and random sampling techniques were utilized to select representative samples of groundwater. Accordingly, twenty groundwater samples were collected from twenty hand dug wells for chemical analysis. Twenty soil samples were also collected from the command area of the hand dug wells from where the groundwater samples were collected. Both groundwater and soil samples were analyzed for Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, CO3 2- , HCO3 -, Cl-, SO4 2-, and NO3 - besides pH and electrical conductivity (EC). Further, the Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) for the both the groundwater and soil samples and Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (ESP) for the soil samples were also computed. Out of the analyzed 20 groundwater samples, 8 show EC values below 0.7 and the remaining between 0.71 and 1.12 dS/m, and pH values from 6.55 to 7.26. Chloride ion concentrations in groundwater range from 0.435 to1.393 (meq/l); bicarbonate from 5.124 to 9.660 (meq/l); and nitrate (NO3 - N) values below 5 (mg/l) except in one sample that has 5.87 mg/l. In soil samples, EC values range from 1.36 to 4.65 dS/m (at 25Ā°C) (mean 2.487), and pH values range from 6.77 to 7.79 with a mean value 7.20. SAR values are well below 3 in groundwater, except in one sample and in soil it ranges from 0.111-1.571. ESP values in the soil vary from 2.016 to 4.863. The results indicate that the groundwater in general is suitable for irrigation purpose. In the case of soils about 80% of the soil samples indicate no hazard but 20% are saline. The soils are free of sodicity hazards. However, i) to achieve a full yield potential; ii) to sustain it for long period of time; iii) to avoid the possibility of increase in salinity, and iv) to avoid the possibility of occurrence of sodicity and toxicity hazardous in future, proper irrigation scheme is required in the form of crop selection, fertilizer usage and suitable alternative management

    Pengaruh Tiga Jenis Pupuk Kandang Dan Dosis Pupuk Fosfat Pada Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Tanaman Cabai (Capssicum Annum L.)

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    Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui (1) pengaruh tiga jenis pupuk kandang (ayam, kambing, sapi) pada pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman cabai, (2) dosis pupuk fosfat yang dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman cabai secara optimal, dan (3) pengaruh interaksi antara jenis pupuk kandang dan dosis pupuk fosfat pada pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman cabai. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Gulak Galik, Kecamatan Teluk Betung Utara, mulai Oktober 2012 sampai Maret 2013. Pengujian analisis tanah dilakukan di BPTP Natar, Kecamatan Natar, Kabupaten Lampung Selatan. Perlakuan disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok (rak) pola faktorial (3x5) dengan tiga ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah pupuk kandang (K), yaitu pupuk kandang ayam (K1), pupuk kandang sapi (K2), dan pupuk kandang kambing (K3). Faktor kedua adalah pupuk SP-36 sebagai sumber fosfat (P) dengan dosis 0 g tanaman-1 (P0), dosis 10 g tanaman-1 (P1), 20 g tanaman-1 (P2), 30 g tanaman-1 (P3), dan 40 g tanaman-1 (P4). Homogenitas ragam diuji dengan uji Bartlett dan kenambahan data diuji dengan uji Tukey. Data diolah dengan Sidik Ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji polinomial ortogonal pada taraf uji 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) pengaruh pupuk kandang ayam lebih baik dibandingkan dengan pupuk kandang sapi dan pupuk kandang kambing untuk semua variabel pengamatan, pengaruh pupuk kandang sapi tidak berbeda dengan pupuk kandang kambing, (2) pengaruh pemberian pupuk fosfat hingga dosis 40 g tanaman-1 mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman tanamancabai secara linear pada seluruh variabel pengamatan, (3) terdapat pengaruh interaksi pupuk kandang ayam dengan dosispupuk fosfat, pada tinggi tanaman dan bobot kering brangkasan dosis 10, 30, dan 40 g tanaman-1, pada jumlah bunga dan jumlah buah dosis 0 dan 40 g tanaman-1, pada diameter buah dosis 0, 10, 20, dan 40 g tanaman-1, dan pada bobot buah dosis 20, 30, dan 40 g tanaman-1

    Prevalence and associated risk factors of ophthalmic problems of working donkeys (Equus asinus) in Mekelle, Northern Ethiopia

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    A cross-sectional study was conducted from December 2017 to March 2018 aimed at determining the prevalence and associated risk factors of ophthalmic problems of working donkeys in Mekelle, Northern Ethiopia. Study animals were selected by random sampling method to obtain the primary data in the form of direct physical examination and history was obtained from the owner of each examined donkey at the same time. Descriptive statistics was employed to summarize the data and uni-variant logistic regression was used to quantify the degree of association between ophthalmic problems and identified risk factors. Accordingly, out of the total 384 examined, 181 were found to be positive for ophthalmic problems with an overall prevalence of 47.14%. In this study, a statistical significant difference (P<0.05) were found among age groups and sexes. Female donkeys (63.01%) were 2.08 (OR=2.08; 95% CI: 1.105, 3.942) times more likely to have ophthalmic problems compared to male donkeys (44.97%). Donkeys with age category of >10 years (62.07%) and 6-10 years (49.6%) were 3.34 (OR=3.34; 95% CI: 2.002, 5.578) and 2.01 (OR=2.01; 95% CI: 1.225, 3.296) times more likely to have ophthalmic problems as compared to the age group of <6 years (32.87%) old, respectively. Ophthalmic problems are relatively higher in the right eye (41.44%) than the left (39.78%). Higher percentages were observed due to conjuctival defect (29.28%), followed by general lesion of eyelid (26.52%) and corneal defects (13.26%). The possible causes were diseases (62.98%) and mechanical damages (37.02%). In conclusion, the prevalence of ophthalmic problems in the study area is very high. Therefore, better management practices and awareness creation among donkey owners is highly recommended. Keywords: Mekelle; Ophthalmic problems; Prevalence; Risk Factors; Working Donkey

    Seroprevalence of Salmonella Gallinarum Infection in Chicken Population of parts of Tigray and Addis Ababa by Plate Agglutination and Micro-agglutination Tests

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    Ethiopia owns a large poultry population whose growth is highly constrained by diseases. Fowl typhoid is a serious concern in growing and adult poultry and results from infection by Salmonella Gallinarum (Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Gallinarum biovar Gallinarum). Knowledge of the prevalence of the disease with confirmatory diagnosis is of paramount importance to embark on a control or prevention program. Seroprevalence of this infection in chicken population of Ethiopia has been reported from some parts of this country but in most of the reports it is based exclusively on a rapid slide agglutination test without further confirmation by another specific test. This study screened 279 sera samples of poultry for S. Gallinarum infection by employing plate agglutination test using colored antigen of S. Gallinarum that revealed 125(44.80%) of 279 sera samples positive. However, when plate positive samples were further tested for confirmation by microagglutination test by employing plain antigen of S. Gallinarum, only 55 (19.71%) were serologically positive lowering the prevalence rate from 44.8% to 19, 71%. The study reveals the serological prevalence of Salmonella gallinarum infection in poultry population of the study areas and recommends that the initial screening of this infection by a test like plate agglutination must always be followed by another specific test to get an accurate estimate of this infection.Keywords: Micro-agglutination test, Plate agglutination test, Poultry population, Salmonella gallinarum, Seroprevalence, Addis Ababa, Tigray, Ethiopia

    Pengaruh Pemakaian Mulsa Plastik Hitam Perak dan Aplikasi Dosis Zeolit pada Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Radish (Raphanus Satufus L.)

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    Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan umbi radish sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi lingkungan mikro (suhu dan kelembaban) dan ketersediaan unsur hara. Salah satu modifikasi suhu dan kelembaban lingkungan perakaran tanaman dapat dilakukan dengan penggunaan mulsa. Secara fisik mulsa mampu menjaga suhu tanah lebih stabil dan mempertahankan kelembaban di sekitar perakaran tanaman. Cara untuk meningkatkan ketersedian unsur hara adalah dengan memberikan zeolit. Zeolit telah dimanfaatkan di dalam bidang pertanian sebagai menjaga pH tanah, meningkatkan aerasi tanah, dan efektif untuk pertukaran kation sehingga menjadi pengontrol dalam pembebasan ion amonium, nitrogen, dan kalium serta dapat menetralkan tanah yang bersifat asam mengurangi fiksasi P dan koloid tanah dan meningkatkan aktivitas mikroorganisme dalam tanah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah penggunaan mulsa plastik hitam perak berpengaruh positif terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman radish, mengetahui berapa dosis zeolit yang menghasilkan pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman radish yang terbaik, dan mengetahui apakah penggaruh penggunaan mulsa plastik hitam perak terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman radish bergantung pada dosis zeolit. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di laboraturium Lapang Terpadu Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung, Kota Bandar Lampung pada bulan Juli hingga September 2012.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi mulsa memberikan respons/hasil yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan tanpa mulsa untuk tanaman radish, pada peubah bobot kering brangkasan, dan bobot basah umbi, respons tanaman radish terhadap aplikasi dosis zeolit sampai dosis 800 g m masih liniear, dan perlakuan tanpa mulsa dan tanpa zeolit menghasilkan produksi lebih tinggi 52,61 % (1.027,42 g) daripada dengan menggunakan mulsa (486,84 g). Sedangkan pada zeolit 200 gm-2 -2 produksi umbi dengan menggunakan mulsa lebih tinggi 81,50% (1.299,94 g) daripada tanpa menggunakan mulsa (716,22 g)
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