763 research outputs found

    Website Quality to Increase Franchise Marketing Performance Excellent

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    According to Indonesia Association of Service Provider (APJII) survey in 2014, the internet user in Indonesia increased up to around 88 million. This number expresses that the use of the internet to seek business franchise information will increase as well. The increase of internet using should be followed by the quality of franchisor's website. The franchisor's website will relate to system quality, information quality and service quality (DeLone and McLean, 2003). This research uses SEM LISREL to see the loading factors of each indicator impact in variables and website quality variables impact to intention to purchase franchise. The result shows that all variables (System quality, Information Quality, and Service Quality) give significant impact to dependent variable Website Quality

    Stable isotopes of soil collected from feet of two species of migratory Acrocephalus give clues to stopover sites

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    Soil samples were collected from the feet of Marsh Warblers Acrocephalus palustris and Reed Warblers Acrocephalus scirpaceus caught soon after crossing the Sudan Red Sea coast of Africa. We measured carbon  (δ13Csoil_feet) and deuterium (δDsoil_feet) isotope ratios in these soils with the objective of identifying possible take-off sites of these birds. We collected soils from three sites in the Caucasus region, a potential refuelingarea for the flight to Sudan, and from the Sudan Red sea coast, and compared their deuterium (δDsoil) with δDsoil_feet. There was a strong relationship between the arrival date of the birds and the isotope  signatures (δ13soil_feet and δDsoil_feet) of the soil they carried. Results suggest that warblers from different geographical regions or of differentage groups might use different staging sites before reaching the Sudan. Data for precipitation deuterium (äDprec) together with äDsoil and δDsoil_feet suggest that while early arriving birds had taken off from southeast Europe (picking up soil from this region), those arriving later had stopped off in Arabia. This indicates an intrinsic difference in strategy  between birds migrating at different times of the season. The isotopic compositions of biological tissues such as feathers have commonly been applied to track animal movement. But this is the first report of analysis of soil from birds’ feet: a novel approach to isotopic study based on material picked up and carried by an animal externally

    Study on the assessment of drug resistance on Trypanosoma vivax in Tselemti woreda , Tigray, Ethiopia

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    The study was conducted at Tselemti Woreda, Tigray region, Northern Ethiopia, some 1200 kms away from the capital, from November 2002 to April 2003. In the first phase of this study, questionnaire survey was carried out to assess livestock production constraints. Subsequently, a study on the occurrence of drug resistance to diminazene aceturate and isomethamidum chloride of Trypanosoma vivax isolate in artificially infected goats were conducted. Results of the questionnaire survey revealed that 95.7% of the interviewees replied that trypanosomosis is a series problem in their areas. Apart from this, under dosing of trypanocidal drugs appeared a common practice in the areas surveyed. Drug sensitivity test conducted on 18 artificially infected goats revealed that T. vivax developed resistance to the curative doses of diminazene aceturate (3.5 mg/kg b.wt) and isomethamidum chloride (0.25 mg/kg b.wt). No relapses were seen for those animals treated with diminazen aceturate at a dose of 7 mg/kg b.wt and 0.5 mg/kg b.wt of isomethamidum chloride. Sanative pair between diminazene aceturate and isometamidum chloride was also confirmed by the occurrence of no relapses after first treatment with diminazene aceturate (at 3.5 mg/kg) and isomethamidum chloride (0.25 mg/kg) and a second treatment with 0.25 mg/kg isomethamidum chloride and 3.5 mg/kg diminazene aceturate, respectively. During the 90 days of trial period there was no statistical significant difference (P>0.05) in mean PCV of the five groups before and after treatment: (26+1.23), (27.5+1.33), (26.5+2.03), (29.8+2.12) and (25.5+ 3.06) for groups I, II, III, IV and V respectively. Generally diminazene aceturate at dose of 7 mg/kg and isomethamidum chloride at dose of 0.5 mg/kg b.wt were most effective in terms of curing infections as well as improving PCV and body weight. It was concluded that where there are indications for drug resistance against isomethamidum and diminazene aceturate the use of trypanocidal drugs should be supervised, the principle of sanative pairs has to be applied and chemotherapy needs to be integrated with other methods like vector (tsetse and biting flies) control. Keywords: Diminazene-aceturate, drug-resistance, goats, isomethamidumchloride, trypanosomosis, Tselemti

    The Analysis of SBWR Critical Power Bundle Using Cobrag Code

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    The coolant mechanism of SBWR is similar with the Dodewaard Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in the Netherlands that first went critical in 1968. The similarity of both NPP is cooled by natural convection system. These coolant concept is very related with same parameters on fuel bundle design especially fuel bundle length, core pressure drop and core flow rate as well as critical power bundle. The analysis was carried out by using COBRAG computer code. COBRAG computer code is GE Company proprietary. Basically COBRAG computer code is a tool to solve compressible three-dimensional, two fluid, three field equations for two phase flow. The three fields are the vapor field, the continuous liquid field, and the liquid drop field. This code has been applied to analyses model flow and heat transfer within the reactor core. This volume describes the finitevolume equations and the numerical solution methods used to solve these equations. This analysis of same parameters has been done i.e.; inlet sub cooling 20 BTU/lbm and 40 BTU/lbm, 1000 psi pressure and R-factor is 1.038, mass flux are 0.5 Mlb/hr.ft2, 0.75 Mlb/hr.ft2, 1.00 Mlb/hr.ft2 and 1.25 Mlb/hr.ft2. Those conditions based on history operation of some type of the cell fuel bundle line at GE Nuclear Energy. According to the results, it can be concluded that SBWR critical power bundle is 10.5 % less than current BWR critical power bundle with length reduction of 12 ft to 9 ft

    Spring weights of some Palaearctic passerines in Ethiopia and Kenya: evidence for important migration staging areas in eastern Ethiopia

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    Palaearctic migrants were trapped in late April and early May at a passage site near Jijiga in eastern Ethiopia. Willow Warblers Phylloscopus trochilus and Spotted Flycatchers Muscicapa striata were predominant, while Red-backed Shrikes Lanius collurio, Sedge Warblers Acrocephalus schoenobaenus, Reed Warblers A. scirpaceus, Garden Warblers Sylvia borin and Common Whitethroats S. communis also featured prominently. Weights were high in all species, and over 70% of the birds caught were extremely fat. Spring weights and fat scores at Jijiga were compared with those found in the same species in Kenya, and the difference was striking. In Kenya, most species had mean spring weights 10–20% above lean weight; at Jijiga, species’ mean weights ranged from 30% to 55% above lean weight. Whereas the reserves of most migrants departing from Kenya would have supported flights only as far as Ethiopia, the fat loads of birds at Jijiga indicated a potential for crossing Arabia with little need to feed. This suggests important staging and fattening grounds between these two areas, perhaps in the Acacia–Commiphora bushlands drained by the upper Juba and Shebelle rivers and their tributaries

    Analisis Keselamatan Reaktor Kartini Berdasar Kejadian Pemicu Yang Dipostulasikan

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    ANALISIS KESELAMATAN REAKTOR KARTINI BERDASAR KEJADIAN PEMICU YANG DIPOSTULASIKAN.Berdasarkan analisis kejadian pemicu yang dipostulasikan maka ada 8 kejadian yang dipostulasikan (PostulatedInitiating Event) : seperti kehilangan catu daya listrik, kegagalan sistem scram, kehilangan aliran pendingin,kehilangan pendingin, kegagalan transfer cask, kejadian internal/eksternal dan kesalahan manusia. Dari 8 kejadiantersebut, hanya satu kejadian yang menyebabkan terlepasnya bahan radioaktif dari seluruh sistem bahan bakar kelingkungan yaitu kejadian gagalnya sistem pemindah bahan bakar (transfer cask). Urutan kejadiannya adalahtransfer cask jatuh di atas teras reaktor dan mengakibatkan seluruh kelongsong bahan bakar pecah lalu diikutidengan hilangya seluruh air tangki reaktor sehingga seluruh inti hasil belah gas yang ada di celah bahan bakar lepaske lingkungan. Analisis terlepasnya bahan radioaktif ke lingkungan menggunakan paket program dengan bahasaTurbo Pascal dan lama eksekusi 5 menit. Dari hasil analisis diperoleh bahwa dosis radiasi gamma yang diterimaoleh penduduk pada saat 2 jam setelah terjadi kecelakaan pada radius 33 meter adalah 25 rem dan dosis iodinadalah 300 rem berarti proses evakuasi sangat sederhana karena tidak melibatkan penduduk di sekitar kawasanP3TM

    The Role of Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Sibolga Toward the Rural Labor Absorption in Pondok Batu Village, Sarudik District, Center Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatera Province

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    This research was conductded on January 2016 in Pondok Batu Village, Sarudik District, Center Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatera Province. This research purposed were to analyze the role of Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Sibolga in fisheries industry development toward the local rural labor absorption, and to analyze percentage of Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Sibolga contribution toward the local rural labor absoption in Pondok Batu Village. The method used in for this research was observation case study method and respondent determining with purposive sampling.The result indicated, that in Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Sibolga industry development has been make into Pondok Batu Village being the center of fisheries industry in Center Tapanuli and increase the people economy. Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Sibolga contribution toward local rural labor absorption as 872 or 51,23 % rural labor, and total rural labor as much as 2856 person

    Perancangan Resor di Kampar Kiri Hulu dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Posmodern

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    Tanjung Belit village in Kampar Kiri Hulu subdistrict has been transformed to be tourism object and it is passed through by a river (Sebayang River). This place does not provide adequatefacility for accommodation. That is the reason why there has to be a temporary accommodation, such as resort. Buildings with the characteristics of rumah lontiok still stand in this region.However, the villagers had not used those characteristics. The villagers focus more on maximizing the function of the shapes and space of their house. To reflect characteristics of the place where the resort is built, Postmodern Architecture is the suitable theme for this resort design. By using Postmodern Architecture topic as design approach, hence we get the Compound of Composure andGregarious concept. Composure is interpreted as modern architeture which emphasizes on function and simple form, and Gregarious is interpreted as Lontiok Architecture which has more shapes and carved objects. The compatibility of the concept is applied on site pattern and building form including zoning, mass order, outdoor planning, mass formation, indoor planning, and interior
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