7,588 research outputs found
Pelaksanaan Perjanjian Kredit Dengan Obyek Jaminan Fidusia Berupa Hak Atas Piutang (Studi Pada PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk Cabang Semarang)
Benda yang menjadi obyek jaminan fidusia adalah benda yang dapat dimiliki dan dialihkan hak kepemilikannya baik benda bergerak berwujud maupun tidak berwujud, terdaftar maupun tidak terdaftar, benda bergerak maupun tidak bergerak yang tidak dapat dibebani hak tanggungan atau hipotek. Dalam pelaksanaan perjanjian kredit dimungkinkan adanya obyek jaminan fidusia berupa hak atas piutang yang termasuk benda bergerak tidak berwujud. Pada kenyataannya pengalihan hak atas piutang yang dijamin fidusia tersebut tidak sampai pada taraf pengalihan hak atas piutang sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 19 Undang-Undang Nomor 42 tahun 1999 tentang Jaminan Fidusia. Berdasarkan uraian di atas dapat dirumuskan permasalahan sebagai berikut : Bagaimanakah pelaksanaan perjanjian kredit dengan obyek jaminan fidusia berupa hak atas piutang pada PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk Cabang Semarang ? Bagaimanakah apabila dalam pelaksanaan perjanjian kredit dengan obyek jaminan fidusia berupa hak atas piutang pada PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk Cabang Semarang debitor melakukan wanprestasi ?
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum yang menggunakan pendekatan yuridis empiris (empiric legal research). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan mengenai permasalahan yang akan diteliti dan dilihat dari sifatnya, dapat dikatakan sebagai penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif analitis. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisa kualitatif
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Pelaksanaan perjanjian kredit dengan obyek jaminan fidusia berupa hak atas piutang ditinjau dari ketentuan yang berlaku telah sesuai. Prosedur perjanjian kredit dengan obyek jaminan fidusia berupa hak atas piutang antara Bank Danamon dengan BPR melalui Pengajuan permohonan kredit oleh BPR, Pemberian data piutang yang dijaminkan, Pemeriksaan administrasi, Persetujuan Pemberian Kredit, Penandatanganan Perjanjian Kredit dan Jaminan. Apabila Debitor melakukan wanprestasi dalam pelaksanaan Perjanjian Kredit dengan obyek jaminan fisdusia berupa hak atas piutang pada PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk Cabang Semarang, maka upaya upaya yang dilakukan oleh pihak Bank yaitu : Bank akan melakukan control dan monitoring lebih intensif terhadap kualitas kredit Debitor dan melakukan Restrukturisasi fasilitas kredit Debitor (BPR). Pasca program penyelesaian kredit bermasalah dijalankan maka harus dilakukan evaluasi atas effektifitas pelaksanaanya secara berkala atau periodik, apabila hasil yang dicapai tidak seperti yang diharapkan maka harus segera dilakukannya upaya alternatif lainnya dalam rangka penyelesaian kredit
The Effects of Dietary Food Fortified with Vitamin B4 on Lipid Profiles in Serum and Liver Tissue
The effects of dietary food fortified with vitamin B4 on lipid profiles in serum and liver tissue were studied. Rats were paired-fed a 0.25% vitamin B4 diet or a diet without vitamin B4 for 10 days. Serum lipid levels were measured using enzyme assay kits. Lipids of liver tissues were extracted and the lipid contents were determined. A piece of liver was prepared to determine the activities of fatty acid synthase (FAS) and fatty acid β-oxidation. The results showed that animals fed a food fortified with vitamin B4 had higher level of serum TG, PL, total cholesterol, and high density lipoprotein. Their increases were approximately by 74%, 20%, 27%, and 27%, respectively. The significant changes in liver lipid were only found in PL component. This treatment promoted FAS activity, but impaired the fatty acid β-oxidation. In conclusion: Dietary food fortified with vitamin B4 induces hypertriglyceridemia and liver PL level
Digitized Local Folklores in EFL Reading Classroom
This study aimed at reporting the implementation of the use of digitized local folklores to empower reading comprehension skills of junior high school students. This classroom action study was applied to a number of grade VII junior high school students. It engaged two stories about Palembang City - the Origin of Musi River and the History of Ikan Belido (Chitala Lopis). Both stories were “packaged” digitally by the use of video, and extended with guided ICT based post-reading activities. Video as one medium of the learning activities could confidently intensify students’ interest in learning due to the fact that most students tend to be more visualized. The result revealed that the use of this digitized media positively enhanced the students on the extent of the pleasure, imaginative visual learning aids, and the involvement and touched upon cultural aspects of the students
Democracy: Order out of Chaos
We construct a majority cellular automata based model to explain the power-law signatures in Indonesian general election results. The understanding of second-order phase transitions between two different conditions inspires the model. The democracy is assumed as critical point between the two extreme socio-political situations of totalitarian and anarchistic social system - where democracy can fall into the twos. The model is in multi-party candidates system run for equilibrium or equilibria, and used to fit and analyze the three of democratic national elections in Indonesia, 1955, 1999, and 2004
Herding to A Side of Order Book Balance
In the growing econophysics, it is quite rare that the presented analyses approach the interesting properties of order book. However, a lot of data are available in the order book, and analysis on this object will bring us to further understanding of the market. We analyze some order book of stocks traded in Jakarta Stock Exchange and see interesting properties there by looking at the balance of the order book. We also build a model based on the work of Chiarella and Iori [1] with some modiÂŻcations to explain the herding pattern of traders through the order book
Category Reporting in Charitable Giving: An Experimental Analysis
Harbaugh (1998a) has shown theoretically that charities can increase the size of donations by publicly acknowledging their donors using categories. In a complementary paper,using the data on the donations given by 146 lawyers to their almamater law school, Harbaugh (1998b) provided empirical support for this theoretical assertion. Essentially, being acknowledged in categories gives donors some prestige benefits. In this paper, we experimentally investigate the impact of various reporting plans as described in Harbaugh (1998a and 1998b) on the behavior of donors. Our results show that, although the category reporting plan has no significant impact on the size of donations when compared to the exact reporting plan and the no reporting plan, it does signi�ficantly alter the charitable behavior of donors. We show that the presence of a category reporting plan induces the clustering of donations on the lower boundaries of categories, which suggests that donors are motivated by prestige. We also discover that in some circumstances the presence of prestige benefi�ts crowds out the warm glow motive for giving
This research investigates how the marketing strategy, manufacturing strategy and environment management create SMEs competitive advantage that will improve SMEs business performance. It gives both theoretical and managerial implications about steps must be taken by SMEs to improve their business performance through the competitive advantage gained from the marketing strategy, manufacturing strategy, and the ability to manage the environment. This research includes a data set from 121 SMEs.
Results show that the manufacturing and environment management strategy positively affects SMEs competitive advantage, and the competitive advantage also positively affects SMEs business performance. Marketing strategy implemented didn’t affect the competitive advantage. This research proved that for now, the competitive advantage of metal product SMEs in Tegal lay on their ability to create product in accordance with consumers want. Metal SMEs always maintain their flexibility and product quality with competitive prices. To gain the competitive advantage, SMEs must have the ability to adjust with political and economics transformation such as general election or city major and governor transformation. Because of its flexibility, metal SMEs in Tegal can easily adjust with the transformation of political and economical climate. The last thing that must be noted from this research is that metal SMEs in Tegal didn’t implement the marketing strategy well because of the job-order system. The competitive advantage will be more perfect if the company also have superb marketing strategy
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