32 research outputs found
Local thermal energy as a structural indicator in glasses
Identifying heterogeneous structures in glasses --- such as localized soft
spots --- and understanding structure-dynamics relations in these systems
remain major scientific challenges. Here we derive an exact expression for the
local thermal energy of interacting particles (the mean local potential energy
change due to thermal fluctuations) in glassy systems by a systematic
low-temperature expansion. We show that the local thermal energy can attain
anomalously large values, inversely related to the degree of softness of
localized structures in a glass, determined by a coupling between internal
stresses --- an intrinsic signature of glassy frustration ---, anharmonicity
and low-frequency vibrational modes. These anomalously large values follow a
fat-tailed distribution, with a universal exponent related to the recently
observed universal density of states of quasi-localized
low-frequency vibrational modes. When the spatial thermal energy field --- a
`softness field' --- is considered, this power-law tail manifests itself by
highly localized spots which are significantly softer than their surroundings.
These soft spots are shown to be susceptible to plastic rearrangements under
external driving forces, having predictive powers that surpass those of the
normal-modes-based approach. These results offer a general,
system/model-independent, physical-observable-based approach to identify
structural properties of quiescent glasses and to relate them to glassy
dynamics.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures + Supporting Information, shorter title, minor
textual change
Velocity-strengthening friction significantly affects interfacial dynamics, strength and dissipation
Frictional interfaces are abundant in natural and manmade systems and their
dynamics still pose challenges of fundamental and technological importance. A
recent extensive compilation of multiple-source experimental data has revealed
that velocity-strengthening friction, where the steady-state frictional
resistance increases with sliding velocity over some range, is a generic
feature of such interfaces. Moreover, velocity-strengthening friction has very
recently been linked to slow laboratory earthquakes and stick-slip motion. Here
we elucidate the importance of velocity-strengthening friction by theoretically
studying three variants of a realistic rate-and-state friction model. All
variants feature identical logarithmic velocity-weakening friction at small
sliding velocities, but differ in their higher velocity behaviors. By
quantifying energy partition (e.g. radiation and dissipation), the selection of
interfacial rupture fronts and rupture arrest, we show that the presence or
absence of velocity-strengthening friction can significantly affect the global
interfacial resistance and the total energy released during frictional
instabilities ("event magnitude"). Furthermore, we show that different forms of
velocity-strengthening friction (e.g. logarithmic vs. linear) may result in
events of similar magnitude, yet with dramatically different dissipation and
radiation rates. This happens because the events are mediated by interfacial
rupture fronts with vastly different propagation velocities, where stronger
velocity-strengthening friction promotes slower rupture. These theoretical
results may have significant implications on our understanding of frictional
dynamics.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure
On the velocity-strengthening behavior of dry friction
The onset of frictional instabilities, e.g. earthquakes nucleation, is
intimately related to velocity-weakening friction, in which the frictional
resistance of interfaces decreases with increasing slip velocity. While this
frictional response has been studied extensively, less attention has been given
to steady-state velocity-strengthening friction, in spite of its potential
importance for various aspects of frictional phenomena such as the propagation
speed of interfacial rupture fronts and the amount of stored energy released by
them. In this note we suggest that a crossover from steady-state
velocity-weakening friction at small slip velocities to steady-state
velocity-strengthening friction at higher velocities might be a generic feature
of dry friction. We further argue that while thermally activated rheology
naturally gives rise to logarithmic steady-state velocity-strengthening
friction, a crossover to stronger-than-logarithmic strengthening might take
place at higher slip velocities, possibly accompanied by a change in the
dominant dissipation mechanism. We sketch a few physical mechanisms that may
account for the crossover to stronger-than-logarithmic steady-state
velocity-strengthening and compile a rather extensive set of experimental data
available in the literature, lending support to these ideas.Comment: Updated to published version: 2 Figures and a section adde
Grokking in Linear Estimators -- A Solvable Model that Groks without Understanding
Grokking is the intriguing phenomenon where a model learns to generalize long
after it has fit the training data. We show both analytically and numerically
that grokking can surprisingly occur in linear networks performing linear tasks
in a simple teacher-student setup with Gaussian inputs. In this setting, the
full training dynamics is derived in terms of the training and generalization
data covariance matrix. We present exact predictions on how the grokking time
depends on input and output dimensionality, train sample size, regularization,
and network initialization. We demonstrate that the sharp increase in
generalization accuracy may not imply a transition from "memorization" to
"understanding", but can simply be an artifact of the accuracy measure. We
provide empirical verification for our calculations, along with preliminary
results indicating that some predictions also hold for deeper networks, with
non-linear activations.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure
Instabilities at Frictional Interfaces: Creep Patches, Nucleation and Rupture Fronts
The strength and stability of frictional interfaces, ranging from
tribological systems to earthquake faults, are intimately related to the
underlying spatially-extended dynamics. Here we provide a comprehensive
theoretical account, both analytic and numeric, of spatiotemporal interfacial
dynamics in a realistic rate-and-state friction model, featuring both
velocity-weakening and strengthening behaviors. Slowly extending, loading-rate
dependent, creep patches undergo a linear instability at a critical nucleation
size, which is nearly independent of interfacial history, initial stress
conditions and velocity-strengthening friction. Nonlinear propagating rupture
fronts -- the outcome of instability -- depend sensitively on the stress state
and velocity-strengthening friction. Rupture fronts span a wide range of
propagation velocities and are related to steady state fronts solutions.Comment: Typos and figures corrected. Supplementary information at:
Hidden Markov modeling of single particle diffusion with stochastic tethering
The statistics of the diffusive motion of particles often serve as an
experimental proxy for their interaction with the environment. However,
inferring the physical properties from the observed trajectories is
challenging. Inspired by a recent experiment, here we analyze the problem of
particles undergoing two-dimensional Brownian motion with transient tethering
to the surface. We model the problem as a Hidden Markov Model where the
physical position is observed, and the tethering state is hidden. We develop an
alternating maximization algorithm to infer the hidden state of the particle
and estimate the physical parameters of the system. The crux of our method is a
saddle-point-like approximation, which involves finding the most likely
sequence of hidden states and estimating the physical parameters from it.
Extensive numerical tests demonstrate that our algorithm reliably finds the
model parameters, and is insensitive to the initial guess. We discuss the
different regimes of physical parameters and the algorithm's performance in
these regimes. We also provide a ready-to-use open source implementation of our
algorithm.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure
Geometric charges and nonlinear elasticity of soft metamaterials
Problems of flexible mechanical metamaterials, and highly deformable porous
solids in general, are rich and complex due to nonlinear mechanics and
nontrivial geometrical effects. While numeric approaches are successful,
analytic tools and conceptual frameworks are largely lacking. Using an analogy
with electrostatics, and building on recent developments in a nonlinear
geometric formulation of elasticity, we develop a formalism that maps the
elastic problem into that of nonlinear interaction of elastic charges. This
approach offers an intuitive conceptual framework, qualitatively explaining the
linear response, the onset of mechanical instability and aspects of the
post-instability state. Apart from intuition, the formalism also quantitatively
reproduces full numeric simulations of several prototypical structures.
Possible applications of the tools developed in this work for the study of
ordered and disordered porous mechanical metamaterials are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure