83 research outputs found

    Individual Value System And The Use Of Upward Influence Tactics - The Impact Of Belief In Just World (BJW)

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    Globalization has brought different cultures and values together, assimilating managers to understand ways to handle superiors, subordinates, and peers. The objective of the study is focused on examining the relationship between individual values and upward influence tactics and studying the moderating effects of BJW on the said relationship

    Grid Connected Energy System four leg Inverter for DC Voltage and Power Improvement

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    The first power systems were DG systems designed to meet the needs of local areas.Full load DG applications showed greater benefits in terms of power and performance as well as reducing transmission losses. GDs are very suitable for a specific location and for specific applications because they require a short construction time and require little investment. It is defined on the basis of the size of the plant, which can vary from a few KW to MW (10-50 MW). GD options can be classified as renewable or non-renewable sources from fuel sources. This study deals with a newly-conceived voltage control method for three-phase four-leg voltage source inverters (VSIs) which are being required in autonomous power generating units devoted to supply both three-phase and single-phase electrical load

    Culturally responsive pedagogy, creating opportunities for teacher professional development in the Cook Islands

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    Cultural responsive pedagogy provide Cook Islands teacher’s an opportunity to overcome challenges and therefore create opportunities for teachers’ professional development. This plays a significant role in providing teacher training as a lifelong professional experience. This paper investigates how culturally responsive pedagogy could be used in overcoming the challenges and generating opportunities for teachers’ professional development in Cook Islands schools which is central to this argument. This paper also draws on evidence from a multi-faceted research study into culturally responsive pedagogy (Airini et al, 2007). Broadly viewed, the research seeks into further understandings of indigenous education and the conversion of educational theory into practices that support positive futures for indigenous peoples. More narrowly, the research explores culturally responsive pedagogy in a specific context, that of the Cook Islands

    Étude comparative de la simulation d'un circuit d'électronique de puissance

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    Méthodes de solution de PSB et modélisation des éléments -- Modélisation des interrupteurs dans PSB/SIMULINK -- Les algorithmes à pas variable utilisés dans un SIMULINK -- Méthodes de solution de EMTP et modélisation des éléments -- Analyse du réseau électrique linéaire -- Modélisation des interrupteurs dans EMTP -- Les oscillations numériques dans EMTP -- Exemple d'une liaison CCHT et sa modélisation -- Modèle CC simplifié -- Modélisation numérique d'une liaison CCHT

    Druhá fáze biotransformace flobufenu

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    Xenobiotika jsou chemické sloučeniny tělu cizí, které se obvykle tvoří syntetickými nebo abiotickými procesy. Syntetická xenobiotika mají často obrovský význam pro lidskou společnost a představují většinu chemických sloučenin z tak významných skupin, jako jsou petrochemikálie, pesticidy, plasty a léky, u kterých se obvykle ve vztahu ke xenobiotikům používá termín léčivo. Biotransformace je hlavním mechanismem eliminace léčiv, protože ta se biotransformaci podrobí ihned po vstupu do organismu. Biotransformace, která téměř vždy poskytuje metabolity polárnější, než je výchozí látka, obvykle ukončuje farmakologický účinek parentního léčiva a prostřednictvím exkrece zvyšuje odstraňování léčiva z těla. Nicméně může mít i další důsledky včetně podobného nebo odlišného farmakologického účinku nebo toxikologického působení. Je mnoho odlišných drah, kterými může být léčivo biotransformováno, a ty zahrnují mimo jiné oxidační, redukční, hydrolytické a konjugační reakce. Je důležité těmto drahám porozumět, protože cesta metabolismu léčiva může určovat jeho konečný farmakologický nebo toxikologický účinek. Biotransformace léčiv se rozděluje do dvou fází: Fáze I neboli přípravné reakce a Fáze II čili konjugační reakce. Kromě fyzikálně-chemických činitelů ovlivňujících metabolismus xenobiotik, hrají důležitou úlohu v...Xenobiotic chemicals are chemicals foreign to life that are usually derived synthetically or from an abiotic process. The synthetic xenobiotic chemicals are often of enormous value to human society and are usually the majority of the chemicals in such important groups of substances as petrochemicals, pesticides, plastics and pharmaceuticals, where the term drug is usually applied when referring to xenobiotics. Biotransformation is a major mechanism for drug elimination, as they undergo biotransformation after they enter the body. Biotransformation, which almost always produces metabolites that are more polar than the parent compound, usually terminates the pharmacologic action of the parent drug and, via excretion, increases removal of the drug from the body. However, other consequences are possible, including similar or different pharmacologic activity, or toxicological activity. The routes by which drugs may be biotransformed are many and varied and include oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis and conjugation reactions, among others. It is important that these pathways are understood, as the route of metabolism of a drug can determine its ultimate pharmacological or toxicological activity. Drug biotransformation is divided into two phases: Phase I, or functionalisation reactions and Phase II, or conjugative...Katedra biochemických vědDepartment of Biochemical SciencesFaculty of Pharmacy in Hradec KrálovéFarmaceutická fakulta v Hradci Králov

    On Existence and Attractivity of Ψ-Hilfer Hybrid Fractional-order Langevin Differential Equations

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    The work reported in this article studies the equivalence relationship between fractional integral equation and Ψ-Hilfer Hybrid Langevin Differential Equations of fractional order with nonlocal initial conditions, and then we use this relationship to establish the existence of the results by means of Banach algebra and Schauder’s fixed point theorem. We then demonstrate the uniform local attractiveness of all the solutions

    A cross-sectional comparative study to determine the factors contributing to the academic performance of the high performers and low performers in 2nd year medical students

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    Background: MBBS course content is extensive and requires immense and strenuous effort on the part of the medical students to complete it. Some students excel in their academics while others strive to pass and some even drop out. If the factors contributing to the excellent academic performance could be identified, these factors then can be incorporated to upgrade the struggling medical students. Hence, early identification of low achievers and the factors responsible for their poor performance is crucial. We undertook this study to identify the various factors influencing the academic performance of these two groups of students.Methods: We identified the top thirty percentile and bottom 30 percentile students in the subject of pharmacology based on their third semester examination marks. All the 62 students opted to participate in the study, and their informed consent was taken. They were then given the questionnaire and allowed to answer in a stress free atmosphere.Results: Factors which were statistically significant in contributing to the good performance of high achievers were the use of reference books from the library, learning from other sources such as patients, avoiding repetition of mistakes made in the past, proper time management skills, and having immense intrinsic motivation to study.Conclusion: Through our study, we identified important factors contributing to high performance in academics, and we concluded that students should incorporate all the factors in a well-coordinated manner rather than focusing on any single factor. If executed, appropriately it will definitely upgrade their academic performance and prevent undesirable failures

    A retrospective comparative study of multiple choice questions versus short answer questions as assessment tool in evaluating the performance of the students in medical pharmacology

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    Background: The aim was to assess the effectiveness of multiple choice versus short answer questions (SAQs) as assessment tools for evaluating performance of 2nd MBBS students.Methods: The study was observational, retrospective study of written pen and paper type assessment that utilized a sample of 100 2nd year medical students. Study consisted of two parts; part I was multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on endocrine system where four options were given for a question and the single best answer was to be ticked. MCQ was timed at 20 mins for 30 questions with 1 mark each. There was no negative marking. Part II was SAQ on same system where 16 SAQ were given. SAQ was timed at 60 mins for 30 marks questions. After the test students had to reply on a feedback form.Result: There was a strong correlation between the marks scored in two formats of test and there was no statistical difference between the two set of marks.Conclusion: SAQs are as effective as MCQs in assessing the performance of the students in medical pharmacology

    The stereospecificity of flobufen metabolism in isolated guinea pig hepatocytes

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    BACKGROUND: Flobufen (F) is an original nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug with one center of chirality. 4-Dihydroflobufen (DHF), compound with two chiral centers, is the main metabolite of F in microsomes and cytosol in all standard laboratory animals. This work describes the biotransformation of F enantiomers and DHF stereoisomers in isolated male guinea pig hepatocytes. Guinea pigs were chosen with respect to similarities in F metabolism as in Man found earlier. R-F, S-F, (2R;4S)-DHF, (2S;4R)-DHF, (2S;4S)-DHF and (2R;4R)-DHF, structurally very similar compounds, served as substrates in order to observe their interaction with enzymes. Stereospecificity of the respective enzymes was studied in vitro, using hepatocytes monolayer. Chiral HPLC using R,R-ULMO column as chiral stationary phase was used for detection and quantitation of metabolites. RESULTS: (2R;4S)-DHF and (2S;4S)-DHF were the principle stereoisomers detected after incubation with rac-F, R-F and S-F. The ratio of (2R;4S)-DHF/(2S;4S)-DHF ranged from 1.1 to 2.4 depending on the substrate used. (2R;4S)-DHF was the major stereoisomer found after incubation with (2S;4S)-DHF and (2R;4R)-DHF. (2S;4S)-DHF was the principle stereoisomer found after incubation with (2R;4S)-DHF and (2S;4R)-DHF. Besides DHF stereoisomers, other metabolites (M-17203, UM-1 and UM-2) were also detected after incubation of hepatocytes monolayer with F. Interestingly, these metabolites were not found in incubation of all F forms and DHF with fresh liver homogenate. CONCLUSIONS: Different activities and stereospecificities of the respective enzymes were observed for each substrate in primary culture of hepatocytes. Cell integrity is crucial for formation of secondary metabolites M-17203, UM-1 and UM-2

    Yokukansan Inhibits Neuronal Death during ER Stress by Regulating the Unfolded Protein Response

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    Recently, several studies have reported Yokukansan (Tsumura TJ-54), a traditional Japanese medicine, as a potential new drug for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress is known to play an important role in the pathogenesis of AD, particularly in neuronal death. Therefore, we examined the effect of Yokukansan on ER stress-induced neurotoxicity and on familial AD-linked presenilin-1 mutation-associated cell death.We employed the WST-1 assay and monitored morphological changes to evaluate cell viability following Yokukansan treatment or treatment with its components. Western blotting and PCR were used to observe the expression levels of GRP78/BiP, caspase-4 and C/EBP homologous protein.Yokukansan inhibited neuronal death during ER stress, with Cnidii Rhizoma (Senkyu), a component of Yokukansan, being particularly effective. We also showed that Yokukansan and Senkyu affect the unfolded protein response following ER stress and that these drugs inhibit the activation of caspase-4, resulting in the inhibition of ER stress-induced neuronal death. Furthermore, we found that the protective effect of Yokukansan and Senkyu against ER stress could be attributed to the ferulic acid content of these two drugs.Our results indicate that Yokukansan, Senkyu and ferulic acid are protective against ER stress-induced neuronal cell death and may provide a possible new treatment for AD