34 research outputs found

    Strategi Dialektika Relasional Pasangan Suami Isteri di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    This research was conducted to determine the relational dialectics strategy of married couples facing the Covid-19 pandemic. There were two couples as interviewees, the first spouse experienced work from home (WFH). The second one whose husband has worked from office (WFO). This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. Based on the findings of the data obtained, it shows that the WFH pair is more directed at autonomy, stability and closedness, while the WFO pair refers to connection, change and openness. From the research conducted, researchers can find five things that can cause dialectical tension for couples during a pandemic. First, the closeness of the partner depends on the age and character of the child. Second, work determines the interaction of partners during a pandemic. Third, family backgrounds shape relationships in the family. Fourth, character and personal preferences shape responses in relationships. Finally, adaptations and communication alternatives facing the pandemic. Then the strategies that are mostly used by both partners are segmentation and integration. It is also seen how communication is an important (key) in forming an agreement by adjusting between partners


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    Relasi orang tua dan anak yang menginjak usia dewasa muda (Gen Z) bisa digambarkan sebagai �love and hate relationship�. Ketegangan muncul karena di usia tersebut anak sudah memiliki kesadaran akan kemandirian, sementara orang tua masih menjalankan otoritas penuh atas mereka. Pola Komunikasi Keluarga menggambarkan relasi orang tua dan anak dalam dua bentuk, yaitu conformity orientation dan conversation orientation. Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan bagaimana pola komunikasi diterapkan dalam keluarga 10 informan yang berusia 18-25 tahun. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan paradigma interpretif dan metode studi kasus. Peneliti menganalisis data hasil Focus Group Discussion (FGD) secara tematik dan menghasilkan temuan sebagai berikut: 1) kebersamaan dalam keluarga memerlukan komitmen; 2) setiap keluarga memiliki batasan keterbukaan yang berbeda dan keterbukaan tidak selalu terjadi dua arah; 3) orang tua masih berotoritas atas isu jangka panjang atau yang membutuhkan dana besar; 4) memperlakukan anak sebagai orang dewasa merupakan wujud trust dan penghargaan orang tua; 5) relasi antara orang tua menjadi role model kehangatan dalam keluarga; 6) Ayah menjadi sosok penting dalam menciptakan kehangatan

    Rethinking Developmentally Appropriate Concept in Indonesian Picture Bible Story Book

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    In Christian education, inheriting faith values to children since a young age is a pivotal responsibility for parents, the church, and Christian education institutions. According to a previous study, inheriting these values is applied through the tradition of reading illustrated Bible together with parents. In this study, illustrated Bible is not the Bible. It is illustrated literature that contains Bible stories. Using the perspective of Developmentally-Appropriate, the researchers elaborated how illustrated Bible in the marketplace have or have not used the developmentally appropriate concept for young children. This research will be a reference to design illustrated Bible for young children, in the form of printed book or application, and a reference for parents and educators to choose an illustrated children Bible which is appropriate for a child’s age, and for publishers to give age label for children Bible products. Keywords: children Bible, illustrated Bible, developmentally appropriate

    Secuil Kisah Belajar di Tengah Pandemi

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    Meskipun sangat rindu bisa bertatap muka dengan para mahasiswa (bahkan yang suka celometan sekalipun), namun saya tetap bersyukur karena Tuhan berikan saya kesempatan belajar banyak hal baru. Setidaknya sekarang kemampuan teknologi saya bertambah. Saya juga jadi punya kemampuan mengingat suara orang. Dulu menghafal nama saja tidak mudah buat saya. Sekarang saya mulai bisa menebak suara siapa yang sedang bicara (terutama kalau fitur video mereka sedang off). Bersyukur juga karena mahasiswa tetap antusias mengikuti kelas (berharap sampai akhir semester tetap begitu). Bahkan metode daring ini sepertinya membuat mahasiswa yang introvert lebih nyaman untuk bertanya atau memberikan komentar


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    The same event can be reported different by different media. That is what we called media framing. As disclosed Gamson et al. (1992), this time we are surrounded by a world of visualization displayed by the media. The visualization of constructing meaning about various things, including political and social issues the message that we receive is not neutral but shows the power and angle of view of political and economic elite behind the news. The system is built with so genius that the whole process seems so normal and natural that most of the audience is not aware if they had been constructed only see reality, not real. Metro TV and TV one are two national televisions which are opposition in 2014 election. Metro TV, which owned by Surya Palo, supported Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla, while TV one, which part of Bakrie Group, supported Prabowo-Hatta. This research aimed to know those two televisions framing of Jokowi in Corruption Eradication Commision (KPK) vs. Indonesia’s Police Force (Polri) matter. Framing model which used to analyze is Gamson-and-Modigliani. There are two tools in this model, which are framing devices that comprise metaphors, catchphrases, exemplaar, depiction, and visual images; and reasoning devices that comprise roots, appeals to principle, and consequences. The research resulted that the framing of those two televisions are different in the matter mentioned above

    Factors of Public Self-Disclosure via Instagram Stories

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    Openness is an important factor in relationship maintenance. However, excessive self-disclosure can jeopardize the privacy or security of one�s own identity. Therefore, we need to manage the boundaries between private or public information. This privacy management explained by Sandra Petronio in the Communication Privacy Management Theory (CPM). Before the rise of social media, someone usually conveys private information face to face to others who have personal closeness. Yet, social media changes the old manner. Nowadays, someone could share their personal stories (public self-disclosure) to people they haven�t know well. This research was conducted to determine the factors that cause Instagram stories users in five largest cities in Indonesia doing public self-disclosure. Researchers used seven indicators of CPM theory namely: perceived control, privacy awareness, privacy concern, privacy invasion experience, privacy risk, interaction, and tie strength, adapted from Ampong et al. The result shows that users of Instagram stories in Indonesia strongly consider privacy concern factor. However, users do not consider privacy invasion experience factor too much. In addition, researchers found that gender and educational background showed differences of consideration among respondents. Overall, this research shows that Instagram stories users in Indonesia have been managing their personal information according to CPM theory

    The Source and Message Appeal in Perceiving Family Planning Topics

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    The family planning is important issue in Indonesia. The Indonesian government has continuous effort to establish Indonesian healthy families through numerous strategies and tactics over more than 40 years. Fertile-age woman or couple with unmet need become an issue to be tackled with the program. In the rise of information and communication technology and borderless medium, the epicenter of family planning rest on the implementation of multi-mediated and direct communication. Strategic communication is used in determining specific targeted public, and the messages being conveyed. Advertising, digital media, community socialization, and local community centers have been used, by BKKBN (National Family Planning Coordinating Agency), to endorse the ideas of healthier family. Each communication tool is used as a different way of communicating, in this instance different source and messages to appeal the reader. This article used a qualitative thematic analysis, to understand how source of the message and the message appeal contributed on how the recipient perceived family planning topics. The findings conclude three things, 1) the importance of understanding targeted individuals� belief of a health issue, 2) the persuasive message exposure, and 3) the suitable modes of communication in delivering the intended message

    Current Portrayal of Character Education in Indonesian Childrens Books

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    Research studies in the western context indicated that the authors and illustrators have shown effort to depict character education effectively through children�s picture books. Conversely, in Indonesia, only few research studies regarding character education. A study was focused on how to use the books to promote character education. Another research was examining the types of moral values. None of the existed studies investigated approach to depict character education in Indonesia children�s picture books. Using semiotic method, this study indicated that among all significant components of portraying character education, the children�s books missed the two pivotal components, which are visual imagery and semiotic components

    The Meaning of Sharing Information in Citizen Journalism

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    The practice of citizen journalism in an era of freedom and ease of access of information makes citizens as active users of digital media technology. Various mainstream media in Indonesia (pasangmata.detik.com and kompasiana.com) provide websites and citizen journalistic applications to make space for audiences to talk, share information and stories. This study aims to found out how the meaning of sharing information from application media users as a citizen journalistic media. The paradigm of research uses interpretive with the phenomenology method. The data collection technique uses focus group discussion which focuses on the experiences of various actors as research subjects who were directly involved as contributors to information in citizen journalistic media. The results of the study indicate that citizens are interested in sharing information. It usually gives an understanding of something. The information they send was useful for the public interest, such as information about the latest traffic conditions. Besides that, being a contributor helps others in their own way. They gather facts from what they saw themselves, according to the process of producing their own knowledge. Moreover, the interesting thing of being a contributor is being able to give a digital footprint for old age. They were proud to be witnesses of events that dissolve in the event itself. The implication of learning about journalism is that events reported from the perspective of citizens are a form of authentic journalism. Citizen involvement in the editorial space through a smartphone application creates an open and democratic society

    Content Analysis of Journalistic Photo about Election Day in PasangMata.com

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    Abstract- The 2019 general election was an important and interesting moment to document. And documentation in the form of photo journalism can be an important form. Pasangmata.com, as one form of citizen media, facilitates �mata mata� (a call for citizen journalist of PasangMata.com) to produce documentation about anything, including the 2019 general election moment. Of course, as a journalistic product, the journalistic values in a photograph involve informative, factual, human interest and pictorial quality also must be fulfilled. Using the content analysis method of 75 photos on 17 April 2019, it is found that most of the photos fulfilled its informational aspects, yet there is a small number of photos with incomplete informative aspects (11 out of 75 photos). All photos have factual nature and some of them have human interest by highlighting the interesting side as the other side surrounding the 2019 general election. As a citizen journalism practice, PasangMata.com is able to be an extension of the media to capture events / moments around and at once to raise issues that sometimes are not on the mainstream media agenda