77 research outputs found

    Photoelectron Flux Build-Up in the Plasmasphere

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    Processes which confine photoelectrons to the plasmasphere (e.g., collisional backscattering from the thermosphere and magnetic trapping due to pitch angle redistribution through Coulomb collisions in the plasmasphere) tend to increase the steady state photoelectron flux in the plasmasphere above the amplitude level that would otherwise have been attained. Theoretical calculations are presented of steady state photoelectron fluxes in the plasmasphere, for specified atmospheric and ionospheric conditions. (Observational plasma line intensity data for these conditions exist and will be compared elsewhere.) General features of the angular distribution are presented and compared with observations. The transparency of the plasmasphere and the backscattering properties of the thermosphere are investigated. The buildup effect due to collisional backscatter alone is calculated, and the combined buildup effect of pitch angle diffusion and backscatter is estimated. It is found that the inclusion of these effects increases the steady state photoelectron flux amplitude in the plasmasphere by about 50% over the value obtained when the buildup effects are neglected. The calculated steady state photoelectron fluxes in the plasmasphere are in good agreement with the available observations

    Alteridad, etnicidad y racismo en la búsqueda de orígenes de personas adoptadas. El caso de España

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    En España, la búsqueda de orígenes de las personas adoptadas, motivada por la necesidad de comunicar la historia previa a los/las menores provenientes principalmente de China, Rusia, Etiopía y Vietnam, transita entre lo biológico y lo cultural. Las adopciones internacionales introducen en el contexto de la adopción un replanteamiento de las nociones origen e identidad e incorporan las de etnicidad y raza. En este artículo, mediante el análisis crítico de discurso de un trabajo etnográfico, se subraya la importancia de repensar qué se está entendiendo por “orígenes”, tanto institucional como académicamente, y cuáles son las consecuencias —tanto teóricas como metodológicas y prácticas— de esta conceptualización en la construcción de otredad y diferencia en las personas adoptadas, en función de su procedenciaIn Spain, the search for the origins of adopted people, driven by the need to communicate the prior history of minors coming mainly from China, Russia, Ethiopia and Vietnam, moves between the biological and the cultural. International adoptions introduce a rethinking of the notions of origin and identity and incorporate those of ethnicity and race into the context of adoption. In this article, through the critical discourse analysis of an ethnographic paper, we highlight the importance of rethinking what is being understood as “origins”, both institutionally as well as academically, and what are the consequences —both theoretically as well as methodologically and practically— of this conceptualization in the construction of otherness and difference in adopted people, based on their provenance.El presente artículo se inscribe en el Proyecto I+D+i, “Menores migrantes en el arco mediterráneo: movilidad, sistemas de acogida e integración” (DER2017-89623-R), financiado por el Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad del Gobierno de España