350 research outputs found

    What we look at in paintings: A comparison between experienced and inexperienced art viewers

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    How do people look at art? Are there any differences between how experienced and inexperienced art viewers look at a painting? We approach these questions by analyzing and modeling eye movement data from a cognitive art research experiment, where the eye movements of twenty test subjects, ten experienced and ten inexperienced art viewers, were recorded while they were looking at paintings. Eye movements consist of stops of the gaze as well as jumps between the stops. Hence, the observed gaze stop locations can be thought of as a spatial point pattern, which can be modeled by a spatio-temporal point process. We introduce some statistical tools to analyze the spatio-temporal eye movement data, and compare the eye movements of experienced and inexperienced art viewers. In addition, we develop a stochastic model, which is rather simple but fits quite well to the eye movement data, to further investigate the differences between the two groups through functional summary statistics

    Vokaalivartaloiset *lapsea ja *mieheä keskustelupalsta-aineistossa

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    Tiivistelmä. Tutkin vokaalivartaloistumisilmiötä lekseemien lapsi ja mies partitiivimuodoissa. Vokaalivartaloistuminen on käynnissä oleva kielenmuutos, jossa kaksivartaloisten sanojen konsonanttivartalot näyttävät olevan vähitellen väistymässä produktiivisesta kielenkäytöstä. Niiden tilalle nousevat vokaalivartalot. Hankin tutkimusaineistoni Suomi24- ja Ylilauta-palstalta Kielipankin konkordanssihakuohjelma Korpilla. Hakusanoina käytin vokaalivartaloisia partitiivimuotoja lapsea ja mieheä. Tarkastelin muotojen syntaktisia konteksteja sekä vertailin muotojen käyttäytymistä keskenään. Muodolla *lapsea oli aineistossani enemmän erilaisia syntaktisia tehtäviä kuin muodolla *mieheä. Muoto *lapsea myös esiintyi aineistossani useammin kuin *mieheä. Tämä voi tarkoittaa, että lekseemi lapsi on vokaalivartaloistumiskehityksessä pidemmällä kuin mies, sillä norminmukainen partitiivi lasta on harvinaisempi kuin norminmukainen partitiivi miestä. Yleisimmät syntaktiset kontekstit olivat kummallakin muodolla objekti ja adposition täydennys

    Keuhkovaltimoiden pallolaajennus - uusi hoito krooniseen tromboemboliseen pulmonaalihypertensioon

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    • Krooninen tromboembolinen pulmonaalihypertensio huonontaa merkittävästi elämänlaatua. Hoitamattomana se voi johtaa ennenaikaiseen kuolemaan.• Taudin vakiintunut hoitomuoto on kirurginen keuhkovaltimoiden endarterektomia. Lähes puolelle potilaista seei sovi tai tulos jää huonoksi.• Keuhkovaltimoiden pallolaajennus on uusi tehokas hoito osalle potilaista.• TYKS:n Sydänkeskuksessa on tehty keuhkovaltimoiden pallolaajennuksia vuodesta 2016 ja tulokset ovat olleet rohkaisevia.</p

    Changes in operative treatment of tibia fractures in Finland between 2000 and 2018: A nationwide study

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    Introduction:Incidences of different tibia fractures are not well reported. Possible changes in the operative treatment methods have also not been studied. The aim of this nationwide registry study is to determine the incidence of operatively treated tibia fractures and investigate the possible changes in treatment methods in Finland between 2000 and 2018.Methods:All patients aged 16 years or older with operatively treated tibia fractures in Finland from 2000 to 2018 were included. The incidence of operatively treated proximal, diaphyseal, and distal tibia fractures per 100,000 person years by age, sex, mechanism of injury, and study year was calculated. Data were extracted from the Finnish National Hospital Discharge Register.Results:A total of 5996 proximal, 6874 diaphyseal, and 5658 distal tibia fractures were reported during the 18-year study period, resulting in incidences of 7.2/100,000, 8.1/100,000, and 6.9/100,000 person years for operatively treated proximal, diaphyseal, and distal tibia fractures, respectively. Over the study period, a clear change in fixation method in distal tibia fractures was found as plating became popular in the beginning of the 21st century. During the last 5 years of the study period, nailing and plating were equally used.Conclusions:Operatively treated proximal tibia fractures are most common among older females while diaphyseal fractures are most frequent in young male patients. Distal tibia fractures occur most often among middle-aged people.</p

    Assessing the threat of toxic contaminants to early marine survival of Chinook salmon in the Salish Sea

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    Human development of the Salish Sea has resulted in loss and modification of salmonid habitats, including reduced habitat quality due to contaminant inputs, particularly in the lower reaches of rivers and estuaries of the central Puget Sound. Chemical contaminants released into the Salish Sea from anthropogenic sources can reduce the health and productivity of salmon. Juvenile salmon are exposed to contaminants in freshwater, estuarine, and marine habitats but they are particularly vulnernable as they transition from fresh to saltwater because this life history stage is especially sensitive to stressors that may reduce their early marine survival. Reduced growth and disease resistance have been demonstrated for juvenile Chinook salmon exposed to environmentally relevant contaminant levels; however, synoptic, Puget Sound-wide surveys to assess the extent and magnitude of contaminant exposure are lacking. In this study we measured exposure of juvenile Chinook salmon to chemicals of concern that enter Puget Sound via stormwater, wastewater treatment facilities, atmospheric deposition to marine waters, and groundwater. During the spring and summer of 2013, outmigrating fish were sampled from the river mouthes and two adjacent marine shorelines at each of five Puget Sound river-estuary systems: Skagit, Snohomish, Green/Duwamish, Puyallup/Hylebos, and Nisqually. We (1) report the extent and magnitude of exposure, (2) compare exposure in outmigrants across five major river-estuary systems, and (3) evaluate potential effects on marine survival. Results will be used to establish a time series of contaminant conditions in juvenile Chinook salmon to measure the effectiveness of current toxics reductions strategies and actions, inform future pollution reduction efforts, and enhanced recovery of Chinook salmon

    Changes in operative treatment of tibia fractures in Finland between 2000 and 2018 : A nationwide study

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    Introduction: Incidences of different tibia fractures are not well reported. Possible changes in the operative treatment methods have also not been studied. The aim of this nationwide registry study is to determine the incidence of operatively treated tibia fractures and investigate the possible changes in treatment methods in Finland between 2000 and 2018. Methods: All patients aged 16 years or older with operatively treated tibia fractures in Finland from 2000 to 2018 were included. The incidence of operatively treated proximal, diaphyseal, and distal tibia fractures per 100,000 person years by age, sex, mechanism of injury, and study year was calculated. Data were extracted from the Finnish National Hospital Discharge Register. Results: A total of 5996 proximal, 6874 diaphyseal, and 5658 distal tibia fractures were reported during the 18-year study period, resulting in incidences of 7.2/100,000, 8.1/100,000, and 6.9/100,000 person years for operatively treated proximal, diaphyseal, and distal tibia fractures, respectively. Over the study period, a clear change in fixation method in distal tibia fractures was found as plating became popular in the beginning of the 21st century. During the last 5 years of the study period, nailing and plating were equally used. Conclusions: Operatively treated proximal tibia fractures are most common among older females while diaphyseal fractures are most frequent in young male patients. Distal tibia fractures occur most often among middle-aged people.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Sentinel California sea lions provide insight into legacy organochlorine exposure trends and their association with cancer and infectious disease

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    Background: Organochlorine contaminants (OCs), like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs), are widespread marine pollutants resulting from massive historical use and environmental persistence. Exposure to and health effects of these OCs in the marine environment may be examined by studying California sea lions (Zalophus californianus), which are long lived, apex predators capable of accumulating OCs. Methods: We evaluated PCB and DDT levels in 310 sea lions sampled between 1992 and 2007: 204 individuals stranded along the coast of central California, 60 healthy males from Washington State, and 46 healthy females from southern California. Lipid-normalized contaminant concentrations were analyzed using general linear models and logistic regression to ascertain temporal trends; differences between stranded and healthy sea lions; and association of organochlorines with sex, age, and presence of cancer or fatal infectious disease. Results: Concentrations of the contaminants in stranded adults decreased over time in the study period (adjusted for sex, as adult males had higher mean blubber concentrations than adult females and juveniles). Cancer was almost eight and six times more likely in animals with higher summed PCBs and DDTs, compared to those with lower levels (95% CI 5.55-10.51 and 4.54-7.99, respectively). Fatal infectious diseases were similarly seven and five times more likely in animals with higher contaminant burdens (95% CI 4.20-10.89 and 3.27-7.86, respectively). Mean contaminant loads were significantly higher in stranded sea lions than in healthy live captured animals (p b 0.001). Conclusion: Organochlorine contamination has significant associations with health outcomes in California sea lions, raising concerns for humans and other animals eating tainted seafood. While environmental exposure to these organochlorines appears to be decreasing over time based on levels in sea lion tissues, their persistence in the environment and food web for all predators, including humans, and the associated serious health risks, warrant monitoring, possibly through sentinel species like marine mammals

    Nighttime ambulatory pulse pressure predicts cardiovascular and all-cause mortality among middle-aged participants in the 21-year follow-up

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    Office pulse pressure (PP) is a predictor for cardiovascular (CV) events and mortality. Our aim was to evaluate ambulatory PP as a long-term risk factor in a random cohort of middle-aged participants. The Opera study took place in years 1991-1993, with a 24-h ambulatory blood pressure measurement (ABPM) performed to 900 participants. The end-points were non-fatal and fatal CV events, and deaths of all-causes. Follow-up period, until the first event or until the end of the year 2014, was 21.1 years (mean). Of 900 participants, 22.6% died (29.6% of men/15.6% of women, p<.001). A CV event was experienced by 208 participants (23.1%), 68.3% of them were male (p<.001). High nighttime ambulatory PP predicted independently CV mortality (hazard ratio [HR] 2.60; 95% confidence interval [CI 95%] 1.08-6.31, p=.034) and all-cause mortality in the whole population (HR 1.72; Cl 95% 1.06-2.78, p=.028). In males, both 24-h PP and nighttime PP associated with CV mortality and all-cause mortality (24-h PP HR for CV mortality 2.98; CI 95% 1.11-8.04, p=.031 and all-cause mortality HR 2.40; CI 95% 1.32-4.37, p=.004). Accordingly, nighttime PP; HR for CV mortality 3.13; CI 95% 1.14-8.56, p=.026, and for all-cause mortality HR 2.26; CI 95% 1.29-3.96, p=.004. Cox regression analyses were adjusted by sex, CV risk factors, and appropriate ambulatory mean systolic BP. In our study, high ambulatory nighttime PP was detected as a long-term risk factor for CV and all-cause mortality in middle-aged individuals

    Stroke as the First Manifestation of Atrial Fibrillation

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    Atrial fibrillation may remain undiagnosed until an ischemic stroke occurs. In this retrospective cohort study we assessed the prevalence of ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attack as the first manifestation of atrial fibrillation in 3,623 patients treated for their first ever stroke or transient ischemic attack during 2003-2012. Two groups were formed: patients with a history of atrial fibrillation and patients with new atrial fibrillation diagnosed during hospitalization for stroke or transient ischemic attack. A control group of 781 patients with intracranial hemorrhage was compiled similarly to explore causality between new atrial fibrillation and stroke. The median age of the patients was 78.3 [13.0] years and 2,009 (55.5%) were women. New atrial fibrillation was diagnosed in 753 (20.8%) patients with stroke or transient ischemic attack, compared to 15 (1.9%) with intracranial hemorrhage. Younger age and no history of coronary artery disease or other vascular diseases, heart failure, or hypertension were the independent predictors of new atrial fibrillation detected concomitantly with an ischemic event. Thus, ischemic stroke was the first clinical manifestation of atrial fibrillation in 37% of younger (<75 years) patients with no history of cardiovascular diseases. In conclusion, atrial fibrillation is too often diagnosed only after an ischemic stroke has occurred, especially in middle-aged healthy individuals. New atrial fibrillation seems to be predominantly the cause of the ischemic stroke and not triggered by the acute cerebrovascular event

    Mortality after stroke in patients with paroxysmal and chronic atrial fibrillation - The FibStroke study

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    Background: Recent studies have reported that patientswith paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) have lower risk of thromboembolism and better prognosis than patients with chronic AF. We sought to address the differences in ischaemic events in patients with paroxysmal AF and chronic AF.Methods: The FibStroke study is a cross-sectional observational multicenter registry that included AF patients with an ischaemic stroke, TIA (transient ischaemic attack) or intracranial bleed during 2003-2012 identified from discharge registries of four Finnish hospitals. Altogether 1448 patients with paroxysmal and 1808 patients with chronic atrial fibrillation suffered a total of 707 TIA-episodes and 2549 ischaemic strokes.Results: Mortality within 30 days after the index event was significantly lower in patients with paroxysmal AF than with chronic AF (7.6% vs 16.9%, p < 0.01). At the onset of event, 62.8% of the patients with paroxysmal AF were in sinus rhythm, and these patients had better prognosis after the event compared to patients with other rhythmthan sinus rhythm(mortality 5.2% vs 15.7%, p < 0.01). In the propensity score matched analysismortality after stroke was significantly lower in patients with paroxysmal AF than in patients with chronic AF (11.6% vs 17.8%, p < 0.01), while mortality after TIA was also lower, but did not reach statistical significance (0.4% vs 1.7%, p = 0.31).Conclusions: Asignificant proportion of strokes in AF patients occur in patients with paroxysmal AF, but they have better prognosis than patients with chronic AF. The prognosis is also significantly better in patients who are in sinus rhythm at the onset of event.