60 research outputs found

    Organic ligands improve the reactivity of aluminosilicate precursors and accelerate AAM hardening

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    Alkali-activated mineral wools

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    Mineral wools –a general term for stone wool and glass wool– are the most common building insulation materials in the world. The amount of mineral wool waste generated in Europe totaled 2.3 Mt in 2010 – including wastes from mineral wool production and from construction and demolition industry. Unfortunately, mineral wools are often unrecyclable due to their fibrous nature (Figure 1) and low density. Thus, the utilization of mineral wool waste in post-consumer products remains low. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Utilization of sulphidic mine tailings in alkali-activated materials

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    Disposal of mine tailings is one of the most important environmental issues during the mining lifetime. Especially sulphidic tailings can cause environmental and ecological risks because of their tendency to oxidize in the presence of water or air. Because of small particle size and harmful chemical properties, utilization possibilities of sulphidic mine tailings are limited. The aim of the present study was to develop technologies to utilize sulphidic mine tailings in alkali activated materials. Alkali-activated materials also known as geopolymers are nanosized zeolite type or slightly amorphous materials comparable to traditional Portland cement concrete, which can physically encapsulate or chemically stabilize the hazardous elements such as heavy metals into the 3D structure. Mine tailing based geopolymer aggregates were successfully produced from sulphidic mine tailings with good physical properties. The geopolymer aggregates performed as a concrete aggregate comparable to commercial lightweight aggregates. In addition, geopolymer mortars were prepared from mine tailings. In mortar application, there is a need to add some co-binder such as blast furnace slag in order to achieve high strength for the material. The mine tailing based geopolymer structure has an ability to stabilize a large number of cationic species into the structure while some anionic species were not able to immobilize by alkaline activation

    Characterization of an aged alkali-activated slag roof tile after 30 years of exposure to Northern Scandinavian weather

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    Alkali-activated materials (AAMs) have been known as an alternative cementitious binder in construction for more than 120 years. Several buildings utilizing AAMs were realized in Europe in the 1950s–1980s. During the last 30 years, the interest towards AAMs has been reinvigorated due to the potentially lower CO2 footprint in comparison to Portland cement. However, one often-raised issue with AAMs is the lack of long-term studies concerning durability in realistic conditions. In the present study, we examined a roof tile, which was prepared from alkali-activated blast furnace slag mortar and exposed to harsh Northern Scandinavian weather conditions in Turku, Finland, for approximately 30 years. Characterization of this roof tile provides unique and crucial information about the changes occurring during AAM lifetime. The results obtained with a suite of analytical techniques indicate that the roof tile had maintained excellent durability properties with little sign of structural disintegration in real-life living lab conditions, and thus provide in part assurance that AAM-based binders can be safely adopted in harsh climates. The phase assemblage and nanostructural characterization results reported here further elucidate the long-term changes occurring in AAMs and provide reference points for accelerated durability tests and thermodynamic modelling

    Digitaalisuusasteen kartoittaminen sekä digitaalisen asiakaskokemuksen kehittäminen : Case Lapin Muistiyhdistys ry

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    Opinnäytetyössä kartoitettiin Lapin muistiyhdistys ry:n digitaalisuusaste, sekä selvitettiin, millä tavoin Covid-19 on vaikuttanut yhdistyksen toimintaan ja millä keinoin pandemia on otettu huomioon digitaalisuuden näkökulmasta. Lapin muistiyhdistys ry sijaitsee Rovaniemellä. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin Lapin muistiyhdistyksen asiantuntijoiden sekä muistisairaiden lähiomaisten näkemystä yhdistyksen tämänhetkisestä digitaalisesta tarjonnasta sekä ominaisuuksista. Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli saada laajasti tietoa molempien osapuolten näkökulmista haastatteluilla ja kyselyillä ja vertailemalla tuloksia sekä hyödyntää internetin tarjoamaa aineistoa. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää Muistiyhdistyksen digitaalisuusaste sekä mahdollisesti pyrkiä helpottamaan yhdistyksen toimintaa digitaalisilla kehitysehdotuksilla, joita pyrittiin löytämään kerätyn aineiston perusteella. Tutkimustulosten avulla saatiin selvyys päätutkimus kysymykseen sekä ehdotetaan mahdollisesti tutkimuksessa ilmenneitä digitaalisia kehitysehdotuksia. Tutkimuskysymysten vastauksista pystyi toteamaan, että Lapin muistiyhdistyksen digitaalisuusaste oli erinomaisella tasolla ja tarvetta suurille digitaalisille muutoksille ei ollut.The thesis has surveyed the level of digitalization of Lapin Muistiyhdistys ry (Lapland Memory association) and explain how Covid-19 has affected the association's operations and the ways the global pandemic has forced individuals and organizations to reconsider things from a digital perspective. Lapin Muistiyhdistys ry is located in Rovaniemi, and I worked for the Muistiyhdistys for about a year and a half before I started my studies at Lapland University of Applied Sciences, so I was already familiar with the association. Lapin Muistiyhdistys offers free rehabilitation and counselling to people who suffer from memory conditions and to their caregivers. Lapin Muistiyhdistys ry operates in the form of various rehabilitation groups, events and peer support. In this thesis I have analysed the views of the professionals in Lapin Muistiyhdistys and the close relatives of people with memory problems regarding the association's current digital form and features. To discover a solution to the question, I have obtained extensive information about the perspectives of both selected parties through interviews and surveys and by comparing their results, as well as utilizing various Internet sources. The purpose of the thesis was to uncover the degree of digitalization within the Muistiyhdistys and to try to facilitate the association's digital operations with development proposals, which were formulated from the answers given in the interviews and the surveys based on the collected data. From the collected data, it was possible to state that the digital level of Lapin Muistiyhdistys was at an exquisite level and there was no need for significant digital improvements

    Utilization of Mineral Wools as Alkali-Activated Material Precursor

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    Mineral wools are the most common insulation materials in buildings worldwide. However, mineral wool waste is often considered unrecyclable because of its fibrous nature and low density. In this paper, rock wool (RW) and glass wool (GW) were studied as alkali-activated material precursors without any additional co-binders. Both mineral wools were pulverized by a vibratory disc mill in order to remove the fibrous nature of the material. The pulverized mineral wools were then alkali-activated with a sodium aluminate solution. Compressive strengths of up to 30.0 MPa and 48.7 MPa were measured for RW and GW, respectively, with high flexural strengths measured for both (20.1 MPa for RW and 13.2 MPa for GW). The resulting alkali-activated matrix was a composite-type in which partly-dissolved fibers were dispersed. In addition to the amorphous material, sodium aluminate silicate hydroxide hydrate and magnesium aluminum hydroxide carbonate phases were identified in the alkali-activated RW samples. The only crystalline phase in the GW samples was sodium aluminum silicate. The results of this study show that mineral wool is a very promising raw material for alkali activation

    Surface layer alteration of multi-oxide silicate glasses at a near-neutral pH in the presence of citric and tartaric acid

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    Abstract This study aimed at determining the chemical alterations occurring at the surface of multi-oxide silicate glasses in the presence of organic ligands─citrate and tartrate─at a near-neutral pH. Batch surface titration experiments for basaltic glass and blast furnace slag (BFS) were conducted in the range of 6.4 < pH < 8 to investigate the element release, and speciation and solid phase saturation were modeled with PHREEQC software. Surface sensitive XPS and zeta potential measurements were used to characterize the alterations occurring on the surface. The results show that, while Al/Si and Fe/Si surface molar ratios of the raw materials increase at a near-neutral pH, the presence of organic ligands prevents the accumulation of Al and Fe on the surface and increases their concentration in the solution, particularly at pH 6.4. The Al- and Fe-complexing ligands decrease the effective concentration of these cations in the solution, consequently decreasing the surface cation/Si ratio, which destabilizes the silicate surface and increases the extent of dissolution by 300% within the 2 h experiment. Based on the thermodynamic modeling, 1:1 metal-to-ligand complexes are the most prevalent aqueous species under these experimental conditions. Moreover, changes in Ca/Si and Mg/Si surface ratios are observed in the presence of organic ligands; the direction of the change depends on the type of ligand and pH. The coordination of Al and Fe on the surface is different depending on the ligand and pH. This study provides a detailed description of the compositional changes occurring between the surface of multi-oxide silicate materials and the solution in the presence of citrate and tartrate. The surface layer composition is crucial not only for understanding and controlling the dissolution of these materials but also for determining the activated surface complexes and secondary minerals that they evolve into

    Alkali activation-granulation of fluidized bed combustion fly ashes

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    Abstract Biomass, such as wood, binds CO2 as it grows, and is thus considered an environmentally friendly alternative fuel to replace coal. In Finland, biomass is typically co-combusted with peat, and also municipal waste is becoming more common as a fuel for power plants. Wood, peat and waste-based fuels are typically burned in fluidized bed combustion (FBC) boilers. Ash is the inorganic, incombustible residue resulting from combustion. The annual production of biomass and peat ash in Finland is 600 000 tonnes, and this amount is likely to increase in the future, since the use of coal for energy production will be discontinued during the 2020s. Unfortunately, FBC ash is still largely unutilized at the moment and is mainly dumped in landfills. The general aim of this thesis was to generate information which could potentially improve the utilization of FBC ash by alkali activation. The specific objective was to produce geopolymer aggregates by means of a simultaneous alkali activation-granulation process. It was shown that geopolymer aggregates with physical properties comparable to commercial lightweight expanded clay aggregates (LECAs) can be produced from FBC fly ash containing heavy metals. Although the ashes were largely unreactive and no new crystalline phases were formed by alkali activation, a new amorphous phase was observed in the XRD patterns, possibly representing micron-sized calcium aluminate silicate hydrate-type gels. The heavy metal immobilization efficiency of alkali activation varied with the type of fly ash. Good stabilization was generally obtained for cationic metals such as Ba, Pb and Zn, but in common with the results obtained with alkali activation of coal fly ash, anionic metals became leachable after alkali activation. The efficiency of immobilization depended on the physical and chemical properties of the fly ash and was not related to the total content of the element. All the geopolymer aggregates met the criteria for a lightweight aggregate (LWA) as defined by EN standard 13055-1. Their strength depended on the reactivity and particle size distribution of the fly ash. Mortars and concretes prepared with such geopolymer aggregates had higher mechanical strength, higher dynamic modulus of elasticity and higher density than concrete produced with commercial LECA, while exhibiting similar rheology and workability.Tiivistelmä Biopolttoaineet, esimerkiksi puu, ovat ympäristöystävällinen vaihtoehto kivihiilelle, koska ne sitovat hiilidioksidia kasvaessaan. Suomessa biopolttoaineita poltetaan tyypillisesti turpeen kanssa, ja nykyään myös jätteen hyödyntäminen polttoaineena on yleistynyt. Puu, turve ja jätepolttoaineet poltetaan tyypillisesti leijupetipoltto-tekniikalla. Tuhka on polton epäorgaaninen, palamaton jäännös. Puun ja turpeen tuhkaa tuotetaan Suomessa 600 000 tonnia vuodessa ja määrän odotetaan kasvavan, sillä kivihiilen poltto lopetetaan 2020-luvulla. Leijupetipolton tuhkaa ei tällä hetkellä juurikaan hyödynnetä ja tuhka päätyykin pääasiassa kaatopaikoille. Tämän tutkielman päämääränä oli tuottaa tietoa, joka parantaisi leijupetipolton tuhkien hyödyntämistä alkali-aktivaatiolla. Erityisesti tavoitteena oli valmistaa geopolymeeriaggregaatteja yhtäaikaisella alkali-aktivaatiolla ja rakeistuksella. Tutkielmassa osoitettiin, että raskasmetalleja sisältävistä tuhkista valmistettujen geopolymeeriaggregaattien fysikaaliset ominaisuudet ovat vertailukelpoiset kaupallisten kevytsora-aggregaattien (LECA) kanssa. Vaikka tuhkien reaktiivisuus oli matala, ja uusia kidefaaseja ei muodostunut alkaliaktivaatiolla, uusi amorfinen faasi havaittiin XRD-mittauksissa. Uusi amorfinen faasi oli mahdollisesti mikrometrikokoluokan kalsium-aluminaatti-silikaatti-hydraatti-tyyppinen rakenne. Raskasmetallien stabiloinnin tehokkuus vaihteli tuhkien välillä. Kationiset metallit, kuten barium, lyijy ja sinkki, stabiloituivat pääasiassa hyvin, mutta anionisten metallin liukoisuus kasvoi alkali-aktivoinnin myötä. Stabiloinnin tehokkuus riippui tuhkien fysikaalisista ja kemiallisista ominaisuuksista, mutta raskasmetallin kokonaispitoisuudella ei ollu vaikutusta. Kaikki geopolymeeriaggregaatit olivat kevytsora-aggregaatteja standardin EN 13055-1 mukaisesti. Aggregaattien lujuus riippui tuhkan reaktiivisuudesta ja partikkelikokojakaumasta. Geopolymeeriaggregaateilla valmistettujen laastien ja betonien mekaaninen lujuus, Youngin moduuli ja tiheys olivat korkeampia kuin kaupallisella kevytsora-aggregaateilla valmistetut, vaikka niiden reologia ja työstettävyys olivat samanlaisia

    Utilization of Mineral Wools as Alkali-Activated Material Precursor

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    Mineral wools are the most common insulation materials in buildings worldwide. However, mineral wool waste is often considered unrecyclable because of its fibrous nature and low density. In this paper, rock wool (RW) and glass wool (GW) were studied as alkali-activated material precursors without any additional co-binders. Both mineral wools were pulverized by a vibratory disc mill in order to remove the fibrous nature of the material. The pulverized mineral wools were then alkali-activated with a sodium aluminate solution. Compressive strengths of up to 30.0 MPa and 48.7 MPa were measured for RW and GW, respectively, with high flexural strengths measured for both (20.1 MPa for RW and 13.2 MPa for GW). The resulting alkali-activated matrix was a composite-type in which partly-dissolved fibers were dispersed. In addition to the amorphous material, sodium aluminate silicate hydroxide hydrate and magnesium aluminum hydroxide carbonate phases were identified in the alkali-activated RW samples. The only crystalline phase in the GW samples was sodium aluminum silicate. The results of this study show that mineral wool is a very promising raw material for alkali activation

    Development of sustainable alkali-activated mortars using Fe-rich fayalitic slag as the sole solid precursor

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    Abstract Vast amounts of water-cooled non-ferrous metallurgy slags are generated yearly, and significant amounts are unutilized or dumped in landfills. To address this issue, in this study, MgO-FeOx-SiO₂ fayalitic slag (FS) was used as the sole solid precursor (as an aggregate and binder) in alkali-activated mortars. The performance of the mortar samples was analyzed in terms of workability, density, compressive strength, and ultrasonic pulse velocity. The microstructural properties and binder composition of the samples were studied using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). Experimental results revealed that mortar samples made with FS aggregates performed better, achieving a 28-day compressive strength of 21 MPa compared to mortars produced with standard sand aggregates, which gained compressive strengths of 9 MPa. Further optimization of the particle size distribution of FS aggregate-based mortar samples using particle packing technology improved the workability, densified the mortar and yielded a mechanical performance of up to 40 MPa. FS aggregates have better interfacial bonding with the binder gel compared to standard sand, and the FS aggregates participate in the hardening reactions, consequently affecting the final binder phase composition, which consists of a Na₂O-Fe₂O₃-SiO₂ gel with lower quantities of CaO, MgO, and Al₂O₃. Therefore, the alkali-activated mortars produced based on the optimization of fully recycled industrial residues can provide a pathway for the sole utilization of metallurgical by-products, which can have a wide range of structural applications