16 research outputs found

    Sampling Mechanism for Low Gravity Bodies

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    In future exploration missions to low gravity bodies (e.g. a Mars moon or a near-Earth asteroid) it is planned to collect more than 100 grams of soil and return them to Earth. In previous studies several sampling tools have been proposed but there is no single sampling technology for low-gravity bodies that has been specifically conceived to provide the ability to collect material in any envisaged situation. Low gravity bodies present indeed peculiar conditions which need to be taken into account during the design and test of sampling and sample handling systems. Primarily, the very reduced gravity limits the thrust reaction capability in support to drilling operations; and, although reactions can be achieved by spacecraft anchoring or by thrust reversal, these operative conditions could limit the effectiveness of the sampling action. An alternative solution is the exploitation of the forces naturally arising from Spacecraft momentum inversion, which can be achieved by ‘touch and go’ techniques (as e.g. performed in Hayabusa mission). Although the small duration of the contact with the soil would anyhow limit the sampling depth and the collectable soil types, a properly designed sampling system would require to conclude the operation with a great effectiveness. In the last three years an ESA founded study has been carried on and a fully functional sampling mechanism for "touch and go" sampling on a low-gravity body has been selected, designed and breadboarded. Based on the results of several Proof-Of-Principle models tested on different types of specimen and after the analysis performed on a dynamic simulation model for the sampling action, a device implementing the most promising sampling technique has been designed and manufactured. It has been then tested under ambient conditions using various kinds of asteroid soil stimulants. The proposed paper will resume the key aspects and the main achievements of the study