35 research outputs found

    Emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds from adjacent boreal fen and bog as impacted by vegetation composition

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    Peatland ecosystems emit biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC), which have a net cooling impact on the climate. However, the quality and quantity of BVOC emissions, and how they are regulated by vegetation and peatland type remain poorly understood. Here we measured BVOC emissions with dynamic enclosures from two major boreal peatland types, a minerotrophic fen and an ombrotrophic bog situated in Siikaneva, southern Finland and experimentally assessed the role of vegetation by removing vascular vegetation with or without the moss layer. Our measurements from four campaigns during growing seasons in 2017 and 2018 identified emissions of 59 compounds from nine different chemical groups. Isoprene accounted for 81 % of BVOC emissions. Measurements also revealed uptake of dichloromethane. Total BVOC emissions and the emissions of isoprene, monoterpenoids, sesquiterpenes, homoterpenes, and green leaf volatiles were tightly con-nected to vascular plants. Isoprene and sesquiterpene emissions were associated with sedges, whereas monoterpenoids and homoterpenes were associated with shrubs. Additionally, isoprene and alkane emissions were higher in the fen than in the bog and they significantly contributed to the higher BVOC emissions from intact vegetation in the fen. During an ex-treme drought event in 2018, emissions of organic halides were absent. Our results indicate that climate change with an increase in shrub cover and increased frequency of extreme weather events may have a negative impact on total BVOC emissions that otherwise are predicted to increase in warmer temperatures. However, these changes also accompanied a change in BVOC emission quality. As different compounds differ in their capacity to form secondary organic aerosols, the ultimate climate impact of peatland BVOC emissions may be altered.Peer reviewe

    Biotic stress accelerates formation of climate-relevant aerosols in boreal forests

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    Boreal forests are a major source of climate-relevant biogenic secondary organic aerosols (SOAs) and will be greatly influenced by increasing temperature. Global warming is predicted to not only increase emissions of reactive biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) from vegetation directly but also induce large-scale insect outbreaks, which significantly increase emissions of reactive BVOCs. Thus, climate change factors could substantially accelerate the formation of biogenic SOAs in the troposphere. In this study, we have combined results from field and laboratory experiments, satellite observations and global-scale modelling in order to evaluate the effects of insect herbivory and large-scale outbreaks on SOA formation and the Earth's climate. Field measurements demonstrated 11-fold and 20-fold increases in monoterpene and sesquiterpene emissions respectively from damaged trees during a pine sawfly (Neodiprion sertifer) outbreak in eastern Finland. Laboratory chamber experiments showed that feeding by pine weevils (Hylobius abietis) increased VOC emissions from Scots pine and Norway spruce seedlings by 10-50 fold, resulting in 200-1000-fold increases in SOA masses formed via ozonolysis. The influence of insect damage on aerosol concentrations in boreal forests was studied with a global chemical transport model GLOMAP and MODIS satellite observations. Global-scale modelling was performed using a 10-fold increase in monoterpene emission rates and assuming 10% of the boreal forest area was experiencing outbreak. Results showed a clear increase in total particulate mass (local max. 480 %) and cloud condensation nuclei concentrations (45 %). Satellite observations indicated a 2-fold increase in aerosol optical depth over western Canada's pine forests in August during a bark beetle outbreak. These results suggest that more frequent insect outbreaks in a warming climate could result in substantial increase in biogenic SOA formation in the boreal zone and, thus, affect both aerosol direct and indirect forcing of climate at regional scales. The effect of insect outbreaks on VOC emissions and SOA formation should be considered in future climate predictions.Peer reviewe