6,327 research outputs found

    Volcanic deformation and degassing:the role of volatile exsolution and magma compressibility

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    Integrating multi-parameter observations of volcanic processes is crucial for volcano monitoring. Qualitative models demonstrate that combining observations of volcanic deformation, gas emissions, and other parameters enhances the detection of volcanic unrest and provide insights into the magma plumbing system. Despite the progress made in this field, quantitative models that link these observations are still lacking. Thermodynamic models have been used to constrain the characteristics of magma properties and its plumbing system. In this thesis, I develop models based on melt inclusion data and thermodynamics to reconstruct magma properties such as compressibility, and investigate how magmatic volatile content and magma storage conditions influence observations of volcanic deformation and SO2 degassing.By comparing mafic systems in arc and ocean island settings, I provide evidence for the lack of deformation observed during water-rich arc eruptions. In contrast, despite having low magmatic volatile content, ocean island eruptions have high SO2 emissions due to their high diffusivity, which results in co-eruptive degassing. By comparing model predictions and observations, I show that all magmatic systems experience a certain degree of outgassing prior to an eruption, consistent with current conceptual models of transcrustal magmatic systems. Additionally, integrating time series of deformation, degassing, and extrusion flux can reveal the evolution of magma properties. Using this framework, I provide evidence for the increase in bulk magma compressibility following the removal of the degassed magma during the 2004 eruption of Mount St. Helens. This study contributes to the better understanding of the effects of magmatic volatile content and pre-eruptive gas segregation on the physicochemical properties of magma, and provides a framework for modelling magma properties that can be applied to global volcano monitoring.</div

    Josephson Current between Triplet and Singlet Superconductors

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    The Josephson effect between triplet and singlet superconductors is studied. Josephson current can flow between triplet and singlet superconductors due to the spin-orbit coupling in the spin-triplet superconductor but it is finite only when triplet superconductor has Lz=Sz=±1L_z=-S_z=\pm 1, where LzL_z and SzS_z are the perpendicular components of orbital angular momentum and spin angular momentum of the triplet Cooper pairs, respectively. The recently observed temperature and orientational dependence of the critical current through a Josephson junction between UPt3_3 and Nb is investigated by considering a non-unitary triplet state.Comment: 4 pages, no figure

    Multifocal High-Grade Pancreatic Precursor Lesions: A Case Series and Management Recommendations

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    Background: The risk of developing invasive cancer in the remnant pancreas after resection of multifocal high-grade pancreatic precursor lesions is not well known. We report three patients who were followed up after resection of multifocal high-grade pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN)-3 or intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasia (IPMN), two of whom eventually developed invasive carcinoma. Presentation: 1) 68-year-old woman who had a laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy for multifocal mixed-type IPMN, identified as high-grade on final pathology, with negative surgical margins. During semiannual monitoring, eight years from the first surgery, the patient developed suspicious features prompting surgical resection of the body with final pathology revealing invasive ductal adenocarcinoma in the setting of IPMN. 2) 48-year-old woman who had a distal pancreatectomy for severe acute/chronic symptomatic pancreatitis, with final pathology revealing multifocal high-grade PanIN-3, with negative surgical margins. Despite semiannual monitoring, two years from the first surgery, the patient developed pancreatic adenocarcinoma with liver metastasis. 3) 55-year-old woman who had a Whipple procedure for symptomatic chronic pancreatitis, with multifocal PanIN-3 on final pathology. The patient underwent completion pancreatectomy due to symptomatology and her high-risk profile, with final pathology confirming multifocal PanIN-3. Conclusion: Multifocal high-grade dysplastic lesions of the pancreas might benefit from surgical resection

    Checking the healthiness of commitment profile from its prediction of burnout

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    Abstract no. 443This paper examines the commitment profiles of Hong Kong Chinese architecture students with the 3-factor model of professional commitment and its impact on burnout. The Chinese version of Maslach Burnout Inventory – Student Survey and adapted version of Occupational Commitment Questionnaire are administered to measure burnout and commitment profile. Multiple regression models are performed with burnout dimensions as dependent variables, the three facets of commitment, namely affective, continuance and normative commitment, as independent variables, and demographic variables as controlling variables. The findings are consistent across different models that continuance commitment is positively, affective and normative commitment negatively, associated with burnout. The study suggests, from its relationship with burnout, a healthy commitment profile is composed of more affective and normative commitments and less continuance commitment in the population of architecture students. Architectural schools are advised to be more aware of the types of commitments encouraged in their curriculum and pedagogy.postprintThe 18th CIB World Building Congress 2010 on Building a Better World, Salford, U.K., 10-13 May 2010. In Proceedings of the CIB 2010, 2010, p. 276-28

    Electronic State and Magnetic Susceptibility in Orbitally Degenerate (J=5/2) Periodic Anderson Model

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    Magnetic susceptibility in a heavy fermion systemis composed of the Pauli term (\chi_P) and the Van-Vleck term (\chi_V). The latter comes from the interband excitation, where f-orbital degeneracy is essential. In this work, we study \chi_P and \chi_V in the orbitally degenerate (J=5/2) periodic Anderson model for both the metallic and insulating cases. The effect of the correlation between f-electrons is investigated using the self-consistent second-order perturbation theory. The main results are as follows. (i) Sixfold degenerate model: both \chi_P and \chi_V are enhanced by a factor of 1/z (z is the renormalization constant). (ii) Nondegenerate model: only \chi_P is enhanced by 1/z. Thus, orbital degeneracy is indispensable for enhancement of \chi_V. Moreover, orbital degeneracy reduces the Wilson ratio and stabilizes a nonmagnetic Fermi liquid state.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. (No.8

    Asymmetric Fermi superfluid in a harmonic trap

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    We consider a dilute two-component atomic fermion gas with unequal populations in a harmonic trap potential using the mean field theory and the local density approximation. We show that the system is phase separated into concentric shells with the superfluid in the core surrounded by the normal fermion gas in both the weak-coupling BCS side and near the Feshbach resonance. In the strong-coupling BEC side, the composite bosons and left-over fermions can be mixed. We calculate the cloud radii and compare axial density profiles systemically for the BCS, near resonance and BEC regimes.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    The effect of test system misalignment in the dynamic tension test

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    The effects of test system misalignment are analyzed for dynamic tension tests using sheet type rectangular 1100-0 aluminum specimens. The strain rate is assumed constant only on the natural axis of the specimen even though the specimen is subjected to a constant strain rate test. The results include: (1) the lower the strain rate, the more significant the misalignment errors become; (2) misalignment errors of 50% are found at the extreme fibers of the specimen; (3) the strain rate variation in the cross section decreases with increasing plastic strain and vanishes at plastic strain equal to 0.8% at the midspan of the specimen; and (4) the neutral axis shifts toward the centerline of the specimen as the plastic strain increases, but it reaches a limit and does not completely move back to the centerline

    The role of pre-eruptive gas segregation on co-eruptive deformation and SO2 emissions

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    The presence of exsolved gas bubbles influences measurements of both volcanic surface deformation and SO2 emissions. In a closed-system, exsolved volatiles remain within the melt but in an open-system, the decoupled gas phase can either outgas or accumulate, leading to large variations magmatic gas fraction. Here we investigate the role of gas volume fraction and gas segregation processes on magma properties and co-eruptive monitoring data. First we use thermodynamic models of gas exsolution to model gas volume fraction and magma compressibility, and use these to calculate SO2 emissions and co-eruptive volume change. We find that volume change is equally sensitive to magma compressibility and chamber compressibility over realistic parameters ranges, and both must be considered when interpreting surface deformation data. Reservoir depth and magma composition are the dominant controls on gas volume fraction, but the initial content of H2O and S have strong influences on volume change and SO2 emissions, respectively. Pre-eruptive gas accumulation produces increased SO2 emissions and muted co-eruptive deformation, while degassing has the opposite effect. We then compare our models to a compilation of data from 20 recent eruptions where measurements of volume change, SO2 emissions and erupted volume are available. To the first order, shallow reservoirs produce smaller volume changes per volume erupted and silica-poor magmas yield greater co-eruptive volume changes than silica-rich systems, consistent with closed system degassing.  Co-eruptive degassing causes high SO2 emissions during effusive eruptions. Comparison between model predictions and observations suggests that all magmatic systems experience a certain degree of outgassing prior to an eruption. Our findings are consistent with current conceptual models of transcrustal magmatic systems consisting of heterogeneous mixtures of gas and melt and have important implications for the interpretation of surface deformation and SO2 emission signals at all stages of the eruption cycle.

    Materials, photophysics and device engineering of perovskite light-emitting diodes

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    Here we provide a comprehensive review of a newly developed lighting technology based on metal halide perovskites (i.e. perovskite light-emitting diodes) encompassing the research endeavours into materials, photophysics and device engineering. At the outset we survey the basic perovskite structures and their various dimensions (namely three-, two- and zero-dimensional perovskites), and demonstrate how the compositional engineering of these structures affects the perovskite light-emitting properties. Next, we turn to the physics underpinning photo- and electroluminescence in these materials through their connection to the fundamental excited states, energy/charge transport processes and radiative and non-radiative decay mechanisms. In the remainder of the review, we focus on the engineering of perovskite light-emitting diodes, including the history of their development as well as an extensive analysis of contemporary strategies for boosting device performance. Key concepts include balancing the electron/hole injection, suppression of parasitic carrier losses, improvement of the photoluminescence quantum yield and enhancement of the light extraction. Overall, this review reflects the current paradigm for perovskite lighting, and is intended to serve as a foundation to materials and device scientists newly working in this field