28 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the knowledge level and usage attitudes of the medical students on the medicinal herbs and herbal products: a project of special study module in the first three years of the school of medicine

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    Background: In this survey, it was aimed to determine the types of medicinal herbs and herbal products, reasons of use and consciousness levels among the medical students in the first three years of the School of Medicine.Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive questionnaire consisting of 50 questions was applied to all the students in the first three years of Dokuz Eylül University School of Medicine between September 1, 2016 and June 1, 2017.Results: The results of 571 participating students were evaluated. Of these students, 301 (52.7%) were females and 270 (47.3%) were males. It was found that 73.4% (n=419) of the students used these products for treatment and mostly consumed linden, sage tea, mint and rosehip. Also, 11.6% of the students had chronic diseases (n=66). It was determined that 69.7% (n=46) of these students having chronic diseases used medicinal herbs and herbal products. Only 12.0% of the students had an opinion about the legal regulations regarding the use of herbs and herbal products in Turkey, while 39.7% of them had no idea, and 48.3% stated that such regulations on this matter were unreasonable. However, 59.7% of the respondents stated that legal regulations were necessary. It was found that the participating students used herbs and herbal products generally for therapeutic purposes without having sufficient knowledge about medicinal herbs; therefore it was necessary to increase their level of consciousness.Conclusions: Medical students neither have adequate medical information about medicinal herbs and herbal products, nor about the regulations on these products. It is crucial to revise the courses in the medical education so that the students would get informed about the regulations as well as potential risks of herbal plants while still in the medical schools

    Zehir danışma merkezleri için bir istatistiksel bilgi sistemi

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    Zehir danışma merkezleri (ZDM) zehirli veya tehlikeli maddelere maruz kalma durumlarında telefon ile acil ücretsiz uzman yardımı sağlayan modern sağlık birimleridir. ZDM'lerin amacı zehirlenme olgularında uygulanması gereken tedavi yöntemi hakkında ve ilaçların etkin ve güvenli kullanımı konularında doğru, güncel, kapsamlı ve hızlı bilgilendirme hizmeti sağlamaktır. ZDM'lerin bir başka önemli görevi de verdikleri eğitim ve yaptıkları araştırmalar ile hizmet verdikleri alanların gelişmesine katkıda bulunmaktır. Bu çalışmada bilgi sistemleri ve zehir danışma merkezleri hakkında verilen bilgilerden sonra zehir danışma merkezleri için geliştirilen istatistiksel bilgi sistemi tanıtılmıştır. Geliştirilen sistemin yapısı, geliştirme süreçleri ve bilgi sistemini oluşturan bileşenler açıklanmıştır. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İlaç ve Zehir Danışma Merkezi tarafından 1993 yılından bu yana toplanılan veriler geliştirilen bilgi sistemine aktarılmıştır. Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İlaç ve Zehir Danışma Merkezi'ne 2007 yılında bildirilen zehirlenme olgularının etyolojik, demografik ve klinik özelliklerinin araştırıldığı 2007 raporu da bu tez çalışması kapsamında sunulmuştur. Son olarak yapılan çalışma hakkında değerlendirmelerde bulunulmuş ileri çalışmalar konusunda öneriler yapılmıştır. A poison control center (PCC) is a modern health service unit that is able to provide immediate, free, and expert treatment advice and assistance over the telephone in case of exposure to poisonous or hazardous substances. The aims of PCC are to provide guidance for treatment strategies by giving right, current and comprehensive information rapidly in case of poisoning and to promote the safe, effective and proper use of medicines. Another major task of PCC is to disseminate and develop knowledge in these areas through teaching and research. In this study, after giving general information about information systems and poison control centers, the statistical information system being developed for poison control centers (SISPCC) has been presented. Development stages and structure of the developed system have been explained. The modules of the information system have been presented. Consequent to the entry into the developed information system of the collected data by Dokuz Eylül University Drug and Poison Information Center (DPIC) since 1993, results of the 2007 annual report have been given. This report analyzed the etiological, demographical and clinical characteristics of exposures reported to the DPIC in 2007. And finally, conclusion and some suggestions for further research were given


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    Bootstrap methodology is a modern statistical tool which enables us makin g statistical inference when the sampling distribution of the estimator is not known. Although the underlying idea is the same in all bootstrap methods, one might come across so many variations in tthe literature. In this study, the coverage accuracy of four most commonly used bootstrap confidence interval methods was assessed for various asymmetr c and heavy tailed distributions with an exh austive Monte Carlo simulation. In most of the cases, it has been found that the coverage accuracy of bootstrap percentile method is close to nominal for robust estimators of location