238 research outputs found

    Investigating Asymmetries in Macroeconomic Aggregates of Central and Eastern European Economies

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    This study examines the asymmetric behavior of macroeconomic aggregates for Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania by employing Triples test of Randles et al. (1980). The results reveal that while most of the macroeconomic series for Bulgaria and Croatia are characterized by asymmetric behavior; comparatively, a small number of series for Romania were found to be asymmetric. The results imply that policy-makers and researchers should be cautious when forecasting these series and making inferences using linear econometric methodologies since linear models are not capable of generating asymmetric fluctuations.asymmetry, Central and Eastern European countries, deepness, steepness

    Are Unemployment Rates Nonstationary or Nonlinear? Evidence from 19 OECD Countries

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    This study investigates the stationarity and linearity properties of unemployment rates in 17 OECD countries. We use a new unit root test developed by Kapetanios, Shin and Snell (2003) (KSS) which tests the joint null hypothesis of linearity and a unit root against a nonlinear stationary process. We reject the null hypothesis of a linear unit root so find evidence in support of the natural rate of unemployment for Belgium, Korea, Switzerland, USA, Netherlands and Poland and we unable to reject the null hypothesis of hysteresis for Australia, Austria, Canada, Finland, Germany, Japan, Luxembourg, Norway, Slovak Republic and Turkey according to the KSS test results.unemployment rates


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    The main aim of this paper is to examine the validity of the purchasing power parity (PPP) hypothesis for eight Central and Eastern European countries using both Kapetanios et al. (KSS) and rolling-KSS unit root tests. By employing the rolling-KSS unit root test, we aim to determine when the real exchange rates become non-stationary or nonlinear. The results of the KSS unit root test show that the PPP hypothesis is valid only for Romania while the results of the rolling-KSS unit root test reveal that the PPP hypothesis can be rejected only for Poland in the all subsamples. On the other hand, we have found evidence of the validity of PPP for the remaining countries. Comparatively, the real exchange rates of Bulgaria and Romania were found to be characterized by nonlinearity in more subsamples in the rolling-KSS unit root test.Cilj ovog rada je ispitivanje valjanost hipoteze pariteta kupovne moći (PPP) za osam država središnje i istočne Evrope koristeći Kapetanios et al. (KKS) i rolling-KKS testove jediničnog korijena. Rolling-KKS testovima jediničnog korijena smo pokušali odrediti kada realne tečajne stope postaju nestacionarne ili nelinearne. Rezultati KKS testa jediničnog korijena pokazuju da hipoteza PPP može biti valjana samo u slučaju Rumunjske dok rezultati rolling-KKS testa jediničnog korijena pokazuju da hipoteza PPP može biti odbačena samo u slučaju Poljske i to u svim poduzorcima. S druge strane, našli smo dokaze valjanosti PPP za ostale zemlje. Usporedno, pokazalo se da su realne tečajne stope u Bugarskoj i Rumunjskoj karakterizirane nelinearnošću u više poduzoraka u rolling-KKS testu jediničnog korijena

    Analysis of Symmetric and Asymmetric Nonlinear Causal Relationship between Stock Prices and Exchange Rates for Selected Emerging Market Economies

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    Bu çalışma BRICS ülkeleri ve Türkiye'de hisse senedi fiyatları ve döviz kurları arasındaki doğrusal olmayan simetrik ve asimetrik nedensellik ilişkisini araştırmaktadır. Bu amaçla, ilgili değişkenlerin geri bildirimlerinin türlerini saptayarak doğrusal olmayan simetrik ve asimetrik nedensellik ilişkisinin test edilmesine imkân sağlayan Mackey-Glass modeli kullanılmıştır. Doğrusal olmayan simetrik nedensellik testinin sonuçları ilişkinin varlığına ilişkin zayıf kanıtlar sunarken, testin asimetrik biçimi güçlü bir nedensellik ilişkisi olduğunu göstermektedir. Sonuç olarak, bu bulgular döviz ve hisse senedi piyasısında gürültülü işlemlerin ve spekülatif davranışların olduğunu ifade etmektedir.This study investigates the symmetric and the asymmetric nonlinear causal relationship between exchange rates and stock prices in BRICS and Turkey. To this end, the Mackey-Glass model allowing to test the symmetric and asymmetric nonlinear causality by identifying the types of feedbacks of the related variables has been employed. While the results of the symmetric nonlinear causality test present little evidence for the relationship, the asymmetric counterpart of the test indicates strong evidence for the causal relationship. As a result, these findings imply the existence of the noisy tradings and speculative behaviours in both exchange rate and stock markets

    Analysis of Symmetric and Asymmetric Nonlinear Causal Relationship between Stock Prices and Exchange Rates for Selected Emerging Market Economies

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    Bu çalışma BRICS ülkeleri ve Türkiye'de hisse senedi fiyatları ve döviz kurları arasındaki doğrusal olmayan simetrik ve asimetrik nedensellik ilişkisini araştırmaktadır. Bu amaçla, ilgili değişkenlerin geri bildirimlerinin türlerini saptayarak doğrusal olmayan simetrik ve asimetrik nedensellik ilişkisinin test edilmesine imkân sağlayan Mackey-Glass modeli kullanılmıştır. Doğrusal olmayan simetrik nedensellik testinin sonuçları ilişkinin varlığına ilişkin zayıf kanıtlar sunarken, testin asimetrik biçimi güçlü bir nedensellik ilişkisi olduğunu göstermektedir. Sonuç olarak, bu bulgular döviz ve hisse senedi piyasısında gürültülü işlemlerin ve spekülatif davranışların olduğunu ifade etmektedir.This study investigates the symmetric and the asymmetric nonlinear causal relationship between exchange rates and stock prices in BRICS and Turkey. To this end, the Mackey-Glass model allowing to test the symmetric and asymmetric nonlinear causality by identifying the types of feedbacks of the related variables has been employed. While the results of the symmetric nonlinear causality test present little evidence for the relationship, the asymmetric counterpart of the test indicates strong evidence for the causal relationship. As a result, these findings imply the existence of the noisy tradings and speculative behaviours in both exchange rate and stock markets

    Are there Multiple Bubbles in the Stock Markets? Further Evidence from Selected Countries

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    [full article and abstract in English] In this study, the existence of multiple bubbles in 15 selected countries is researched by means of the GSADF unit root test developed by Phillips, Shi, and Yu (2015). The data set consists of a weighted average of the monthly price/earnings ratios with the different start dates for countries whose data could accessed. As a result of the conducted analysis, the existence of multiple bubbles was detected for all the countries examined. The results demonstrate that bubbles in stock markets occur before the local and global crisis periods. We therefore conclude that the GSADF method may be used as one of the early warning systems of a financial crisis. It is significant for policymakers and investors to know these signs in terms of financial stability and profitable investments

    W kierunku zrównoważonego rozwoju: powrót do hipotezy pułapki średniego dochodu dla południowych krajów wspólnego rynku

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    One of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations is to promote, sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth. However, it is observed that many countries struggle to move up from the middle-income to high-income level, which refers to the middle-income trap (MIT). In this paper, we test the MIT hypothesis using a novel unit root test of Gómez-Zaldívar et al. (2013) across the Southern Common Market (MECOSUR) countries. To do so, we follow a different path from the existing literature and use a novel unit root testing strategy. We first test the significance of the trend term and then examine the unit root properties of the series by allowing multiple structural breaks according to the existence/non-existence of the trend term. Our results provide evidence of stationarity for Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru, indicating that these four MERCOSUR countries are in MIT.Jednym z Celów Zrównoważonego Rozwoju Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych jest promowanie trwałego, sprzyjającego włączeniu społecznemu i zrównoważonego. Wiele krajów ma jednak trudności z przejściem z poziomu średniego dochodu do poziomu wysokiego dochodu, co odnosi się do pułapki średniego dochodu (MIT). W tym artykule testujemy hipotezę MIT, za pomocą nowatorskiego testu pierwiastka jednostkowego Gómeza-Zaldívara i in. (2013), w krajach Południowego Wspólnego Rynku (MERCOSUR). Podążamy inną ścieżką wskazaną w istniejącej literaturze, stosując nowatorską strategię testowania pierwiastka jednostkowego. Najpierw testujemy znaczenie terminu trendu, a następnie badamy właściwości pierwiastka jednostkowego szeregu, dopuszczając wiele przerw strukturalnych w zależności od istnienia/nieistnienia terminu trendu. Nasze wyniki dostarczają dowodów na stacjonarności dla Brazylii, Kolumbii, Ekwadoru i Peru, wskazując, że te cztery kraje MERCOSUR są w MIT

    A Residual-Based Cointegration test with a Fourier Approximation

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    This paper proposes a residual-based cointegration test in the presence of smooth structural changes approximated by a Fourier function. The test offers a simple way to accommodate unknown number and form of structural breaks and have good size and power properties in the presence of breaks

    Yapısal Kırılmalar Altında Türkiye İçin İşsizlik Histerisinin Sınanması

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    In this study, we examine unemployment hysteresis for Turkey over the period 1923- 2007 by using unit root tests which allow for structural breaks. We test whether unemployment rates are stationary by using Perron, Zivot-Andrews (ZA), Lumsdaine – Papell (LP) and LM unit root tests. According to the ZA and LP tests, we find evidence of hysteresis. We find series as a unit root process with structural breaks according to both Perron and the LM tests. We conclude even transitory shocks have permanent effects on the level of unemployment and can cause natural rate of unemployment to change.Bu çalışmada 1923-2007 yılları arasındaki işsizlik oranları kullanılarak Türkiye’de işsizlik histerisinin var olup olmadığı sınanmıştır. Bu amaçla, kırılmalı birim kök testlerinden Perron, Zivot-Andrews (ZA), Lumsdaine – Papell (LP) ile bir ve iki kırılmalı LM birim kök testleri kullanılarak işsizlik oranlarının incelenen dönem boyunca durağan olup olmadığı sınanmıştır. ZA ve LP birim kök testlerine göre histeri etkisinin varlığını gösteren yapısal kırılmasız birim kök temel hipotezi kabul edilirken, Perron ve LM testlerine göre ise yapısal kırılmalı birim kök temel hipotezi kabul edilmiştir. Bu sonuç, zaman boyunca meydana gelen şokların işsizliğin doğal oranında değişimler meydana getirdiğini ve işsizlik üzerinde kalıcı etki yarattığını göstermektedir

    Yapısal Kırılmalar Altında Türkiye İçin İşsizlik Histerisinin Sınanması

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    In this study, we examine unemployment hysteresis for Turkey over the period 1923- 2007 by using unit root tests which allow for structural breaks. We test whether unemployment rates are stationary by using Perron, Zivot-Andrews (ZA), Lumsdaine – Papell (LP) and LM unit root tests. According to the ZA and LP tests, we find evidence of hysteresis. We find series as a unit root process with structural breaks according to both Perron and the LM tests. We conclude even transitory shocks have permanent effects on the level of unemployment and can cause natural rate of unemployment to change.Bu çalışmada 1923-2007 yılları arasındaki işsizlik oranları kullanılarak Türkiye’de işsizlik histerisinin var olup olmadığı sınanmıştır. Bu amaçla, kırılmalı birim kök testlerinden Perron, Zivot-Andrews (ZA), Lumsdaine – Papell (LP) ile bir ve iki kırılmalı LM birim kök testleri kullanılarak işsizlik oranlarının incelenen dönem boyunca durağan olup olmadığı sınanmıştır. ZA ve LP birim kök testlerine göre histeri etkisinin varlığını gösteren yapısal kırılmasız birim kök temel hipotezi kabul edilirken, Perron ve LM testlerine göre ise yapısal kırılmalı birim kök temel hipotezi kabul edilmiştir. Bu sonuç, zaman boyunca meydana gelen şokların işsizliğin doğal oranında değişimler meydana getirdiğini ve işsizlik üzerinde kalıcı etki yarattığını göstermektedir