25 research outputs found

    Vascular segmentation in X-ray angiograms using frangi filter

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    X-ray angiography systems are essential method of diagnosis of coronary arteries from angiography images. Coronary angiography is known as the gold standard; for the evaluation of coronary artery disease. Nevertheless, Visual interpretation of angiography images are difficult due to the gradual crossing and overlap of the vessels on the angiogram. For this reason, many segmentation methods have been used to obtain blood vessel structures in the human body. These blood vessel segmentation methods can be classified; model-based tracking, propagation, artificial neural network (ANN), and fuzzy. Also, accurate segmentation of vascular structures in 2D angiography images is an important task for clinical practices such as computer-aided diagnosis, surgical planning and treatment. In general, Hessian-based vessel enhancement filters are known to be achieve in segmenting vessels from angiography images. In this study, the vascular structures of the coronary arteries were obtained by image processing including contrast enhancement methods using Frangi filter. We present the most important skill in coronary vessel segmentation methods by researching coronary vessel extraction and development method.No sponso

    The application of image filtering methods in mammography image

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    Medical images have recently become an important part of patient care. Techniques for image processing and analysis are generally used in medicine. Medical images are complicated, and they differ significantly from one application to the next. Image processing is required to obtain high-quality medical images for accurate diagnosis. In medical applications, the purpose of image processing and analysis is to improve image quality and extract quantitative information from images as efficiently and accurately as possible. In this paper, noise reduction filters were used to improve the mammography image. Filters are used to improve noise and reduce noises by the linear filter, median filter, and wiener filter. Filtering processes have been applied to image formats with medical content, such as mammography images, which are different from standard digital images. In addition, metrics such as peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), which enables the performance of different filtering techniques to be evaluated, were also calculated and compared.No sponso

    Approaches to preclinical studies with heterogeneous breast phantom using reconstruction and three-dimensional image processing algorithms for diffuse optical imaging

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    The continuous-wave back reflection diffuse optical tomography (rCWDOT) system is one of the new medical imaging modalities. This study examines the success of reconstruction and three-dimensional (3D) image processing algorithms on data obtained from a heterogonous breast phantom by rCWDOT. Breast phantoms were prepared by putting a bit of spleen inside the tail. The spleen mimics a breast tumor since it has more blood than tail fat. rCWDOT was used to acquire data from the breast phantoms. The breast phantoms were reconstructed using the transpose-free quasi-minimal residual (TFQMR) reconstruction algorithm. Then, image processing algorithms were performed to improve the image quality. In image processing, 3D Gaussian filtering and bi-cubic interpolation were used to enhance the appearance and remove noise from the images. After the image processing, the images were evaluated numerically using the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) method. It has been shown that the used reconstruction technique and image processing algorithms for a heterogeneous breast phantom provided 3D images that resemble actual ones. This study will help researchers use the most convenient reconstruction algorithm and image processing algorithms and perform preclinical experiments in this field.Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma KurumuTurkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [110E263]; Akdeniz UniversitesiAkdeniz University [2009.02.0122.003

    Tıbbi Ortamlarda Kullanılan Portatif Hava Temizleme Sistemi

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    Toplum içerisinde ortak kullanıma açık alanlarda hava kalitesinin korunması sağlık açısından önemlidir ve güncel bir problemdir. Bu problem, havalandırmanın yetersiz olduğu birçok ortak kullanım alanı ile birlikte büyük veya küçük sağlık hizmeti veren kuruluşlarda kendini sıklıkla salgın hastalıklarla ya da yaşanan ölümler ile göstermektedir. Bu problemin önüne geçilebilmesi için bu zamana kadar atılan adımlar yetersiz kalabilmektedir. Çalışma kapsamında, partikül tutucu filtreler, UV lambalar kullanılarak, küçük ve taşınabilir, medikal seviyede hava kalitesi sağlayan bir hava temizleme sistemin tasarlanmıştır. Bu sistem EN ISO 14644-1 temiz oda standartlarına uygun olacak şekilde UV-C teknolojisinden yararlanılarak tasarlanmıştır. Bu cihaz, sağlık kuruluşlarındaki toplu taşıma araçları, bekleme ve yoğun bakım odaları, mikrobiyoloji ve biyokimya laboratuvarları gibi yerlerde kullanılabilir niteliktedir

    209Bi izotopunun (p,xn), (p,xp), (p,xd) ve (p,xt) Reaksiyonlarının Teorik Nükleer Modeller İle İncelenmesi

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    Nükleer fizik alanındaki gelişmeler; arkeoloji, jeoloji, mühendislik, astrofizik, kozmoloji, kimya, biyoloji, tıp gibi bilim dallarını da etkilemektedir. Nükleer reaksiyon mekanizmalarını anlamak, reaksiyon modelleri oluşturmak ve mevcut nükleer reaksiyon modellerinin geçerliliğini değerlendirmek için nükleer modellerin incelenmesi gereklidir. Bu çalışmada protonlarla bombardıman edilen 209-Bi (209Bi) izotopunun nötron, proton, döteryum ve trityum yayınlanma spektrumları incelenmiştir. Çalışmadaki sonuçlar, TALYS 1.95 nükleer reaksiyon kodu kullanılarak yapılmış, elde edilen sonuçlar Uluslararası Deneysel Nükleer Reaksiyon Data (EXFOR) kütüphanesinden elde edilen deneysel verilerle karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuç olarak incelenen, direkt reaksiyon, bileşik çekirdek ve denge öncesi mekanizmalarının sonuçları deneysel veriler ile uyumlu olarak çıkmıştır

    The effects of region of interest, differentiation methods and rebinning sizes on the modulation transfer function of a mammography systems

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    Bu çalışmada, mamografi sisteminin görüntü kalitesi matematiksel yöntemler ile ölçülmüştür. Mamografi sistemlerinde performans ölçümleri için uygulanan yeni yöntemler, bu sistemlerin görüntü kalitesinin sayısal olarak değerlendirilmesinde kullanılmıştır. Görüntüleme kalitesinin sayısal değerlendirilmesi, görsel değerlendirmelere göre daha objektif sonuçlar verdiğinden çalışma kapsamında sayısal değerlendirmeler üzerinde durulmuştur. Modülasyon transfer fonksiyonu (MTF) hesaplanmasında kenar görüntüleme metodu kullanılmış ve bu metodun kullanımında açı hesaplamaları yapılmıştır. Farklı ilgi alan seçimlerinde (ROI) kenar dağılım fonksiyonlarının (ESF) nasıl değiştiği gözlemlenmiş, farklı türev seçimlerinin çizgisel dağılım fonksiyonu (LSF) ve MTF üzerine etkisi ve ince gruplama (rebinning) işleminin ESF, LSF, MTF üzerine etkileri incelenmiştir. Bütün bu yöntemlerin hesaplamaları, MATLAB programı kullanılarak tasarlanıp gerçekleştirilmiştir.In this study, the image quality of the mammography system was measured by mathematical methods. New methods for performance measurements have been used to quantitatively evaluate the image quality in mammography systems. Since the quantitative evaluation of imaging quality gives more objective results than evaluation of visual, numerical evaluations have been emphasized within the scope of the study. The Slanted-edge method was used for the calculation of modulation transfer function (MTF), and angular calculations were made in the use of this method. On effect of different region-of-interest (ROI) selection on edge spread function (ESF), use of different differentiation methods for line spread function (LSF), MTF, and on the effect of different rebinning sizes on ESF, LSF and MTF were investigated. All these methods consist of the calculation were designed to perform using the MATLAB program.No sponso

    Image reconstruction for diffuse optical tomography using bi-conjugate gradient and transpose-free quasi minimal residual algorithms and comparison of them

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    Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) is a new emerging modality in the diagnosis of soft tissue abnormalities. DOT image quality substantially depends on the recon struction stage. In the literature, there are many reconstruction algorithms used in DOT systems. However, some algorithms were improved for solving specific cases but still need to be improved. The bi-conjugate gradient (BiCG) enhanced is one of the conjugate gradient (CG)-based reconstruction techniques for non-Hermitian systems. The BiCG provides a solution to a non-Hermitian system. However, it has erratic convergence in some cases. Therefore, DOT images reconstructed by BiCG can be at the wrong location and is inaccurate in some cases. In this study, we used continuous-wave diffuse optical tomography (CW-DOT) to acquire mea surements from breast tissue phantoms with single or double inclusion at different depths and center-to-center separations and we have used the transpose free quasi minimal residual (TFQMR) reconstruction algorithm, improved as an alternative to BiCG for the first time in the CW-DOT system. Moreover, we have experimen tally proved that TFQMR is superior to BiCG in some specific cases for the first time in CW-DOT. Therefore, we concluded that TFQMR has the potential to be able to be used in the reconstruction stage in CW-DOT

    Prematüre Retina Kan Damarlarının Tespitinde Farklı Görüntü İşleme Yöntemlerinin Performanslarının Karşılaştırılması

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    Prematüre retinopatisi (ROP) hastalığının teşhisinde, retinadaki kan damarlarının özellikleri oldukça önemlidir. Erken doğan bebeklerde retina kan damarları büyümesini tamamlayamaz. Doğum sonrası, bazı tetikleyici durumlar düzenli damarların oluşumunun durmasına ve anormal kan damarlarının anormal doku oluşturarak genişlemeye başlamasına neden olur. Bu durumunun derecesinin artması ile retina hasarları oluşabilir. Özellikle prematüre doğan bebeklerin, prematüre retinopatisi hastalığı kapsamında olduğu için, damar ağlarında gelişmeleri takip ederek hastalığın seyrini takip etmek önemlidir. Bu çalışmada amacımız, prematüre bebeklerin retina görüntüleri üzerine görüntü işleme yöntemleri uygulayarak ROP görüntülerindeki damar yollarının tespiti ve segmentasyonu için yöntemler geliştirmektir. Uygulanan bu yöntemler, ROP görüntülerine uygulanarak sonuçlar sayısal olarak karşılaştırılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, en uygun görüntü işleme yönteminin, Tepe sinyalinin gürültüye oranı (PSNR) değerlerine göre; eşikleme yönteminde OTSU, filtreleme algoritmasında ise Gaussian filtresinin olduğu saptanmıştır

    Application of Reconstruction Algorithms by Simulation Experiments for the Diagnosis of Breast Tumor-Like Tissues Modeled in Diffuse Optical Tomography

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    In Diffuse Optical Tomography (DOT), data processing and reconstruction stages are crucial to obtain high-quality images. Thus, choosing suitable algorithms for the system is a critical choice. This study aims to determine an appropriate reconstruction algorithm for DOT imaging. There are several reconstruction algorithms used in DOT systems. Some algorithms have been improved for solving specific cases, and some still need to be improved. In this study, we used three algorithms for the reconstruction process: Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), Bi-Conjugated Gradient (Bi-CG), and Transpose Free Quasi Minimal Residual (TFQMR). In testing the algorithms, data of the simulation experiments have been used. The simulation experiments model the tumoral tissue within the breast. All three algorithms were produced correct images while the tumor close to the surface. In the case of the tumor that is not close to the breast surface, the tumor location on the images created by Bi-CG and SVD algorithms was not its actual location. However, the tumor location in the image created by the TFQMR algorithm was close to its actual location. Outcomes of the reconstruction algorithms were evaluated based on correctly defining the location of the tumors by using Mean Percentage Error (MPE), Mean Squared Error (MSE), and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) metrics. We have demonstrated the TFQMR algorithm is a more appropriate reconstruction technique for DOT systems. Thus, we have concluded that TFQMR can have the potential to be used in medical imaging systems

    The application of image filtering methods in mammography image

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    Medical images have recently become an important part of patient care. Techniques for image processing and analysis are generally used in medicine. Medical images are complicated, and they differ significantly from one application to the next. Image processing is required to obtain high-quality medical images for accurate diagnosis. In medical applications, the purpose of image processing and analysis is to improve image quality and extract quantitative information from images as efficiently and accurately as possible. In this paper, noise reduction filters were used to improve the mammography image. Filters are used to improve noise and reduce noises by the linear filter, median filter, and wiener filter. Filtering processes have been applied to image formats with medical content, such as mammography images, which are different from standard digital images. In addition, metrics such as peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), which enables the performance of different filtering techniques to be evaluated, were also calculated and compared.No sponso