31 research outputs found
Kyzikos insan iskeletlerinin antropolojik açıdan değerlendirilmesi
Excavation studies in Kyzikos (Balıkesir / Erdek) have been carried out in 2 different cemetery areas. These are: The West necropolis area (A.D. 2. century) and the Hadrian Temple (Medieval). The skeletal remains in this study (2007 excavation season) belong to 3 different grave groups: Sarcophogus (A.D. 2. century), chamber grave (A.D. 2. century) and tile graves (Medieval). Skeletal remains belonging to 21 individuals were identified from 2 cemetery areas in Kyzikos. From sarcophogus; 4 females (% 33,33) and 8 males (% 66,67), in all 12 individuals, from chamber grave; 1 female (% 20), 3 males (% 60) and 1 adult whose sexes can not be determined (% 20), in all 5 individuals and from tile graves; 1 female (% 25), 1 male (% 25), 1 baby (% 25) and 1 adult whose sexes can not be determined (% 25), in all 4 individuals were identified. Adults from Kyzikos are generally in middle aged groups. Except the tile graves, there weren’t any baby and children skeletal remains in other graves. General morphology of the skulls indicates mesocranial character in sarcophogus and chamber graves. General height averages of the individuals from Kyzikos are 162,35 (n: 7) in sarcophogus, 161,32 (n: 1) in chamber grave and 158,29 (n: 2) in tile graves. Skull and body pathologies caused by diseases are not very numerous among the people from the Kyzikos.Balıkesir İli Erdek İlçesinde yer alan Kyzikos antik kentinde, farklı dönemlere tarihlendirilen iki ayrı mezarlık alanında yapılan kazı çalışmalarından insan iskelet kalıntıları bulunmuştur. Bu iskelet kalıntıları üç farklı türden mezardan ele geçmişlerdir. Kazı çalışmaları sırasında kentin Batı nekropolünden (M.S. 2. yy) biri lahit ve diğeri oda mezar olmak üzere iki mezardan, Hadrian Tapınağı’nda ise (Ortaçağ) dört kiremit mezardan iskeletler çıkartılmıştır. Bu mezarlardan ele geçen iskeletler; dört kadın (% 33,33), sekiz erkek (% 66,67) olmak üzere on iki birey lahit mezardan, bir kadın (% 20), üç erkek (% 60) ve bir tanımlanamayan (% 20) olmak üzere beş birey oda mezardan, bir kadın (% 25), bir erkek (% 25), bir bebek (% 25) ve bir tanımlanamayan (% 25) olmak üzere dört birey kiremit mezardan saptanmıştır. Bir grubu M.S. 2. yüzyıla, diğer grubu ise Ortaçağa tarihlendirilen bu iskeletlerin tamamı 21 bireyle temsil edilmektedir. Her iki dönemde ele geçen iskeletlerin çoğunluğunu orta erişkin yaş grubunda olan bireylerin oluşturduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Kiremit mezar dışında hiçbir mezar grubunda bebek ve çocuk iskeletine rastlanmamıştır. Lahit ve oda mezar bireylerinin kafa iskeletlerinden alınan ölçüler sonucu hesaplanan endislerinden, bu bireylerde mesocranial yani orta genişlikteki kafa yapısının çoğunlukta olduğu görülmüştür. Her üç farklı mezardan ele geçen bireylerin yapılan hesaplamalar sonucunda ortalama boy uzunlukları; lahit mezardan gelenler 162,35 (n: 7), oda mezardan gelenler 161,32 (n: 1) ve kiremit mezardan gelenler 158,29 (n: 2) cm. olarak belirlenmiştir. Yine her üç tip mezardan gelen iskeletler hastalıklar açısından da incelendiğinde, Kyzikos insanlarında genel olarak ciddi bir rahatsızlığın olmadığı anlaşılmıştır
Remembering the Occam’s Razor: Could simple electrocardiographic findings provide relevant predictions for current hemodynamic criteria of pulmonary hypertension?
Background: We evaluated the predictive value of electrocardiographic (ECG) findings for pulmonary hemodynamics assessed by right heart catheterization (RHC). Methods: Our study population comprised 562 retrospectively evaluated patients who underwent RHC between 2006 and 2022. Correlations between ECG measures and pulmonary arterial systolic and mean pressures (PASP and PAMP) and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) were investigated. Moreover, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis assessed the predictive value of ECG for pulmonary hypertension (PH) and precapillary PH. Results: The P-wave amplitude (Pwa) and R/S ratio (r) in V1 and V2, Ra in augmented voltage right (aVR), right or indeterminate axis, but not P wave duration (Pwd) or right bundle branch block (RBBB) significantly correlated with PASP, PAMP, and PVR (P 0.16 mV, Ra in aVR > 0.05 mV, QRS axis > 100° and R/Sr in V1 > 0.9 showed the highest area under curve (AUC) values for PAMP > 20 mm Hg. Using the same cutoff value, Ra in aVR, Pwa, QRS axis, and R/Sr in V1 showed highest predictions for PVR > 2 Wood Units (WU). Conclusion: In this study, Pwa, Ra in aVR, right or indeterminate axis deviations, and R/Sr in V1 and V2 showed statistically significant correlations with pulmonary hemodynamics, and Ra in aVR, R/Sr in V2 and V1, QRS axis, and Pwa contributed to variance for PASP, PAMP, and PVR, respectively. Moreover, Pwa, Ra in aVR, QRS axis, and R/Sr in V1 seem to provide relevant predictions for PH and precapillary PH
Laboratuvardan Kliniğe Transplantasyon Pratiği
Transplantasyon; Temel Tıbbi Bilimler, Moleküler Tıp, Genetik ve İmmünolojiden klinik uygulamalardan destek alan multidisipliner bir tıp dalıdır. Temel bilimlerdeki başarılı çalışmaların kliniğe uygulanması, klinikte karşılaşılan sorunların da, oluşturulan deneysel hayvan modellerinde irdelenmesi, elde edilen bilgilerin klinik uygulamalara aktarılması; diğer deyişle tecrübelerin “Translational” özellikli olması günümüz transplantasyon çalışmalarında bir gerekliliktir. İmmün sistemin bileşenlerinin ve reaksiyonlarının iyi bilinmesi, hücreler arası ilişkilerde greftin reddi ya da kabul edilmesinin şartlarını doğru anlamak ve uygun laboratuvar yöntemleri ile klinik durumun aydınlatılması transplantasyonda stratejik önemdedir. Bu nedenle, klinik transplantasyon çalışmaları yapanlar temel bilimler bilgileri ile de donanımlı olmalıdırlar. Multidisipliner bir dal olma bilinci ile yapılan klinik transplantasyon çalışmalarında başarı yakalanmaktadır. Laboratuvardan Kliniğe Transplantasyon kitabımızda tüm yönleri ile transplantasyonun organizmaya etkileri ve bunların klinik sonuçlarını, çalışmalarımızın ışığında sunmayı ve tartışmayı hedefledik. Editör: Prof.Dr. Mesut İzzet TİTİZ Yardımcı Editör: Doç.Dr. Pınar AT
Enzmatic Aqueous Extraction Of Oil From Microalgae
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2016Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2016Teknolojinin gelişmesi ile birlikte insanların doğal kaynaklara yönelimi artmış ve doğada yaşayan birçok canlı türüne yönelme başlamıştır. Algler de insanların kendi yararları için kullanmaya başladığı doğal kaynaklar arasında yer almakta ve gün geçtikçe önemi artmaktadır. Mikroalgler akuatik ekosistemlerdeki ekolojik ve de biyolojik rollerinin haricinde, gerek insan sağlığı gerekse de sucul hayvanlar için önemli besin maddeleri içermektedir. Günümüzde birçok mikroalg türü doymamış yağ asitlerinin zenginliği, yüksek oranda protein, vitamin vb. içeriklerinden dolayı birçok biyoteknolojik çalışma da önemli rol oynamaktadır. Bu çalışmaların önemi 1950’li yıllardan itibaren gün geçerek artmıştır. Bu çalışmada, mikroalglerden yağ ekstraksiyonunda geleneksel olarak kullanılan çözücü ekstraksiyonu yöntemine alternatif olabilecek, daha sağlıklı, yüksek kalitede ve yüksek verimde yağ elde edilebilecek bir yöntem geliştirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Deneylerde içerisinde %18,6 oranında yağ içeren Schizochtrium sp. mikroalg türü kullanılmıştır. Alternatif ekstraksiyon yöntemi olarak enzimatik sulu ekstraksiyon yöntemi seçilmiş ve hücre duvarlarını parçalanması ve diğer etkileri arttırmak için proteaz enzimi kullanılmıştır. Proteaz enzimi için pH, enzim miktarı, sıcaklık ve süre parametreleri ele alınmış, uygun çalışma koşulları belirlenmiş ve ekstraksiyon verimine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Deneysel çalışmalar, 30ml tampon çözelti, pH 5-8 aralığında, gram mikroalge karşılık 0,50-1,25 mL enzim miktarı, 30-50oC sıcaklık aralığında ve 4-24 saatlik deney sürelerinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Gerçekleştirilen deneysel çalışmalar sonucunda elde edilen en uygun ekstraksiyon koşulları; pH: 8, enzim miktarı: 1 mLenzim/g mikroalg, sıcaklık: 50oC ve ekstraksiyon süresi: 12 saat olarak belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen uygun enzimatik ekstraksiyon koşullarında ekstraksiyon verimi %61,47 olarak bulunmuştur.In human nutrition, lipids are essential substances like carbohydrates and proteins that have vital roles in health. There are also fat-soluble vitamins in these lipids. Taking these vitamins is fundamental in terms of health and extremely necessary for the body. In addition, omega-3 fatty acids which can not be produced by the human body, is also plays an important role in human health and many other areas. On the other hand, these omega-3 fatty acids can be produced by algae and aquatic animals play the primal role of transporting these lipids into human body [1,2]. Algae are abundant and ancient organisms that can be found in virtually every ecosystem in the biosphere. They vary from tiny single-celled species one micrometer in diameter to giant seaweeds over 50 meters long. For billions of years algae have exerted profound effects on our planet, and they continue to do so today. Still, in many habitats algae often go unnoticed unless environmental conditions become favorable for the development of conspicuous and sometimes massive proliferations of a situation often brought about by human activity. People from many cultures, ancient and modern, have used algae for a variety of purposes. With the advent of biotechnology, algae are poised to play greater, although often subtle, roles in the day-to-day lives of human beings. For millennia people throughout the world have collected algae for food, fodder, or fertilizer. More recently algae have begun to play important roles in biotechnology. For example, they have been used to absorb excess nutrients from water streams, thereby reducing nutrient pollution in lakes and streams. Algae also generate industrially useful biomolecules, and serve as a human food source, either directly or indirectly, by supporting aquaculture of shrimp and other aquatic animals. Algae are increasingly being cropped in lab-based bioreactors, outdoor production ponds, and engineered offshore environments. Algae have provided science with uniquely advantageous model systems for the study of photosynthesis and other molecular, biochemical, and cellular-level phenomena of wider importance. Examples include Melvin Calvin's explanation of the light-independent reactions of photosynthesis in the green alga Chlorella. Studies of algae have been essential to our understanding of basic photosynthetic processes, and they continue to break new conceptual ground. The relative simplicity, antiquity, and vast diversity of algae, coupled with excellent fossil records in some cases, have also made algae invaluable systems for learning the organismal and organellar evolution and ecosystem function, and for understanding the effects of human disturbance upon the biosphere [3]. Algae are involved in global biogeochemical cycles and biotic associations that provide essential ecological services. Humans reap the benefits of these algal activities in the form of atmospheric oxygen, climate modulation, and fossil fuels, as well as finfish, shrimp, and shellfish harvests, which depend upon algal primary production. In addition, humans have learned to use algae in a wide variety of technological applications. Certain algal species have become priceless and irreplaceable model systems for research. Algae are used as environmental monitors, both to assess the health of modern aquatic systems and to understand environmental conditions of the past. Numerous food products are derived from algae, including food for cultivated shellfish, seaweeds eaten by humans, and protein and vitamin supplements produced from microalgae grown in pond or bioreactor cultivation systems. Some microalgae produce lipids that are potential sources of renewable fuels. Many algae manufacture compounds that have scientifically and industrially useful gelling properties. Ancient marine and lake diatom deposits (diatomite or diatomaceous earth) are mined for use in abrasives and industrial filtration. Algal phycobiliproteins can be used as fluorescent dyes in applications such as flow cytometry. Some algal compounds have potentially valuable antibiotic or antitumor activity. Finally, algae have been incorporated into engineering systems utilizing algal nutrient uptake and gas exchange properties to purify water or air [3]. Lipids are mostly extracted from seeds or the biomass itself by conventional methods such as mechanical pressing and/or solvent extraction. Generally n-hexane is used as solvent and high oil production yield is obtained. Although there is an advantage of good oil yield for the use of hexane, the oil product has low quality, high investment and management costs, and high energy requirement problems for its usage. Besides, organic solvent hexane is a toxic substance and has explosive property, it releases hazardous volatile materials to the atmosphere. Even though this traditional process for the extraction of oil is economically suitable, there are draw-backs like damage to the human health and environment and quality loss of finished products which cause to search for new techniques. Therefore, due to environmental safety regulations and public health risks associated with the use of hexane, alternative methods which are safe, environment-friendly, provide edible protein and qualified, highly efficient oil have been developed by researchers. Many researchers have done a lot of work on aqueous enzymatic oil extraction from many different biomasses in order to obtain oil and different compounds and they have found that the yield value could be obtained the same or close the results of the solvent extraction processes. However, laboratory scale researches are needed to continue further researches to provide optimum conditions for extraction and separation stages of the process in order to take it to bring commercially more attractive. Aqueous extraction method is carried out at lower temperatures with respect to solvent-based extraction method and more qualified oil can be obtained by it. However, due to low oil efficiency of aqueous extraction, enzymes are added to the extraction environment to increase the oil yield and to minimize byproducts. Enzymatic aqueous extraction makes use of enzymes to degrade the cell walls with water acting like a solvent. This enables much easier oil release and refining of the oil. Aim is not only to separate cellular or fluid lipids from other constituents, proteins, polysaccharides and macromolecules, but also to preserve these lipids for further analyses. The preservation of proteins also permits the pulp to be rich in proteins. Removing the non-lipid molecules without losing some lipids is a complete challenge. By means of enzymes, these difficulties are tried to be reduced. Although cost of enzymatic extraction process is estimated to be much more than hexane extraction, this situation may be overcome by recycling of the enzymes and using immobilized enzymes to decrease enzyme cost. If the oil to be extracted has high market value, again investment cost could be compensated. Enzymatic extraction can also be supported by ultrasonication for increasing the oil efficieny. Therefore, aqueous and enzyme-assisted aqueous extraction substitute the use of solvents and lead to obtain oil with high efficiency, so there is no more need for organic solvents in extraction process. The aim of this study is the investigation of a method intended for elimination of toxic effects, obtaining high oil yield and quality and lowered economical issues which is an alternative to conventional solvent extraction. Microalgae (Schizochytrium sp.) is obtained from Vitatis Biyoteknoloji and contains %18,6 lipid of the dried cell weight of microalgae. In this study, aqueous enzymatic extraction is selected as alternative extraction method and protease enzyme is used for degrading cell walls. Optimum conditions in respect to pH, enzyme amount, temperature and time are determined. Alcalase 2.5L Type-DX is used as enzyme in the experiments. Alcalase is a serine protease enzyme obtained from Bacillus licheniformis microorganisms. It has a high proteolitic activity of 2,5 AU/g (Anson Units/gram). The optimum conditions for enzyme activity are at the temperature between 55-70°C and pH 4-8 interval depending upon the substrate type. Aqueous enzymatic extraction experiments are carried at 30 ml of pH 5-8 buffer, 0,50-1,25 mL/g microalgae enzyme amount, 30-50oC and between 4-24 hours. Optimum condition results for alcalase enzyme achieved at 50°C, 30 mL pH 8 buffer solution with 1,00 mL/g microalgae enzyme amount and duration of 12 hours. The extraction yield of microalgase oil at these conditions is determined as %61,47.Yüksek LisansM.Sc
Retrospective evaluation of the prognostic significance of erythrocyte distribution width (RDW) in multiple myeloma
Klinik spektrumu geniş bir hastalık olan Multiple Myelom (MM)’da prognostik faktörlerin belirlenmesi tedavi ve takip stratejisi açısından oldukça önemlidir. MM’da kullanılan prognostik belirteçler mevcut olsa da daha basit, ulaşımı kolay ve ucuz bir test ihtiyacı duyulmaktadır. Rutin kan sayımında bir parametre olan eritrosit dağılım genişliği (RDW) de hematolojik ve hematolojik olmayan hastalıklarda prognostik önemi açısından araştırılmaktadır. Literatürde MM’da RDW’nin prognostik öneminin araştırıldığı sınırlı sayıda çalışma mevcuttur. Biz de çalışmamızda MM tanısı alıp otolog kök hücre nakli (OKHN) yapılan ve yapılmayan hastalarda RDW’nin prognostik önemini araştırmayı amaçladık. Çalışmamıza Ocak 2010 – Aralık 2018 tarihleri arasında MM tanısı alan 218 hasta dahil edilmiştir. Hastaların verileri retrospektif olarak incelenmiştir. Hastalar yüksek RDW (>%16,5) ve düşük RDW (16.5%) and low RDW (≤16.5%). High and low RDW groups were compared according to the revised international staging system (R-ISS); stage-3 disease was more frequent in the high RDW group than in the low RDW group. The median hemoglobin (Hb) level was higher in the low RDW group, and the ratio of patients who underwent ASCT was also higher in this group (p=0.006, p=0.010, respectively). In our study, the overall survival was lower in patients with advanced age, stage 3 disease, high beta-2 microglobulin levels, and chronic kidney disease. Nevertheless, no difference was found between the overall survival in the high and low RDW groups, and there was no significant difference between the disease-free survival. In our study, disease-free survival was higher in patients who underwent ASCT, with Hb levels above 10 g/dl and a higher hemoglobin/RDW ratio. Survival of the patients who underwent ASCT was evaluated according to the change in RDW level at the time of diagnosis and before ASCT, and there was no statistically significant difference. vi In conclusion, although there was no significant difference in survival between the RDW groups in our study, early-stage disease and ASCT were found to be higher in the low RDW group. To better predict the prognosis of MM, there is a need for further studies involving a combination of parameters, including RDW rather than a single parameter
Modelling study on production cross sections of In-111 radioisotopes used in nuclear medicine
WOS: 000357137200009Radiopharmaceuticals are radioactive drugs used for diagnosis or treatment in a tracer quantity with no pharmacological action. The production of radiopharmaceuticals is carried out in the special research centers generally using by the cyclotron systems. Indium-111 is one of the most useful radioisotopes used in nuclear medicine. In this paper, we calculated the production cross sections of In-111 radioisotope via Cd111-114(p,xn) nuclear reactions up to 60 MeV energy. In the model calculations, ALICE/ASH, TALYS 1.6 and EMPIRE 3.2 Malta nuclear reaction code systems were used. The model calculation results were compared to the experimental literature data and TENDL-2014 (TALYS-based) data
Cross section calculations of neutron induced reactions on 124,126,128,134,136 Xe
WOS: 000357452900031In the nuclear energy applications Xenon is a desirable material because of its high molecular weight and inert nature. The cross section calculations of Xe-124(n,2n)Xe-123, Xe-126(n,2n)Xe-125, Xe-128(n,2n)Xe-127, Xe-134(n,2n)Xe-133 and Xe-136(n,2n)Xe-135 reactions were performed by ALICE/ASH (with Weisskopf-Ewing equilibrium model), TALYS 1.6 (with two component exciton model suggested by Kalbach) and EMPIRE 3.2 Malta (with exciton model recommended by Clinev and Ribansky) nuclear reaction codes. In addition, semi-empirical cross section formula of Tel et al. was used to obtain cross sections at 14-15 MeV energy. Obtained results were compared to available experimental data by EXFOR database and TENDL-2013 data
Investigation of Constraints that Occur during Participation in Leisure Activities by High School Students: A Sample of Turkey
The aim of this research was to determine the factors that may prevent high school students from participating in recreational activities and to investigate whether these factors differ within the scope of various variables. This study consisted of 1459 (681 women and 778 men) student volunteers who are educated to high school level. The easy sampling method was preferred in the present study. The face-to-face survey method was used to collect the data. The “Leisure Constraints Scale” developed by Alexandris and Carroll (1997) and adapted to Turkish by Gürbüz, Öncü, and Emir (2012) was used to determine the factors that might prevent individuals from participating in leisure activities. The data obtained for the research were first transferred to a computer and then analyzed by the SPSS program. The error margin level in the study was taken as p < 0.05. The Cronbach alpha of the study was found to be 0.91. As a result, it was found that women participated in leisure activities more than men. It was also observed that the participants met with more leisure constraints in Turkey’s eastern regions
The default calibration values of EDM’s, which are given by manufacturers, lose up-todatenessby time. Due to this reason, these instruments have to be controlled with specific interval.Instruments controls usually have been made by using control baselines, which are formed inaccordance with H.R. Schwendener’s suggestion. The zero additive, scale factor, and phase differencefunction are determined by result of made controls. The control baseline has to be scaled to determinescale factor. Scaling can be done by Kern Mekometer 3000 high precision instrument as well as by GPSmeasurements. In this study, scaling control baseline had been performed by GPS measurements. Thecalibration parameters of SET2, Topcon GTS701, Topcon GTS229, and Sokkia Power SET2000 had beencalculated by using control baseline.Elektromağnetik uzaklık ölçerlerin(EDM) üretici firma tarafından verilen kalibrasyon değerlerizamanla güncelliğini yitirir. Bu nedenle aletlerin belirli aralıklarla kontrol edilmesi gerekir. Aletkontrolleri genellikle H.R. Schwendener’in önerisine uygun olarak bu amaç için oluşturulan kontrolkenarlarında yapılır. Yapılan kontrol sonucunda ölçmede kullanılan uzaklık ölçerin sıfır eki, ölçekkatsayısı ve faz farkı ölçme fonksiyonu belirlenir. Ölçek katsayısının belirlenmesi için kontrol kenarınınölçekli olması gerekir. Ölçeklendirme Kern Mekometer 3000 gibi yüksek doğruluklu aletlerleyapılabileceği gibi GPS ölçmeleri ile de yapılabilir. Bu çalışmada kontrol kenarının ölçeklendirilmesiGPS ölçmeleri ile yapılmış ve ölçeklendirilmiş kontrol kenarı kullanılarak Sokkisha SET2, TopconGTS701, Topcon GTS 229 ve Sokkia Power SET2000 elektronik takeometrelerinin kalibrasyonparametreleri hesaplanmıştır
Monte carlo simulations of 17.9-22.3 MeV energetic proton irradiation effects on bcc-zirconium fusionic materials
WOS: 000376020900018Advanced fusion structural materials (FSMs) have impact role in terms of efficiency of nuclear energy production. Besides engineering and design of fusion reactors, radiation durability of FSMs is another valuable issue that cannot be ignored. 17.9-22.3 MeV proton irradiation of bcc-Zirconium Fusion Structural Material was evaluated by using Monte Carlo based simulation tools. Total binary reaction cross sections were respectively calculated as 1167.6 and 1273.92 mb for 17.3- and 22.3 MeV proton energies via TALYS-1.6 version. Additionally, residual production cross sections and total particle production cross sections were obtained and analyzed by the TALYS code. Radiation damage parameters as Displacement Per Atom (DPA) and Stopping Power (SP) were studied by SRIM-2013 version. FLUKA 2011.1 used for only DPA calculations and making a complete comparison with the other calculation results. SP and Number of Secondaries were found by using GEANT4.10.p.04 version simulations. Natural Zr(p,x) reactions were studied in the given energy values in the plane of reaction probability and radiation damage calculations