808 research outputs found

    Latent Relational Metric Learning via Memory-based Attention for Collaborative Ranking

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    This paper proposes a new neural architecture for collaborative ranking with implicit feedback. Our model, LRML (\textit{Latent Relational Metric Learning}) is a novel metric learning approach for recommendation. More specifically, instead of simple push-pull mechanisms between user and item pairs, we propose to learn latent relations that describe each user item interaction. This helps to alleviate the potential geometric inflexibility of existing metric learing approaches. This enables not only better performance but also a greater extent of modeling capability, allowing our model to scale to a larger number of interactions. In order to do so, we employ a augmented memory module and learn to attend over these memory blocks to construct latent relations. The memory-based attention module is controlled by the user-item interaction, making the learned relation vector specific to each user-item pair. Hence, this can be interpreted as learning an exclusive and optimal relational translation for each user-item interaction. The proposed architecture demonstrates the state-of-the-art performance across multiple recommendation benchmarks. LRML outperforms other metric learning models by 6%7.5%6\%-7.5\% in terms of Hits@10 and nDCG@10 on large datasets such as Netflix and MovieLens20M. Moreover, qualitative studies also demonstrate evidence that our proposed model is able to infer and encode explicit sentiment, temporal and attribute information despite being only trained on implicit feedback. As such, this ascertains the ability of LRML to uncover hidden relational structure within implicit datasets.Comment: WWW 201

    Cross Temporal Recurrent Networks for Ranking Question Answer Pairs

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    Temporal gates play a significant role in modern recurrent-based neural encoders, enabling fine-grained control over recursive compositional operations over time. In recurrent models such as the long short-term memory (LSTM), temporal gates control the amount of information retained or discarded over time, not only playing an important role in influencing the learned representations but also serving as a protection against vanishing gradients. This paper explores the idea of learning temporal gates for sequence pairs (question and answer), jointly influencing the learned representations in a pairwise manner. In our approach, temporal gates are learned via 1D convolutional layers and then subsequently cross applied across question and answer for joint learning. Empirically, we show that this conceptually simple sharing of temporal gates can lead to competitive performance across multiple benchmarks. Intuitively, what our network achieves can be interpreted as learning representations of question and answer pairs that are aware of what each other is remembering or forgetting, i.e., pairwise temporal gating. Via extensive experiments, we show that our proposed model achieves state-of-the-art performance on two community-based QA datasets and competitive performance on one factoid-based QA dataset.Comment: Accepted to AAAI201

    Sobre geografia moral

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    Les géographes se sont considérés eux-mêmes comme scientifiques de la terre et scientifiques sociaux mais ils ont le droit de se considérer aussi comme philosofes moraux dans la mesure ou ils sont concernes par des valeurs, des moeurs et avec l'aspiration humaine pour ne pas seulement survivre mais pour mener une vie fructueuse et agréable. Dans son essai de se faire une vie meilleure les êtres humains ont du s'organiser et utiliser le pouvoir avec lequel on peut commettre des abus contre les faibles et contre la nature. Le sujet de la morale est ineluctable dans n'importe quelle tentative de pendre en considération en détail la réalité humaine. Cet article essaie d'explorer le sujet de la morale dans des sociétés simples et complexes, c'est a dire parmi les peuples de chasseurs mais aussi dans ces hautes cultures qui ont produit le paysage humanisé, le jardin et la ville.Geographers have seen themselves as earth scientists and as social scientists, but they have the right to see themselves also as normal philosophers insofar as they are concemed with values, customs (mores) and the human aspiration toward not only survival but a fruitful and congenial life. In attempting to create the good life, human beings have had to organize themselves and use power, which is subject to abuse against people of lesser power and against nature. The moral theme is inescapable in any detailed consideration of human reality. This paper attempts to explore the moral theme in simple and complex societies -that is, among forager- hunters as well as in those high cultures that have produced the transformed countryside, the garden, and the city.Los geógrafos se incluyen a si mismos en el campo de las ciencias de la tierra y en el de las ciencias sociales, aunque también tienen derecho a considerarse filósofos morales, en tanto que se preocupan por los valores, las costumbres y el deseo humano no solo de sobrevivir, sino de alcanzar una vida fructífera y placentera. En ese intento de llevar una buena vida, los seres humanos han tenido que organizarse y servirse del poder, con el que es facil, por otra parte, cometer abusos contra los mas débiles y contra la naturaleza. La vertiente moral es inevitable en cualquier detallada consideración de la realidad humana. Éste articulo pretende explorar dicha vertiente en sociedades sencillas y complejas, es decir, tanto entre los pueblos cazadores recolectores como en aquellas culturas mas sofisticadas que han transformado el campo, el jardin y la ciudad.Els geògrafs s'inclouen tant en el camp de les ciències de la terra com en el de les ciències socials, tot i que també es poden considerar filosofs morals, perquè es preocupen i s'interessen pels valors, els costums i les aspiracions humanes de no només limitar-se a sobreviure, sinó també d'aconseguir una vida fructuosa i agradable. En aquest intent per aconseguir una bona vida, els éssers humans han hagut d'organitzar-se i servir-se del poder, amb el qual és fàcil, per altra banda, cometre abusos contra els més febles i també contra la natura. El vessant moral és inevitable en qualsevol detallada consideració de la realitat humana. Aquest article pretén explorar l'esmentat vessant en societats senzilles i complexes, és a dir, tant entre els pobles caçadors recol·lectors com en aquelles cultures més sofisticades que han transformat el camp, el jardí i la ciutat