6 research outputs found
Akses dan Ekslusi dalam Reformasi Hutan di Sumatera: Studi Kasus di Nagari Simanau, Kecamatan Tigo Lurah, Kabupaten Solok, Sumatera Barat
This article discusses the village forest in Simanau. This research was conducted by using a qualitative method, one of which is a case study. Data collection was carried out by observation, interviews and literature study. Research departs from solutions to the problem of deforestation and forest degradation as business as usual or with international assistance through the village forest scheme. Village forests are one of Nawacita's priority programs as a strategic step in reducing deforestation and forest degradation and also overcoming poverty and poverty in national land tenure. My intension is to analyze the forest from a critical anthropological perspective, one of which is the political ecology framework to explore the village forest in Simanau. For this reason, I use the concepts of "access" and "exclusion" in sharpening economic goals in ecological terms. The research findings show that Simanau forest reform raises a dilemma where access to forests is limited for non-management communities. The concept of access is used to hide who gets (and doesn't get) the benefits of the existence of the village forest and through what they get it. This concept of access is then related to the concept of exclusion which means preventing people from accessing forests
Gamad music and Balanse Madam dance are no longer popular among the people of West Sumatra. This art was created by an art movement from Nias who lived in the city of Padang in the early 18th century. Balanse Madam art was popular in the 1960s to 1980s. The specialty of this art is that it adopted the music and dance of the Portuguese who loved to party when they traded spices on the West Sumatra coast in the 18th century. The Balanse madam dance was later imitated by Nias workers who later adapted it to the values of the people of West Sumatra. The music that accompanies the Balanse Madam dance is Gamad music (Inter-Regional Music Association) combining various musical instruments of various ethnicities living in the city of Padang such as Minangkabau, Medan and Malay regional music. However, this art, both Gamad music and Balanse Madam dance, are no longer alive in society. Various factors, both internal and external, have caused this art to be rarely performed. As for this article, it will be analyzed using the concept of dysfunction. As for this article, it will be analyzed using the concept of dysfunction. AbstrakMusik Gamad dan Tari Balanse Madam sudah tidak populer lagi di kalangan masyarakat Sumatera Barat. Kesenian ini diciptakan oleh sebuah gerakan seni dari Nias yang bermukim di kota Padang pada awal abad ke-18. Seni Balanse Madam populer pada tahun 1960 hingga 1980-an. Keistimewaan kesenian ini adalah mengadopsi musik dan tarian bangsa Portugis yang gemar berpesta saat berdagang rempah-rempah di pesisir Sumatera Barat pada abad ke-18. Tari Balanse Madam ini kemudian ditiru oleh para pekerja Nias yang kemudian disesuaikan dengan nilai-nilai masyarakat Sumatera Barat. Musik yang mengiringi tari Balanse Madam adalah musik Gamad yang memadukan berbagai alat musik dari berbagai etnis yang tinggal di kota Padang seperti musik daerah Minangkabau, Medan dan melayu. Namun kesenian ini, baik musik Gamad maupun tari Balanse Madam, sudah tidak hidup lagi di masyarakat. Berbagai faktor baik internal maupun eksternal menyebabkan kesenian ini jarang dipentaskan. Adapun artikel ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan konsep disfungsi.
The Jeme Semende: From Pasemah To The Land of Sang Bumi Ruwa Jurai (The Cultural Identity Study Of Semende Diaspora)
Ethnic diversity is one of the outstanding characteristics of Indonesian culture. Diversity creates potential challenges and opportunities in the multi-cultural ethnic relations, with positive and negative social capital forming among ethnic groups. The ethnic cultural claim is principally pronounced with the kingship ties that bind the family in the Semende people. They are depicted by the unique Tunggu Tubang family tie system, in which normally the eldest female sibling in a family becomes the main guardian of all family members when the parents have become less able to manage the family house, yard, family agricultural fields, gardens and foremost the caring of brothers and sisters if in need. This paper is based on the research in the geographical location of the Tanjung Raja district in North Lampung, where one of the sub-districts is inhabited by the Semende people. This study used an ethnographic approach with participatory observation techniques and in-depth interviews of key informants. This research explores the cultural identity of the Jeme Semende diaspora by reconnoitering the knowledge of the actors of what and how these cultural customs are understood and applied in daily life. The research conclusion indicates that the Jeme Semende's cultural identity is maintained despite being surrounded by other ethnic groups in Tanjung Raja. And how "Semendeanness" is constructed in such a way that sometimes manifests as a form of identity supported with their oral myth origins combined with the identity raised in the Semende’s Kuntaw martial arts
This paper aims to examine the process of teritorial rights of village forest through regulation and government policy of Indonesia. Territorialization as governmentality occurs to two processes is becoming customary forest or village forest that is associates with the legal framework and the neoliberal scheme. This paper wants to show how the practices of territorialization at the local level through case studies in Kalawa, Kahayan Hilir Subdistrict, Pulang Pisau District, Central Kalimantan.Territorialization change in forest areas seems especially after the fall of Orde Baru regime. However, territorialization over forests and natural resources in the reform period still going on. Through the above process of territorialization regulation on customary forests and forest villages in four cases the same. First, custumary forest and village forest is part of the state forest. Second, the state has the authority to regulate, even canceling acknowledge customary rights of forest management and forest villages. Three, rights held by customary communities and rural forest communities will be sought so long as not contrary to the interests of the government. Fourth, state is the organization of power all the people at the highest level. Through case studies in Kalawa will show state control through policies and regulations
Randai sebagai Apresiasi Budaya : Riset Aksi di SDIT Al Azhar Darul Jannah Bukittinggi
This article eximines randai training as culture facts from enculturation process that creates appreciation of culture. This article was made based on the results of dedication to the comunity in SDIT Al Azhar Darul Jannah Buksittinggi. Based on randai as a performance art, this article factually describes the individuals reality of studying and adapting their thoughts and attitudes to randai.This article uses an action research method that aims to solve important and meaningful problems at SDIT Al Azhar Darul Jannah Bukittingi. Based on the results of research that has been carried out, randai training is very relevant to be carried out in elementary schools, considering that elementary schools are the foundation of education. In addition to the elements of randai training in this article, it is adjusted to the level of students.AbstrakArtikel ini mengkaji pelatihan randai sebagai fakta budaya dalam proses enkulturasi yang melahirkan sikap apresiasi terhadap budaya. Artikel ini berangkat dari penelitian di SDIT Al Azhar Darul Jannah Bukittinggi. Berpijak pada sebuah randai sebagai seni pertunjukan secara faktual artikel ini akan menggambarkan realitas individu dalam mempelajari dan menyesuaikan alam pikiran serta sikapnya dengan randai. Dengan menggunakan riset aksi, artikel ini bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang penting dan bermakna di SDIT Al Azhar Darul Jannah Bukittingi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan pelatihan randai sangat relevan dilakukan di sekolah dasar mengingat sekolah dasar menjadi fondasi pendidikan dalam kehidupan siswa/i. Selain itu untuk memasukan nilai-nilai randai, maka cerita yang diangkat juga melalui proses penyesuaian
MODEL PERILAKU DALAM ARENA SOSIAL DI PASAR : Kasus Pasar Nagari Lubuk Alung, Padang Pariaman, Sumatera Barat
Pasar Nagari Lubuk Alung sudah ada sejak tahun 1951-an. Pasar ini
merupakan pasar yang cukup besar di Kecamatan Lubuk Alung yang dikelola
secara mandiri oleh Kepala Pasar dan diawasi oleh Kerapatan Adat Nagari.
Meskipun statusnya adalah pasar nagari, pemerintah tetap ikut andil terutama
dalam hal penyediaan bantuan. Di Pasar nagari ini frekuensi masyarakat yang
memanfaatkan pasar cukup tinggi. Hal ini disebabkan Pasar Nagari Lubuk Alung
merupakan pasar nagari yang mencakup kebutuhan masyarakat satu kecamatan.
Di dalam pasar nagari tersebut terdapat bermacam-macam agen yang
memiliki hubungan dengan pasar. Agen di pasar nagari terdiri dari Dinas
Koperindag, Kepala Pasar, Produsen, Pedagang dan Konsumen. Terdapat
perbedaan dalam berperilaku antar agen dalam melakukan aktivitas di pasar.
Maka dari itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membahas apa yang terjadi di pasar
yang berhubungan dengan model perilaku dan aktivitas agen di pasar sebagai
arena sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasikan model perilaku
agen di pasar dan untuk mengetahui dan menjelaskan bentuk aktivitas perilaku
dari agen di Pasar Nagari Lubuk Alung.
Tipe penelitian menggunakan metodologi kualitatif dengan pendekatan
Kebudayaan atau etnografi. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara
pengamatan, wawancara bebas dan mendalam, dan kepustakaan. Pemilihan
informan dilakukan dengan purposive sampling. Ada 25 infroman yang terdiri
dari 12 orang informan kunci dari agen yang berhubungan dengan pasar yaitu
pemerintahan daerah dalam hal ini Pemerintahan Nagari dan Dinas Koperindag,
Kepala Pasar, Pedagang, Konsumen dan produsen.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat sedikitnya 3 model
perilaku yang mendasari agen dalam melakukan aktivitas di Pasar Nagari Lubuk
Alung. Pada umumnya para agen memiliki ketiga model perilaku, namun hanya
ada beberapa model dominan yang melekat pada diri mereka. Sebagaian
pedagang, produsen dan konsumen memiliki model self interest, sementara
pemerintah berada pada model sosial, serta beberapa pedagang dan Kepala Pasar
diidentifikasikan memiliki model moral. Pada kenyataanya model self interest
tetap memiliki andil yang kuat dalam setiap diri agen sebagai individu, sementara
model sosial dan moral, walaupun ada, namun cukup sulit ditemukan di masa
sekarang pada agen sosial di pasar