20 research outputs found
Grant of Sucrose and Non-nutritive Sucking to Pain Response and the Long Cries of Neonates to Invasive Procedures
Intoduction: Hospitalized neonates may experience pain caused by invasive procedures. Sucrose and non-nutritive sucking are non-pharmacological analgesics. The aimed of this study was to examine the effectiveness of sucrose and non-nutritive sucking administration on pain and crying duration of neonates during invasive procedures. Method: The study used quasi-experimental design with post-test only control group design approach. This study used nonprobability sampling technic with consecutive sampling. The sample consisted of 45 neonates, divided into three groups, each group of 15 neonates. Result: The results showed that the pain response and the crying duration were insignificantly different between the sucrose group and the NNS, respectively p = 0.635 and p = 0.848. Discussion: Age was identified as a confounding variable that effected pain responses. Provision of sucrose and NNS proven to reduce pain as non-pharmacological pain management for neonates during invasive procedures
The Difference Between Bacterial Growth in Humidifier and Non Humidifier at the Patient Who Got Oxygen Therapy
Introduction: Humidifier is a device for delivering oxygen to the patients. Before using it, the humidifier tube should fill with sterile water. There was a recent study that administering oxygen less than five liter per minutes, the tube was not load with the sterile water. This research aim was to describe the difference between bacterial growth in the humidifier and non humidifier at the patient who got oxygen therapy. Method: The design was the analytic survey with purposive sampling method. The samples were 24 patients. They were divided into two groups. Group one, consisted of 12 patients with humidifier and the others with non humidifier. The instrument was culture equipments diagnostic test and observation guidance. The hypothesis was there was no difference bacterial growth existence in humidifier and non humidifier at the patient who got oxygen therapy. Result: The results showed that there was no significance difference of bacterial growth at time of zero hour (p=0.131). Meanwhile, there was significance different of bacterial growth at time of 12 hour (p=0.046), and time of 24 hour (p=0.046). There was also significance different between bacterial growth in humidifier and non humidifier at the patient who got oxygen therapy (p=0.010). Discussion : The conclusion is a non humidifier device could prevent bacterial and reduce nosocomial infection. It was recommended that hospital should use non humidifier and the humidifier had to disinfect and change the water every 12 hours
Bladder Training Modifikasi Cara Kozier Pada Pasien Pasca Bedah Ortopedi Yang Terpasang Kateter Urin
This quasy-experimental post-test only with control group study was aimed to examine the effect of bladder training using conventional method and modification of Kozier\u27s method which was viewed from pattern of voiding, complaint of voiding and the time needed to make voiding back to normal. The participants were taken randomly from the patients with urinary catheter that hospitalized in orthopaedic surgery ward in a hospital in Jakarta. Probability sampling with simple random sampling was used in this study. Chi-square test was employed to examine the different between pattern of voiding and complaint of voiding of treatment group and control group. Independent t test was used to examine the different of time needed in order to void back normally between treatment and control group. With alpha 0,01 for pattern of voiding and 1,00 for complaint of voiding, the result showed that there was no difference of voiding pattern and complaint between treatment and control group. However, there was a significant difference of time needed in order to void back normally between treatment group and control group, with α = 0,05. Therefore, health care institution should have a standard procedure of bladder training and nurses should conduct Kozier modified bladder training method before removing the urinary catheter
Faktor-Faktor Berhubungan Dengan Kualitas Hidup Anak Leukemia Limfositik Akut Yang Menjalani Kemoterapi
Acute lymphocytic leukemia is a type of leukemia that is most prevalent among children which is around 75-80%. The progress of chemotherapy for acute lymphocytic leukemia has increased the survival rate for this cancer. However, the length of life of the patients is often not accompanied by the better quality of life due to chemotherapy side effects towards patients\u27 physical and psychosocial conditions. This study aimed to identify factors that are related to the quality of life of children with acute lymphocytic leukemia who undergo chemotherapy in Dr. M.Djamil Hospital, Padang. Quantitative research with cross sectional approach was used to study 25 children who wererecruited using consecutive sampling. The data collection was conducted using PedsQLTM 4.0 Generic Core Scaleand nurses roles (Cronbach α = 0,90). The data analysis uses Pearson correlation and independent t-test to examinethe relationships between variable and multiple linear regression to identify the factor that is most related with the generic quality of life. The results showed that there was correlation between chemotherapy phases and nurses roles with generic quality of life (p<0.05). Nurses roles is a predictor factors for generic quality of life. Thus, there is a need to improve nurses\u27 roles through education and training regarding chemotherapy management and its side effects
Hubungan Self-care Dengan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Diabetes Mellitus (Dm) Di Persatuan Diabetes Indonesia (Persadia) Cabang Cimahi
Introduction: The relation between self care and patient\u27s diabetes mellitus quality of life in Persatuan Diabetes Indonesia (PERSADIA) in Cimahi. Self care ability is important in improving patient\u27s quality of life (QOL). Method: Using cross sectional method, this research is designed to identify the relationship between self care and patient\u27s QOL in PERSADIA Cimahi, West Java. A hundred twenty five PERSADIA members were recruited and examined using Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities (SDSCA),Diabetes Quality Of Life (DQOL) and Beck Depression Inventory II. Result: The results showed no significant correlation between self care activity and QOL (p=0,164) as influenced by gender (p=0,006), depression (p=0,001). Discussion: Increase of one unit self-care was likely to increase 6,1% QOL after controlled by gender and depression. Self care improvement can be performed through developing structured education, improving nurse\u27s competency in diabetes care and conducting diabetes screening program for DM patients
Analisis Faktor Yang Memengaruhi Self Management Behaviour Pada Pasien Hipertensi
Hypertension is a chronic disease which requires to be controlled with self-management behaviour, such as diet, exercise, medication and stress management. Self-management behaviour (SMB) is the basis for controlling hypertension and preventing complications of hypertension. The purpose of this study was to determine several factors affecting the SMB and to identify the most dominant factor associated with the SMB in patient hypertension in General Hospital 45 Kuningan, West Java. The data were analyzed using chi square and logistic regression tests. The results showed that there were significant relationships between belief in the effectiveness of therapy (p=0.005;OR= 3.48), self-efficacy (p=0.003; OR=3.67), social support (p=0.015; OR=2.87), and communication between health professional and patient (p=0.008; OR=3.27) and the SMB. Communication between health care workers and patients was identified to be the dominant factor affecting the SMB. Therefore, the ability to communicate effectively is a requirement in the nursing care of patients with hypertension
Penurunan Kadar Glukosa Darah Sewaktu Melalui Terapi Reiki Pada Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2
Reiki is one of the complementary therapies that are used to decrease blood glucose level. The therapy transfers naturalenergy into the patient\u27s body to synchronize the energy imbalance in the body. The research to examine the effect of Reiki andthe role of the stress and weight factor to decrease blood glucose level of DM type 2 patients was held in a hospital-baseddiabetic club in Jakarta. The design of this study was pre-experimental with the one-group pretest-posttest design. Eighteenpatients were selected with the purposive sampling technique. Reiki therapy was performed in 30 days using two methods:direct and distant healing method. The result revealed that there was a significant difference in random blood glucose levelbefore and after the Reiki intervention (p= 0.000; α= 0.05). It is recommended to incorporate the Reiki therapy in nursingcare
Supervisi Kepala Ruangan Berdasarkan Kelengkapan Pendokumentasian Asuhan Keperawatan
Nursing care documentation holds the accountability aspect of professional nursing practice. This quantitative-descriptive research attempted to recognize the relationship between head of nurse's communication and supervision with the completeness of nursing care documentation by staff nurse at Hospital X, Cianjur. The data was collected by using questionnaire and visitation list from 106 staff nurse that represented total population. The data was analyzed with the logistic regression of risk factor model. Univariate analysis result showed that staff nurse averagely had less positive perception toward the head of nurse's communication and supervision. It was also revealed the nursing care documentation which was lack of comprehensiveness with cut of point 80%. The result of bivariate analysis indicated the significance correlation of head of nurse's communication and supervision with the completion of nursing care documentation by staff nurse (p< 0,05). It was ultimately found that the completeness of nursing care documentation was mostly influenced by the head of nurse's supervision. Thus, it is recommended to strengthen the supervision process and ability of the head of nurse to enhance the nursing care documentation quality by both formal and non-formal continuing education
Pemberian ASI Efektif Mempersingkat Durasi Pemberian Fototerapi
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan status hidrasi, Perubahan nilai total serum bilirubin, dan perbedaan durasifototerapi bayi yang mendapat fototerapi dengan diberi ASI dan susu formula Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif,observasional, dan prospektif terhadap 34 bayi cukup bulan yang sehat di sebuah rumah sakit di Jakarta. Responden dibagi kedalam tiga kelompok, yaitu; kelompok bayi yang hanya diberi susu formula, kelompok bayi yang hanya diberi ASI, dan kelompokbayi yang diberi ASI dan susu formula. Hasil penelitian, menggunakan analisa data univariat dan bivariat dengan tes statistikChi-square, ANOVA dan Mann-Whitney, menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan status hidrasi dan perbedaan Perubahannilai total serum bilirubin (p= 0,76; α= 0,05), tetapi ada perbedaan durasi fototerapi antara ke tiga kelompok (p= 0,001; α=0,05). Kelompok yang diberi ASI mempunyai durasi fototerapi tersingkat. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan agar perawatmemastikan keefektifan breastfeeding selama fototerapi
Pengetahuan Dan Dukungan Sosial Meningkatkan Self-Care Behavior Pada Anak Sekolah Dengan Thalasemia Mayor
Penyakit thalasemia merupakan kelainan genetik tersering di dunia. Di Indonesia, penyakit ini telah menjadi penyakit yangmembutuhkan penanganan yang serius. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan denganSelf-care Behavior pada anak sekolah penderita thalasemia mayor. Penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional inidilakukan terhadap 131 pasien usia sekolah penderita thalasemia mayor yang berkunjung ke rumah sakit X dari tanggal 1 Meihingga 10 Juni 2010. Hasil penelitian, dengan menggunakan analisis multivariat menunjukkan ada hubungan antara pengetahuandan dukungan sosial dengan selfcare behavior, dengan pengetahuan yang paling dominan mempengaruhi (p= 0,000; α= 0,05;OR= 31,6). Penelitian ini merekomendasikan untuk meningkatkan pendidikan kesehatan dan dukungan sosial untuk meningkatkanperilaku perawatan diri penderita thalasemia