39 research outputs found

    Theobroma cacao Peel Extract as the Eco-Friendly Corrosion Inhibitor for Mild Steel

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    Corrosion control for metals has technical, economical, environmental, and aesthetical importance. The use of corrosion inhibitors from natural product is one of the best ways to slow the rate of corrosion of metals and alloys. The use of extract inhibitors from natural product is the best alternative because it does not contain heavy metals and is nontoxic, environmentally friendly, biodegradable, easy to obtain, inexpensive, and available in large quantities. The organic compounds contained in the extracts of natural products such as tannins, amino acids, phenolics, and alkaloids contain heteroatomic groups, which can inhibit corrosion rate and are interesting to study. With the development of science and technology, many methods are used to protect the corrosion, such as electroplating and coating, and organic inhibitor shows real promise such as Theobroma cacao peel extract. Although substantial research has been devoted to corrosion inhibition by plant extracts, reports on the detailed mechanisms of the adsorption process and identification of the active ingredient are still scarce. The addition of polar extract of cacao peel into a solution of HCl 1.5 M is very effective to reduce the attack surface corrosion on mild steel and can maintain its mechanical properties. This chapter consciously restricts itself mainly to plant materials, especially Theobroma cacao peel extract, as green corrosion inhibitors


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    One of the effort to lessen worn-out of tool machine is used by spraying coolant (mixture water and oil). Beside that dilution of coolant also function to slow down the rate of corrosion. But practically often arise damage ahead of schedule, so that old age to wear appliance become shorter. This research was conducted to dilution of coolant made with mixture irrigate faucet with oil and pure water mixture (aquades) with oil, were in the reality obtained that dilution of coolant aqueous of quicker faucet of its process of him from at using pure water. This matter was caused by pregnant faucet water of metal minerals able to form salt when mixed with oil, so that will quicken rustiness process. Later; Then for the variation of different composition in the reality more and more oil longer process rustiness happened. The corrosion at tool machine during the time was caused usage of faucet water to make dilution of coolant and also composition making of dilution of coolant imprecise

    Synthesis of Supercapacitor from Cocoa Fruit Peel Activated Carbon for Energy Storage

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    The supercapacitor electrode has been synthesized using activated carbon from cocoa pods. Activated carbon was prepared by first drying the raw materials under the sunlight and followed by oven drying, pre-carbonization, milling, sieving, and chemical activation with 0.3 M and 0.4 M KOH solution. After chemical activation, the activated carbon was printed into pellet form, carbonized at a temperature of 600 °C, followed by physical activation at a temperature of 700 °C for four hours before polishing. We found that the optimum conditions are 700 °C and 0.4 M. The density of the obtained carbon electrode is 0.810 g/cm3. The SEM micrographs show the formation of pores with a diameter of 0.44 μm and 0.98 μm. The carbon content in the electrode sample measured using electron dispersive spectroscopy is 91.49%. The XRD data shows that the carbon electrode is amorphous with a diffraction angle (2θ) at 23.569° and 44.781°. The optimum specific capacitance of the supercapacitor is 140.2 F/g obtained for the sample activated for 2.5 hours

    Synthesis of Cuprum (Cu) Layer by Electrodeposition Method with Theobroma cacao Peels as Corrosion Protector of Steel

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    Corrosion is a natural phenomenon that can not be prevented the process of occurrence, but the timing may be delayed. Various efforts have been made in reducing the impact of losses caused by corrosion. One such effort is to coat the metal surface with a thin layer. As well as other efforts is to use an inhibitor. Efforts have been made to reduce the impact of corrosion loss by synergizing surface coating and using of inhibitors. Deposition of a thin layer of Cu using electrodeposition method with 0.05 M CuSO4.5H2O electrolyte solution and addition of inhibitor of Theobroma cacao peels extract. In this research has been done some variation that is variation of electrodeposition time and variation of concentration of inhibitor of Theobroma cacao peels extract. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) characterization shows electrodeposition of a thin layer of Cu for three minutes, a voltage of three volts, and with the addition of an inhibitor of Theobroma cacao peels extract 1% producing a smooth, homogeneous and more uniform surface morphology. Based on the result of characterization with X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) obtained steel surface at electrodeposition with the addition of an inhibitor of Theobroma cacao peels extract, there are sharper peaks of Cu. Based on the corrosion test obtained value of Inhibition Efficiency inhibitor of Theobroma cacao peels extract amounted to 69.4% with the addition of 1%, and 81.9% with the addition of inhibitor 1.5%.  Based on this, inhibitor of Theobroma cacao peels extract can reduce the attack rate of corrosion on the steel surface in corrosive media HCl 1N

    PKM Pembuatan Pupuk Kompos Limbah Pertanian

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    Kelompok Tani Cahaya Baru Nagari Persiapan Lubuk Gadang Barat Kecamatan Sangir Kabupaten Solok Selatan telah mendapat penyuluhan dari tim pengabdian masyarakat Politeknik Negeri Padang.  Sosialisi yang diberikan adalah tentang bagaimana cara membuat pupuk kompos dari limbah pertanian. Permasalahan yang ditemukan adalah petani sering kekurangan pupuk untuk memupuk tanamannya. Sehingga untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya harus membeli pupuk dengan harga yang mahal. Solusi  yang ditawarkan untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang terjadi pada kelompok tani  tersebut adalah memberikan penyuluhan cara membuat pupuk kompos dari  limbah pertanian. Dengan memberikan penyuluhan ini diharapkan kelompok tani dapat menyediakan pupuk alami untuk kebutuhan petani di desa Bumi Ayu umumnya dan kelompok tani Cahaya Baru khususnya. Kontribusi mendasar pada khalayak sasaran adalah setelah program pengabdian ini diharapkan petani mampu membuat pupuk kompos yang dapat digunakan sebagai pupuk alam untuk mengatasi ketergantungan terhadap pupuk kimia, sehingga dapat menjaga kesuburan tanah di lahan pertanian

    Karekteristik Hidroksiapatit (HA) Dari Limbah Tulang Sapi dengan Metode Mekanik-Termal

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    The availability of bovine bone waste is very abundant and has not been utilized optimally as raw material for the manufacture of Hydroxyapatit (HA).HA is widely used in the field of orthopedics and dentistry, because it is biocompatible and bioactive, bovine bone wastes are synthesized by thermal-mechanical methods to obtain HA. The first stage of bovine bone preparation is done to obtain HA from bovine bone waste by mechanical collision to obtain bone meal smooth. The second stage of calcination at a temperature of 800oC. The results of microstructural observation with SEM obtained granules obtained almost evenly smoothness with average size 42.25 μm in span (irregular spherical (30.29-136.4μm) and chemical composition with XRF obtained by Ca / P ratio of 1.61, close to the optimal value of HA of 1.67


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    During this time the tailstock off which is commonly used is made of castings which is difficult to obtain and the price is quite expensive, and it becomes on obstacle to replace it if there is damage or loss of locking the “tailstock”. For modifying it can be done in order to facilitate the use of machine, which is the modification of the tailstock release on the lathe because the design was previously damage and cannot be used properly and also makes locking more efficient and better than before. With the right material selection and material calculation, the desired target will be achieved perfectly and the use will ber very helpful in the use of loose heads on the lathe.Selama ini pengunci kepala lepas yang biasa di gunakan adalah berbahan coran yang susah untuk didapat dan harganya yang cukup mahal, dan itu menjadi penghambat untuk menggantinya jika terjadi kerusakan atau hilangnya pengunci kepala lepas tersebut. Untuk itu modifikasi pun bisa dilakukan demi mempermudah pengunaan mesin ini, yang mana modifikasi pengunci kepala lepas pada mesin bubut karena desain yang sebelumnya mengalami kerusakan dan tidak bisa digunakan dengan sebagai mana mestinya dan juga membuat pengunci yang lebih efisien dan lebih baik dari yang sebelumnya. Dengan pemilihan bahan dan perhitunghan bahan yang tepat maka target yang di inginkan akan bisa di raih dengan sempurna dan pengunaan akan sangat membantu dalam pengunaan kepala lepas pada mesin bubut


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    This paper discusses the granulator machine testing process. This test aims to determine the process of occurrence of granular. Granular pellets are one form of feed pellets, granular (rounded) and light in weight. Granular pellets are not easy to sink but are easily broken down in water. This type of pellet is made without going through the process of pressing, so that it can produce feed grains that are light weighted, not easily submerged but easily decomposed in water. The goal is to determine the optimal state of the granulator machine with three angular tilt positions, it can perform maintenance on the granulator machine. The granulator machine testing process is carried out by means of the plate angle measurement process, the water mixture measurement process, the plate speed measurement process. Material used for the testing process uses flour and water. While the tools used in the granulator machine testing process are spray, 14 key, sieve, and container. After testing at 3 angles at an angle of 25o, angle of 30o and angle of 35o the authors conclude that this machine can produce small granules at a slope of 250 with an engine speed of 17 rpm and average weight of granular which is produced 236 grams. While the results of hourly 3 kg / hour


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    ABSTRAKTelah dilakukan serangkaian uji korosi dan analisis struktur mikro terhadap baja Hardox 450.  Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan medium korosif H2SO4 3% dan Na2SO4 3%.  Metode yang digunakan adalah metode weight loss untuk pengukuran laju korosi dan metode potensiodinamik untuk melihat nilai arus korosi beserta potensial korosi.  Baja direndam di dalam medium korosif dengan penambahan dan tanpa penambahan inhibitor.  Variasi konsentrasi inhibitor yang digunakan adalah dari 1% hingga 10% dengan lama perendaman lima hari.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari variasi konsentrasi yang diberikan laju korosi terbesar terjadi pada baja tanpa penambahan inhibitor, sedangkan laju korosi berkurang dengan penambahan inhibitor, terlihat dari kurva Tafel yang menunjukkan penurunan Ikorosi.  Semakin besar konsentrasi inhibitor yang ditambahkan maka nilai laju korosi akan semakin menurun dan nilai efisiensi inhibisi korosi semakin tinggi.  Nilai efisiensi terbesar didapatkan pada penambahan konsentrasi inhibitor 10%, untuk medium korosif H2SO4 mencapai 63,89% dan untuk medium Na2SO4 mencapai 56,61%.  Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa inhibitor ekstrak daun kakao efisien dalam mengendalikan laju korosi dalam medium H2SO4 dan Na2SO4.  Dari analisis foto optik morfologi permukaan baja Hardox 450 memperlihatkan permukaan baja dengan penambahan ekstrak daun kakao mengalami korosi lebih sedikit.Kata kunci : laju korosi, inhibitor, efisiensi, weight loss, potensiodinamikAbstractThe corrosion test and microstructure analysis of Hardox 450 steel have been done.  This research was performed using H2SO4 3% and Na2SO4 3% corrosive mediums.  The method used were weight loss for measuring the corrosion rate and potentiodynamic method to see the value of corrosion current and corrosion potential.  Steel immersed in the corrosive medium with the addition and without addition of inhibitors.  Concentration variation of inhibitor used was from 1% to 10% with five days immersion time.  The result based from concentration variation was used showed that the corrosion rate occured in the steel without the addition of inhibitors, whereas the corrosion rate decreases with the addition of inhibitors, by the Tafel curves showed a decreases Icor.  The greater concentration of the inhibitor is added then the value of corrosion rate will lower and corrosion inhibition efficiency will increase.  Greatest efficiency values both for medium corrosive obtained at inhibitor concentration 10%, 63,89% in H2SO4 and 56,61% in Na2SO4.  It shows that the cocoa leaf extract inhibitor is efficient in controlling corrotion rate in H2SO4 and Na2SO4 medium corrosive.  From the optical photograph analysed on the surface morphology of Hardox 450 steel showed that the addition of cocoa leaves extract suffered less corrosion.Keywords: corrosion rate, inhibitor, efficiency, weight loss, potentiodynami

    Troubleshooting Intake Exhaust System Pada Engine C6.4 Excavator Caterpillar

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    Terjadinya masalah engine black smoke pada engine C6.4 Caterpillar, ditandai dengan keluarnya asap keabu-abuan cenderung kehitaman, dan ketika diberi tenaga maksimal engine seakan-akan cenderung mati (low power). Untuk mengetahui penyebab kerusakan dan menentukan upaya pencegahan agar kerusakan tidak terulang kembali, telah dilakukan troubleshooting terhadap masalah yang terjadi. Troubleshooting dilakukan dengan 4 tahap yaitu tahap pendefinisian masalah, tahap evaluasi masalah, tahap perbaikan, dan tahap analisa. Dari hasil troubleshooting yang telah dilakukan, ditemukanlah akar masalah penyebab engine black smoke dari engine  C6.4 Caterpillar yaitu rusaknya aftercooler yang mengalami kebocoran yang mengakibatkan udara panas dari turbocharger tidak bisa didinginkan dan udara tidak menjadi padat, sehingga udara yang masuk ke ruang bakar tidak mencukupi sesuai kebutuhan engine. Adapun penyebab terjadinya kerusakan pada aftercooler karena, adanya tekanan dari sebuah benda seperti kayu atau lain sebagainya, yang mengakibatkan sirip-sirip pada aftercooler bengkok dan bocor. Mengenai masalah ini, upaya penanggulangan yang dilakukan adalah penggantian pada aftercooler. Setelah penggantian, dilakukan pengetesan dan engine beroperasi dengan normal