9 research outputs found

    AICCRA Country Scaling Vision: Senegal

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    By the end of 2023, AICCRA Senegal aims to reach and have positive impacts on over 300k farmers and value chain players through the delivery of climate informed agro-advisories, building on enhanced climate information services (CIS), and new/improved climate smart agricultural (CSA) packages and technologies. The strategy for this scaling vision uses multiple pathways and is achieved through partnerships with the National Agricultural, Research and Extension Services (NARES) and private sector in Senegal. A conceptual framework for this vision is adapted from the Scan tool following Jacobs et al. (2018)

    Rapport de l’atelier de planification 2023

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    L'année 2022 a vu au Sénégal la conduite d'activités majeures englobant la recherche, les interventions sur le terrain, la sensibilisation, la communication et la visite d'évaluation à mi-parcours de la Banque mondiale avec beaucoup de réalisations mais aussi quelques lacunes. A un an de la fin du projet, AICCRA-Sénégal envisage de poursuivre ses interventions en mettant l'accent sur les activités axées sur les résultats et les plus percutants qui garantissent à la fois la durabilité des résultats obtenus au profit de milliers de petits exploitants agricoles ciblés par le projet mais aussi pour le système global. Ce présent rapport fait l'économie des activites réalisées par AICCRA Sénégal en 2022 et le plan de travail prévu pour 2023

    Senegal Cluster Baseline Report

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    This report presents the socio-demographic and economic situation of farmers in the context of farming systems and climate change in the intervention areas of the AICCRA-Senegal project. It also highlights the baseline situation of the key performance indicators of agriculture and livestock value chains, plus the use of climate information and climate-smart agriculture (CSA) innovations. The report has been developed based on the primary data collected from 503 farm households covering both the treatment and control villages in the study region-peanut basin of Senegal. The introductory chapter covers the context of the project, its objectives and methodological aspects. The second part presents characteristics of farms, plus farmers and livestock keepers. The third section describes agricultural systems for the three main agricultural crop value chains, the following section focuses on livestock systems; The fifth and final section is devoted to presentation of the level of knowledge and use of climate information. It also highlights the status of vulnerability/resilience in the face of climate change and variability

    Rapport d'atelier de programmation des émissions radiophoniques dans le cadre du projet AICCRA Sénégal

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    Les deux (2) jours de l’atelier ont permis de passer en revue les différentes étapes pour une meilleure diffusion à grande échelle des bonnes pratiques agricoles et d’élevage. Les particpants, venus des radios communautaires, membres de l’URAC mais également des partenaires d’AICCRA que sont l’ANCAR, l’ISRA et l’ANACIM, ont discuté des contenus à donner aux émissions radio afin d’armer au mieux les producteurs et éleveurs pour la saison des pluies 2023. A l’issue des travaux, des contenus ont été définis, des formats d’émissions déclinés et des personnes et/ou structures ressources identifiées pour l’animation des ces émissions tout en tenant compte des recommandations issues de l’enquête de perception effectuée l’année dernière sur les programmes diffusés. Enfin, les chefs de stations et animateurs des radios partenaires se chargeront de proposer des plannings de diffusion adaptés aux heures d’écoutes de leurs localités et de choisir des points focaux à la place des clubs d’écoute

    Inventaire des technologies et pratiques de l’Agriculture Intelligente face au climat (AIC) au Sénégal

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    Cet inventaire des pratiques AIC est le résultat de travaux de revue systématique réalisée par le Centre d'étude régional pour l'amélioration de l'adaptation à la sécheresse (CERAAS), Sénégal. Les documents consultés comprennent des articles de revues traitant des aspects de l'agriculture intelligente face au climat en Afrique de l'Ouest, des livres, des chapitres de livres, des rapports de projets, etc. La recherche a été menée sur des plateformes de documentation en ligne telles que Science Direct, Google Schoolar et les sites Web de diverses institutions de recherche travaillant dans le domaine du changement climatique. Des mots clés liés à l'AIC ont été utilisés tels que : « Changement climatique », « AIC », « Adaptation », « Impact », « Vulnérabilité », « Agriculture », « Atténuation » etc. Dans ces différents documents, les pratiques développées ont été listées. Afin de recueillir un maximum d'informations sur les pratiques et leur mise en œuvre, un modèle de fiche descriptive a été utilisé

    Community of Practice (CoP) on climate informed advisory services for livestock farmers: The process of co-development and dissemination in Senegal

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    Livestock is an important source of income for millions of smallholder farmers, including women, in Senegal (Habanabakize, Ba, et al., 2022; Habanabakize, Diasse, et al., 2022). But drought, heat waves and extreme wet events, exacerbated by climate change, threaten food security, animal health and the livelihoods of many pastoral communities in the country. With the increased variability of the growing season, natural pasture and water availability, undernourished cattle must travel longer and longer distances.1 In order to reduce uncertainty and to protect their livelihoods and assets, herders utilise various adaptation strategies, including: (1) destocking by selling livestock at often low prices prior to and during to drought; (2) transhumance, which entails a higher risk of animal loss; (3) purchase of feeds which can be costly; (4) utilisation of residues from croplands which may lead to conflict with farmers. In this context, extension services, developed on knowledge and innovations sourced from local- national-international research, can play a vital role in building the capacity of livestock farmers to improve their productivity and profit (Pousga et al., 2022)

    Assessing the reach of climate and agricultural related content via community radio stations in Senegal

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the reach of AICCRA supported community radio programs in Senegal cluster intervention areas. The methodology is a combination of both quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection and analysis. It was found that the four community radio partners (Pakala FM, Jubu Jula FM, Ngaye FM, Ya Gaye FM) reached a population of around 865,385 individuals aged 15 and over, which is 75% of the potential reach. Within this population, 274,677 individuals have actually been reached by AICCRA suppoorted programs, which is 99% of the potential reach. During the last six (6) months, these community radios have been sharing through more than 95 radios shows, climate related information, climate and agricultural advisories with the ultimate aim to help smallholders take the best decision on their farm. While 76% of the population reached found the programs very useful for their activities, 20% found it of little usefulness. Many reasons have been referred to justifying how the information received through radio is useful. Among the most frequent is the fact that farmers can postpone the use of fertilizer, the weeding or other farming related activities depending on an information received about the weather conditions from the radio. The farmers also learnt through the radios how an efficient use of organic manure can increase the production yield while helping minimize the need for chemical fertilizers. As a whole, listeners suggest: more radio programs with a focus on agriculture related topics, more adaptation of existing radio programs to times where farmers are available to listen, to do shows on how to get seeds and fertilizer as this remains a central concern and challenge for farmers, to invite farmers to the shows and make sure that those who are speaking are experts, to design shows for livestock keepers on how to feed their animals and how to provide health care to these animals

    Scoping study on building resilient groundnut and millet value chains in Senegal

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    The cultivation of groundnuts and millet, which has historically been the cornerstone of Senegal's agricultural economy, continues to be an essential component in the nation's efforts to lift its rural population out of poverty. However, increased climatic variability, extreme weather events and market risk has resulted in increased vulnerability of the groundnut and millet value chains impacting the rural livelihoods adversely. As part of the AICCRA project this scoping aims analyses the current situation of the groundnut and millet value chains in terms of performance, access to technologies, climate information delivery and vulnerability and resilience. It also attempts to map the value chain stakeholders and their functions. This report is groundwork to undertake further research to build and assess dynamic value chain model to inform policy makers, stakeholders and development agencies in creating favourable frameworks and design interventions that can promote resilience, farmers’ profitability, efficiency, competitive businesses, sustainable development, poverty alleviation and environmental protection in targeted regions