3 research outputs found

    Morphological, morphometric and laser polarimetry characteristics of epithelial tissue of kidneys that have been structurally reorganized

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    The article deals with the results of study of structural organization of epithelial tissue of the kidneys that were exposed to the combined influence of stress factor and metal salts. It has been determined, that of all the methods, used in the research, morphological changes are characterized by the method of laser polarimetry in full measure


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    The polarization properties of the tissue of the endocrine glands based on histological section were studied in the paper. An investigation by means of the method of laser polarimetry of the thyroid, suprarenal and prostate tissue demonstrated the polarizationproperties of the glands of intact rats in health

    Laser polarimetry of bone tissue

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    Наголошується на важливому значенні оптичних дистанційних, високочутливих методів лазерної поляриметричної діагностики структури кісткової тканини, а також можливості безконтактного вимірювання її орієнтаційної та мінералізаційної будови.The purpose of the given research is the development of an optical model version of the bone tissue orientational and crystalline fractal structure and its experimental approbation