5 research outputs found

    Determination of Cod, Ph and Color Intensity on Songket Industrial Waste Using Tea Dregs as Adsorbent

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    The activities of textile industry is often pollute the surrounding environment. It also occurs in industrial of Palembang Weaving Songket. It influences the acidity and colored of the water. To manage this condition, the colored wastewater using adsorbents that absorbed from tea dregs. This study aimed to determine the effect of tea dregs adsorbent for wastewater quality improvement Songket industry. The Method of treatment of wastewater is used Batch system, which the wastewater is placed in a container by adding the adsorbent from the dregs of tea. The used of variable is the absorption time for 2 hours, 4 hours, and 6 hours, with the composition of adsorbent mass 5 gr, 10 gr, and 15 gr. Tea dregs that used in this study has the 19.26% of hemicellulose, 39.54% of cellulose and lignin 20%. It takes four hours for the research in order to obtain maximum results, with tea dregs adsorbent composition that produces a pH smaller than the initial waste 6, COD content of 89.41 gr / L, and 3.993 ppm color intensity. Therefore, absorbent from the dregs of tea is very useful for the development of the textile industry, especially for Songket industrials


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    Tepung Mocaf (modified cassava flour) adalah merupakan sejenis tepung yang dibuat dari ubi kayu, prinsip pembuatannya adalah dengan memodifikasi ubi kayu dengan mikrobia. Dengan dilakukannya penelitian untuk mendapatkan tepung mocaf dari bahan baku singkong karet ini diharapkan dapat menjadi alternatif selain tepung terigu untuk kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat yang harganya jauh lebih murah. Penelitian ini memanfaatkan umbi beracun, yakni singkong karet (Manihot glazovii) sebagai bahan baku pembuatan tepung mocaf. Singkong karet (Manihot glazovii) memiliki kandungan karbohidrat yang tinggi yaitu 98,47% sehingga cocok untuk dijadikan bahan baku pembuatan tepung. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu perendaman singkong dan pengaruh variasi perendaman dengan pengadukan terhadap reduksi HCN yang terkandung di dalam singkong selama proses perendaman singkong. Hasil yang diperoleh nantinya berupa tepung yang karakteristiknya menyerupai tepung terigu, pada setiap proses pengolahannya akan dilakukan pengujian terhadap kandungan HCN sehingga dapat diketahui hasil reduksi HCN yang terkandung didalam singkong karet


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    Penggunaan campuran TKKS dan pelepah pisang sebagai bahan pengganti kayu dalam pembuatan pulp menjadi solusi atas kerusakan lingkungan akibat meluasnya penebangan hutan secara liar guna memenuhi bahan baku pembuatan kertas. Dalam pembuatan pulp pada UKM masih ditemukan permasalahan dimana proses pengeringan pulp masih mengunakan cara konfensional sehingga memakan waktu yang lama, pengeringan tidak merata, dan bergantung pada cuaca. Hal tersebut yang melatar belakangi penulis melakukan sebuah penelitian dengan tujuan memperoleh satu unit alat dryer tipe tray pada proses pembuatan pulp dari campuran TKKS dan pelepah pisang, serta mendapatkan kondisi optimum dari dryer berdasarkan waktu dan laju pengeringan pulp yang diharapkan memenuhi standar SNI kadar air pulp. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode rancang bangun dan eksperimen. Metode rancang bangun dilakukan untuk perancangan alat pengering tipe tray pada pengeringan pulp. Metode eksperimen dilakukan untuk mendapatkan data kinerja dryer yang ditinjau dari waktu dan laju pengeringan. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu didapat sebuah alat Dryer tipe Tray dengan panjang 34,5 cm, lebar 35 cm dan tinggi 39,5 cm dengan kapasitas maksimal 42 kg. didapatkan pulp dengan kadar air yang sesuai SNI kadar air pulp yaitu sebesar  9,1% pada waktu pengeringan selama 420 menit dengan laju pengeringan total sebesar 0,012656 kg/jam m


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    The formulation of the problem in this study is how to design an absorber device (in terms of flow rate, packing height, and packing variation to ammonia concentration). This study aims to obtain 1 unit of ammonia absorber, reduce ammonia gas levels with an ammonia absorber and get the effect of H2O flow rate, packing height and packing variations on NH3 concentrations. The data analysis used was univariate analysis and bivariate analysis. The data collection technique used was purposive sampling. The research resulted in 1 unit of ammonia absorber with a tower diameter of 3.5 cm and a tower height of 60 cm. The results showed that the effect of H2O flow rate on ammonia concentration was very influential, it was found that the NH3 concentration value on packing height, namely: at the lowest height of 5 cm the amount of NH3 concentration was 5.9690 N and at a height of 60 cm the amount of NH3 concentration was 4.7518 N. The higher the packing height, the lower the NH3 concentration value, the NH3 concentration value obtained on the packing variation, namely: marbles packing of 4.198 N, stainless steel packing of 2.026 N and packiThe formulation of the problem in this study is how to design an absorber device (in terms of flow rate, packing height, and packing variation to ammonia concentration). This study aims to obtain 1 unit of ammonia absorber, reduce ammonia gas levels with an ammonia absorber and get the effect of H2O flow rate, packing height and packing variations on NH3 concentrations. The data analysis used was univariate analysis and bivariate analysis. The data collection technique used was purposive sampling. The research resulted in 1 unit of ammonia absorber with a tower diameter of 3.5 cm and a tower height of 60 cm. The results showed that the effect of H2O flow rate on ammonia concentration was very influential, it was found that the NH3 concentration value on packing height, namely: at the lowest height of 5 cm the amount of NH3 concentration was 5.9690 N and at a height of 60 cm the amount of NH3 concentration was 4.7518 N. The higher the packing height, the lower the NH3 concentration value, the NH3 concentration value obtained on the packing variation, namely: marbles packing of 4.198 N, stainless steel packing of 2.026 N and pack

    Effect of Catalysts on the Quality of Biodiesel from Waste Cooking Oil by Induction Heating

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    The target of increasing the use of renewable fuels is directly proportional to the increasing demand for biodiesel. High demand for biodiesel must be balanced with sufficient availability from producers. One of the factors that influence biodiesel conversion rate is the use of catalysts. The use of sodium teoxide (CH3ONa) catalyst in the manufacture of biodiesel can be applied in the process of biodiesel production using induction heating technology. This technology will accelerate the heating process needed in the transesterification reaction. Based on research that has been done, the use of a catalyst concentration of 1% will produce a yield of 86.95% with product quality in accordance with SNI such as density 0.858 gr/cm3, viscosity 5.727 cSt, flash point 190oC, and acid number 0.439 mg-KOH/g