18 research outputs found

    Okul Düzeyi ve Cinsiyetin Sınav Kaygısı Üzerine Etkisi

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    This study is designed to investigate the effect of school level and gender on the total test anxiety, worry and emotionality sub-scale scores of students. A total of 550 subjects from different school levels (203 elementary, 175 junior high and 172 high school students) participated in the present study. The three separate, 3 (school level) X 2 (gender) ANOVA were conducted on the total test anxiety, worry and emotionality sub-scale scores of the subjects. Results indicated a significant main effect of school level, gender and interaction effect of school level gender on total test anxiety and emotionality sub-scale scores. The significant main effect of school level and interaction effect of gender and school level were also found for the worry sub-scale scores.Bu çalışmanın amacı okul düzeyi ve cinsiyetin öğrencilerin toplam sınav kaygısı ile kuruntu ve duyuşsallık alt test puanları üzerine etkisini araştırmaktır. Çalışmanın ömeklemini değişik okul düzeylerinden toplam 550 öğrenci (203 ilkokul, 175 ortaokul ve 172 lise) oluşturmuştur. Deneklerin toplam sınav kaygısı, kuruntu ve duyuşsallık alt testlerinden aldıkları puanlara üç ayrı, 3 (okul düzeyi) X 2 (cinsiyet) ANOVA uygulanmıştır. Bulgular, toplam sınav kaygısı ve duyuşsallık alt test puanları üzerinde anlamlı düzeyde okul düzeyi ve cinsiyet temel etkisi ile okul düzeyi ve cinsiyet ortak etkisi olduğunu göstermiştir. Anlamlı düzeyde okul düzeyi temel etkisi ile cinsiyet ve okul düzeyi ortak etkisi ayrıca kuruntu alt test puanları içinde bulunmuştur

    Ortaokul Öğrencileri İçin Okul İklimi Ölçeği: Türkçe Formu’nun Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması

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    Bu çalışmada; Emmons, Haynes ve Comer (2002) tarafından geliştirilen Okul İklimi Ölçeği’nin Türkçe’ye çevrilmesi ve ortaokul öğrencileri üzerinde geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışmalarının yapılması amaçlanmıştır. Ölçeğin uyarlama çalışması iki farklı katılımcı grubu ile yapılmıştır. Birinci grup 314 (%44.4 erkek, %55.6 kız), ikinci grup ise 348 (%57.8 erkek, %42.2 kız) ortaokul öğrencisinden oluşmaktadır. Doğrulayıcı faktör analizi sonuçlarına göre, ölçeğin Türkçe formu 36 madde ve 6 alt boyuttan (adalet, düzen ve disiplin, veli katılımı, kaynakların paylaşımı, öğrencilerin kişilerarası ilişkileri ve öğrenci-öğretmen ilişkileri) oluşmaktadır. Ölçek ayrıca benzeme ve ayırma geçerliğine de sahiptir. Ölçeğin tümü ve alt boyutları için elde edilen iç-tutarlık katsayıları ve iki hafta arayla yapılan test-tekrar test güvenirlik değerleri de yeterli düzeydedir

    Misuse of ICTs among Turkish children and youth: A study on newspaper reports

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    This study investigated the misuse of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) among children and youth. The data source was newspaper reports obtained from three Turkish daily newspapers, between January 2006 and December 2012. In that seven years period, a total of 66 ICT misuse incidents were reported in the selected newspapers. Document analysis was performed on the newspaper reports. Themes and codes were entered as variables to manage the data quantitatively. Results revealed that ICT misuse was most commonly conducted through cell phones, social networking sites, instant messaging and web pages. Young people’s involvement of ICT misuse had three forms; from young perpetrator/s to the young victim/s, from young perpetrator/s to adult victim/s and from adult perpetrator/s to young victim/s. ICTs were commonly misused for sexual abuse, insulting or taking revenge. While perpetrators were mostly males whose ages ranged between 14 and 52, a great majority of ICT misuse victims were females, with an age range from 8 to 46. Negative psychological and physiological impacts were reported by the victims

    Use of Video Modeling in Teaching Counseling Techniques: A Pilot Study

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    Psikolojik danışmanların danışanlarla iyi iletişim kurmaları, güçlü ilişkiler oluşturabilmeleri için çeşitli bilgi,tutum, teknik ve becerilere sahip olmaları gereklidir. Bunlar arasında, yardım becerileri ve teknikler ön planaçıkmaktadır. Yardım becerilerinin ve tekniklerinin öğretiminde eğitim videolarının kullanılması oldukça faydalıdır.Bu kapsamda, bu video modelleme çalışmasının amacı, psikolojik danışma sürecinde yaygın olarak kullanılanteknikleri kapsayan videolar oluşturmak ve bunların psikolojik danışman eğitiminde kullanımını değerlendirmeyeyönelik bir pilot çalışma yürütmektir. Çalışmanın ilk aşamasında çeşitli psikolojik danışma tekniklerininmodellendiği kısa videolar hazırlanmıştır. İkinci aşamada, 11 psikolojik danışma ve rehberlik lisans programıöğrencisiyle bu kısa videoların gösterildiği bir eğitim ve değerlendirme toplantısı yapılmış, öğrencilerden teknikleriöğrenmelerine ve bunları kullanma konusunda kendilerini yeterli hissetmelerine videoların ne derece katkısağladığına ilişkin görüşler alınmıştır. Çalışmada “Psikolojik Danışma Tekniklerini Kullanma YeterliliğiniDeğerlendirme Formu” ile toplanan nicel verilere Wilcoxon İşaretli Sıra Testi analizi uygulanmıştır. Bulgular,videoların öğrencilerin tekniklerin kullanımına yönelik yeterlilik algılarını olumlu yönde etkilediğine işaret etmiştir.Nitel veriler içerik analizi ile değerlendirilmiştir. Elde edilen nitel bulgular “videolarının psikolojik danışmaneğitiminde kullanımının getirebileceği kazanımlar” ve “videoların iyileştirilmesine yönelik öneriler” olmak üzere ikitema başlığı altında toplanmıştır. Katılımcılar, psikolojik danışma tekniklerinin sınıf ortamında öğrenilmesi amacıylavideoların kullanımını olumlu olarak değerlendirmiş, görüşlerin paylaşımına ve tartışma ortamı yaratılmasına katkısağladığını belirtmişlerdir.Counselors are expected to acquire a wide range of knowledge, skills and techniques in order to establish effective counselor-client relationship. Among these counseling skills and techniques have paramount importance. The use of training videos in counselor education is very common. Thus the purpose of the current investigation was to evaluate the efficacy of video modeling to promote basic counselor skills building among undergraduate counseling students. After preparation of modeling videos the evaluation phase was conducted with a volunteer group of 11, undergraduate counseling students. These students participated in a training seminar in which the video modeling scenarios were presented. These students were surveyed prior to and following the seminar using a data collection form called Counseling Techniques Use Efficacy Form designed to assess their perceived self-efficacy in using each of ten counseling techniques. Results indicate that there was a significant increase in self-reported efficacy among the participants of the evaluation group about use of modeled counseling techniques also showed that the video modeling training format was well received. The results of the qualitative data were grouped under two categories as “benefits of integrating video modeling into counselor training” and “suggestions for the improvement of videos”. These findings suggest that the process of viewing video modeling segments may have a positive effect in promoting both learning and in building self-efficacy in the use of basic counseling techniques. These results are consistent with other investigations and suggest that video modeling is effective in both growth producing and efficacy building with student

    Counseling Services in Turkish Universities

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    The Drexel Defusion Scale: Reliability and Validity of the Turkish Version

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    Cognitive defusion is one of the components of psychological flexibility inAcceptance and Commitment Therapy. The purpose of this study was to translatethe Drexel Defusion Scale (DDS) into Turkish and test its psychometric properties.This two-phase study was carried out with two groups of participants. The firstphase, Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) included 370 university students (218female, 152 male). The second phase, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) anddivergent validity consisted of 715 university students (351 female, 364 male). TheDDS measures the ability to achieve a distance from inner experiences like thoughtsand feelings, and it consists of 10 scenarios on a six-point Likert-scale ranging from0 (Not at all) to 5 (Very much). The DDS has a unidimentional factor structure. TheCFA results confirmed the one-factor structure of Turkish DDS (T-DDS). The T-DDSalso yielded satisfactory (α > .80) internal consistency and test-retest reliability (α =.81). Thus, findings revealed satisfactory reliability and validity evidence for the TDDS

    The relationship between mindfulness and resilience: The mediating role of self compassion and emotion regulation in a sample of underprivileged Turkish adolescents

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    WOS: 000456764200049The purpose of this study was to examine a mindfulness model of resilience through the mediating effects of self compassion and difficulties in emotion regulation among underprivileged Turkish adolescents. The sample of the study consisted of 752 students (426 female, 326 male) who aged 14-19 (M = 15.82, SD = 0.88). A path analysis was conducted in order to examine the proposed model. The results showed mindfulness to be a positive and significant predictor of self-compassion while negatively and significantly predicting difficulties in emotion regulation. Furthermore, self-compassion and difficulties in emotion regulation were found to be significant predictors of resilience. Indirect paths from mindfulness to resilience (via self-compassion and via difficulties in emotion regulation) were also significant in the model. The hypothesized model explained 21% of the variance in resilience scores.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)This study was financially supported by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) under my PhD Thesis process. Prof. Oya Yerin Guneri, the second author of this article, was also the supervisor of my PhD Thesis

    Evaluation of Peer Mentoring Program in Higher Education: Does it Support Smooth Transition of New Faculty to the Academia?

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    Faculty mentoring programs are implemented in higher education institutions to support faculty development. Within this respect, the aim of this study was to explore the views and suggestions of mentors and mentees in relation to the effectiveness of the mentoring program in a large state university in Ankara. The study had a qualitative design and semi-structured interview schedule was used to collect data. The sample included 8 mentors and 9 mentees. The qualitative data obtained through interviews were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results showed that peer mentoring program contributed to professional development of mentees. The mentors also highlighted the benefits of mentoring program for their career. Both mentors and mentees also provided noteworthy suggestions on how to increase effectiveness of the mentoring program

    Preparing a Course Syllabus to Improve Teaching in Higher Education: Suggestions for Faculty Members

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    Many higher education institutions in Turkey are putting noteworthy efforts to improve the quality of the education and the services they provide to students. As part of these efforts, some of the universities are making decisions and changes which affect the whole educational and instructional activities. Since it is an accepted reality that the effectiveness of education is one of the major influences on students’ success at university, faculty members are also expected to do their best to increase the quality of their instruction and courses. Using a course syllabus is regarded as one of these ways. Defined briefly as a contract between instructor and students about a course, course syllabus provides the students with written information with regards to certain components of a course -from its objectives to the resources to be used. A course syllabus, given at the very beginning of a semester, not only serves to communicate necessary information about courses to students but also plays an important role in stimulating their learning. Within this respect, this paper aims to inform readers about course syllabus (its purpose, importance and components) and to serve as a practical guide for preparing an effective course syllabus. The study comprises a review and analysis of the existing literature and the sources provided by the teaching and learning centers of higher education institutions. Additionally, a total of 28 course syllabi from different higher education institutions all around the world were also examined