2,340 research outputs found

    Strong lensing in the MareNostrum Universe II: scaling relations and optical depths

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    The strong lensing events that are observed in compact clusters of galaxies can, both statistically and individually, return important clues about the structural properties of the most massive structures in the Universe. Substantial work is ongoing in order to understand the degree of similarity between the lensing cluster population and the population of clusters as a whole, with members of the former being likely more massive, compact, and substructured than members of the latter. In this work we exploit synthetic clusters extracted from the {\sc MareNostrum Universe} cosmological simulation in order to estimate the correlation between the strong lensing efficiency and other bulk properties of lensing clusters, such as the virial mass and the bolometric X-ray luminosity. We found that a positive correlation exist between all these quantities, with the substantial scatter being smaller for the luminosity-cross section relation. We additionally used the relation between the lensing efficiency and the virial mass in order to construct a synthetic optical depth that agrees well with the true one, while being extremely faster to be evaluated. We finally estimated what fraction of the total giant arc abundance is recovered when galaxy clusters are selected according to their dynamical activity or their X-ray luminosity. Our results show that there is a high probability for high-redshift strong lensing clusters to be substantially far away from dynamical equilibrium, and that 30−40%30-40\% of the total amount of giant arcs are lost if looking only at very X-ray luminous objects.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures. Accepted by A&

    Large scale environmental bias of the QSO line of sight proximity effect

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    We analyse the proximity zone of the intergalactic matter around high-redshift quasars in a cosmological environment. In a box of 64 h-1 Mpc base length we employ dark matter only simulations. For estimating the hydrogen temperature and density distribution we use the effective equation of state. Hydrogen is assumed to be in photoionisation equilibrium with a model background flux which is fit to recent observations of the mean optical depth and transmission flux statistics. At redshifts z = 3, 4, and 4.8, we select model quasar positions at the centre of the 20 most massive halos and 100 less massive halos identified in the simulation. From each assumed quasar position we cast 100 random lines of sight for two box length including the changes in the ionisation fractions by the QSO flux field and derive mock Ly{\alpha} spectra. The proximity effect describes the dependence of the mean normalised optical depth {\xi} = {\tau}eff, QSO/{\tau}eff, Ly{\alpha} as a function of the ratio of the ionisation rate by the QSO and the background field, {\omega} = {\Gamma}QSO/{\Gamma}UVB, i.e. the profile {\xi} = (1 + {\omega}/a)-0.5, where a strength parameter a is introduced. The strength parameter measures the deviation from the theoretical background model and is used to quantify any influence of the environmental density field. We reproduce an unbiased measurement of the proximity effect which is not affected by the host halo mass. The scatter between different lines of sight and different quasar host positions increases with decreasing redshift. Around the host halos, we find only a slight average overdensity in the proximity zone at comoving radii of 1 < rc < 10h-1 Mpc. However, a clear power-law correlation of the strength parameter with the average overdensity in rc is found, showing an overestimation of the ionising background in overdense regions and an underestimation in underdense regions.Comment: Accepted by Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 15 pages, 12 figure

    The Shape-Alignment relation in Λ\LambdaCDM Cosmic Structures

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    In this paper we study the supercluster - cluster morphological properties using one of the largest (2×51232\times 512^{3} SPH+N-body simulations of large scale structure formation in a Λ\LambdaCDM model, based on the publicly available code GADGET. We find that filamentary (prolate-like) shapes are the dominant supercluster and cluster dark matter halo morphological feature, in agreement with previous studies. However, the baryonic gas component of the clusters is predominantly spherical. We investigate the alignment between cluster halos (using either their DM or baryonic components) and their parent supercluster major-axis orientation, finding that clusters show such a preferential alignment. Combining the shape and the alignment statistics, we also find that the amplitude of supercluster - cluster alignment increases although weakly with supercluster filamentariness.Comment: Accepted for puplication in MNRAS, 10 pages, 15 figure

    Large Scale Morphological Segregation in Optically Selected Galaxy Redshift Catalogs

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    We present the results of an exhaustive analysis of the morphological segregation of galaxies in the CfA and SSRS catalogs through the scaling formalism. Morphological segregation between ellipticals and spirals has been detected at scales up to 15-20 h−1^{-1} Mpc in the CfA catalog, and up to 20-30 h−1^{-1} Mpc in the SSRS catalog. Moreover, it is present not only in the densest areas of the galaxy distribution, but also in zones of moderate density.Comment: 9 pages, (1 figure included), uuencode compressed Postscript, (accepted for publication in ApJ Letters), FTUAM-93-2

    CP violation with a dynamical Higgs

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    We determine the complete set of independent gauge and gauge-Higgs CP-odd effective operators for the generic case of a dynamical Higgs, up to four derivatives in the chiral expansion. The relation with the linear basis of dimension six CP-odd operators is clarified. Phenomenological applications include bounds inferred from electric dipole moment limits, and from present and future collider data on triple gauge coupling measurements and Higgs signals.Comment: 41 pages, 3 figures; V2: citations added, typos corrected, version published on JHE

    Rotation in galaxy clusters from MUSIC simulations with the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect

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    We propose in this work its application for the detection of possible coherent rotational motions in the hot intra-cluster medium. We select a sample of massive, relaxed and rotating galaxy clusters from Marenostrum-mUltidark SImulations of galaxy Clusters (MUSIC), and we produce mock maps of the temperature distortion produced by the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect by exploring six different lines of sight, in the best observational condition. These maps are compared with the expected signal computed from a suitable theoretical model in two cases: (i) focusing only on the contribution from the rotation, and (ii) accounting also for the cluster bulk motion. We find that the parameters of the model assumed for the radial profile of the rotational velocity, averaged over the considered lines of sight, are in agreement within two standard deviations at most with independent estimates from the simulation data, without being significantly affected by the presence of the cluster bulk term. The amplitude of the rotational signal is, on average, of the order of 23 per cent of the total signal accounting also for the cluster bulk motion, and its values are consistent with the literature. The projected bulk velocity of the cluster is also recovered at the different lines of sight, with values in agreement with the simulation dataASB acknowledges funding from Sapienza UniversitĂ  di Roma - Progetti per Avvio alla Ricerca Anno 2017, prot. AR11715C82402BC
