82 research outputs found

    Construction of minimum-norm fixed points of pseudocontractions in Hilbert spaces

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    Abstract An iterative algorithm is introduced for the construction of the minimum-norm fixed point of a pseudocontraction on a Hilbert space. The algorithm is proved to be strongly convergent. MSC:47H05, 47H10, 47H17

    The constrained multiple-sets split feasibility problem and its projection algorithms

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    An iterative method for fixed point problems and variational inequality problems

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    In this paper, we present an iterative method for fixed point problems and variational inequality problems. Our method is based on the so-called extragradient method and viscosity approximation method. Using this method, we can find the common element of the set of fixed points of a nonexpansive mapping and the set of solutions of the variational inequality for monotone mapping

    Extended Extragradient Methods for Generalized Variational Inequalities

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    We suggest a modified extragradient method for solving the generalized variational inequalities in a Banach space. We prove some strong convergence results under some mild conditions on parameters. Some special cases are also discussed

    A Strongly Convergent Method for the Split Feasibility Problem

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    The purpose of this paper is to introduce and analyze a strongly convergent method which combined regularized method, with extragradient method for solving the split feasibility problem in the setting of infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces. Note that the strong convergence point is the minimum norm solution of the split feasibility problem

    On Mann-type accelerated projection methods for pseudomonotone variational inequalities and common fixed points in Banach spaces

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    In this paper, we investigate two Mann-type accelerated projection procedures with line search method for solving the pseudomonotone variational inequality (VIP) and the common fixed-point problem (CFPP) of finitely many Bregman relatively nonexpansive mappings and a Bregman relatively asymptotically nonexpansive mapping in p p -uniformly convex and uniformly smooth Banach spaces. Under mild conditions, we show weak and strong convergence of the proposed algorithms to a common solution of the VIP and CFPP, respectively
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