705 research outputs found

    Interaction between superconductor and ferromagnetic domains in iron sheath: peak effect in MgB2/Fe wires

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    Interaction between the superconductor and ferromagnet in MgB2/Fe wires results in either a plateau or a peak effect in the field dependence of transport critical current, Ic(H). This is in addition to magnetic shielding of external field. Current theoretical models cannot account for the observed peak effect in Ic(H). This paper shows that the theoretical explanation of the peak effect should be sought in terms of interaction between superconductor and magnetic domain structure, obtained after re-magnetization of the iron sheath by the self-field of the current. There is a minimum value of critical current, below which the re-magnetization of the iron sheath and peak effect in Ic(H) are not observed

    Effect of carbon nanotube doping on critical current density of MgB2 superconductor

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    The effect of doping MgB2 with carbon nanotubes on transition temperature, lattice parameters, critical current density and flux pinning was studied for MgB2-xCx with x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3. The carbon substitution for B was found to enhance Jc in magnetic fields but depress Tc. The depression of Tc, which is caused by the carbon substitution for B, increases with increasing doping level, sintering temperature and duration. By controlling the extent of the substitution and addition of carbon nanotubes we can achieve the optimal improvement on critical current density and flux pinning in magnetic fields while maintaining the minimum reduction in Tc. Under these conditions, Jc was enhanced by two orders of magnitude at 8T and 5K and 7T and 10K. Jc was more than 10,000A/cm2 at 20K and 4T and 5K and 8.5T, respectively

    Superconductivity in Layerd Cuprate

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    A series of layered cuprate (Rut_xNb)Sr2GdCups (Ru1212) for 0 :5 x :5 1 has been synthesized by the solid state reaction method. Powder X-ray diffraction analysis indicates that oxygen flow is important in the formation of the Ru1212 phase and superconductivity in the system. Samples with nominal composition (Rul_ x b)Sr2GdCu20 S can be indexed as a tetragonal structure with space group P4/mmm. The undoped compound exhibits the highest superconducting transition with Tc onsel of 65 K and Tc zero of 55 K. Our results also show that doping with b decreases the normal state conductivity and suppresses superconductivity in the system

    Effect of nano-particle doping on the upper critical field and flux pinning in MgB2

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    The effect of nano particle doping on the critical current density of MgB2 is reviewed. Most nano-particle doping leads to improvement of Jc(H) performance while some shows a negative effect as with Cu and Ag. Nano-carbon containing dopants have two distinguishable contributions to the enhancement of Jc field performance: increase of upper critical field and improvement of flux pinning. Among all the dopants studied so far, nano SiC doping showed the most significant and reproducible enhancement in Jc(H). The nano SiC doping introduced many precipitates at a scale below 10 nm, which serve as strong pinning centers. Jc for the nano SiC doped samples increased by more than an order of magnitude at high fields and all temperatures compared to the undoped samples. The significant enhancement in Jc(H) of nano-SiC doping has been widely verified and confirmed, having a great potential for applications. An attempt is made to clarify the controversy on the effects of nano Fe and Ti doping on Jc

    Effect of carbon nanotube doping on critical current density of MgB2 superconductor

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    The effect of doping MgB2 with carbon nanotubes on transition temperature, lattice parameters, critical current density and flux pinning was studied for MgB2–xCx with x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3. The carbon substitution for B was found to enhance Jc in magnetic fields but depress Tc. The depression of Tc, which is caused by the carbon substitution for B, increases with an increasing doping level, sintering temperature, and duration. By controlling the extent of the substitution and addition of carbon nanotubes we can achieve the optimal improvement on critical current density and flux pinning in magnetic fields while maintaining the minimum reduction in Tc. Under these conditions, Jc was enhanced by two orders of magnitude at 8 T and 5 K and 7 T and 10 K. Jc was more than 10 000 A/cm2 at 20 K and 4 T and 5 K and 8.5 T, respectively

    Influence of carbon on intraband scattering in Mg(B1-xCx)2

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    We report data on the Hall coefficient (RH) of the carbon substituted Mg(B1-xCx)2 single crystals with x in the range from 0 to 0.1. The temperature dependences of RH obtained for the substituted crystals differ systematically at low temperatures, but all of them converge to the value of 1.8 x 10^-10 m^3/C at room temperature. The RH(T) data together with results of the thermoelectric power and electrical resistivity measurements are interpreted within a quasi-classical transport approach, where the presence of four different conducting sheets is considered. The main influence of the carbon substitution on the transport properties in the normal state is associated with enhanced scattering rates, rather than modified concentration of charge carriers. Presumably the carbon substitution increases the electron-impurity scattering mainly in the pi band.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure

    Magnetic field processing to enhance critical current densities of MgB2 superconductors

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    Magnetic field of up to 12 T was applied during the sintering process of pure MgB2 and carbon nanotube (CNT) doped MgB2 wires. We have demonstrated that magnetic field processing results in grain refinement, homogeneity and significant enhancement in Jc(H) and Hirr. The Jc of pure MgB2 wire increased by up to a factor of 3 to 4 and CNT doped MgB2 by up to an order of magnitude in high field region respectively, compared to that of the non-field processed samples. Hirr for CNT doped sample reached 7.7 T at 20 K. Magnetic field processing reduces the resistivity in CNT doped MgB2, straightens the entangled CNT and improves the adherence between CNTs and MgB2 matrix. No crystalline alignment of MgB2 was observed. This method can be easily scalable for a continuous production and represents a new milestone in the development of MgB2 superconductors and related systems

    Enhancement of Transition Temperature in FexSe0.5Te0.5 Film via Iron Vacancies

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    The effects of iron deficiency in FexSe0.5Te0.5 thin films (0.8<x<1) on superconductivity and electronic properties have been studied. A significant enhancement of the superconducting transition temperature (TC) up to 21K was observed in the most Fe deficient film (x=0.8). Based on the observed and simulated structural variation results, there is a high possibility that Fe vacancies can be formed in the FexSe0.5Te0.5 films. The enhancement of TC shows a strong relationship with the lattice strain effect induced by Fe vacancies. Importantly, the presence of Fe vacancies alters the charge carrier population by introducing electron charge carriers, with the Fe deficient film showing more metallic behavior than the defect-free film. Our study provides a means to enhance the superconductivity and tune the charge carriers via Fe vacancy, with no reliance on chemical doping.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Correlated enhancement of Hc2 and Jc in carbon nanotube-doped MgB2

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    The use of MgB2 in superconducting applications still awaits for the development of a MgB2-based material where both current-carrying performance and critical magnetic field are optimized simultaneously. We achieved this by doping MgB2 with double-wall carbon nanotubes (DWCNT) as a source of carbon in polycrystalline samples. The optimum nominal DWCNT content for increasing the critical current density, Jc is in the range 2.5-10%at depending on field and temperature. Record values of the upper critical field, Hc2(4K) = 41.9 T (with extrapolated Hc2(0) ~ 44.4 T) are reached in a bulk sample with 10%at DWCNT content. The measured Hc2 vs T in all samples are successfully described using a theoretical model for a two-gap superconductor in the dirty limit first proposed by Gurevich et al.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure