50 research outputs found

    Propiedades psicométricas de la escala de dependencia al celular en estudiantes de secundaria de Lima Norte, 2021

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    Esta investigación de tipo psicométrica, de diseño instrumental, tuvo como objetivo general, analizar las propiedades psicométricas del test de dependencia al celular (TDM) en estudiantes de secundaria del distrito de Lima, Norte. El instrumento original consta de 22 reactivos, siendo administrada en un primer momento a un piloto formado por 110 sujetos para detectar y comprobar dificultades con algún ítem. Inmediatamente se procedió a administrar la prueba a una muestra de 215 participantes, para luego realizar el muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Así mismo se realizó la validez de contenido a través del criterio de jueces y V de Aiken, el cual revelo que el análisis descriptivo de los reactivos fue óptimo, por lo que se dio inicio a los siguientes análisis estadísticos como el AFC, donde se extrajo un modelo que si bien no se adecuo del todo al modelo planteado por la teoría revelo puntajes cercanos, del mismo modo se realizó el AFE agrupando en 4 dimensiones concordando con la base teórica del autor por lo que no se procedió a realizar un segundo modelo ya que el primero modelo no tuvo resultados bajos. Por otro lado, se procedió con la confiabilidad, para ello se utilizó el coeficiente Omega de McDonald el cual arrojo valores de 0.92 a 0.93

    Sistema de gestión de almacenes y la productividad laboral en Saga Falabella S.A. Villa el Salvador, 2023

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    En esta investigación de tesis titulado “Sistema de gestión de almacenes y la productividad laboral en Saga Falabella S.A. Villa el Salvador, 2023”; se consideró como problema general: ¿De qué manera influye el sistema de gestión de almacenes en la productividad laboral en Saga Falabella S.A. Villa el Salvador, 2023?, y como objetivo principal: Determinar la influencia del sistema de gestión de almacenes en la productividad laboral en Saga Falabella S.A. Villa el Salvador, 2023, la hipótesis general: El sistema de gestión de almacenes influye positivamente en la productividad laboral en Saga Falabella S.A. Villa el Salvador, 2023. Utilizando a la metodología científica, con enfoque cuantitativo, de Tipo Aplicada, explicativo, con diseño experimental; para la contratación de hipótesis se utilizó el método inductivo y deductivo; en la población se reflejó los pedidos que se recepcionaron en el centro de distribución de Saga Falabella S.A. y en la muestra se reflejó los pedidos que se recepcionaron en el área de recibo nacional, se aplicó el instrumento de análisis documental y observación, cuyos datos permitieron concluir que: El sistema de gestión de almacenes influye positivamente en la productividad laboral en Saga Falabella S.A. Villa el Salvador, 2023. Por último, punto se pudo validar que los resultados obtenidos se forjaron mediante el programa Microsoft Excel y para constatar la hipótesis general y especifica de la investigación se obtuvo mediante el software SPSS. Finalmente, se concluyó que la productividad mejoró de un 23% a un 50%

    Evolution of Status of Trace Elements and Metallothioneins in Patients with COVID-19: Relationship with Clinical, Biochemical, and Inflammatory Parameters

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    The inflammatory reaction and pathogenesis of COVID-19 may be modulated by circulating trace elements (Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn)) and Metallothioneins (MTs). Thus, the present study aimed to investigate their relationship with clinical, biochemical, and inflammatory parameters in patients with COVID-19 at the early Intensive Care Unit (ICU) phase. Critically ill patients (n = 86) were monitored from the first day of ICU admission until the third day of stay. Serum samples were used to assess mineral levels via Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) and MT levels via differential pulse voltammetry. Levels of Cu and MTs were significantly decreased after 3 days (p < 0.05), increasing the prevalence of Cu-deficient values from 50% to 65.3% (p = 0.015). Fe and Zn were shown to have a predictive value for mortality and severity. The present study suggests trace element deficiency may be a risk factor during early ICU treatment of COVID-19, as it is related to different biochemical and clinical parameters, indicating a possible beneficial effect of restoring proper levels of these micronutrients.European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) “a way of making Europe”Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades de la Junta de Andalucía (REF. A-CTS-708-UGR20)Project FIS PI10/1993 from the Spanish Carlos III Health Institute(REF. FPU18/03702)(REF. FPU18/03655)Spanish Ministry of Educatio

    Effect of zinc supplementation on circulating concentrations of homocysteine, vitamin B12, and folate in a postmenopausal population

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    Introduction: The decrease in estrogen levels associated with menopause increases the risk of deficiencies of key micronutrients such as zinc and of disturbances in methylation cycle-related markers. The present study assesses the effect of 8-week Zn supplementation upon circulating concentrations of Hcy, B12, and Fol levels in a population of postmenopausal women. Methods: Fifty-one postmenopausal women aged between 44 and 76 years took part in the study. Two randomized groups (placebo and zinc [50 mg/day]) were treated during 8 weeks. Nutrient intake was assessed based on the 72-hour recall method. Zinc was analyzed by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Clinicalnutritional parameters were determined by enzyme immunoassay techniques. Results: Folate levels increased significantly (p < 0.05) in the zinc group on comparing the baseline versus followup values. Homocysteine decreased in the inter-group analysis (p < 0.05) after the intervention. Furthermore, higher folate (r = - 0.632; p = 0.005) and vitamin B12 (r = - 0.512; p = 0.030) levels were correlated to low homocysteine levels in the zinc group after the intervention, although the zinc intervention had the same effect on B12 levels in both groups. Conclusion: Zinc supplementation enhanced circulating folate and homocysteine by improving the folate values in the zinc-supplemented group and decreasing homocysteine levels inter-groups. Further studies involving larger samples and optimizing the doses and intervention period are needed to reinforce our main findings.Thanks are due to all the postmenopausal women who participated in the present study. We also thank the English revision and edition provided by a scientific translator. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Huelva, Spain / CBUA

    Marketing de contenidos y la fidelización de los clientes del Chifa Kam Lu, Piura-2019

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    El desarrollo del proyecto de tesis, tiene como objetivo general, Determinar la relación que existe entre Marketing de contenidos y la fidelización de los clientes del Chifa Kam Lu, Piura-2019. A nivel metodológico, se utilizó el diseño transversal y de tipo descriptivo – correlacional, respecto a los aspectos que muestran la problemática de las variables de estudio ya que buscaba determinar la relación que existe entre marketing de contenidos con la fidelización de los clientes, utilizando como técnica de recolección de datos dos encuestas aplicada a los clientes externos del Chifa Kam Lu, siendo la población de 484,475 clientes y la muestra de 384 respectivamente conformada por los colaboradores, permitiendo concluir que existe una relación entre el marketing de contenidos y la fidelización de los clientes del Chifa Kam Lu, pues a medida de que se pueda lograr mejorar los factores importantes del marketing de contenidos en donde se lograra incrementar la fidelización de los clientes, la empresa debe implementar en innovar más en el ambiente y contenido de los textos publicados para que así los clientes se sientan atraídos por la marca haciendo un radical cambio de un visitante a un comprador y de la misma manera fidelizar a cada uno de los clientes, originando aspectos positivos, gracias al vínculo que existe entre cliente y empresa en la que logran ser identificados, aplicando el marketing de contenidos con resultados tolerables

    Efectos económicos del Covid-19 en América Latina y el Caribe

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    EnsayoPara América Latina y el Caribe, la llegada del COVID-19, genero el aislamiento preventivo obligatorio para mitigar los contagios, pero a su vez, afectando la economía tanto interna y externa a nivel latinoamericano, generando que las actividades de negocio y de económicas de algunas empresas fueron cerradas, lo que por obvias razones se dio reflejado en un mayor desempleo, dejando a muchas familias sin el sustento básico lo que impacta en su calidad de vida y sus ingresos.RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN 1. DESARROLLO 2. CONCLUSIONES 3. REFERENCIAS DE CONSULTASEspecializaciónEspecialista en Análisis y Administración Financier

    “Y Dios me hizo mujer”: desplazamiento forzado y vulnerabilidad de género

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    El desplazamiento forzado en Colombia como proceso caracterizado por que la población civil debe migrar dentro del territorio nacional abandonando su localidad de residencia o actividades económicas habituales, dado que su vida, integridad física, seguridad o libertad personales han sido vulneradas o se encuentran directamente amenazadas, con ocasión del conflicto armado interno3, afecta hoy en día a la mayor parte del país

    Relationship between Body Composition and Biochemical Parameters with Antioxidant Status in a Healthy Cohort of Postmenopausal Women

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    An adequate prooxidant-antioxidant balance-which may be influenced by body composition and biochemical status-is essential to maintain human health, especially in circumstances under which the antioxidant defense decreases, such as menopause. The present study aimed to examine the relationship between body composition and biochemical parameters with antioxidant status in a healthy cohort of postmenopausal women. This cross-sectional study was carried out in a cohort of 78 postmenopausal women aged 44-76 years. The body composition profile was assessed through bioelectrical impedance. The determination of the total antioxidant capacity and superoxide dismutase activity was conducted by the colorimetric method, and glutathione peroxidase activity was determined by the enzymatic immunological method. The vitamin D levels were measured by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The mineral status was assessed through flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The rest of the biochemical parameters were assessed through an immunoassay. The total antioxidant capacity and antioxidant gap were negatively influenced by body composition (all p <= 0.049) and positively related to protein metabolism parameters (all p <= 0.048), whereas circulating levels of different micronutrients (all p <= 0.048) and enzymes (all p <= 0.047) appeared to play an important role in the glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activities. In conclusion, the menopause-related antioxidant status changes may be influenced by key body composition and biochemical profiles. To confirm this statement, further trials aiming to evaluate the body composition and biochemical intervention-induced changes upon antioxidant defense are needed.Spanish Ministry of Education and Professional Formation FPU18/03655 FPU18/0370

    Vitamin D Status in Critically Ill Patients with SIRS and Its Relationship with Circulating Zn and Related Parameters during ICU Stay

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    Critically ill patients are exposed to different stressors which may generate Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS). This situation hinders the assessment of micronutrients status, such as vitamin D or Zinc (Zn), potentially affecting patients’ treatment and recovery. The aim of the present study was to assess the evolution of circulating 25–Hydroxyvitamin D (25–OH–D) levels after seven days of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) stay and the influence on changes in plasma and erythrocyte Zn levels, as well as other parameters related to phosphorus–calcium metabolism. A prospective analytical study was conducted on 65 critically ill patients (42% women) aged 31–77 years with SIRS. Total 25–OH–D levels were measured in plasma samples by liquid chromatographytandem mass spectrometry, and Zn content was analyzed by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Both 25–OH–D and 25–OH–D3 levels were directly associated with erythrocyte Zn concentration at follow-up (p = 0.046 and p = 0.011, respectively). A relationship between erythrocyte and plasma Zn was also found at this follow-up point. No such clear associations were found when considering 25– OH–D2. Different disturbances in levels of phosphorus–calcium metabolism parameters were found, suggesting a relationship between the changes of 25–OH–D3 levels and parathormone (p = 0.019) and phosphorus (p = 0.005). The findings of the present study suggest an interaction between vitamin D and Zn, in which the correct status of these micronutrients could be a potentially modifiable factor and a beneficial approach in the recovery of critically ill patients.FIS projects of the Carlos III Health Institute PI10/1993Spanish Government A-CTS-708-UGR20 FPU18/03702 FPU18/0365

    Zinc transporters expression profile in professional handball players supplemented with zinc

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    Introduction: Zinc (Zn) deficiency has been described not only on general human health but also within the sports context -as negatively affecting performance-. Thus, Zn status assessment is of great interest for athletes, especially in order to correct deficiency states of this mineral. Objective: The overall objective of this work was to assess Zn status in professional handball players during the competitive period (through plasma levels, dietary intake and gene expression of the Zn transporters), as well as to determine the effect of Zn supplementation. Methods: A total of twenty-two participants were recruited, -twelve belonged to the Control Group (CG) and ten male handball players comprised the experimental group (ATH-G)-, being monitored over a 2-month period with 2 evaluation moments: baseline (i.e., initial conditions) and follow-up (i.e., after 8 weeks of training and competition). Zn intake, plasma Zn levels, and gene expression of Zn transporters were obtained. Results: Plasma Zn levels were higher in ATH-G than in CG at the end of Zn intervention (p ≤ 0.010). Moreover, differences in the gene expression profile of Zn transporters were observed in ATH-G -with the down-regulation of several Zn transporters-, compared to the CG at baseline (p ≤ 0.05). Likewise, differences in the Zn transporters expression were observed in ATH-G at 8 weeks (all, p ≤ 0.001) -with ZnT2, ZnT5, ZIP3, ZIP5, ZIP11, ZIP13 and ZIP14 transporters being up-regulated-. Conclusion: Handball players seemed to have different nutritional needs for Zn, with differences in the gene expression of Zn transporters compared to controls. Zn intervention in our athletes may have influenced the expression of Zn transporters, indicating a potential increase in Zn transporters expression to mobilize Zn at the cellular level at 8 weeks of Zn intervention.We thank COST Action TD1304 e-Network for the Biology of Zinc (Zinc-Net) for favoring our collaboration with experts on zinc biomarkers. This article is based upon work from COST Action TD1304 supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada /CBUA.Departamento de Educación Física, Música y Artes Plástica