171 research outputs found

    Engaging Learners in Critical Analysis Through Concept Maps: From Theory to Practice

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    This paper addresses the use of concept maps to engage adult learners in critical analysis. The discussion is situated within four adult learning theories. Examples from different contexts using concept maps and connections between theories, learning process, locus of learning, teacher’s role, manifestation in adult education, and activities are presented

    Inclusion 10: the experiences of peer teachers and functionally integrated students in a secondary female inclusive physical education program

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    As a physical education teacher, I have observed first hand the outcomes of a classroom that did not support the inclusion of all students and the challenges that teachers face while addressing diverse abilities within their classes. In response to this deficit, I created and implemented a physical education curriculum for high school students called Inclusion 10 that focused on the inclusion of functionally integrated students and their mainstream peer teachers during their class. This study defined functionally integrated students as those who have a significant intellectual and/or multiple disabilities. Mainstream students are defined as all students whose need can be met through the Regular Education Program (Saskatchewan Learning, 2006). After the study began, the mainstream students took on the role of peer teachers and were referred to as such. The results of this study were highly positive and reflected the development of positive student relationships as well as the physical, personal, and affective outcomes for all students. Teachers and educational assistants also experienced significant outcomes from their participation within the study. Inclusion 10 is an adapted program based on the Saskatchewan Wellness 10 Curriculum that fosters positive relationships and a healthy physical environment for both mainstream and functionally integrated students. Student voice was an integral piece of this new program. Peer teachers worked closely with the researcher to develop the curriculum activities for Inclusion 10. Providing spaces for students’ voices promoted ownership in learning and respected the needs and interests of the students’ experiences. The research conducted discusses the academic, social, and physical benefits of this program that promote inclusion, integration, and peer teaching amongst secondary mainstream female peer teachers and functionally integrated students. Inclusion 10 plays a fundamental role in the development of individuals with and without disabilities (Block & Klavina, 2008) and enhances pedagogical strategies for teachers and curriculum developers. The qualitative case study explored the interactive experiences of 22 peer teachers, 10 female functionally integrated students, eight male functionally integrated students, one classroom teacher, and nine educational assistants participating in a physical education class that supported inclusion and peer teaching. This one month long study (one-two week teaching/learning session and subsequent interviews) investigated the experiences of all participants involved in the Inclusion 10 program taught by the classroom teacher. Data was gathered through field notes, taped interviews, student journals, photographs, and observations. The semi-structured interviews included eight peer teachers, three functionally integrated students, one teacher, and one educational assistant. The interviews provided a wealth of information that demonstrated positive outcomes such as, a non-competitive atmosphere, caring through peer teaching, positive classroom culture and improved self-esteem. The impact of Inclusion 10 went beyond the classroom. Peer teachers developed the motivation to participate in physical education, improved self-esteem, enhanced leadership skills, knowledge about their functionally integrated peers, and empathy and caring towards others. The functionally integrated students experienced an inclusive learning opportunity that enhanced their self-esteem, quality of learning, relationships, and positive behaviors that went beyond the gymnasium. Four common themes emerged from the data: 1) Motivation and Social Implications, 2) Understanding and Appreciation for Others Within and Beyond the Classroom, 3) Developing Leaders Through Inclusive Physical Education and Peer Teaching, and 4) Building Life Skills for the Future. Ultimately, the study showed that Inclusion 10 had a very positive effect on all of the students, the educational assistants, and classroom teacher. Inclusion 10 is a highly adaptable program for teachers and students that promoted inclusion for all students. The physical, affective, and cognitive outcomes of this program demonstrated the impact of adaptive teaching and learning for all stakeholders

    Emerging Inclusion and Diversity Policies in Military Learning Environments: Supporting Organizational Change and Breaking Down the Status Quo

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    Emerging inclusion and diversity policies within the US military require unique adult education approaches to break down the status quo, facilitate learning for social change, and strengthen force resiliency

    Fostering Internationalization in Adult Education Graduate Programs in the United States: Opportunities for Growth

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    Internationalization is a key element of higher education missions to prepare learners for the global dimensions of their lives and work, which are increasingly integrated. In the United States, adult education graduate programs play a vital role in the wider educational landscape, particularly because of their interconnectedness with diverse disciplines and a working learner student population. Although student and scholar mobility remain important to fostering connections, adult education graduate programs can broaden the scope of internationalization aims. This paper proposes three main opportunities for internationalization growth within adult education graduate programs: incorporating intercultural literacy in formal curricula, emphasizing a continuing professional education approach, and integrating the formal – nonformal – informal education continuum in programs. Conceptualizing efforts within these opportunity sectors can spur innovation central to internationalization initiatives

    Examining Adult Learning Through the Lens of Culture: A U.S. Perspective

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    This paper examines adult learning within United States based journals through the lens of culture. Four thematic areas from the literature are highlighted. These themes include: critically examining one’s own and others’ cultural stories; utilizing sociocultural approaches to facilitate or guide adult learning; developing and maintaining dialog; and incorporating strategies to improve people’s cultural awareness and competency. Implications for practice are addressed throughout. A concluding discussion suggests areas for future research.Badanie kształcenia osób dorosłych w ujęciu kulturowym w perspektywie Stanów ZjednoczonychZagadnienia zawarte w prezentowanym artykule dotyczą analizy wykorzystania aspektów kulturowych w literaturze Stanów Zjednoczonych. Artykuł porusza i skupia się na czterech obszarach literatury. Dotyczą one oceny krytycznej historii kulturowych własnych i innych osób, wykorzystanie społeczno-kulturowych podejść używanych do ułatwienia lub naprowadzenia uczenia się dorosłych, rozwijanie i utrzymywanie dialogu, oraz wprowadzenie strategii w celu poprawy świadomości kulturowej i kompetencji ludzi. W artykule zawarto sugestie możliwych obszarów dla przyszłych badań

    The role of community benefits agreements for community development, social justice adult education, and program planning

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    The purpose of this roundtable is to facilitate discussion and debate about the role of community benefits agreements in community development, social justice education, and program planning within community development contexts

    The Righteous Among the Nations of the World: An Exploration of Free-Choice Learning

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    Citation: Yelich Biniecki, S. M., & Donley, S. (2016). The Righteous Among the Nations of the World: An Exploration of Free-Choice Learning. SAGE Open, 6(3). doi:10.1177/2158244016659319The purpose of this study was to explore how learners make meaning of their experiences at exhibits depicting narratives of the Polish Righteous Among the Nations of the World, free-choice learning contexts. The study focused on two exhibits at a university in the mid-Western United States. The conceptual framework of the study integrates free-choice learning, the role of narratives, reflection, and Holocaust education. Three main mechanisms emerged from the qualitative analysis and interpretation of data of how participants made meaning of their experiences: through emotions, being challenged, and broadening awareness. This study further informs our understanding of meaning making and learning in free-choice learning contexts, suggesting ways in which we might provide additional prompts to bridge historical distance and integrate connectors to learners’ personal contexts in international education exhibits. © 2016, © The Author(s) 2016

    Exploring Adult Learners’ Knowledge Construction of Social Foundations Content: One Higher Education Context

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    This qualitative study explores adult learners’ knowledge construction of social foundations content within a Master of Adult Education program, broadening the understanding of the tenets of constructivist learning

    Advancing Educators Towards Social Justice Through Policy Analysis

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    Both pre-service and practicing educators are entering classrooms with limited preparation for the social landscape, affecting a range of professional considerations such as educational equity, culturally responsive teaching, and effective assessment. In an effort to consider greater impact and meaningful development of teachers for social justice concepts, this study is aimed directly at K-2 Kansas classrooms. A review of KSDE policies, utilizing a critical policy discourse analysis, allowed for the consideration of plausible responses for educational change regarding the advancement of educators for social justice. This research demonstrates the opportunity that exists within policy to create greater awareness for social justice issues within schools, as well as the opportunity to develop more effective educators through operationalizing language to improve educational impact

    Social Justice Adult EducationComparative Perspectives from Poland and the United States

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    This paper examines and compares how social justice adult education currently is situated within two nation statesPoland and United States. Vocabulary, conceptual frameworks, and several themes are compared. The discussion broadens our understanding of how social justice education is positioned within two, complex socio-cultural contexts and suggests implications for practice
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