41 research outputs found
Sulfide in engineered methanogenic systems - Friend or foe?
Sulfide ions are regarded to be toxic to microorganisms in engineered methanogenic systems (EMS), where organic substances are anaerobically converted to products such as methane, hydrogen, alcohols, and carboxylic acids. A vast body of research has addressed solutions to mitigate process disturbances associated with high sulfide levels, yet the established paradigm has drawn the attention away from the multifaceted sulfide interactions with minerals, organics, microbial interfaces and their implications for performance of EMS. This brief review brings forward sulfide-derived pathways other than toxicity and with potential significance for anaerobic organic matter degradation. Available evidence on sulfide reactions with organic matter, interventions with key microbial metabolisms, and interspecies electron transfer are critically synthesized as a guidance for comprehending the sulfide effects on EMS apart from the microbial toxicity. The outcomes identify existing knowledge gaps and specify future research needs as a step forward towards realizing the potential of sulfide-derived mechanisms in diversifying and optimizing EMS applications
Effect of Cobalt, Nickel, and Selenium/Tungsten Deficiency on Mesophilic Anaerobic Digestion of Chemically Defined Soluble Organic Compounds
Trace elements (TEs) are vital for anaerobic digestion (AD), due to their role as cofactors in many key enzymes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of specific TE deficiencies on mixed microbial communities during AD of soluble polymer-free substrates, thus focusing on AD after hydrolysis. Three mesophilic (37 degrees C) continuous stirred-tank biogas reactors were depleted either of Co, Ni, or a combination of Se and W, respectively, by discontinuing their supplementation. Ni and Se/W depletion led to changes in methane kinetics, linked to progressive volatile fatty acid (VFA) accumulation, eventually resulting in process failure. No significant changes occurred in the Co-depleted reactor, indicating that the amount of Co present in the substrate in absence of supplementation was sufficient to maintain process stability. Archaeal communities remained fairly stable independent of TE concentrations, while bacterial communities gradually changed with VFA accumulation in Ni- and Se-/W-depleted reactors. Despite this, the communities remained relatively similar between these two reactors, suggesting that the major shifts in composition likely occurred due to the accumulating VFAs. Overall, the results indicate that Ni and Se/W depletion primarily lead to slower metabolic activities of methanogenic archaea and their syntrophic partners, which then has a ripple effect throughout the microbial community due to a gradual accumulation of intermediate fermentation products
Identifying targets for increased biogas production through chemical and organic matter characterization of digestate from full-scale biogas plants: what remains and why?
Background This study examines the destiny of macromolecules in different full-scale biogas processes. From previous studies it is clear that the residual organic matter in outgoing digestates can have significant biogas potential, but the factors dictating the size and composition of this residual fraction and how they correlate with the residual methane potential (RMP) are not fully understood. The aim of this study was to generate additional knowledge of the composition of residual digestate fractions and to understand how they correlate with various operational and chemical parameters. The organic composition of both the substrates and digestates from nine biogas plants operating on food waste, sewage sludge, or agricultural waste was characterized and the residual organic fractions were linked to substrate type, trace metal content, ammonia concentration, operational parameters, RMP, and enzyme activity. Results Carbohydrates represented the largest fraction of the total VS (32-68%) in most substrates. However, in the digestates protein was instead the most abundant residual macromolecule in almost all plants (3-21 g/kg). The degradation efficiency of proteins generally lower (28-79%) compared to carbohydrates (67-94%) and fats (86-91%). High residual protein content was coupled to recalcitrant protein fractions and microbial biomass, either from the substrate or formed in the degradation process. Co-digesting sewage sludge with fat increased the protein degradation efficiency with 18%, possibly through a priming mechanism where addition of easily degradable substrates also triggers the degradation of more complex fractions. In this study, high residual methane production (> 140 L CH4/kg VS) was firstly coupled to operation at unstable process conditions caused mainly by ammonia inhibition (0.74 mg NH3-N/kg) and/or trace element deficiency and, secondly, to short hydraulic retention time (HRT) (55 days) relative to the slow digestion of agricultural waste and manure. Conclusions Operation at unstable conditions was one reason for the high residual macromolecule content and high RMP. The outgoing protein content was relatively high in all digesters and improving the degradation of proteins represents one important way to increase the VS reduction and methane production in biogas plants. Post-treatment or post-digestion of digestates, targeting microbial biomass or recalcitrant protein fractions, is a potential way to achieve increased protein degradation
Absence of oxygen effect on microbial structure and methane production during drying and rewetting events
Natural environments with frequent drainage experience drying and rewetting events that impose fluctuations in water availability and oxygen exposure. These relatively dramatic cycles profoundly impact microbial activity in the environment and subsequent emissions of methane and carbon dioxide. In this study, we mimicked drying and rewetting events by submitting methanogenic communities from strictly anaerobic environments (anaerobic digestors) with different phylogenetic structures to consecutive desiccation events under aerobic (air) and anaerobic (nitrogen) conditions followed by rewetting. We showed that methane production quickly recovered after each rewetting, and surprisingly, no significant difference was observed between the effects of the aerobic or anaerobic desiccation events. There was a slight change in the microbial community structure and a decrease in methane production rates after consecutive drying and rewetting, which can be attributed to a depletion of the pool of available organic matter or the inhibition of the methanogenic communities. These observations indicate that in comparison to the drying and rewetting events or oxygen exposure, the initial phylogenetic structure and the organic matter quantity and quality exhibited a stronger influence on the methanogenic communities and overall microbial community responses. These results change the current paradigm of the sensitivity of strict anaerobic microorganisms to oxygen exposure
Kemisk speciering av svavel och metaller i biogasreaktorer : implikationer för bioupptag av kobolt och nickel
A balanced supply of micronutrients, including metals such as iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), and nickel (Ni), is required for the efficient and stable production of biogas. During biogas formation, the uptake of micronutrient metals by microorganisms is controlled by a complex network of biological and chemical reactions, in which reduced sulfur (S) compounds play a central role. This thesis addresses the interrelationship between the overall chemical speciation of S, Fe, Co, and Ni in relation to the metals bio-uptake processes. Laboratory continuous stirred tank biogas reactors (CSTBR) treating S-rich grain stillage, as well as a number full-scale CSTBRs treating sewage sludge and various combinations of organic wastes, termed co-digestion, were considered. Sulfur speciation was evaluated using acid volatile sulfide (AVS) extraction and S X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES). The chemical speciation of Fe, Co, and Ni was evaluated through the determination of aqueous metals and metal fractions pertaining to solid phases, as well as kinetic and thermodynamic analyses (chemical speciation modelling). The relative Fe to S content in biogas reactors, which in practice is regulated through the addition of Fe for the purpose of sulfide removal or prior to the anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge, is identified as a critical factor for the chemical speciation and bio-uptake of metals. In the reactors treating sewage sludge, the quantity of Fe exceeds that of S, inducing Fe(II)-dominated conditions under anaerobic conditions, while sulfide dominates in the co-digestion and laboratory reactors due to an excess of S over Fe. Under sulfide-dominated conditions, chemical speciation of the metals is regulated by hydrogen sulfide and the formation of metal sulfide precipitates, which in turn restrict the availability of metals for microorganisms. However, despite the limitations set by sulfide, aqueous concentrations of different Co and Ni species were shown to be sufficient to support metal acquisition by the microorganisms under sulfidic conditions. Comparatively, the concentrations of free metal ions and labile metal-phosphate and -carbonate complexes in aqueous phase, which directly participate in bio-uptake processes, are higher under Fe-dominated conditions. This results in an enhanced metal adsorption on cell surfaces and faster bio-uptake rates. It is therefore suggested that the chemical speciation and potential bioavailability of metals may be controlled through adjustments of the influent Fe concentration in relation to S content. The results also indicated that the pool of metal sulfides in the biogas reactors could be regarded as a source of metals for microbial activities. Thus, the recovery and utilisation of this fraction of metals may be considered as a measure with which to minimise the metal dosing concentrations to CSTBRs.För att en effektiv och stabil biogasproduktion från organiskt avfall skall uppnås, behöver mikroorganismer i biogasreaktorer ha tillgång till näringsämnen inklusive spårmetaller såsom järn (Fe), kobolt (Co), och nickel (Ni). Mikroorganismernas upptag av spårmetaller styrs av biologiska och kemiska reaktioner som påverkar metallernas tillgänglighet, där framför allt interaktioner mellan metaller och reducerat svavel (S) spelar en viktig roll. Avhandlingen analyserar sambandet mellan kemisk speciering av S, Fe, Co, och Ni i relation till metallernas biologiska upptagsprocesser. Omrörda tankreaktorer (CSTBR) i lab.- och fullskala för produktion av biogas från spannmålsdrank, avloppsslam, och olika kombinationer av organiska avfall (samrötning) har utgjort basen för studierna. Svavelspeciering analyserades med hjälp av AVS (acid volatile sulfide) extraktion och S XANES (sulfur X-ray absorption near edge structure). Speciering av Fe, Co, och Ni utvärderades med hjälp av sekventiell extraktion, mätning av metall koncentrationer i löst och fast faser samt genom kinetiska och termodynamiska analyser (kemisk specieringsmodellering). Biogasreaktorers relativa mängder av Fe och S, identifierades som en central faktor för kemisk speciering och bio-upptag av metaller. Järn-mängden regleras bl a genom tillsats av Fe för att rena biogasen från vätesulfid eller vid diverse fällningsreaktioner i reningsverk före rötningsstegen av avloppsslam. Därför är järnhalterna högre än S-halterna i reaktorer, som behandlar avloppsslam. Detta leder till en Fe(II)-dominerande miljö. Däremot dominerade vätesulfid i de samrötnings- och laboratoriereaktorer, som ingick i studien. Under dessa förhållande styrs den kemiska metallspecieringen av sulfid och fr a genom fällning av metallsulfider, som då begränsar tillgängligheten av metaller för mikroorganismerna. Trots begränsningarna via sulfidfällningen var koncentrationen av de lösta Co och Ni formerna tillräckliga för bio-upptag av dessa metaller. Vid de Fe-dominerade förhållandena var koncentrationer av fria metalljoner och labila komplex (t.ex. med fosfat och karbonat), som direkt deltar i bio-upptagsprocesser, relativt höga, vilket medför relativt goda möjligheter för metalladsorption till cellytor och bio-upptag. Resultaten visar att den kemiska specieringen och därmed biotillgängligheten av metaller skulle kunna regleras genom justering av inflödet Fe i förhållande till S. Resultaten visade också att metallsulfider i fast fas sannolikt utnyttjas av mikroorganismer som en källa till metaller. Det innebär att en återanvändning av denna metallfraktion skulle kunna utnyttjas som en del i att minimera metalldoseringskoncentrationer
Improvement of the Biogas Production Process : Explorative project (EP1)
There are several ways to improve biogas production in anaerobic digestion processes and a number of strategies may be chosen. Increased organic loading in existing plants will in most cases demand the introduction of new substrate types. However, to substantially increase the Swedish biogas production new, large-scale biogas plants digesting new substrate types need to be established. Better utilization of existing digester volumes can be linked to: Increase of organic loading rates and/or reduced hydraulic retention time Optimizing the anaerobic microbial degradation by identifying rate-limitations, its causes and possible remedies such as: Nutrient and trace element balances Needs and availability of trace element Process design aiming at an increase of the active biomass (e.g. recirculation of reactor material, two stage processes) Process inhibition (enzymatically regulated product inhibition and toxicity) Improved pre-treatment to increase degradation rates and VS-reduction Mixing and rheology Better monitoring and control Co-digestion with more high-potential substrates The present report reviews a number of fields that are linked to improvements in the biogas production process as based on the bullets above. A well-working, active biomass is a prerequisite for efficient biogas production processes, why factors affecting microbial growth are crucial to obtain stable processes at the highest possible organic load/lowest possible hydraulic retention time. The microorganisms need nutrients, i.e. carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron as well as trace elements such as cobalt, nickel, manganese, molybdenum, selenium and tungsten for growth. The need of nutrients and trace elements varies with the substrate digested, the organic loading rate, the process design (e.g. the reactor configuration, the degree of recirculation etc). In addition, the complexity of the chemical reactions controlling the bioavailability of the trace metals is wide, why optimal addition strategies for trace elements needs to be developed. Substrates as food wastes, sewage sludge, cattle manure, certain energy crops and algae are good bases to obtain processes with good nutrient- and trace element balances. These kinds of substrates can often be implemented for “mono-substrate” digestion, while substrates dominated by carbohydrates or fats needs to be co-digested or digested in processes modified by e.g. nutrient- and trace element additions, sludge recirculation, etc. Protein-rich substrates often include enough nutrients, but can give other process problems (see below). Iron, cobalt and nickel are the nutrients/trace elements given most attention so far. However, molybdenum, selenium and tungsten have also, among others, been shown effective in different AD applications. The effects have, however, mainly been shown on turnover of VFAs and hydrogen (resulting in increased methane formation), while just a few studies have addressed their direct effect on rates of hydrolysis, protein-, fat- and carbohydrate degradation. Selenium- and cobalt-containing enzymes are known to be involved in amino acid degradation, while selenium and tungsten are needed in fat- and long chain fatty acid degradation. Enzymes active in hydrolysis of cellulose have been shown to be positively affected by cobalt, cupper, manganese, magnesium and calcium. This implies that trace element levels and availability will directly affect the hydrolysis rates as well as rates and degradation pathways for digestion of amino acids, long chain fatty acids and carbohydrates. However, their effect on hydrolysis seems neglected, why studies are needed to map the metals present in active sites and co-factors of enzymes mediating these primary reactions in AD. Further investigations are then needed to elucidate the importance of the identified metals on the different degradation steps of AD aiming at increased degradation rates of polymeric and complex substrates. It should also be noted that the degradation routes for amino acid degradation in AD-processes, factors governing their metabolic pathways, and how ATP is gained in the different pathways seem unknown. The different routes may result in different degradation efficiencies, why a deeper knowledge within this field is called for. Trace metals added to biogas reactors have positive effects on the process only if they are present in chemical species suitable for microbial uptake. Interaction of biogenic sulfide with trace metals has been identified as the main regulator of trace metal speciation during AD. Fe, Co and Ni instantaneously form strong sulfide precipitates in biogas reactors but at the same time show very different chemical speciation features. The soluble fraction of Co widely exceeded the levels theoretically possible in equilibrium with inorganic sulfide. The high level of soluble Co is likely due to association with dissolved organic compounds of microbial origin. Fe and Ni speciation demonstrated a different pattern dominated by low solubility products of inorganic metal sulfide minerals, where their solubility was controlled mainly by the interactions with different dissolved sulfide and organic ligands. To our knowledge, the information about chemical speciation of other trace metals (Se, Mo, and W among others) and its effects on the bioavailability in anaerobic digestion environments is rare. Providing information on the metal requirements by processes linked to their bioavailability in biogas reactors is identified as a key knowledge needed for maximizing the effect of metals added to biogas reactors. Further research is also needed for development and design of proper metal additive solutions for application in full scale biogas plants. A practical approach is to supplement trace metals in specific chemical forms, which are either suitable for direct bio-uptake or will hamper undesirable and bio-uptake-limiting reactions (e.g. mineral precipitation). Recirculation of reactor material as a way to enrich and maintain an active microbial biomass (and, thus, an increase in the substrate turnover rate) in tank reactors has been tested for digestion of fat within BRCs project DP6. The methane yield increased from 70 to 90% of the theoretical potential at a fat-loading rate of 1.5 g VS/L and day. The same strategy has been successful during digestion of fiber sludge from the pulp and paper industry, i.e. the recirculation has been crucial in establishment of low hydraulic retention times. Also degradation of sewage sludge (SS) would likely be improved by recirculation as the retention time of the solid SS is prolonged in such a system. However, this remains to be tested. The recirculation concept also needs to be evaluated in larger scale reactors to form a base to include extra costs and energy consumption vs. the benefits from increased yields. To divide the anaerobic digestion process into two phases, where the hydrolytic/acidogenic and the syntrophic/methanogenic stages of anaerobic digestion are separated, might be a way to enhance degradation of lignocellulosic materials as the hydrolysis of these compounds may be inhibited by the release of soluble sugars. It should be noted that the natural AD of ruminates is phase-separated and improvements in AD can likely be achieved using these natural systems as a starting point. Also the degradation of aromatic and chlorinated species is likely enhanced by phase separation. One way to obtain such systems is to combine a leached bed for hydrolysis of insoluble material with a methanogenic reactor treating the leachate. Plug flow reactors might be another possibility as well as membrane reactors, which physically separates the hydrolyzing and methanogenic phases. Inhibition caused by toxic levels of ammonia (protein- and ammonia rich substrates), fat-rich substrates and long chain fatty acids (LCFAs), aromatic compounds, salts etc. have been reported in many cases and some remedies are suggested. Ammonia can be stripped off as a measure to overcome too high levels. Another option is to adjust pH of the reactor liquid by addition of acid shifting the ammonia-ammonium balance in the system towards less free ammonia. A decrease in alkalinity by acid addition might also affect the availability of trace elements as solubility of trace metal mineral phases is generally higher at lower pH. LCFA degradation has been shown to benefit from periodic additions of fat and is, thus, an effective strategy to minimize inhibition by the release of the LCFA. Adsorption to zeolites has also been shown to abate the inhibition by LCFA. The best way to avoid inhibition is, however, to keep the processes nutritionally well balanced and using concepts suitable for the actual substrate mix digested (i.e. sludge recirculation, phase separation etc.) in order to obtain the highest possible degradation rate for problematic compounds, thus, avoiding accumulation of inhibitory components such as LCFA and aromatics. High ammonia and salt levels can often be regulated by the substrate mix. The hydrolysis is often reported as rate limiting in digestion of complex polymers in balanced anaerobic digestion systems, while the methanogensis is regarded as rate-limiting for more easily degraded substrates. As mentioned above the effect on methane formation rates by the addition of trace elements have been shown in numerous studies, while their effect on the hydrolysis and acidogenic AD steps are much less studied. Thus, the effects of the trace elements on the early steps in the AD-chain need to be investigated further. To obtain high-rate hydrolysis, effective and energy efficient pre-treatment methods are crucial for a large number of substrates. The rate of hydrolysis is to a large extent dependent on the properties of the organic compounds in the substrate e.g. carbohydrates, proteins, fat or lignocellulosic material as well as particle size and pre-treatment methods applied. The establishment and colonization by sessile microorganisms and biofilms is highly important for efficient and high rate hydrolysis. Microbial formation of organic compounds and the availability of surfaces are factors influencing these key processes, which in turn are tightly coupled to the growth conditions for the hydrolyzing microorganisms. This is an area recently brought up as an issue for detailed research. Mixing is mostly needed for effective high-rate biogas production, but too extensive mixing can destroy the syntrohpic interactions necessarily taking place during AD. However, the efficiency of the mixing system design in relation to colonization, presences of dead zones, changes in viscosity/rheology, etc. seem unclear and this area thus calls for further attention. In high-loaded efficient processes a monitoring program following parameters e.g. organic loading rate, gas-production, VS-reduction, pH and VFA-levels is needed. This can be achieved through sampling and analysis off line, but there are of course benefits with on-line monitoring. A number of different methods have been suggested and tested, and some titration- and spectroscopic methods are applied, but none seems commonly in use. The reasons for the low interest to apply these methods may be the need for expertise on calibration, validation and multivariate analysis of most on-line methods, high maintenance demands (cost and time), and l functional problems related to fouling, gas bubbles, sensor location, disturbing particles etc. New substrates with the highest potential for use in existing or new biogas plants seem to be forestry-based biomass, certain energy crops and macro-algae. Both the energy crops and the macro-algae can be chosen to give nutritionally well balanced AD-processes, while AD on forestry biomass demands nutrient supplements. For both the energy crops and the macro-algae sustainable cultivation systems need to be developed. Crop rotation systems should be employed to minimize tillage as well as fertilization- and pesticide utilization at highest possible TS-yields. System analyses aiming at sustainability and economy of TS and methane yields per ha including needs of nutrient supplements should therefore be performed. In all three cases (forestry biomass, energy crops and algae) pre-treatment methods to create high internal surface areas are needed. However, the pre-treatment methods chosen need to be highly energy- and resource efficient to obtain sustainable systems (a positive energy balance). New plants will for profitability likely need to be large with highly developed infrastructure for substrates supply and distribution of the produced biogas/electricity nearby. Process concepts aiming at highest possible loading rates at shortest possible retention time will be needed, which likely are met by including both phase-separated process systems and systems for sludge recirculation. It should also be noted that the lignin in substrates from forestry biomass needs to be used for production of e.g. polymeric materials or as a fuel to obtain reasonable energy balances for AD of lignocellulose. Pre-treatment methods obtaining separation of lignin is therefore needed. A substantial research and development is in progress within this field. The possibilities for AD within the pulp and paper industry are interesting, especially if specific effluents within the pulp- and paper production units are selected and the raw material for the pulp and paper production is chosen considering the biogas yields of the residues
Размещение производственных сил
В предлагаемом пособии рассматриваются теоретические основы данной дисциплины: закономерности, принципы, факторы размещения производства, структура и специализация национального хозяйства Беларуси.
В пособии помимо теоретических аспектов представлены практические задания, позволяющие студентам закрепить изученный материал.
Для студентов экономических специальностей дневной и заочной форм обучения
Sulfide in engineered methanogenic systems - Friend or foe?
Sulfide ions are regarded to be toxic to microorganisms in engineered methanogenic systems (EMS), where organic substances are anaerobically converted to products such as methane, hydrogen, alcohols, and carboxylic acids. A vast body of research has addressed solutions to mitigate process disturbances associated with high sulfide levels, yet the established paradigm has drawn the attention away from the multifaceted sulfide interactions with minerals, organics, microbial interfaces and their implications for performance of EMS. This brief review brings forward sulfide-derived pathways other than toxicity and with potential significance for anaerobic organic matter degradation. Available evidence on sulfide reactions with organic matter, interventions with key microbial metabolisms, and interspecies electron transfer are critically synthesized as a guidance for comprehending the sulfide effects on EMS apart from the microbial toxicity. The outcomes identify existing knowledge gaps and specify future research needs as a step forward towards realizing the potential of sulfide-derived mechanisms in diversifying and optimizing EMS applications.Funding Agencies|Swedish Energy Agency through the Biogas Solutions Research Center (BSRC) in Linkoping [P2021-90266]</p
Sulphur K-edge XANES and acid volatile sulphide analyses of changes in chemical speciation of S and Fe during sequential extraction of trace metals in anoxic sludge from biogas reactors
The effect of sequential extraction of trace metals on sulphur (S) speciation in anoxic sludge samples from two lab-scale biogas reactors augmented with Fe was investigated. Analyses of sulphur K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure (S XANES) spectroscopy and acid volatile sulphide (AVS) were conducted on the residues from each step of the sequential extraction. The S speciation in sludge samples after AVS analysis was also determined by S XANES. Sulphur was mainly present as FeS (~60% of total S) and reduced organic S (~30% of total S), such as organic sulphide and thiol groups, in the anoxic solid phase. Sulphur XANES and AVS analyses showed that during first step of the extraction procedure (the. removal of exchangeable cations), a part of the FeS fraction corresponding to 20% of total S was transformed to zero-valent S, whereas Fe was not released into the solution during this transformation. After the last extraction step (organic/sulphide fraction) a secondary Fe phase was formed. The change in chemical speciation of S and Fe occurring during sequential extraction procedure suggests indirect effects on trace metals associated to the FeS fraction that may lead to incorrect results. Furthermore, by S XANES it was verified that the AVS analysis effectively removed the FeS fraction. The present results identified critical limitations for the application of sequential extraction for trace metal speciation analysis outside the framework for which the methods were developed.funding agencies|Swedish Energy Agency|