8,243 research outputs found

    Dynamical Masses of RCS Galaxy Clusters

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    A multi-object spectroscopy follow-up survey of galaxy clusters selected from the Red-sequence Cluster Survey (RCS) is being completed. About forty clusters were chosen with redshifts from 0.15 to 0.6, and in a wide range of richnesses. One of the main science drivers of this survey is a study of internal dynamics of clusters. We present some preliminary results for a subset of the clusters, including the correlation of optical richness with mass, and the mass-to-light ratio as a function of cluster mass.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of IAU Colloquium 195: "Outskirts of Galaxy Clusters: intense life in the suburbs", Torino Italy, March 200

    Ionospheric refraction effects on orbit determination using the orbit determination error analysis system

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    The influence of ionospheric refraction on orbit determination was studied through the use of the Orbit Determination Error Analysis System (ODEAS). The results of a study of the orbital state estimate errors due to the ionospheric refraction corrections, particularly for measurements involving spacecraft-to-spacecraft tracking links, are presented. In current operational practice at the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) Flight Dynamics Facility (FDF), the ionospheric refraction effects on the tracking measurements are modeled in the Goddard Trajectory Determination System (GTDS) using the Bent ionospheric model. While GTDS has the capability of incorporating the ionospheric refraction effects for measurements involving ground-to-spacecraft tracking links, such as those generated by the Ground Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network (GSTDN), it does not have the capability to incorporate the refraction effects for spacecraft-to-spacecraft tracking links for measurements generated by the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS). The lack of this particular capability in GTDS raised some concern about the achievable accuracy of the estimated orbit for certain classes of spacecraft missions that require high-precision orbits. Using an enhanced research version of GTDS, some efforts have already been made to assess the importance of the spacecraft-to-spacecraft ionospheric refraction corrections in an orbit determination process. While these studies were performed using simulated data or real tracking data in definitive orbit determination modes, the study results presented here were obtained by means of covariance analysis simulating the weighted least-squares method used in orbit determination

    Density fluctuations in κ\kappa-deformed inflationary universe

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    We study the spectrum of metric fluctuation in κ\kappa-deformed inflationary universe. We write the theory of scalar metric fluctuations in the κ\kappa-deformed Robertson-Walker space, which is represented as a non-local theory in the conventional Robertson-Walker space. One important consequence of the deformation is that the mode generation time is naturally determined by the structure of the κ\kappa-deformation. We expand the non-local action in H2/κ2H^2/\kappa^2, with HH being the Hubble parameter and κ\kappa the deformation parameter, and then compute the power spectra of scalar metric fluctuations both for the cases of exponential and power law inflations up to the first order in H2/κ2H^2/\kappa^2. We show that the power spectra of the metric fluctuation have non-trivial corrections on the time dependence and on the momentum dependence compared to the commutative space results. Especially for the power law inflation case, the power spectrum for UV modes is weakly blue shifted early in the inflation and its strength decreases in time. The power spectrum of far-IR modes has cutoff proportional to k3k^3 which may explain the low CMB quadrupole moment.Comment: final revision; 19 pages, 3 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Interspecific Competition of a New Invasive Mosquito, \u3ci\u3eCulex coronator\u3c/i\u3e, and Two Container Mosquitoes, \u3ci\u3eAedes albopictus\u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3eCx. quinquefasciatus\u3c/i\u3e (Diptera: Culicidae), Across Different Detritus Environments

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    The mosquito Culex coronator (Dyar and Knab) (Diptera: Culicidae) has undergone rapid range expansion in the United States since 2003, with its historical distribution in the southwest expanding eastward to the Atlantic coast. Although Cx. coronator nominally use small natural aquatic habitats for development, the use of containers (e.g., tires) makes it potentially important as container invasive. To determine the potential ecological effects of Cx. coronator on resident container species, we conducted a laboratory experiment to assess its competitive ability with two common tire-inhabiting species, Aedes albopictus (Skuse) and Culex quinquefasciatus (Say) (Diptera: Culicidae). Larvae were reared under a factorial design with each species alone and in combination (Cx. coronator + Ae. albopictus, Cx. coronator + Cx. quinquefasciatus) across three different resource environments (leaf detritus only, animal detritus only, animal + leaf). Mosquito performance (survival, adult male and female mass, and development time) was measured for each species across treatments. Female Cx. coronator developed slowest when grown with Ae. albopictus, or when grown with leaves only regardless of species combinations; similar patterns emerged for males although species effects were restricted to mass. Few differences were evident in performance for male and female Cx. coronator across detritus environments when grown with Cx. quinquefasciatus. Cx. quinquefasciatus did not vary in mass or development time in the presence of Cx. coronator compared with when grown alone. Ae. albopictus female mass was 15% lower in the presence of Cx. coronator. Survival of Cx. coronator was highest in animal and leaf detritus containers, although survival was generally lower when larvae were grown with Ae. albopictus. These findings suggest that the performance of Cx. coronator is similar to that of Cx. quinquefasciatus but it suffers in the presence of Ae. albopictus under some resource environments

    Getting published: group support for academic librarians

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    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to offer an effective model for increasing professionals' competence, enthusiasm and success in writing and publishing. Design/methodology/approach - Recent articles on writing groups in the field of library and information science are reviewed and a case study of a group at RMIT University Library is presented. The authors were the facilitator and group members who were librarians, most with relative inexperience in research, writing, presenting, and getting published. A self-rating confidence survey was created to establish developmental priorities which were then addressed through input from experts, practical application and reflection, and constructive advice and support from group members. Group effectiveness and outcomes were evaluated at mid- and end-point review meetings, through a post-intervention confidence survey and by tracking publication output. Findings - The group became a cohesive, task-focused and productive team. A post-intervention confidence survey evidenced improvements on all survey items at a team level. Each member affirmed that they had gained substantial knowledge of writing, presentation and research techniques and understanding of the publication process. Publication output increased over the benchmark year of 2010, and in 2011 and 2012 exceeded initial targets. Practical implications - The model presented offers a practical and effective approach to increasing competence and output in writing, presenting, research, and getting published and can be easily adopted by others. Originality/value - Most literature reviews on library professional writing groups relate to professionals required to publish. The Get Published Group comprised Australian librarians writing voluntarily

    Constraints on Omega_m and sigma_8 from weak lensing in RCS fields

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    We have analysed 53 square degrees of imaging data from the Red-Sequence Cluster Survey (RCS), and measured the excess correlations in the shapes of galaxies on scales out to ~1.5 degrees. We separate the signal into an ``E''- (lensing) and ``B''-mode (systematics), which allows us to study residual systematics. On scales larger than 10 arcminutes, we find no ``B''-mode. On smaller scales we find a small, but significant ``B''-mode. This signal is also present when we select a sample of bright galaxies. These galaxies are rather insensitive to observational distortions, and we therefore conclude that the oberved ``B''-mode is likely to be caused by intrinsic alignments. We therefore limit the cosmic shear analysis to galaxies with 22<R_C<24. We derive joint constraints on Omega_m and sigma_8, by marginalizing over Gamma, Omega_Lambda and the source redshift distribution, using different priors. We obtain a conservative constraint of σ8=0.450.12+0.09Ωm0.55\sigma_8=0.45^{+0.09}_{-0.12} \Omega_m^{-0.55} (95% confidence). A better constraint is derived when we use Gaussian priors redshift distribution. For this choice of priors, we find σ8=(0.460.07+0.05)Ωm0.52\sigma_8=(0.46^{+0.05}_{-0.07})\Omega_m^{-0.52} (95% confidence). Using our setof Gaussian priors, we find that we can place a lower bound on Gamma: Gamma>0.1+0.16\Omega_m$ (95% confidence). Comparison of the RCS results with three other recent cosmic shear measurements shows excellent agreement. The current weak lensing results are also in good agreement with CMB measurements, when we allow the reionization optical depth tau and the spectral index n_s to vary. We present a simple demonstration of how the weak lensing results can be used as a prior in the parameter estimation from CMB measurements to derive constraints on the reionization optical depth tau. (abridged)Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    MOA-2011-BLG-293Lb: First Microlensing Planet possibly in the Habitable Zone

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    We used Keck adaptive optics observations to identify the first planet discovered by microlensing to lie in or near the habitable zone, i.e., at projected separation r=1.1±0.1r_\perp=1.1\pm 0.1\,AU from its ML=0.86±0.06MM_{L}=0.86\pm 0.06\,M_\odot host, being the highest microlensing mass definitely identified. The planet has a mass mp=4.8±0.3MJupm_p = 4.8\pm 0.3\,M_{\rm Jup}, and could in principle have habitable moons. This is also the first planet to be identified as being in the Galactic bulge with good confidence: DL=7.72±0.44D_L=7.72\pm 0.44 kpc. The planet/host masses and distance were previously not known, but only estimated using Bayesian priors based on a Galactic model (Yee et al. 2012). These estimates had suggested that the planet might be a super-Jupiter orbiting an M dwarf, a very rare class of planets. We obtained high-resolution JHKJHK images using Keck adaptive optics to detect the lens and so test this hypothesis. We clearly detect light from a G dwarf at the position of the event, and exclude all interpretations other than that this is the lens with high confidence (95%), using a new astrometric technique. The calibrated magnitude of the planet host star is HL=19.16±0.13H_{L}=19.16\pm 0.13. We infer the following probabilities for the three possible orbital configurations of the gas giant planet: 53% to be in the habitable zone, 35% to be near the habitable zone, and 12% to be beyond the snow line, depending on the atmospherical conditions and the uncertainties on the semimajor axis.Comment: Accepted by ApJ, 21 pages, 4 figure

    Yields of oxidized volatile organic compounds during the OH radical initiated oxidation of isoprene, methyl vinyl ketone, and methacrolein under high-NO_x conditions

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    We present first-generation and total production yields of glyoxal, methylglyoxal, glycolaldehyde, and hydroxyacetone from the oxidation of isoprene, methyl vinyl ketone (MVK), and methacrolein (MACR) with OH under high NO_x conditions. Several of these first-generation yields are not included in commonly used chemical mechanisms, such as the Leeds Master Chemical Mechanism (MCM) v. 3.2. The first-generation yield of glyoxal from isoprene was determined to be 2.1 (±0.6)%. Inclusion of first-generation production of glyoxal, glycolaldehyde and hydroxyacetone from isoprene greatly improves performance of an MCM based model during the initial part of the experiments. In order to further improve performance of the MCM based model, higher generation glyoxal production was reduced by lowering the first-generation yield of glyoxal from C5 hydroxycarbonyls. The results suggest that glyoxal production from reaction of OH with isoprene under high NO_x conditions can be approximated by inclusion of a first-generation production term together with secondary production only via glycolaldehyde. Analogously, methylglyoxal production can be approximated by a first-generation production term from isoprene, and secondary production via MVK, MACR and hydroxyacetone. The first-generation yields reported here correspond to less than 5% of the total oxidized yield from isoprene and thus only have a small effect on the fate of isoprene. However, due to the abundance of isoprene, the combination of first-generation yields and reduced higher generation production of glyoxal from C5 hydroxycarbonyls is important for models that include the production of the small organic molecules from isoprene

    Variable high-order multiblock overlapping grid methods for mixed steady and unsteady multiscale viscous flows, part II: hypersonic nonequilibrium flows

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    The variable high-order multiblock overlapping (overset) grids method of Sjogreen & Yee (CiCP, Vol.5, 2008) for a perfect gas has been extended to nonequilibrium flows. This work makes use of the recently developed high-order well-balanced shock-capturing schemes and their filter counterparts (Wang et al., J. Comput. Phys., 2009, 2010) that exactly preserve certain non-trivial steady state solutions of the chemical nonequilibrium governing equations. Multiscale turbulence with strong shocks and flows containing both steady and unsteady components is best treated by mixing of numerical methods and switching on the appropriate scheme in the appropriate subdomains of the flow fields, even under the multiblock grid or adaptive grid refinement framework. While low dissipative sixth- or higher-order shock-capturing filter methods are appropriate for unsteady turbulence with shocklets, second- and third-order shock-capturing methods are more effective for strong steady or nearly steady shocks in terms of convergence. It is anticipated that our variable high-order overset grid framework capability with its highly modular design will allow an optimum synthesis of these new algorithms in such a way that the most appropriate spatial discretizations can be tailored for each particular region of the flow. In this paper some of the latest developments in single block high-order filter schemes for chemical nonequilibrium flows are applied to overset grid geometries. The numerical approach is validated on a number of test cases characterized by hypersonic conditions with strong shocks, including the reentry flow surrounding a 3D Apollo-like NASA Crew Exploration Vehicle that might contain mixed steady and unsteady components, depending on the flow conditions