14 research outputs found

    The Principles of Preparing for Participation in Physics Olympiads

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    У статті розглядаються принципи підготовки учнів до участі у різних етапах олімпіад з фізики. Підкреслюється роль олімпіадних задач як потужного інструменту розвитку мислення.The article discusses the principles of preparing students for participation in various stages of physics olympiads. The role of olympiad tasks as a powerful tool for developing thinking is emphasized

    Using spreadsheets as learning tools for neural network simulation

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    The article supports the need for training techniques for neural network computer simulations in a spreadsheet context. Their use in simulating artificial neural networks is systematically reviewed. The authors distinguish between fundamental methods for addressing the issue of network computer simulation training in the spreadsheet environment, joint application of spreadsheets and tools for neural network simulation, application of third-party add-ins to spreadsheets, development of macros using embedded languages of spreadsheets, use of standard spreadsheet add-ins for non-linear optimization, creation of neural networks in the spreadsheet environment without add-ins, and On the article, methods for creating neural network models in Google Sheets, a cloud-based spreadsheet, are discussed. The classification of multidimensional data presented in R. A. Fisher's "The Use of Multiple Measurements in Taxonomic Problems" served as the model's primary inspiration. Discussed are various idiosyncrasies of data selection as well as Edgar Anderson's participation in the 1920s and 1930s data preparation and collection. The approach of multi-dimensional data display in the form of an ideograph, created by Anderson and regarded as one of the first effective methods of data visualization, is discussed here.The article supports the need for training techniques for neural network computer simulations in a spreadsheet context. Their use in simulating artificial neural networks is systematically reviewed. The authors distinguish between fundamental methods for addressing the issue of network computer simulation training in the spreadsheet environment, joint application of spreadsheets and tools for neural network simulation, application of third-party add-ins to spreadsheets, development of macros using embedded languages of spreadsheets, use of standard spreadsheet add-ins for non-linear optimization, creation of neural networks in the spreadsheet environment without add-ins, and On the article, methods for creating neural network models in Google Sheets, a cloud-based spreadsheet, are discussed. The classification of multidimensional data presented in R. A. Fisher's "The Use of Multiple Measurements in Taxonomic Problems" served as the model's primary inspiration. Discussed are various idiosyncrasies of data selection as well as Edgar Anderson's participation in the 1920s and 1930s data preparation and collection. The approach of multi-dimensional data display in the form of an ideograph, created by Anderson and regarded as one of the first effective methods of data visualization, is discussed here

    Distance learning during COVID-19 pandemic: mobile information and communications technology overview

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    The research is aimed at the theoretical justification, development and experimental verification of methods of using mobile technologies for teaching students of higher education institutions in the conditions of quarantine caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the study is the adaptation of mobile ICT to distance learning during quarantine. The object of the study is the use of mobile ICT for distance learning. The subject of the study: the use of mobile ICT for distance learning during quarantine. Ukrainian and foreign research on the application of mobile ICT (Audience Response Systems; Mobile Multimedia Authoring Tools development; Mobile Learning Management Systems; Mobile Modeling and Programming Environments; Mobile Database Management Systems) for the training of higher education applicants has been analyzed. The author's method of using the mobile modeling and programming tool in the Pydroid environment is presented. A comparative assessment of the functionality of five mobile ICT distance learning systems in the conditions of COVID-19 was carried out. A survey of the importance of using mobile ICT for distance learning in quarantine conditions was developed and analyzed

    Requirements for the content and training of PhD in the specialty of automation and computer-integrated technologies

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    Метою статтi є розкриття вимог до змiсту та пiдготовки докторiв фiлософiї зi спецiальностi 151 Автоматизацiя та комп’ютерно-iнтегрованi технологiї, виконання яких сприятиме успiшнiй акредитацiї освiтньо-наукових програм iнших спецiальностей закладiв вищої освiти України. Методи дослiдження. Пiд час проведення дослiдження здiйснено аналiз нормативної бази документiв для пiдготовки докторiв фiлософiї, стандартiв вищої освiти, науково-методичної лiтератури, освiтньо-наукових програм закладiв вищої освiти. Результати дослiдження полягають у висвiтленнi основних аспектiв, на якi слiд звернути увагу задля успiшної акредитацiї освiтньо-наукових програм.The aim of the article is to disclose the requirements for the content and training of PhDs in the specialty 151 Automation and computer-integrated technologies, the implementation of which will contribute to the successful accreditation of educational and scientific programs of other specialties of higher educational institutions in Ukraine. Research Methods. The study involved the analysis of the regulatory framework of documents for the training of doctors of philosophy, standards of higher education, scientific and methodological literature, educational and scientific programs of higher educational institutions. The results of the study consist in highlighting the main aspects that should be taken into account for the successful accreditation of educational and scientific programs

    Narzędzia rozszerzonej i wirtualnej rzeczywistości w szkoleniu inżynierów górnictway

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    The transition to smart mining has significantly increased the requirements for training modern mining engineers, this necessitating digitalization of this process. Based on scientific research, virtual and augmented reality technology are the most effective and safe. The article presents methods for using virtual and augmented reality technology in training mining engineers. The methods are successfully implemented in laboratories of Kryvyi Rih National University (Ukraine) and have been proven effective during distance learning in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the russian military aggression against Ukraine. Nevertheless, further scientific research is needed to introduce modern digital technologies into mining engineers’ training at universities in order to form a competitive and competent specialist.Przejście na inteligentne wydobycie znacznie zwiększyło wymagania dotyczące szkolenia nowoczesnych inżynierów górnictwa, co wymaga cyfryzacji tego procesu. Bazując na badaniach naukowych, technologia wirtualnej i rozszerzonej rzeczywistości jest najskuteczniejsza i najbezpieczniejsza. W artykule przedstawiono metody wykorzystania technologii wirtualnej i rozszerzonej rzeczywistości w szkoleniu inżynierów górnictwa. Metody są z powodzeniem wdrażane w laboratoriach Krzyworoskiego Uniwersytetu Narodowego (Ukraina) i okazały się skuteczne podczas nauczania na odległość w kontekście pandemii COVID-19 i rosyjskiej agresji militarnej na Ukrainę. Niemniej jednak potrzebne są dalsze badania naukowe, aby wprowadzić nowoczesne technologie cyfrowe do kształcenia inżynierów górnictwa na uczelniach w celu ukształtowania konkurencyjnego i kompetentnego specjalisty

    Comprehensive Approach to the Formation of Key Competencies in the Study of Physics

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    У статті розглядається комплексний підхід до формування ключових компетентностей учнів профільних класів при вивченні фізики у рамках спецкурсу із застосуванням проектних та дослідницьких технологій.The article considers an integrated approach to the formation of key competencies of students of profile classes in the study of physics within the framework of a special course using project and research technologies

    Augmented reality in education of students with special educational needs

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    The article is aimed at developing theoretical and methodological principles of augmented reality application to training students with special educational needs.The research objective is to implement the augmented reality technology as a means of supporting educational activities of students with special educational needs at higher educational institutions.The object of the research is augmented reality in education.The subject of the research is augmented reality in training students with special educational needs.Research methods include analysis of state standards, statistics and publications.The research results imply analysis of actual means of augmented reality, applied to training students with special educational needs.The authors conclude that creation of modern learning tools based on the augmented reality technology and relevant to the world scientific and technical advancements is a key precondition for implementing efficient strategies to achieve goals of inclusive education