337 research outputs found

    The Role of Financial Institutions in Housing Delivery in the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana: An Institutional and Client Analysis

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    The commitment of government in providing social housing in Ghana is non-existent in recent times.  As a result, the housing delivery in Ghana is driven by individual housing construction through the incremental process or acquisition from private developers which is challenged by financial constraints and the need to acquire alternative sources of funding becomes a necessity. This study sought to undertake an institutional and client analysis of the role of financial institutions in housing delivery and employed a case study research design within quantitative and qualitative research methodological paradigms to examine the research questions. A sample of 7 financial institutions which were involved in housing financing were purposively sampled and contacted for data using questionnaires and interview guides. By using questionnaires, a sample of 150 clients with links to the financial institutions were randomly selected and contacted for data. The study established that the contribution of financial institutions to housing delivery was unsatisfactory because of the limited options available, and the lack of consideration for the majority, but poor Ghanaians. It was also found that the financial institutions had failed to exert the impetus for improving housing delivery in the country due to low patronage by clients, incidence of non-settlement of loan amounts with interest, inadequate long term mortgage finance, lack of government support, high interest rate, strict demands for collateral security, long, boring, and expensive processes of arranging for mortgage finance or loans. The researchers therefore recommended among other remedial options that efforts should be made to improve the patronage and the establishment of long term mortgage financing with flexible interest rates and redemption options. Keywords: Financial institutions, housing delivery, low income earners, Ghana

    Impacts of Climate Change on Stream Inflows into the Volta Lake

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    The study examined the impact of climate change on future water availability in the Volta Lake from climate downscaled data using ensemble projections of two Global Climate Models (MPEH5 and HADCM3) and two emission scenarios (A1B and A2) used in the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The SWAT hydrological model was calibrated and validated and then used with the downscaled climate change data to assess the impacts of climate change on the inflows to the Lake. Results from the impact assessment showed that future mean annual streamflow into the Volta Lake could increase by about 17 and 16 percent under the A1B and A2 scenarios, respectively. However, streamflow from Geoere, Boromo and Dapola in the Black Volta basin and Nawuni in the White Volta basin could decrease. The projected increase in total annual streamflow in the basin is consistent with the increase in annual rainfall in the basin under both the A1B and A2 scenarios of between 2.0 and 8.0 percent obtained in a separate climate downscaling study. Since streamflow in some of the sub-basins were found to decrease under the climate change scenarios investigated, integrated and prudent management of the basin's water resources would be necessary to ensure sustainability in water use

    Suspended sediment transport into a water supply reservoir in southern Ghana

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    Weija reservoir on the Densu river serves as a source of water supply to parts of Greater Accra and Central regions of Ghana. The Densu river basin is characterised by accelerated land degradation. A number of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) interventions have been implemented in the basin. Reports suggest there has been an improvement of physicochemical parameters of the water resources. However, there is no recent study on fluvial sediment transport in the basin. This paper assessed sediment transport into the Weija reservoir via the Densu River. Weekly suspended sediment concentration and river discharge were monitored over a 1 year period to quantify sediment yield into the reservoir. The results indicated that total annual suspended sediment yield, and annual specific suspended sediment yield were 5375 t yr-1 and 2.0 t km-2 yr-1, respectively. These were relatively low compared to results obtained by past studies on the Densu basin at upstream Mangoase (6146 t yr-1 and 2.49 t km-2 yr-1) and other river basins in Ghana. Parameters established from a yield rating curve indicated that parts of the basin were degraded and sediment transport in the basin was largely due to the availability of sediment in the catchment and not just due to high river discharges. The relatively low sediment transport at Weija may be indicative of the success of the IWRM interventions. It is recommended that these be sustained and/or intensified

    Effect of Irradiation and Storage on the Physico-chemical Properties of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicon L.) Powder under Solar and Freeze-Dried Conditions in Ghana

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    A study was conducted to assess the effect of irradiation and storage on the physico-chemical properties of tomato (Solanum lycopersicon L.) powder under solar dried and freeze-dried conditions in Ghana.  Forty kilogrammes (40 kg) of tomato fruits were obtained for the study. The fruits were solar and freeze dried and tomato powder obtained from them. These were exposed to gamma radiation from 1-3 kGy, with 0 kGy as control. The parameters investigated in the study for the two-month period include; moisture content, total soluble solids, total titratable acidity, pH and colour.  The pH of the samples ranged from 4.02 to 6.18, moisture content from 12.55% to 23.47%, total titratable acidity from 0.11% to 0.99%, total soluble solids from 4.80% to 5.06%, L*(colour) from 32.71 to 36.97, a* (colour) from 6.69 to 22.02 and b*(colour) from 14.38 to 22.91. Gamma radiation did not affect moisture content of the samples, total soluble solids, total titratable acidity and pH (p>0.05). Gamma irradiation affected the colour of the samples significantly (p<0.05). Key words: irradiation, storage, moisture content, pH, total soluble solids, solar dried, freeze dried, Akoma, month

    Poor Facility Management in the Public Schools of Ghana; Recent Empirical Discoveries

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    Facilities in the public institutions of Ghana are poorly managed and sidelined in the financial planning and capital budgeting of most public institutions in Ghana. There exist dilapidated buildings and facilities in nearly all the public institutions of Ghana and the reasons behind such negligent attitude have not received empirical examination. This paper sought to fill that knowledge gap by empirically mapping out the causes and effects of poor facility management in two public schools in Ghana. The study employed the case study research design within a qualitative research methodological paradigm and gathered data using interview guides from facility management/ maintenance teams from two public second cycle schools in the Upper East Region of Ghana. The data was analyzed using thematic content analysis and taken through peer debriefing and re-screening of final codes by facility management staff to ensure reliability. The findings from the study run contrary to popular beliefs. It was identified that the empirical causes of poor facility management include lack of professional managers, attitude of deferred maintenance, budgetary limit on maintenance expenditure, sidelined in the financial planning and capital budgeting of institutions, and non-privy of facility management staff to the building design and construction stage. It was also established that poor facility management is characterized by a plethora of consequences including recipe for disaster, financial erosion of institution, malfunctioning and abandonment of buildings. The study recommended that there should be the establishment professional district facility management teams whose works should be supported by institutional facility management teams to oversee facility management in the public institutions

    Genetic Diversity of PCR-Positive, Culture-Negative and Culture-Positive Mycobacterium ulcerans Isolated from Buruli Ulcer Patients in Ghana.

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    Culture of Mycobacterium ulcerans from Buruli ulcer patients has very low sensitivity. Thus confirmation of M. ulcerans infection is primarily based on PCR directed against IS2404. In this study we compare the genotypes obtained by variable number of tandem repeat analysis of DNA from IS2404-PCR positive cultures with that obtained from IS2404 positive, culture-negative tissue. A significantly greater genetic heterogeneity was found among culture-negative samples compared with that found in cultured strains but a single genotype is over-represented in both sample sets. This study provides evidence that both the focal location of bacteria in a lesion as well as differences in the ability to culture a particular genotype may underlie the low sensitivity of culture. Though preliminary, data from this work also suggests that mycobacteria previously associated with fish disease (M. pseudoshottsii) may be pathogenic for humans

    Agronomic potentials of quality protein maize hybrids developed in Ghana

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    A quality protein maize (QPM) hybrid programme was started in 1991 to develop and promote high and stableyielding QPM hybrids to increase production of nutritionally superior maize varieties in Ghana. Six 3- way QPM hybrids developed from inbred lines originating from germplasm of the International Centre for Maize and Wheat Improvement (CIMMYT) were evaluated on research stations and in farmers\' fields in Ghana from 1995 to 1996. In the on-station evaluations, grain yields across 10 sites in both years averaged 6.0 ton ha-1 for the three hybrids (GH132-28, GH110-5 and GH2328-88), 5.22 ton ha-1 for Obatanpa, and 3.60 ton ha-1 for the local maize variety. In farmers\' fields, data from over 50 farm sites in 1995 and 1996 showed mean yields of 4.95 ton ha-1 for the three hybrids, and 4.28 ton ha-1 for Obatanpa compared to 3.59 ton ha-1 for farmers\' varieties. On the average, the hybrids were similar to Obatanpa in days to 50 per cent silking, but were shorter in plant height and ear placement. Consumer preference tests showed that the three hybrids were rated similar to the local variety in popular traditional food preparations such as ‘kenkey\' and ‘tuo zafi\'. In 1997, the National Variety Release Committee approved the release of GH132-28, GH110-5, and GH2328-88 under the local names Dadaba, Mamaba, and CIDA-ba, respectively. These hybrids are recommended for planting in all the major agro-ecologies to boost maize production in Ghana.Les variétés de maïs hybride (Zea mays L.) dont les plus sésirées que les variétés de pollinisation libre à cause de leur uniformté et leurs potentiels de rendement plus élevés. Pour augmenter la production de variétés de maïs nutritionnellement supérieures au Ghana, I\'Institut de Recherche de Cultures a mis en place un programme hybrid de maïs protéique de qualité (MPQ) en 1991 pour développer et promouvoir des hybrides de MPQ de rendement élevés et stable. Six hybrids en trois de MPQ développés d\'issu de la même souch provenant de germeplasmes de CIMMYT (Centre International pour I\'amélioration de maïs et de blé) étaient évalués aux stations de recherches et aux champs d\'agriculteurs au Ghana de 1995 à 1996. Dans les évaluations sur place, les rendements de grain à travers 10 sites dans les deux années ont atteint la moyenne de 6.0 ton ha-1 pour les trois hybrids (GH132-28, GH110-5 et GH2328-88), 5.22 ton ha-1 pour \'Obatanpa\' et 3.60 ton ha-1 pour la variétés de maïs local. Sur les champs d\'agriculteurs des données de plus que 50 sites de champs en 1995 et 1996 montraient les rendements moyens de 4.95 ton ha-1 pour les trois hybrids et 4.28 ton ha-1 pour les \'Obatanpa\' comparées à 3.59 ton ha-1 pour les variétés d\'agriculteurs. En moyenne, les hybrides étaient semblables à \'Obatanpa\' en jours jusqu à 50% d\'apparition de soie maïs étaient plus courtes en taille de plante et en placement d\'épi. Les essais de préférence de consommateur montraient que les trios hybrides étaient évalués semblables à la variété locale dans les préparations de nouriture traditionnelle populaire telle que \'kenkey\' et \'tuo zafi\'. En 1997, le comité pour la mise en vente de Variété Nationale a approuvé la mise en vente de GH132-28, GH110-5 et GH2328-88 sous les noms locaux respectifs de Dadaba, Mamaba, et CIDA-ba. Ce hybrides sont recommandés pour la popultion dans toutes les agroéclogies majeures pour stimuler la production de maïs au Ghana. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 40 (1) 2007: pp. 81-8

    Analysis of drug resistance among difficult-to-treat tuberculosis patients in Ghana identifies several pre-XDR TB cases

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    BACKGROUND: Resistance to tuberculosis (TB) drugs has become a major threat to global control efforts. Early case detection and drug susceptibility profiling of the infecting bacteria are essential for appropriate case management. The objective of this study was to determine the drug susceptibility profiles of difficult-to-treat (DTT) TB patients in Ghana. METHODS: Sputum samples obtained from DTT-TB cases from health facilities across Ghana were processed for rapid diagnosis and detection of drug resistance using the Genotype MTBDRplus and Genotype MTBDRsl.v2 from Hain Life science. RESULTS: A total of 298 (90%) out of 331 sputum samples processed gave interpretable bands out of which 175 (58.7%) were resistant to at least one drug (ANY(r)); 16.8% (50/298) were isoniazid-mono-resistant (INH(r)), 16.8% (50/298) were rifampicin-mono-resistant (RIF(r)), and 25.2% (75/298) were MDR. 24 (13.7%) of the ANY(r) were additionally resistant to at least one second line drug: 7.4% (2 RIF(r), 1 INH(r), and 10 MDR samples) resistant to only FQs and 2.3% (2 RIF(r), 1 INH(r), and 1 MDR samples) resistant to AMG drugs kanamycin (KAN), amikacin (AMK), capreomycin (CAP), and viomycin (VIO). Additionally, there were 4.0% (5 RIF(r) and 2 MDR samples) resistant to both FQs and AMGs. 81 (65.6%) out of 125 INH-resistant samples including INH(r) and MDR had katG-mutations (MT) whereas 15 (12%) had inhApro-MT. The remaining 28 (22.4%) had both katG and inhA MT. All the 19 FQ-resistant samples were gyrA mutants whereas the 10 AMGs were rrs (3), eis (3) as well as rrs, and eis co-mutants (4). Except for the seven pre-XDR samples, no sample had eis MT. CONCLUSION: The detection of several pre-XDR TB cases in Ghana calls for intensified drug resistance surveillance and monitoring of TB patients to, respectively, ensure early diagnosis and treatment compliance

    Introgression of drought tolerance traits into adapted Kenyan chickpea varieties using marker assisted backcrossing (MABC)

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    Drought is the major constraint causing considerable yield reduction in chickpea. Roots play a critical role in enhancing drought tolerance. The main objective of the study was to introgress drought tolerant root traits into Kenyan chickpea varieties through marker assisted breeding (MABC). Eight simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, linked to quantitative trait loci (QTL) for root and yield traits, were used to screen the parents at ICRISAT, India. In addition, 1144 single nucleotide polymorphic markers (SNPs) were also used in genotyping these parents at Legume Genomics Center, United Kingdom. Crosses were made between two selected varieties, ICCV 92944 (Chania Desi II) and ICCV 00108 (LDT 068) and ‘QTL-hotspot’ donor parent ICC 4958 that has extensive rooting system. Polymor- In the face of increasing water scarcity, breeding for higher transpiration efficiency (TE), that is, the biomass produced per unit of water transpired, has become crucial. This could be achieved by reducing plant transpiration through a better closure of the stomatal pores at the leaf surface. However, this strategy generally also lowers growth, as stomatal opening is necessary for the capture of atmospheric CO2 that feeds daytime photosynthesis. Here, we considered the reduction in transpiration rate at night (En), when photosynthesis is inactive, as a possible strategy to limit water use without altering growth. We carried out a genetic analysis for En and TE in grapevine, a major crop in drought-prone areas. A 3 year experiment was conducted on the F1 progeny from a cross between Syrah and Grenache cultiphic SSR and SNP markers were used to select progenies with root QTL at F1, BC1F1 and BC2F1 that were later advanced to BC2F3. The BC2F3 populations were evaluated for root traits at Egerton University in randomized complete block design with two replications in pot experiment. The BC2F3 families were significantly different for root dry weight (RDW), shoot dry weight (SDW), total plant dry weight (PDW) and root to shoot dry weight (R/S) ratio (R/S) for Chania Desi II x ICC 4958 and R/S for LDT 068 x ICC 4958. These lineshad significantly improved root traits compared the recurrent parents. MABC is aneffective and efficient method of introgressing complex drought tolerant traits which leads to improvement in yield especially under drought conditions

    Screening of BRCA1 (c.5177_5180delGAAA rs80357867 and c.4986+6T>C rs80358086) and the BRCA2 (c.6445_6446delAT rs80359592) genes for breast cancer prevention in Burkina Faso

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    BACKGROUND: The objective of this study is to search for mutations in the BRCA1 (c.5177_5180delGAAA and c.4986+6T>C) and BRCA2 genes (c.6445_6446delAT) in a population of women diagnosed with breast cancer.METHODS: This is a case-control study that involved 140 participants, including 70 patients with histologically diagnosed breast cancer and 70 healthy women without breast cancer. Mutations in the BRCA1 (rs80357867, rs80358086) and BRCA2 (rs80359592) genes were tested by real-time PCR. The 95% confidence interval Odds Ratio (OR) was used to estimate the associations between specific genotypes and breast cancer.RESULTS: The study revealed that no mutations were detected for rs80359592. Similarly, no reference allele (TTTC/TTTC) of rs80357867 was found in this study. However, the homozygous double mutant (-/) genotype of this rs80357867 was observed in 11.43% and 1.43% of patients and controls respectively, while 88.57% of patients and 98.57% of controls had a heterozygous deletion (TTTC/-). Concerning rs80358086, 8.57% of the patients had a heterozygous mutation (A/G) with no significantly risk association with occurrence of breast cancer (OR = 6.46; 95% CI: 0.75-55.21; p = 0.11). In addition, this heterozygous mutation was significantly associated with a family history of breast cancer (OR=128; 95% CI: 9.46-1730.93) and breast cancer risk in nonmultiparous women (OR=6; 95% CI: 1-35.90; p= 0.05) but no association with overweight/obesity (OR=1.66; 95% CI: 0.18-15.35; p=1).CONCLUSION: This study shows high frequencies of heterozygous mutation of rs80357867 and rs80358086 from patients. In Burkina Faso, these results could help with early diagnosis of breast cancer in patients
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