995 research outputs found

    Reclaiming the narrative: exploring personal recovery in psychosis

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    Section A: Presented here, is a systematic literature review of the application of narrative interventions in psychosis. Using a meta-ethnographic approach, the qualitative elements of the 9 included studies were synthesized. Nine core themes emerged, relating to therapeutic processes found across narrative approaches in psychosis. These are; equal stories, equal humanity; making meaning; doing it together; alternative narratives; openness; family members as equal partners; strengthening personal narratives; positive impact on social networks and quality of life. A critical appraisal of the included studies is discussed and the implications for clinical practice and research are considered. Section B: Presented here, is an empirical paper outlining the development of a grounded theory of personal recovery as it pertains to Black individuals with psychosis. The model presents 8 key experiences that were found to facilitate the development of a sense of personal recovery. These are: engaging and re-engaging in strategies to maintain wellbeing; risk and reward of reintegration, finding safe spaces, power experienced as safe, an empowered sense of self; joining with others & making change; stabilising and deepening relationships and in pursuit of a better life. Six themes emerged that were found to serve as disempowering experiences. These are: overwhelming circumstances; being criminalised; mental health wards; the wider mental health system; power experienced as abusive; the hidden self. The model is summarised by 3 overarching themes. These are: recovery as delicate, effortful and long. The theoretical, policy and clinical implications are discussed

    Experimental data on Helically Coiled Oscillating Heat Pipe (HCOHP) design and thermal performance

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    Experimental and derived data from three Helically Coiled Oscillating Heat Pipes (HCOHPs) charged with ethanol, methanol and deionized water working fluids respectively are presented. The data was obtained from prototypes of the HCOHPs fabricated out of copper and tested under laboratory conditions. The primary data presented covers the HCOHP aspects, charging of the working fluid and temperature measurements from Omega K-type Thermocouples installed on the evaporators, condensers, adiabatic sections, and on the cylindrical copper vessel integrated with it. The derived data covers the HCOHPs performances and thermal contact resistance experienced during laboratory testing. The data on the aspects and charging of the working fluid provides useful information for the validation of design parameters of other heat pipes. The measured temperature data and the derived performance data can used to validate the performance of heat pipes in other studies and to depict performance profiles in standard text and reference books. The nature of the data presented as a whole would be useful for comparative analysis involving heat pipes and other passive heat transfer devices

    Atypical presentation of systemic lupus erythematosus in a west african male

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    Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic, autoimmune multi-system disorder. About seventy to ninety percent of all cases of SLE occur in women. Although the disease is common in black young women residing in Europe and North America, it is reputed to be a very rare diagnosis in West Africa. A case of atypical presentation of SLE in a male in West Africa is presented.Keywords: SLE, male. aphthous ulcers, paraparesis, anti-Smith antibodi

    Factors Influencing Successful Small-Farm Operations in North Carolina

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    The overall goal of this research project is to identify and refine factors influencing successful small farm operations in North Carolina. Small farms account for 91 percent of all farms. Given the importance of small farm viability, this research project focuses on identifying ways to further enhance successful small farming in North Carolina. In an effort to further explain the factors that affect successful small-scale farming, researchers have identified factors that have underpinnings in 1) small-farm educational programming; 2) small-scale agricultural enterprises and production practices; 3) alternative marketing; and 4) risk management. Although this research project includes several surveys, for this phase of the project the survey instrument solicited production and financial data, attitudes and beliefs about farming, as well as demographic questions. The research instrument was distributed to a sampling frame that also included small farmers not identified as being successful. Outcomes of this project yielded possible ways to further enhance the success of small farms in North Carolina. Based on case study and questionnaire results, income was not found to be as important as believed and the overall, “love of farming,” seemed to be the driving force behind the farmer’s view of success and not profit. The small farm may represent an individual business enterprise but in reality represents a family business whose success is often measured in qualifiers indicators rather than business quantifiers.Small Farm, Agribusiness, Successful, Agribusiness,

    Characteristics of a crystalline granitic aquifer in north-western Ghana

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    The groundwater potential of north-western Ghana has been assessed in terms oftransmissivity and specific capacities of the basement aquifers. Data from short-term and constant-discharge pumping tests on 14 boreholes were analysed. The Cooper-Jacob straight line analytical methodwas used to determine the aquifer characteristics. The computed  transmissivity values of the aquifers varied significantly from 0.37 to 44.5m2 d-1 ; with their specific capacity values ranging from 1.04 to 56.7 m3 d-1m-1 • The storage coefficient from four observation boreholes  indicated that the aquifers were under confined conditions with values in the order of 10-5• Total head losses of the boreholes anributed to laminar and turbulent flows ranged from 28 per cent to 84 per cent. The aquifer characteristics confirm that groundwater occurrence is localised, confinedand controlled by the development of secondary porosity. Therefore, to obtain adequate water for sustainable use, groundwater abstraction in the study area should be preceded by extensive geophysical investigations using integrated methods

    Case Studies of Successful Small Scale Farming in North Carolina

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    The goal of this study focuses on determining factors that contribute to a successful small farm in North Carolina and on identifying ways to further enhance successful small farming. North Carolina farms vary extensively in size and other characteristics, ranging from very small retirement and residential farms to establishments with millions of dollars in sales. Farming continues to be a distinctive industry in part because most production, even among very large farms, is carried out on family-operated farms whose operators often balance farm and off-farm employment and investment decisions. The case studies of successful small farmers conducted in November 2007 were the primary sources of data. The North Carolina Cooperative Extension Program identified three “successful” farmers from its sampling frame to participate in the case studies. Researchers identified sets of variables associated with small farm success through various literature, published and unpublished reports and recommendations from experts in the field. After the variables were operationalized, a questionnaire was developed as a guide for conducting the case studies interview protocols. Each case study consisted of a one-visit protocol with electronic follow-up. Researchers conducted on-site interviews, and then toured the individual farms. The case study farmers used a diverse mix of enterprises including specialty crops and a combination of marketing strategies. The educational level ranged from post high school to Ph.D. although all farmers attended several workshops. All farmers minimized risk through diversity, contractual sales and insurance. Only one farmer used computers for record keeping and finance. The overall “love of farming” seemed to be the biggest driving force behind the farmer’s view of success.Small Farmer, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance, Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession,

    Validation of Factors Influencing Successful Small Scale Farming in North Carolina

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    This phase of the research project involves developing a survey instrument to test the validity and predictive value of the variables identified in previous case studies. Given the importance of small farm viability, this research project focuses on identifying ways to further enhance successful small farming in North Carolina. The survey instrument was designed to solicit production and financial data, attitudes and beliefs about farming, as well as demographic questions. The results demonstrated that successful farmers indicators were the “love of farming” and “manageable debt”. Other strong indicators of successful farmers included a combination of marketing strategies that utilize technology such as websites as well as local farmers markets and educational level. Knowledge about the successful small farm is likely to provide valuable information about how to evaluate the “successfulness” of small farm operations and produce best practices models for small scale farm operations.Small Farmers, Agribusiness, Agribusiness, Farm Management,

    An Assessment of Female Prisoners’ Perception of the Accessibility of Quality Healthcare: A Survey in the Kumasi Central Prisons, Ghana

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    Background: Accessibility of quality healthcare across the globe has generated a lot of attention among public health practitioners.Aim: This study explored the background characteristics of female  prisoners and how it influences their assessment of the quality of  accessible healthcare in the Kumasi Female Prison. Subjects and Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional survey was  conducted at the Female section of the Kumasi Central Prisons from June to December 2011. We used pretested questionnaires to obtain   quantitative data from all 39 inmates of the female Prisons. An in-depth interview was used to obtain qualitative data from the prison healthcare giver. Data were analyzed with Epi Info Version 3.5.1, (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), Excel, and Graph Pad Prism version 5.00 for Windows (Graph Pad software, San Diego California USA,   www.graphpad.com). Results: Using a 12.point scale inventory questionnaire, inmates with no formal education gave the highest mean health provision assessment score (6.0) whereas those with tertiary education gave the lowest (4.5). Females serving prison sentences gave the highest mean health  assessment score whereas remand prisoners gave the lowest. Single femalesf mean health assessment score was 5.7 whereas that of married inmates was 4.9. Unemployed inmates scored 5.8, informal 5.4 while civil servants scored 5.0.Conclusion: Access to quality healthcare was poor and demographic characteristics, marital status, educational background, and occupation influenced inmatesf perceptions of accessibility to quality healthcare. Inmates should be encouraged to be proactive in seeking healthcare irrespective of their background characteristics.Keywords: Accessibility, Female, Kumasi, Perception Prisons, Quality of health car

    Sustainable Groundwater Exploitation under Natural Conditions in Southwest Ghana

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    Groundwater has been recognised as the most cost-effective option of safe water supply to rural communities in Ghana. The demand for potable water has led to the drilling of a large number of boreholes in many parts of the country. To establish the threshold of groundwater development from storage in a major river catchment (Pra River) in South-West Ghana, studies on recharge to the weathered aquifer and statistical evaluations of specific capacity and potential yield have been carried out. The SACSMA conceptual hydrological modelling system was used for the recharge estimate. With recharge rate of 50 mm/yr, the natural groundwater resources in the basin was estimated to support a maximum withdrawal of 12 l/s for a 10 hour per day pumping. The groundwater resources potential of 1.6 l/sk㎡ could be considered the threshold of groundwater exploitation in similar river basins in South-West Ghana. A study into the relation between permeability and recharge under different conditions and scenarios is required to define their limiting role in groundwater resources development
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