8 research outputs found


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    The present paper shows the relationship of the success rate of alpha-training – learning to voluntarily increase the power of the alpha-rhythm with the help of the neurofeedback – with factors of the "Big Five" model of personality traits (NEO–FFI). It was found that most successful at the task of training were the subjects with low scores on Extraversion dimension and moderately high scores on Neuroticism dimension.Показана связь успешности прохождения альфа-тренинга – обучения произвольному увеличению мощности альфа-ритма при помощи технологии биоуправления – с факторами «большой пятерки» личностных черт (NEO-FFI). Установлено, что c задачей тренинга наиболее успешно справляются испытуемые с низкими баллами по шкале «Экстраверсия» и умеренно высокими баллами по шкале «Нейротизм»

    Роль D-димеров плазмы крови в диагностике тромботических состояний у больных с хронической ишемической болезнью сердца

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    Objecive: to estimate hemostatic parameters in 15 cardiosurgical patients with chronic coronary heart disease. Ten parameters of the hemostatic system were determined at 4 stages. The patients were divided into 2 groups in relation to the baseline level of D-dimers. The study demonstrated that hypercoagulation and depressed fibrinolysis retained despite the baseline coagulative potential and the performed therapy in all the patients before discharge. It is obvious that the standard approaches to diagnosing hemostatic disorders and correcting them should be revised. Цель исследования : оценка показателей системы гемостаза у 15 кардиохирургических больных с хронической ише-мической болезнью сердца. Определяли 10 показателей системы гемостаза на 4 этапах. Больные были разделены на две группы в зависимости от исходного уровня D-димеров. Исследование продемонстрировало, что, несмотря на разный изначальный коагуляционный потенциал и проведенное лечение, у всех больных перед выпиской сохранялась гиперкоагуляция и депрессия фибринолиза. Очевидно, что необходимо пересмотреть стандартные подходы к диагностике нарушений в системе гемостаза и коррекции этих нарушений.

    Post weaning diarrhea in pigs: risk factors and non-colistin-based control strategies

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    Post weaning diarrhea in pigs: risk factors and non‑colistin‑based control strategies

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    Post-weaning diarrhea (PWD) is one of the most serious threats for the swine industry worldwide. It is commonly associated with the proliferation of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli in the pig intestine. Colistin, a cationic antibiotic, is widely used in swine for the oral treatment of intestinal infections caused by E. coli, and particularly of PWD. However, despite the effectiveness of this antibiotic in the treatment of PWD, several studies have reported high rates of colistin resistant E. coli in swine. Furthermore, this antibiotic is considered of very high importance in humans, being used for the treatment of infections due to multidrug-resistant (MDR) Gram-negative bacteria (GNB). Moreover, the recent discovery of the mcr-1 gene encoding for colistin resistance in Enterobacteriaceae on a conjugative stable plasmid has raised great concern about the possible loss of colistin effectiveness for the treatment of MDR-GNB in humans. Consequently, it has been proposed that the use of colistin in animal production should be considered as a last resort treatment only. Thus, to overcome the economic losses, which would result from the restriction of use of colistin, especially for prophylactic purposes in PWD control, we believe that an understanding of the factors contributing to the development of this disease and the putting in place of practical alternative strategies for the control of PWD in swine is crucial. Such alternatives should improve animal gut health and reduce economic losses in pigs without promoting bacterial resistance. The present review begins with an overview of risk factors of PWD and an update of colistin use in PWD control worldwide in terms of quantities and microbiological outcomes. Subsequently, alternative strategies to the use of colistin for the control of this disease are described and discussed. Finally, a practical approach for the control of PWD in its various phases is proposed