38 research outputs found

    The effect of body awareness therapy and aerobic exercises on pain and quality of life in the patients with tension type headache

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    Background: This study is to investigate the effect of Body Awareness Therapy (BAT) and Aerobic Exercises on pain and quality of life in patients with Tension-Type Headache (TTH). Materials andMethod: Sixty individuals with TTH diagnosis who referred Neurologist were incorporated into study. The individuals were randomly grouped into 3 as BAT (n=20), aerobic exercise (n=20) and control group (n=20). Pain severity of the individuals was evaluated by Visual Analog Scale (VAS) and pain diary, disability with ache; by Pain Disability Index (PDI) and Headache Impact Tests (HIT) and quality of life was evaluated by SF-36. Subsequent to first assessments, 3 sessions of 60 minutes per week throughout 6 weeks totally.Results: When the groups were compared at the end of the study, a significant decrease was observed in VAS, PDI and HIT values in the individuals in the BAT and aerobic exercise groups. With the individuals in group BAT and aerobic exercise all parameters of quality of life were observed to be increased significantly.Conclusion: BAT and aerobic exercise programs to be applied on TTH patients were concluded to be important in decreasing the pain, in increasing the quality of life and in reducing pain-related daily constraints of the individuals.Keywords: Tension-type headache, aerobic exercise, body awareness therapy, quality of lif

    The Determination of Demografic Characteristics That the Effect of Activity Levels in Wheelchair Users : Comparative Study

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    Amaç: Aktif yaşam tarzının faydaları bilinmesine rağmen birçok tekerlekli sandalye (TS)kullanıcısı hareketsiz yaşamı tercih etmektedir. Aktif bir yaşam TS kullanıcılarında, aynı zamanda TS ile hareket etme yeteneği anlamına gelmektedir. Engelli bireyin topluma katılımınıetkilemektedir. TS ile hareket ederken oluşan memnuniyet seviyesinin genel yaşam kalitesi ilepozitif ilişkili olduğu bulunmuştur. Bu çalışmada, günlük yaşamında hareket etmek için tekerlekli sandalye kullanan, topluma katılmış sporcu ve sedanter engelli bireylerin demografik özelliklerinin karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Çalışmaya, yürüme fonksiyonlarıolmayan, günlük yaşamlarında hareket etmek için TS kullanan sedanter ve TS basketbol sporuyapan bireyler dâhil edildi. Bireyler sporcu (n=111) ve kontrol (n=85) olmak üzere iki gruba ayrıldı. Bireylerin cinsiyet dağılımları sporcu grubunda %9,9 (n=11) oranında kadın, %90,1 (n=100)oranında erkek; kontrol grubunda ise sırasıyla %38,8 (n=33) oranında kadın ve %61,2 (n=52)oranında erkek olarak belirlendi. Bireylerin demografik bilgileri [yaş, cinsiyet, beden kitle indeksi (BKİ), meslek, eğitim, engel tipi, engel zamanı] alındı. Bulgular: Yaş (p<0,001), cinsiyet(p<0,001), meslek (p=0,011), eğitim (p=0,0002) ve engel tipi (p=0,001), parametrelerinde gruplar arası anlamlı fark olduğu görüldü. Engel zamanı (p=0,424) ve BKİ (p=0,181) parametrelerinde ise gruplar arası anlamlı fark bulunmadı. Sonuç: Engelli bireylerde aktivite katılımınıneğitim düzeyi ve mesleki durum üzerinde etkili faktör olduğu, kadın engellilerin aktivitelerekatılımlarının teşvik edilmesi gerektiğini düşünüyoruz. Engelli bireylerin aktivite katılım seviyesinin artırılmasına yönelik çalışmalarda bireysel değerlendirmelere yer verilmesi gerektiğinidüşünüyoruz.Objective: Although the benefits of active lifestyle are known, many wheelchair users prefer inactive life. An active life means wheelchair users have the ability to move with wheelchairs. Wheelchair mobility is a prerequisite to being able to carry out important activities and to participate in social life. Level of satisfaction with the wheelchair and overall quality of life were found to be positively associated. The study aims that to compare the socio-demographic knowledge of player and sedentary disabled people who is to move using wheelchair and living in community. Material and Methods: The subjects of the study were sedentary or player individuals who had no walking functions and therefore had to use wheelchair for mobility in daily life. The subjects were categorized under sedentary (control, n=85) and player (n=111) groups. The gender distributions of the player group were 9.9% (n=11) at women and 90.1% (n=100) at men. It was found to be women at 38.8% (n=33) and men at 61.2% (n=52) in the control group. It was obtained socio-demographic information [age, gender, body mass index (BMI), employed status, education level, disability type and disabled time] about individuals. Results: There was a significant difference between the groups in terms of age (p<0.001), gender (p<0.001), employed status (p=0.011), education level (p=0.0002) and disability type (p=0.001). There was no difference in disabled time (p=0.424) and BMI parameters (p=0.181). Conclusion: We think that activity participation in disabled individuals is an effective factor on education level and occupational status, and participation of women with disabilities in activities should be encouraged. We believe that individual evaluations should be included in studies to increase the level of activity participation of disabled individuals

    İnmeli Bireylerde Korse Kullanımının Denge ve Kas Aktivasyonu Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, inmeli bireylerde korse kullanımının denge ve kas aktivasyonu üzerine etkilerini belirlemek olarak planlandı. Yöntemler: Çalışmaya dahil edilen 44 inmeli birey, rastgele yöntemle korse kullanan (n=23) ve korse kullanmayan (n=21) grup olarak ikiye ayrıldı. Tüm bireyler iki hafta süresince, haftada 5 kez fizyoterapi programına alındı. Korse kullanan gruptaki bireylere fizyoterapi programına ek olarak, sabah kalkış saatinden akşam yatış saatine kadar elastik lumbal korse kullandırıldı. Tüm bireylerin statik dengeleri Tetrax Denge Cihazı (TDC), dinamik dengeleri Berg Denge Skalası (BDS) ve Fonksiyonel Uzanma Testi (FUT), Transversus Abdominus (TrA) kas kuvveti ise stabilizer cihazı (Basınç Biofeedback Ünit) kullanılarak değerlendirildi. Değerlendirmeler tedavi öncesi (TÖ), tedavi ortası 1. hafta (TO 1. H) ve tedavi sonrası (TS) olmak üzere 3 defa yapıldı. Bulgular: 2 haftalık korse kullanımının sonucunda; FUT, BDS ve Tetrax parametrelerinden Ağırlık Dağılım İndeksi (ADİ) ölçümlerinde anlamlı fark bulundu (p<0,05). Stabilizer cihazla yapılan ölçümlerde ve Tetrax parametrelerinden Fourier Harmonik İndeks (FHİ), 7. Frekans bandı (F7), 8. Frekans bandı (F8) ve Stabilite İndeksinde (Sİ) TÖ, TO 1. H ve TS gruplar arasında fark yoktu (p>0,05). Sonuç: İnmeli bireylerde kısa süreli korse kullanımının, elastik korsenin gövde hareketlerini engellememesi, gövde kasları için sürekli olarak hatırlatıcı olması ve farkındalığı arttırıcı bir görev üstlenmesi nedeniyle, inme rehabilitasyonunda konvansiyonel fizyoterapi programına ilave edilebileceği düşüncesindeyiz

    An approach to lipedema: a literature review of current knowledge of an underestimated health problem

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    Lipedema, which has been known as an adipose tissue disorder characterized by abnormal fat deposition, mostly affects women. This condition can easily be ruled out regarding its diagnosis because it is commonly misdiagnosed as obesity. True diagnosing and optimal management of lipedema show a great importance. As patients suffer from lipedema, not only experiencing physical symptoms such as tenderness or a feeling of heaviness but also psychological symptoms such as anxiety, they cause negative influences on quality of life of a person with lipedema. This paper tries to review all aspects of lipedema from diagnosis to management and assessment options

    Translation, reliability, and validation of the Turkish version of the Lymphedema Quality-of-Life tool in Turkish-speaking patients with lower limb Lymphedema

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    The aim of this study was to translate the original English version of the Lymph Quality-of-Life Questionnaire (LYMQoL) into Turkish language and test its reliability and validity in patients with lower limb lymphedema (LLL). A total of 119 patients (86 women and 33 men) with LLL were enrolled in this study. The Turkish version of the Nottingham Health Profile was used to evaluate the criterion validity of related domains in LYMQoL. The LYMQoL was performed after seven days to evaluate its test-retest reliability. Cronbach's alpha value was found to be 0.94 for internal consistency, and the intraclass correlation coefficient score for test-retest reliability was found to be 0.95. The intraclass correlation coefficient score of domains ranged between 0.83 and 0.92. For the criterion validity, functional aspects'' and symptoms'' domains moderately correlated significantly with the Nottingham Health Profile total score. Kappa values ranged from 0.356 to 0.715. According to the factor analysis, four factors that explain the 71% of the cumulative variance were found. In conclusion, this study indicates that the Turkish version of the LYMQoL is a reliable valid tool for the evaluation of disease-specific health-related quality of life in patients with LLL. It can be safely used in both clinical routine and research

    A new era of seeking knowledge for #lymphedema on social media: A detailed Instagram hashtag analysis

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    Instagram® is one of the most active social media platforms with over a billion users worldwide. Since the importance of education on lymphedema has been established due to the chronic nature of the disease, seeking knowledge attracts much attention not only clinically but also on social platforms such as Instagram ®. Our aim was to examine content by analyzing posts tagged with hashtags on Instagram ® related to lymphedema. Nine predefined hashtags related to lymphedema were used to search posts uploaded to Instagram® via the Apify tool. Retrieved public posts were classified and analyzed by four researchers for their content and post-type. We found that the vast majority of sharing on Instagram® in the context of lymphedema and its related aspects have relatively low scores for both relevancy and accuracy with a 77% irrelevancy rate. The best posts were those determined to be educational, which were found 57% relevant and correct. Medical professionals should consider that disseminating true guidance and therapy carries importance for patients with lymphedema and treatment success. The ability for patients to reach knowledge via social media might also be an important aspect in reliving suffering due to lymphedema. However, our results demonstrate that Instagram® might not be a good platform for patients to discover reliable information about lymphedema. Copyright by International Society of Lymphology


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    Amaç: Bu araştırma basitleştirilmiş pelvik organ prolapsus sınıflandırma sistemi (BPOP-SS) ile pelvik taban semptomları arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmak amacıyla planlandı.Yöntem: Araştırmaya pelvik taban disfonksiyonu olan 131 kadın dahil edildi. Kadınların pelvik organ prolapsus (POP) evresi BPOP-SS testi ile, pelvik taban semptomlarının varlığı ve şiddeti Global Pelvik Taban Rahatsızlık Anketi (GPTRA) ile değerlendirildi. POP semptomunun varlığı “Vajinanızda (haznenizde) yumru hissediyor musunuz (ya da mesane, rahim, vajina, makat)?” sorusu ile, semptomun şiddeti ise “Eğer cevabınız evet ise, bu sizi ne kadar rahatsız ediyor?” sorusu ile değerlendirildi. POP’u değerlendiren soru ve GPTRA’dan elde edilen puanlar kaydedildi. Bulgular: BPOP-SS ile GPTRA toplam skoru arasında pozitif yönde zayıf bir korelasyon olduğu bulundu (r=0.364, p&lt;0.001). BPOP-SS ile GPTRA’daki POP’u değerlendiren soru arasında pozitif yönde orta düzey bir korelasyon olduğu saptandı (r=0.590, p&lt;0.001). Ayrıca semptomatik POP varlığı ile GPTRA’daki 6. soru arasında yüksek düzey korelasyon bulundu (r=0,784, p&lt;0.001). Sonuç: Bu araştırmada BPOP-SS ile GTPRA’daki POP’u değerlendiren soru arasında ilişki olduğu bulundu. BPOP-SS’nin uygulanmasındaki zorluklar ve zaman alması sebebiyle GPTRA’nın yoğun klinik ve araştırmalarda kolaylık sağlayacağı ve özellikle semptomatik POP varlığının belirlenmesinde objektif olacağı düşüncesindeyiz. Ancak asemptomatik POP’un varlığını ve şiddetini değerlendirmekte yetersiz olabilmektedir

    An important tool in lymphedema management: Validation of Turkish version of the patient benefit index-lymphedema

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    Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the Turkish adaptation, validity, and reliability of the Patient Benefit Index-Lymphedema (PBI-L) ensuring direct assessment of the benefit in patients with lymphedema (LE), lipedema, and lipolymphedema. Methods and Results: Eighty-one patients who were consulted for physiotherapy, whose diagnoses were LE, lipedema, and lipolymphedema, and who were treated or planned to be treated for these diagnoses, were included in this study. PBI-L was adapted to Turkish by considering the stages of the cultural adaptation process. Short Form-36 (SF-36) was applied for the validity of PBI-L. PBI-L was repeated after a 1-week interval for test-retest reliability. The mean age was 47.66 +/- 14.23 years. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) value was determined as 0.73 (p < 0.0001) for the total score. There was a moderate correlation between first (ICC = 0.63, p < 0.0001) and second subdimensions (ICC = 0.62, p < 0.0001). Cronbach's alpha values ranged between 0.83 and 0.89. Low correlations were found between total scores of PBI-L and mental health, physical function subdimensions of SF-36 (p < 0.05). The Kaiser Meyer Olkin value was 0.6, and it was found that the PBI-L was not consistent with factor analysis. Conclusion: The Turkish version of PBI-L is a valid and reliable tool in patients with LE, lipedema, and lipolymphedema. However, the reassessment validity of PBI-L would be suggested by using an LE-specific quality of life questionnaire

    Wheeled mobility skills of wheelchair basketball players: a randomized controlled study

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    Ankarali, Handan Camdeviren/0000-0002-3613-0523; saltan, asuman O/0000-0003-0546-2610WOS: 000403392500009PubMed: 27291563Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the influence of wheelchair basketball sport on the functional abilities of wheelchair users. Method: This is a randomized controlled study. Wheelchair basketball players (n = 111) and non-player (n = 85) were included in this study. We administered the questionnaire version of the wheelchair skills test questionnaire (WST_Q), recording the participants' capacity and performance scores on each of 32 skills. Results: Player group have the baseline values of WST_Q higher than control group. The mean total percentage score of player group was significantly greater than control group (p< 0.05). The get over 15 cm level (respectively, rations of capacity and performance of groups: player/control: 50.5-20% and 54.1-24.7%) and the ascends 10 degrees incline (player/control 96.4-48.2% and 98.2-54.1%). Conclusions: Participation in regular wheelchair basketball sport may preserve and augment functional abilities in with wheelchair use

    Pelvic Floor Muscle Training and Virtual Reality

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    Pelvik taban kasları (PTK), simfizis pubisten koksikse doğru genişleyen, çok katlı bir kas tabakasıdır. Pelvis içindeki pozisyonu bir trambolin gibi düşünülen bu yapı, pelvik açıklıklara (üretra,vajina ve anüs) yapısal destek verir. Ayrıca işeme, dışkılama, seksüel fonksiyon ve pelvik organların desteklenmesinden de sorumludur. PTK’nin ön, orta veya arka kompartmanlarının herhangibirinde meydana gelen bir patoloji; alt üriner sistem semptomları, bağırsak semptomları, prolapsus,seksüel fonksiyon ve ağrı ile ilişkili olan pelvik taban disfonksiyonu (PTD)na neden olmaktadır.PTD özellikle kadınları etkilemekte ve zaman içerisinde kasın yeniden eğitimini gerektirmektedir.PTD tedavi seçenekleri arasında cerrahi, medikal ve fizyoterapi ve rehabilitasyon yaklaşımları yeralmaktadır. Fizyoterapi ve rehabilitasyonun amacı; semptomları azaltmak, progresyonu ve cerrahiyiönlemek ya da geciktirmek ve yaşam kalitesini artırmaktır. Bu amaçlara ulaşmak için PTD tedavisinde uygulanan fizyoterapi ve rehabilitasyon yaklaşımları pelvik taban kas eğitimini (PTKE) içermektedir. PTKE; biofeedback, vajinal kon, foley kateter, tampon, üç boyutlu real time ultrasoundve sanal gerçeklik eğitimi ile birlikte uygulanabilir. Bu derleme, PTD’de; pelvik taban kas eğitimive bu eğitimde kullanılan yöntemleri tartışmaktadır. Ayrıca, son dönemlerde oldukça popüler olansanal gerçekliğin pelvik taban kas eğitimde uygulanabilirliğini ve avantajlarını vurgulamaktadır.Pelvic floor muscles (PFMs) are a layered muscle layer that expands symphysis pubis to coccyx. This structure, which is thought to be a tombolin in the pelvis, provides structural support to the pelvic openings (urethra, vagina and anus). It is also responsible for voiding, defecation, sexual functioning and supporting pelvic organs. A pathology that occurs in any of the anterior, middle, or posterior compartments of the pelvic floor muscles that cause pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD) associated with lower urinary tract symptoms, intestinal symptoms, prolapse, sexual function and pain. PFD is particularly affecting women and that require muscle re-education. Treatment options for PFD include surgery, medical and physiotherapy and rehabilitation approaches. Physiotherapy and rehabilitation are aimed at reducing symptoms, preventing progression, preventing or delaying surgery and improving quality of life. Physiotherapy and rehabilitation approaches for PTD include pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT). PFMT can be applied with biofeedback, vaginal cone, foley catheter, tampon, three-dimensional real time ultrasound and virtual reality training. This review suggests that in pelvic floor dysfunction; pelvic floor muscle training and methods used in this training. It also emphasizes the applicability and advantageous aspects of pelvic floor muscle training in the virtual reality, which has recently become quite popular