411 research outputs found

    Integration of mahalanobis-taguchi system and activity based costing in decision making for remanufacturing

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    Classifying components at the end of life (EOL) into remanufacture, repair or dispose is still a major concern to automotive industries. Prior to this study, no specific approach is reported as a guide line to determine critical crankpins that justifying economical remanufacturing process. Traditional cost accounting (TCA) has been used widely by remanufacturing industries but this is not a good measure of estimating the actual manufacturing costs per unit as compared to activity based costing (ABC). However, the application of ABC method in estimating remanufactured cost is rarely reported. These issues were handled separately without a proper integration to make remanufacturing decision which frequently results into uneconomical operating cost and finally the decision becomes less accurate. The aim of this work is to develop a suitable pattern recognition method for classifying crankshaft into three different EOL groups and subsequently evaluates the critical and non-critical crankpins of the used crankshaft using Mahalanobis-Taguchi System (MTS). A remanufacturability assessment technique was developed using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet on pattern recognition and critical crankpins evaluation, and finally integrates these information into a similar spreadsheet with ABC to make decision whether the crankshaft is to be remanufactured, repaired or disposed. The developed scatter diagram was able to recognize group pattern of EOL crankshaft which later was successfully used to determine critical crankpins required for remanufacturing process. The proposed method can serve as a useful approach to the remanufacturing industries for systematically evaluate and decide EOL components for further processing. Case study on six engine models, the result shows that three engines can be securely remanufactured at above 40% profit margin while another two engines are still viable to remanufacture but with less profit margin. In contrast, only two engines can be securely remanufactured due overcharge when using TCA. This inaccuracy affects significantly the overall remanufacturing activities and revenue of the industry. In conclusion, the proposed integration on pattern recognition, parameter evaluation and costing assists the decision making process to effectively remanufacture EOL automotive components as confirmed by Head of workshop of Motor Teknologi Industri Sdn. Bhd

    Analisis Struktur jeung Ajén Budaya dina Novel Baruang ka nu Ngarora Karya D.K. Ardiwinata

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    Skripsi ini berjudul “Analisis Struktur jeung Ajén Budaya dina Novel Baruang ka nu Ngarora Karya D.K. Ardiwinata”. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat akan fungsi dan manfaat dari karya sastra. Oleh sebab itu, dengan adanya penilitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan struktur dan nilai budaya yang terkandung dalam novel Baruang ka nu Ngarora. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif melalui pendekatan kualitatif, dengan langkah-langkah sebagai berikut: 1) mengumpulkan data; 2) menganalisis data yang terkumpul; dan 3) mendeskripsikan data. Sumber data utama dari penelitian ini adalah buku novel Baruang ka nu Ngarora karangan D.K. Ardiwinata. Data yang diperoleh berupa catatan hasil telaah studi pustaka. Hasil dari penelitian ini menemukan bahwa (1) novel memiliki unsur-unsur (struktur) yang mandiri, yang terdiri dari tema, fakta cerita dan sarana cerita; (2) dalam novel Baruang ka nu Ngarora ini terdapat banyak nilai budaya yang dapat dilihat dari berbagai segi, seperti nilai tradisi, nilai estetik, nilai sosial masarakat Sunda pada masa pemerintahan kolonial Belanda; juga (3) unsur-unsur budaya yang menunjukkan bahwa novel tersebut sangat kental akan nilai budaya, hususnya budaya Sunda. This skripsi titled “Analisis Struktur jeung Ajén Budaya dina Novel Baruang ka nu Ngarora Karya D.K. Ardiwinata”. The background of this study is based on the lack of public awareness about the advantage and the function of a literature work. Therefore, this research aims to describe the structure and cultural value that contained in the novel. The method that used in this study is a descriptive method through a qualitative approach which steps are as following: 1) Collecting data; 2) Analyze data collected; and 3) Describing data. The main data sources of this study is the novel “Baruang ka nu Ngarora” that written by D.K. Ardiwinata. A note of literature review emerged as a form of the data that obtained in this study. Furthermore, the result of this study revealed that 1) The novel has an independent structure which consist of a theme, the facts of story and the means of story; 2) The novel has a lot of cultural values which can be seen from various sides such as the value of tradition, aesthetic value, the social value of Sundanese society in the Dutch colonial period; and also 3) The novel has cultural elements which shows that it has a vigorous cultural values especially the cultural of Sundanese

    Tinjauan Interior Hotel Majapahit Surabaya Yang Dipengaruhi Perkembangan Desain Pada Jaman Belanda

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    Study ou wear resistance and microstructure of nanosilica-iron based composites.

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    When a machine is in operation, two moving surfaces interact to generate a large amount of wear particle. Abrasive wear of engineering machine components caused by the abrasive particle is the major industrial problem. In materials science, wear is the erosion of material from a solid surfuce by the action of another surfuce. It is related to surfuce interactions and more specifically the removal of material from a surfuce as a result of mechanical action. Wear caused by the presence of abrasive particles is influenced by their size, concentration, shape, hardness, and sliding velocities. The objective of this report is to study on wear resistance ofNanosilica-iron based composites. The studies of this project are aim to research about the differential percentage of nanosilica addition to the pure iron with different sintered temperatures and focus on physical and mechanical properties of nanosilica-iron based composite, several tests will be conducted to the samples, which include density measurement, hardness test and wear resistance. Currently, iron based silica sand nanoparticles composites 5, 10, 15 and 20 wt.% of nanoparticles silica and were developed through powder metallurgy technique and sintered at 900c, 1 OOOc and 11 OOc. So to determined which composition are better regarding to the sintered temperature value wiii be test by using hardness test and wear resistance test. The results show that the addition of silica sand nanoparticles to iron enhanced the hardness and wear resistance with increasing the sintered temperature and silica sandnanoparticles. An improvement in sintered densities was also observed with increasing trend of sintering temperatures. An optimum value of20wt.% of silica sand nanoparticles in iron based composites was found to have best micro hardness values and wear resistance for all sintering temperatures

    Analisis Dampak Digital Banking Dan Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah Pada Sebuah Bank Swasta

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    ABSTRAKAbstrak. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menganalisa dampak dari Digital Banking dan Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah pada PT. Bank OCBC NISP, Tbk. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan jumlah sampel 100 orang responden yang merupakan nasabah PT. Bank OCBC NISP, Tbk. Data diumpulkan melalui wawancara kuisioner. Data dianalisa menggunakan uji hipotesis. Pengujian yang telah dilakukan menghasilkan adanya pengaruh digital banking dan kualitas pelayanan secara bersama-sama terhadap kepuasan nasabah secara statistik menghasilkan nilai positif dan juga signifikan diperoleh nilai F hitung  39,917 dan F tabel 2,70. Nilai F hitung tersebut  > F tabel, hal tersebut membuktikan bahwa pengaruh tersebut berdampak positif dan signifikan. Oleh karena itu dapat disimpulkan variabel digital banking dan kualitas pelayanan secara bersama-sama berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan nasabah pada PT. Bank OCBC NISP, Tbk. Kata Kunci :  Digital Banking; Kualitas Pelayanan; Kepuasan Nasabah

    Peralihan Kekayaan Warisan dalam Madzhab Syafi`i (Studi Pemikiran Syaikh Said Ibn Saad Ibn Nabhan al-Hadlramiy dalam Kitab ‘Iddat Al-Faridl)

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    Mashdar fiqh al-mawarits lahir dari naqliy-bayaniy (baik yang qath’iy al-dalalah maupun dhanniy al-dalalah dalam al-Quran dan sunah) dan aqliy-burhaniy (ijma’ dan qiyas). Syaikh Said ibn Saad ibn Nabhan al-Hadlramiy hadir merumuskan fiqh al-mawarits dari kedua mashdar al-hukm ini dengan menganut madzhab Syafii dalam bentuk tandhim (rajutan syair) terhadap kitab-kitab turats terkait tema al-mawarits yang disusun para ulama syafiiyah. Mandhumat ‘Iddat al-Faridl memuat kajian pengantar tata kelola tirkah sebelum dialokasikan kepada para ahli waris (sebagai harta waris) kemudian disusul pemamaparan tentang ahli waris berikut hak kewarisannya serta teknis hisab/kalkulasi harta warisan dengan menggunakan teori matematis tradisional


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    The study aims to determine whether the students who presented group counseling for lower trigonometry differed from those in the comparison group. The experimental research plan was used. The number of participants who participated in the study selected several students. Study results indicated that individuals in the treatment group could reduce their worldly behavior; The number of students in the actual practice of basic self-management goals increases compared to students with self-capability goals triples among students during the counselling sessions. However, the recommendations made with this study included a greater need for additional counseling on how to change school behavior rather than using physical punishment


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    Purpose of the study: This study aims to examine the impact of a psychoeducational module known as the ‘SELF-IE’ module in helping low-performing civil servants. It is measured through the self-change variables of emotional stability, psycho-spirituality, and behavioral adjustment among respondents, who attended 2017 Self-Change and Well-Being Programme that used the ‘SELF-IE’ module as the intervention. Methodology: This is a quasi-experimental study, in which the impact of the ‘SELF-IE’ module was determined by measuring the mean differences of the variables for both experimental and control groups. Data were collected from a total of 68 respondents using the Personal Well-Being Questionnaire (PWQ) consisting of 60 items divided into five different sections. Main Findings: There is a significant mean difference in all three measured variables (emotional stability, psycho-spirituality, and behavioral adjustment) between both experimental and control groups, which means that the intervention using the ‘SELF-IE’ module has a positive impact in self-change of the respondents in those variables. Applications of this study: The result of this study can provide useful information to help improve any self-development program for employees’ particularly in public organizational settings. The information should be beneficial for organizational counselors or industrial psychologists, and human resources or training managers. Novelty/Originality of this study: This study specifically enhances the human assessment performance in the Public Service Department (PSD), whereby the development of the ‘SELF-IE’ module has improved the current module used in public organizations’ employee assistance program (EAP)

    Effectiveness Of Active Learning Method Quiz Team Type On Student Learning Outcomes In Subject Ohm Law In SMA Negeri 1 Pundong

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    This study aims to measure the increase in student learning outcomes from cognitive aspects and student activity between active quiz type learning methods and conventional methods. The sampling technique is non-random sampling. Data was collected using the pre-test and post-test for cognitive aspects while the affective aspects used the observation. Analysis of the data used the normality test, homogeneity test, and hypothesis testing. The hypothesis test used is a two-party t test. The results show that tcount= 7.273 > ttable= 2.01 at a significant level of 5%. It means that there are significant differences for cognitive aspects between learning outcomes using the team quiz type and conventional methods of active learning methods. Overall the team quiz method is more effective for improving student learning outcomes from cognitive aspects, and student activities