23 research outputs found


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    Background : Erythema multiforme is an acute mucocutaneous inflammation which is self limiting desease. One of caused of Erythema multiforme is Herpes Simplex Virus infection diagnosed as Herpes Associated Erytema Multiforme (HAEM). The psychosomatic patients should be wary of anti-depressant therapy, because if there is an allergy, it can trigger the occurrence of erthema multiformis. In this paper, we will reported HAEM case on psychosomatic patient.Case and management : A case of 23 years old female patient with chief complaint sore and pain lips since one weeks ago. The patient has been on anti-depressant therapy for one month. Clinical examination on patient showed that there were erosive lesion covered by reddish brown crusta, sloughing on the border between lips and labial mucosa, and bloody lips. The results of laboratory tests show positive HSV. Patient was diagnosed with HAEM. Therapy given to the patient was corticosteroid topical oitment, acyclovir and oral rinse antiseptics. After two weeks the administration, condition on the patient has improved.Conclusions : HAEM cases if treated properly can recover well. Trigger factors must be controlled so that not recurranc


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    Background: Chronic osteomyelitis mandibula is one of the complications from dental extraction. Inadequate wound handling can have an impact on the spread of infection in the surrounding tissue like nerve which results in facial nerve paralysis. The purpose is to present a rare case that facilitative nerve paralysis as a result of the spread of osteomyelitis infectionCase Management: A 69 years old woman with chief complains numbness onher lips accompanied by pus out beside the lower teeth. No sistemic disease. Panoramic radiograph showed abnormal bone-like sequester. Extraoral examination appeared the bluish color on the right cheek and there was right facial muscle paralysis. Debridement, sequesterectomy by general anesthesia and medication using ceftriaxone intravenous, ketorolac injection, multivitamin, and corticosteroid, physiotherapy for facial nerve paralyze, also.Discussion: Pathogenesis mandibular osteomyelitis involves contiguous spreadfrom an odontogenic focus infection. The bacteria produce an exotoxin, which, while unable to cross the blood-brain barrier, can have deleterious effects on thePeripheral Nerve System (Fasialis Nerve) in up to 75% of cases, with the severity of presentation correlating with the severity of the infection.Conclusion: Chronic mandibular osteomyelitis can spread the infection to around another anatomy oral cavity like facials nerves


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    Background: Osteoradionecrosis (ORN) post dental extraction is post dental extraction complication with post radiation cancer theraphy. Objective : to present rare case, ORN post dental extraction with post radiation Ca nasopharing therapy 3 years ago. Case Management: A 54 years old patient reported to the dental out-patient department with a chief complaint of pus discharge from right buccal since post dental extraction 6 months ago. He gave a history of a nasopharing Carcinoma with histopatology as squamous cell carcinoms 3 years ago and radio therapy but no surgery. Intraoral examination, exposed necrotic bone found from right lower retromolar area 46 with pus discharge. Radiographic view was likely squester. Local surgical debridement and the sequestrectomy was undertaken with general anaesthesia. Antibiotic injection treatment was ceftriaxon 2x 1gram, infus metronidazol 3x500 mg and ketorolac 3x1 ampul, the patient was treated for 3 days and educated to maintain his oral hygiene with povidone iodine gargle. Discussion: Osteoradionecrosis (ORN) is late effect of radiation therapy that results in irreversible tissue death, which is clinically observed as bony exposure for more than 3 months duration. The mandible is affected more often than the maxilla or any other bones of head and neck region. The incidence of ORN in the mandible is reported to be between 2% and 22% and most often affects the body of the mandible. Ideal time is one year minimal post radiotherapy to get maximal vascularization for optimal healing. But immunity factor and radiation doses can trigger emergense ORN. Conclusion: Need time consideration, clinic analysis and pathologys before doing dental extraction for post radiotherapy cancer cases to prevent ORN


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    Background: Abscess is infection caused of anerob bacteria. Maxillofacial abcess aetiology was oral focus infection like dental gangren. Unproportional treatment could make complication that makes sistemic condition patient worst, gaster perforation. Objective : to present treatment bucal abscess case that expanding to colli, thoraks and complication based on mistherapy about NSAID with gaster perforation. Case and management: A 59 years old man with chief complain colli abscess and suspect gaster perforation with diffuse abdominal pain and distension gaster since three days. Intraoral inspection was multipel dental gangren. Ultrasonography showed gaster perforation. Incicion drainase was done and eradication oral focus infection with repair gaster perforation under general anaesthesia prosedure. Medication treatment with ceftriaxone injection 2x 1 gram, and paracetamol infus 3x 500 mg. Bacteria kulture was negatif and hospitalization patient until 1 week. Discussion: Gold standart abscess therapy is incision drainase, but there were clinician not aware abiut that and choosed konservative treatment with antibiotic and analgesic, so that less maximal theraphy. Complication NSAID analgesic was gaster iritation, so unproportional drug treatment can lead gaster ulceration or perforation. Conclusion: It is important and consider drug choise for abscess treatment to avoid worst complication developmen

    Psychological analysis of mothers with cleft children

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    Background: Parenting a child with cleft disorder required special attention, because this is related to the psychological condition of the mother. Mother's psychological problems can affect the growth and development of children. The purpose of this study was to analyze psychological of mothers with cleft children. Method: The research method used in this research is descriptive analytic method with purposive sampling approach. Methods of data collection using a questionnaire to measure parenting stress, the short form parenting stress index (PSI) had adopted from Adibin has been tested for validity and reliability. The number of samples in this study were 150 mothers with cleft lip, palatal and cleft lip/palatal children.Statistic analysis with ANOVA test and Spearman test Result: The results of this study indicate that there are differences in the stress levels of mothers of cleft children between cleft lips (CL), cleft palate (CP) and cleft lips and palate (CL/P) non syndromic (NS). The significance value is 0.000 (


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    Background: Banana counted as nearly perfect food since it contains six nutrients : water , sugar , proteins , fats , vitamins , and minerals . Because of that , bananas are often used as a staple food for most people because of its nutritional value. However, sometimes people do not realize the benefits of bananas as a whole , from leaves , fruits , flowers and stems of the bananas . Penggaron Lor society , still minimal in using the banana plant . Usually the community will sell fruit and leaves to the market , so that the results obtained from the banana plant community less than optimal. Method : This study is an observational analytic study . The research was done in the Village of Penggaron Lor Semarang , and was conducted in March-June 2014. The instrument in this research was primary data obtained directly from respondents through interviews using questionnaires distributed before and after counseling . To determine whether there are differences in knowledge before and after counseling on the benefits of banana plants as a medium for maintaining oral hygiene, statistical test Wilcoxon Sign Ranks test was conducted, and processed with SPSS. Result: The results of SPSS calculation because the data is not normal ( p value < 0.05), then the data was processed using the non-parametric test for two sample pairs , ie Wilcoxon Sign Ranks test , and obtained p value of 0.008 . This means that there was a significant difference between the mean value of the pre-test and post-test. Conclusion : there are differences in knowledge before and after counseling , counseling means that a significant impact on respondents' knowledge of the benefits of banana plants for maintain oral health

    the comparison of the stress level of the mother of the cleft lip or palate child with the mother of a normal child.

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    Parenting  for cleft lip or palate non-syndromic  (CB/LNS) children can cause psychological problems, especially for mothers. The psychological problems experienced by mothers of CB/LNS children are due to the difficulty of taking care of them. This is the reason why mothers of CB/LNS children experience different psychological problems than mothers of normal children. This study aims to determinane  the comparison of the stress level of the mother of the cleft lip or palate child with the mother of a normal child.The research method used in this research is descriptive analytic method with purposive sampling approach. Methods of data collection using a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability. The number of subjects in this study consisted of 24 mothers of CB/LNS children and 24 mothers of normal children.The results of this study indicate that there are differences in the stress levels of mothers of CB/LNS children with mothers of normal children. The significance value is 0.000 <0.05.The conclusion obtained is that there are differences in stress levels of CB/LNS with mothers of normal children. Keywords: stress, mother's stress level, child cleft lip or palate


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    Latarbelakang: Pengetahuan tentang bibir sumbing masih sangat minim di masyarakat Indonesia. Hal ini berdampak pada kurang maksimal pencapaian perawatan pada kasus bibir sumbing, sehingga diperlukan strategi peningkatan pengetahuan terutama pada ibu, agar bibir sumbing dapat terdeteksi awal dan dapat mendapatkan perawatan secara maksimal. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menilai efektivitas penyuluhan dengan visualisasi pada ibu, sehingga dapat dicapai perubahan pengetahuan tentang bibir sumbing. Metode: Metode penelitian adalah membandingkan pengetahuan ibu-ibu tentang bibir sumbing sebelum penyuluhan dan setelah penyuluhan dengan media audiovisual melalui uji beda t test. Penyuluhan dilakukan dengan audiovisual baik video maupun informasi buku saku Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara pengetahuan ibu ibu sebelum dan setelah penyuluhan. Kesimpulan: Metode penyuluhan audiovisual efektif untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang bibir sumbing

    The Effect of secretome-hypoxia mesenchymal-stem-cells and vitamin-d3 in type-2 diabetes-mellitus induced periodontitis rats

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    Background: A systemic metabolic disorder by insulin resistance, type-2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), is characterised by an increased level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and decreased superoxide dismutase (SOD), which is associated with the activation of proinflammatory cytokine pathways such as tumor necrosis (TNF)-α. This condition usually stimulates inflammation of the periodontal tissue (periodontitis). Vitamin-D3 can inhibit the release of inflammatory mediator and reduce the risk of chronic periodontitis. Purpose this study to determine the effect of the secretome-hypoxia mesenchymal-stem-cells (SH-MSCs)-Vitamin-D3 combination on the expression of SOD, IL-10, and TNF-α genes in T2DM periodontitis-induced rats. Method: 30 rats were randomly divided into five groups; normal sham condition, positive control, SH-MSCs group, vitamin-D3 group, and combination of SH-MSCs and vitamin D3 group. SH-MSCs were injected at doses of 150 uL in the gingival. In addition, vitamin D3 5000 IU 2.25 mcg were administrated orally. After 35 days, all rats were sacrificed, and qRT-PCR from gingival tissue was performed to identify the expression of SOD, IL-10 and TNF-α genes Results: The results a significant increase in SOD and IL-10 gene expression (

    PENGARUH KUMUR SARI BUAH BELIMBING MANIS (Averrhoa carambola L.) TERHADAP PERUBAHAN pH PLAK DAN pH SALIVA (Studi terhadap Anak Usia 12-15 Tahun Pondok Pesantren Al-Adzkar, Al-Furqon, Al-Izzah Mranggen Demak)

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    Masalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut terbanyak adalah karies dan penyakit periodontal yang disebabkan plak. Plak dapat dicegah oleh senyawa epikatekin dalam belimbing manis (Averrhoa carambola L.). Epikatekin sebagai antikaries karena bersifat bakterisid. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kumur sari buah belimbing manis terhadap perubahan pH plak dan pH saliva. Penelitian ini  menggunakan quasy experiment dengan rancangan pre-post test control group design. Jumlah sampel penelitian adalah 60 anak perempuan berusia 12-15 tahun dan dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok. Kelompok perlakuan berkumur sari buah 50%, 75%, 100%, kelompok kontrol berkumur povidon 1%, dan aquades. Analisis data menggunakan uji Kruskall-Wallis dengan nilai p<0,05 dilanjutkan dengan uji Mann-Whitney. Untuk mengetahui perbedaan perubahan pH plak dan pH saliva sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan dilakukan uji T berpasangan dan uji Wilcoxon dengan nilai p<0,05.Hasil analisis uji Kruskall-Wallis didapatkan nilai p 0,000 pada pH plak dan nilai p 0,145 pada pH saliva. Hasil analisis uji T berpasangan didapatkan perbedaan pH saliva pada sari buah 75% dengan nilai p 0,083 dan pada sari buah 100% didapatkan nilai p 0,026. Hasil analisis uji Wilcoxon didapatkan perbedaan pH plak pada sari buah 50% dengan nilai p 0,001, pada sari buah 75% dengan nilai p 0,003, dan pada saribuah 100% dengan nilai p 0,290. Perbedaan pH saliva pada sari buah 50% didapatkan nilai p 0,478. Dari hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa sari buah 50% dan 75% dapat meningkatkan pH plak, sedangkan sari buah 100% dapat menurunkan pH saliva