142 research outputs found

    Recurrent spontaneous ovarıan hyperstımulatıon ın a virgın girl

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    Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) develops due to the release of vasoactive mediators induced by excessively luteinized and enlarged ovaries. Most OHSS cases are iatrogenic subsequent to ovulation induction. We report the first case of recurrent OHSS developed during normal menstral cycle in a virgin girl, diagnozed with ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging

    Control of ectoparasitosis in carp (Cyprinus carpio) induced by Gyrodactylus elegans (Monogenea) with garlic (Allium sativum) and onion (Allium cepa) extracts

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    One of the constraints in fish disease management in aquaponic systems is related to undesired effects of chemicals on fish, plants and beneficial bacteria. Plant-derived compounds with nontoxic features to fish, plants, and microflora provide an alternative treatment strategy against the harmful pathogens in the aquaponic system. The present study assessed the antiparasitic activity of garlic (Allium sativum) and onion (A. cepa) extracts against Gyrodactylus elegans (Monogenea) in vivo and in vitro, and physiological stress responses in carp, Cyprinus carpio, treated with these extracts in an aquaponics system. Garlic and onion extracts exhibited in vitro antiparasitic activity against G. elegans. The mean survival time of G. elegans in vitro ranged from 30 sec to 6 min depending on the concentration and exposure time both for garlic and onion extracts. For garlic extract EC50 (median effective concentration) was 8.37±4.75 mg/mL in 3 min exposure and for onion extract 4.72±7.10 mg/mL. These concentrations were in vivo tested in carp heavily infected with G. elegans as a single application for 3 min. In vivo treatment of carp with garlic and onion extracts reduced G. elegans found on the skin by 14.4% and 19.8%, respectively. In both treatment groups, the physiological stress response of carp was mild based on the alterations in the secondary stress indicators (hematocrit, plasma glucose, and lactate). The stress indicators of carp returned to normal levels after an hour recovery in freshwater. The antiparasitic potential of onion and garlic extracts may be considered as an alternative treatment to reduce Monogenean infections in aquaponic systems

    How Electronics Knowledge Relates to Industrial Design Education

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    This study has two purposes: To clarify how industrial design relates to electronics knowledge and to determine whether industrial design education is sufficient for teaching it. As digital product design is frequently focused on the design of virtual interfaces until recently, less attention was paid to the design of physical interactions and electronic interfaces. There is increasing interest in electronics education in industrial design, yet electronics is still a bottleneck for many industrial designers. What electronics knowledge industrial designers should have and whether they know it is debatable. Therefore, the study presents a literature review and thematically analyzed interviews to determine its scope. Then, a survey is planned based on the concepts which interviewees remark on. The survey aims to determine whether senior-grade and fresh-graduate industrial designers use correct reasoning in design cases based on electronics. Findings remark that two-thirds of the participants failed in the critical electronics domains and their reasoning scores are distributed equally depending on whether they took electronics courses. Therefore, it is discussed that there is a need for developing a common understanding of the role of electronics in design education. And it is recommended that the approach may focus more on a hands-on terminology education

    A Toolkit for Practice-Based Learning of Mechanisms in Industrial Design Education: An Application of a Method Combining Deductive and Inductive Learning

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    Industrial design education is focused on teaching a combination of various interdisciplinary competencies. One of these projected learning outcomes is to be able to design mechanisms in order to fulfil certain mechanical constraints in products. Studies show that theoretical knowledge supported by practice helps to teach industrial design students the mechanisms. In the current situation in Turkey, practice-based courses are designed in a similar purpose. However, graduates severely lack mechanical design skills. In this study, a two-staged toolkit of a holistic flow is introduced to prevent the deficiency mentioned above. In the toolkit, mechanisms are taught by combining deductive and inductive approaches, instead of a directly inductive conventional approach. The toolkit is applied to 36 sophomore year students. Assessments of the students and their self-evaluations are collected and analysed. Findings show that the toolkit can be beneficial for teaching of mechanisms to ID students through some revisions

    Inquiry-based learning approach for a systematically structured conceptual design process: Design project for disabled people

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    With the projects implemented in the 'Design for the Disabled' course in the University 2019-2020 academic year, students are asked to develop solutions for the problems of disabled individuals, which is one of the real-world issues, while gaining professional knowledge such as critical thinking, idea generation and learning the conceptual design process. In addition, it is aimed to increase their learning motivation and interest in social design projects. It was learned that the students did not carry out a design project for disabled individuals in their previous projects. Throughout the semester, students developed their projects with a conceptual design matrix consisting of Data Collection, Primary Analysis, Secondary Analysis, Synthesis, Hypothesis, Preliminary Design and Final Design stages. Students were asked to present their projects at the Final Design stage. The course was conducted through online classes during the Covid-19 Pandemic for twelve weeks. Students are enabled to experience an interdisciplinary critical process. Thus, successful solutions and new models have been developed in projects in terms of product and space

    Some Blood Parameters in Sea Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L) Wıth Respect to Water Quality Parameters

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    ThiS study was conducted to determine the seasonal values of some b]ood parameters (hernat':" hemoglobin, the numbers of erythrocyte, leucocyte and trombocyte as we|l as Wintrobe erythrocyte indices) in c]lı :, healthy sea bass reared at a commercial farm, Bodrum (Tur

    Validity of Visible Ectoparasite Intensity As a Non-invasive Biomarker for Fish welfare: Parasitic Copepod, Lernantropus kroyeri in Sea Bass As an Example

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    Ensuring fish welfare is essential from the ethical, legal, environmental, economic, and social perspectives. It plays a vital role in maintaining the health and sustainability of aquaculture practices while respecting the intrinsic value and welfare of the fish themselves. The presence of reliable welfare assessment schemes is of utmost importance to appraise the well-being of animals in aquaculture and uphold stringent welfare standards. In determining fish welfare, conducting welfare assessments with non-invasive biomarkers is crucial thus the primary objective of this study is to explore the potential usability of visible parasites as welfare biomarkers in fish without causing any harm to the fish. In this research, certain secondary stress indicators (hematocrit, plasma glucose and lactate) were employed as biomarkers for assessing the well-being of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). The study aimed to investigate whether there is a possible correlation between the presence of visible ectoparasites on the gills (specifically, the Copepod parasite, Lernantropus kroyeri) and the aforementioned stress parameters. Thus, in this study, the examination was conducted to establish the validity of ectoparasites as non-invasive biomarkers for evaluating the welfare of fish. The results showed that there was a statistically significant relationship between the intensity of ectoparasites and the stress parameters used as indicators of welfare. The observable presence and intensity of ectoparasites on the gills of the fish can be proposed as a non-invasive biomarker for evaluating fish welfare in aquaculture

    Dziedziczna trombofilia a nawracające utraty ciąż u tureckich kobiet – prawdziwy fenomen?

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    Objectives: To determine the prevalence and the role of hereditary thrombophilia caused by Factor V Leiden (G1691A), prothrombin G20210A or methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T gene mutations in recurrent pregnancy loss. Material and methods: One hundred and nine patients, who were admitted to the 3rd Obstetrics and Gynecology Outpatient Clinic in Goztepe Training and Research Hospital between 2006 and 2008, were included into the study. The study group consisted of fi fty-seven patients with a history of 3 miscarriages before 20 weeks of gestation and the control group consisted of forty-seven patients with at least one live birth without any history of miscarriage or pregnancy complications. The maternal blood was evaluated for Factor V Leiden (G1691A), prothrombin G20210A and MTHFR C677T gene mutations. Results: No statistically signifi cant diff erence was found between the study and the control groups in terms of the prevalence of Factor V Leiden (G1691A), prothrombin G20210A and MTHFR C677T gene mutations (p=0.534/ p=0.452/p=0.656, respectively and pCel pracy: Celem pracy była ocena częstości występowania i roli dziedzicznej trombofilii związanej z mutacją genu czynnika V Leiden (G1691A), protrombiny G20210A lub reduktazy methylenotetrahydrofolianowej (MTHFR) C677T u pacjentek z nawracającymi poronieniami. Materiał i metody: Do badania włączono 109 pacjentek, które przyjęto do Poradni Położniczo-Ginekologicznej w Goztepe Training and Research Hospital w latach od 2006 do 2008. Grupa badana składała się z 57 pacjentek z 3 poronieniami w wywiadzie przed 20 tygodniem ciąży, grupę kontrolną stanowiło 47 pacjentek z przynajmniej jednym żywym urodzeniem i bez poronień czy innych komplikacji w wywiadzie. Zbadano krew matek pod kątem mutacji genu czynnika V Leiden (G1691A), protrombiny G20210A i MTHFR C677T. Wyniki: Nie znaleziono istotnej różnicy pomiędzy grupą badaną a kontrolną w odniesieniu do częstości występowania mutacji genu czynnika V Leiden (G1691A), protrombiny G20210A i MTHFR C677T (p=0,534/p=0,452/p=0,656 przy

    Action Reflected and Project Based Combined Methodology for the Appropriate Comprehension of Mechanisms in Industrial Design Education

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    In industrial design education, mechanics-based courses are mainly based on traditional lecture and they are highly abstract for ID students to comprehend the mechanisms The existing studies highlight the requirement of a new approach for mechanics-based courses in ID departments. This study presents, a combined teaching model of mechanism mainly based on applied teaching style and action learning to improve ID students' learning experience and competencies through promoting the transference of theoretical knowledge into practical experience and learning. The combined teaching model, consisting of 3 phases was integrated into a design studio project that is mechanical game design, 41 sophomores taking ‘Product Design II’ course offered in Gazi University Department of Industrial Design during the second semester of the 2016/2017 academic year participated in the mechanical game design project. Project observations and post-questionnaire were employed to analyze objectively the appropriateness of the teaching model. The results indicated that, the combined teaching model improved ID students' learning outcomes and competencies in terms of transferring the gained theoretical and practical knowledge to the action learning
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