13 research outputs found

    Studies on the equilibrium, kinetic, and thermodynamic properties of waste orange peel in the removal of copper (II) ıons from aqueous solutions

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    Bu çalışmada, sulu çözeltilerden Cu2+ iyonlarını uzaklaştırmak amacıyla atık portakal kabuğu (APK) değerlendirildi. Portakal kabuğunun karakterizasyonu, yüzey morfolojisi için taramalı elektron mikroskobu-enerji dağılım spektroskopisi (SEM-EDS) ve yüzey fonksiyonel grupları için Fourier dönüşümü kızılötesi spektroskopisi (FT-IR) ile incelendi. Farklı sıcaklıklarda bulunan kinetik değerler yalancı birinci derece, yalancı ikinci derece, Elovich ve parçacık içi difüzyon modeli denklemlerine uygulanmıştır. Adsorpsiyon sürecini daha iyi anlamak için Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin ve Dubinin-Radushkevich (D-R) adsorpsiyon izotermlerinin uygulanabilirliği değerlendirildi. Bakırın uzaklaştırılması yalancı ikinci dereceden kinetik model ile Langmuir izoterm modelini takip etti. Cu2+ için uzaklaştırma kapasitesi 298, 308 ve 318 K'de sırasıyla 7.74, 7.98 ve 8.84 mg/g olarak elde edilmiştir. Cu2+ iyonlarının Gibbs serbest enerjisi (ΔGo), adsorpsiyon ısısı (ΔHo) ve entropisi (ΔSo) için termodinamik veriler sırasıyla -16.76 kj/mol, 29.43 kj/mol ve 154.79 j/mol olarak bulundu.Waste orange peel (APK) was tested for its ability to remove Cu 2+ ions from aqueous solutions in this study. The orange peel was characterized using scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) for surface morphology and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) for surface functional groups. At various temperatures, the kinetic data was applied to the pseudo first order, pseudo second order, Weber-Morris diffusion model, and Elovich kinetic equations. The applicability of Langmuir, Freundlich, Temkin, and Dubinin-Radushkevich (D-R) adsorption isotherms was investigated to better understand the adsorption process. Following the elimination of copper, pseudo second order kinetics and the Langmuir model of isotherms were used. At 298, 308, and 318 K, the adsorption capacities for Cu (II) were 7.74, 7.98, and 8.84 mg/g, respectively. The Gibbs free energy (ΔGo), heat of adsorption (ΔHo), and entropy (ΔSo) of Cu(II) ions were identified using thermodynamic data. It was discovered that the values were -16.76 kJ/mol, 29.43 kJ/mol, and 154.79 j/mol, respectively

    Sulu Çözeltilerden Pb2+ İyonlarının Uzaklaştırılmasında Atık Portakal Kabuklarının Kullanılması: Kinetik ve Termodinamik Çalışmalar

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    Bu çalışmada, Pb2+ iyonlarının sulu çözeltilerden uzaklaştırılmasında atık portakal kabuğunun (APK) etkin bir şekilde değerlendirilmesi ve geri dönüşüme kazandırılması anlatılmaktadır. Adsorpsiyon verimliliği için; metal iyonu başlangıç derişimi, temas süresi, pH etkisi gibi farklı parametrelerin sonuçları incelendi. Pb2+ iyonunun uzaklaştırılmasında en uygun çalışma koşulları; metal iyonu başlangıç derişimi 800 mg/L, temas süresi 90 dakika ve çözelti pH'ı 4,32 olarak belirlendi. APK’nın yüzey özellikleri, Fourier dönüşümlü kızılötesi spektroskopisi (FTIR), taramalı elektron mikroskobu (SEM) ve enerji dağılım spektroskopisi ile araştırıldı. Elde edilen veriler (izoterm verileri) incelendiğinde, işlemin olası tersinmezliğine ve kimyasal adsorpsiyona karşılık gelen Langmuir izoterm modeline uygun olduğunu gösterdi. 298, 308 ve 318 K'de Pb2+ iyonu için adsorpsiyon kapasitesi sırasıyla 35,842, 35,714 ve 35,087 mg/g olarak hesaplandı. En iyi kinetik veriler, Pb2+ adsorpsiyonu için en yüksek regresyon katsayısına sahip yalancı ikinci dereceden denklem ile tanımlandı. Termodinamik çalışmalar, APK kullanılarak Pb2+ iyonlarının uzaklaştırılması işleminin doğal ve endotermik bir süreç olduğunu gösterdi. APK 'nın yüksek uzaklaştırma kapasitesi, kolay bulunması ve ucuz olması nedeniyle sulu ortamdan Pb2+ iyonlarının uzaklaştırılmasında etkili ve umut verici bir malzeme olduğu tespit edildi

    Cerebrovascular Diseases and Infection

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    Background: Recently, the relationship between stroke and infection has been the subject of many studies, and acute infection accompanying ischemic stroke has been reported as a risk factor for stroke. Method: In this study, the infection history of 89 patients with acute ischemic stroke who were inpatients in Bak›rköy State Hospital for Neurologic and Psychiatric Diseases, were compared with a control group which consisted of 79 patients. The risk factors for ischemic stroke in both groups were also compared. Findings: In the patient group, 36 subjects (40.4%) had an infection one month before stroke, and in the control group 18 subjects (22.8%) had an infection in the same time interval (p=0.015). The evaluation of time distribution of infections revealed that the infections were mostly seen one week before stroke in the patient group (12 of 36 cases), and in the control group the infections were distributed almost equally in the four weeks. The most frequent infection seen was upper respiratory tract infection in both groups. The etiologies and severity of stroke were not different in the two groups. Conclusion: We think these results suggest that the infections one week before stroke may be a risk factor for stroke

    Motor Unit Number Estimation in Idiopathic Parkinson's Disease

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    Objective: Motor neuron degeneration in parkinsonism is known to develop in Western Pacific (Guam) parkinsonism-amyotrophic lateral sclerosis complex, multisystem atrophy (MSA), postensefalitic parkinsonism, Creutzfeld-Jacob disease and dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17. Existence of motor neuron degeneration in these disorders brings up the question whether motor neuron degeneration develops in Idiopathic Parkinson Disease (IPD). Our study aims to answer this question

    Cognitive Functioning and Silent Neurological Manifestations in Behcet's Disease with Ocular Involvement

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    Introduction: Various reports have revealed a cognitive dysfunction in Behcet's disease (BD). In this study, we aimed to assess the silent neurological manifestations, behavioral and neuropsychiological impairments of Behcet's disease patients with ocular involvement

    Assessment of serum MMP-9, TIMP-1 levels and MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio in migraine patients with and without aura = A szérum MMP-9- és TIMP-1-szintjei, valamint az MMP-9/TIMP-1 arány aurával vagy a nélkül migrénben szenvedő betegek esetén

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    Background and purpose – Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) are the enzymes responsible for proteolytic ac tivity of extracellular matrix proteins. Tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs) are their endogenous inhibitors. MMP-9 acts on the basal membrane of cerebellar epithe - lium and is antagonized by TIMP-1. MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio exhibits the net activity of MMP-9. These enzymes are thought to have a role in migraine physio pathogenesis. Methods – Total of 50 treatment-naive migraine patients (25 with aura and 25 without aura) with no other diseases, were included. 25 healthy control subjects of cor - responding age and gender were enrolled. For MMP-9 and TIMP-1 analysis, one serum sample from control group and two samples from patients were collected (during headache and headache-free periods). The enzyme levels were quantitatively analyzed by competitive ELISA method. Duration and severity of the pain and duration of the disease were recorded. Results – There was no significant difference in MMP-9 levels between patient and control groups during headache and headache-free periods (p: 0,746, p: 0,243). TIMP-1 levels were significantly lower and MMP9/TIMP ratios were higher comparing with the control group (p: 0.001). Positive correlation was obtained between the duration of pain and MMP-9 levels in the headache-free period for both patient groups (p<0.05). There was also a positive correlation between MMP9/TIMP-1 ratio and severity of pain (p<0.05). Conclusion – In our study, low TIMP-1 levels of patients in both headache and headache-free periods suggest that disturbance of proteolytic protection has a role in neuroinflammation and pain in migraine. Therefore, these enzymes could be potential targets in migraine therapies. = Háttér és cél – A mátrix metalloproteinázok (MMP) fele lô - sek az extracelluláris mátrix fehérjéinek proteolyticus akti - vitásáért. Az MMP-k endogén inhibitorai a szöveti metalloproteináz-inhibitorok (TIMP). Az MMP-9 a cerebellaris epithelium bazális membránjára hat, és a TIMP-1 antagonizálja. Az MMP-9/TIMP-1 arány az MMP-9 nettó aktivi tá - sát mutatja. A jelenlegi elképzelés szerint ezeknek az enzi - meknek szerepük van a migrén patogenezisében. Módszerek – Összesen 50, korábban nem kezelt, egyéb betegségben nem szenvedô migrénbeteget (25 fô aurával, 25 aura nélkül) vontunk be vizsgálatunkba. A kontroll - csoportot 25, életkorban és nemben illeszkedô egészséges személy képezte. Az MMP-9- és TIMP-1-szintek elem zé sé - hez a kontrollcsoport tagjaitól egy, a betegektôl két (fej - fájásos, illetve fejfájásmentes idôszakban) szérummintát gyûjtöttünk. Az enzimek mennyiségét kompetitív ELISA módszerrel elemeztük. Rögzítettük a fájdalom idôtartamát és erôsségét, valamint a betegség fennállásának idôtartamát. Eredmények – Nem volt szignifikáns különbség a be - tegek (fejfájásos, illetve fejfájásmentes idôszakban mérve), valamint a kontrollszemélyek között az MMP-9-szintekben (p: 0,746, p: 0,243). A betegek TIMP-1-szintje szignifikánsan alacsonyabb, MMP-9/TIMP-1 aránya magasabb volt, mint a kontrollszemélyeké (p: 0,001). Pozitív korrelációt találtunk mindkét betegcsoport fejfájásmentes periódusban mért MMP-9-szintje és a fájdalom idôtartama között p < 0,05). Szintén pozitív korrelációt találtunk az MMP9/TIMP-1 arány és a fájdalom erôssége között (p < 0,05). Következtetés – Vizsgálatunk során a betegek fejfájásos, illetve fejfájásmentes idôszakaiban mért alacsony TIMP-1- szint arra utal, hogy a proteolyticus védelem zavarai szerepet játszanak a migrén kapcsán jelentkezô neuroinflammációban és fájdalomban. Ebbôl következôen, ezek az enzimek a jövôbeli migrénellenes gyógyszerek támadáspontjaiként szerepelhetnek

    Epizodik ve kronik migrende blink refleks

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    Introduction: Activation of the trigeminovascular system and sensitization of brainstem trigeminal nuclei play a significant role in the physiopathology of migraine. Our aim was to investigate blink reflex (BR) and its recovery in episodic and chronic migraine patients. Methods: Twenty-eight chronic migraine patients, thirty-two episodic migraine without aura patients and thirty healthy controls were included in the study. The study was performed using a portable electromyography device with a software specifically prepared for BR. Blink reflex assessments were performed in patients during the pain-free period and in healthy controls using the ‘standard method-double stimulation’ technique in 200 ms, 500 ms, 1000 ms, 2000 ms, and 5000 ms intervals. Results: Blink reflex recovery was significantly increased in both patient groups as compared to the control group in 200 ms interstimulus interval (ISI) on both sides (p<0.005). Moreover, when it was compared to the control group, recovery was also significantly increased in the chronic migraine group in 2000 ms ISI on the right side and in 5000 ms ISI on the left side as well as in 500 and 1000 ms ISIs on the left side in the migraine without aura group (p<0.002, p<0.003). R2 recovery curve was noted to be higher in both patient groups as compared to the control group, although could not be demonstrated statistically in all intervals. A statistically significant increase was observed in the migraine group without auras compared with the controls (p <0,037, p <0,011) in the left side at 500 and 1000 ms ISIs. For all intervals in our study, although the increase in recovery was not statistically significant, it was noted that the R2 recovery curve was higher in the patient groups, with respect to the normals. The increase in R2 recovery noted in both patient groups suggested increased sensitization of the trigeminal structures. Significantly increased recovery in low ISI (200 ms) in the two patient groups as compared to the control group raised the thought that the migraine brain goes through two different excitability periods (ictal and interictal). Conclusion: In conclusion, similar to the previous studies, the findings of this study suggested that there was a reduction in central inhibitory mechanisms during interictal period in migraine patients.Amaç: Trigeminovasküler sistemin aktivasyonu ve beyin sapı trigeminal nukleuslarının sensitizasyonu migren fizyopatolojisinde önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı epizodik ve kronik migrenli hastalarda, göz kırpma refleksi (GKR) ve GKR toparlanma cevaplarını araştırmaktır. Yöntem: Çalışmaya 28 kronik migrenli, 32 epizodik aurasız (ağrısız dönemde) migrenli iki hasta grubu ve 30 sağlıklı kontrol alındı. Portabl EMG cihazında, GKR için özel hazırlanmış program kullanıldı. Hastalara (ağrısız dönemde) ve kontrollere ‘standart yöntem - ikili uyarı’ tekniği ile 200 ms, 500 ms, 1000 ms, 2000 ms ve 5000 ms inter stimulus intervallerinde (ISI) GKR ve GKR toparlanması çalışıldı. Bulgular: Hem kronik hem de aurasız migren grubunda, kontrol grubuna göre, 200 ms ISI’da her iki tarafta (sağ ve sol) da GKR toparlanması anlamlı olarak (p<0,005) artmış bulundu. Ayrıca, kronik migren grubunda kontrol grubuna göre 2000 ms ISI için sağda ve 5000 ms’lik ISI’da solda toparlanmanın anlamlı olarak (p<0,002, p<0,003) arttığı görüldü. Aurasız migren grubunun, kontrollerle yapılan kıyaslamasında ise, sol tarafta 500 ve 1000 ms’lik ISI’larda, istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ölçüde artmış toparlanma gözlendi (p<0,037, p<0,011). Çalışmamızda tüm intervaller için, toparlanma artış istatistiksel olarak gösterilmese de; hasta gruplarında –normallere göre– R2 toparlanma eğrisinin, daha yüksekte seyrettiği dikkati çekmiştir. Her iki migren grubunda da kontrollere göre R2 toparlanmasındaki artış, migrende trigeminal yapılarda sensitizasyon artışını düşündürmüştür. Düşük ISI’da (200 ms) her iki hasta grubunun kontrollere göre anlamlı derecede artmış toparlanma göstermesi; migrenli beynin elektrofizyolojik olarak, iktal ve interiktal olarak farklı eksitabilite dönemlerinden geçtiğini akla getirmektedir. Sonuç: Sonuç olarak bu çalışma; daha önceki bazı çalışmalara benzer şekilde, migrenli hastalarda, interiktal dönemde de santral inhibitör mekanizmalarda azalma olduğunu düşündürmektedir

    Exploring psychiatric comorbidities and their effects on quality of life in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and juvenile myoclonic epilepsy

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    AimThe relation of epilepsy with psychiatric disorders is of great interest to researchers due to its behavioral, social, and cognitive outcomes. In this study, we explored psychiatric comorbidity and its effects on quality of life (QOL) in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) and juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME)