65 research outputs found

    Effect of snake venoms on blood coagulation

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    High Affinity Human Antibody Fragments to Dengue Virus Non-Structural Protein 3

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    Dengue virus is the most prevalent mosquito transmitted infectious disease in humans and is responsible for febrile disease such as dengue fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome. Dengue non-structural protein 3 (NS3) is an essential, multifunctional, viral enzyme with two distinct domains; a protease domain required for processing of the viral polyprotein, and a helicase domain required for replication of the viral genome. In this study ten unique human antibody fragments (Fab) that specifically bind dengue NS3 were isolated from a diverse library of Fab clones using phage display technology. The binding site of one of these antibodies, Fab 3F8, has been precisely mapped to the third α-helix within subdomain III of the helicase domain (amino acids 526–531). The antibody inhibits the helicase activity of NS3 in biochemical assays and reduces DENV replication in human embryonic kidney cells. The antibody is a valuable tool for studying dengue replication mechanisms

    Dominância fiscal : uma investigação empírica sobre o caso brasileiro no período de 2003 a 2014

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    A estabilização econômica dos anos de 1990 e a adoção do tripé econômico, a partir de 1999, marcam o fim de um capítulo delicado da história brasileira; a partir de então, era necessária a existência de certa sintonia de políticas monetária e fiscal para a manutenção do controle dos diversos indicadores econômicos. Contudo, com essa reciprocidade na política econômica, são incitadas discussões sobre a orientação do governo na hora de definir suas prioridades nesse campo: as variáveis fiscais são priorizadas e, por conseguinte, determinadas, forçando as monetárias a se ajustarem – ou o contrário? A resposta para esse questionamento leva à discussão sobre a dominância fiscal. Assim, esse trabalho visa verificar empiricamente, usando das modelagens econométricas VAR e estudo de eventos, se há dominância fiscal ou monetária na economia brasileira e se a eficácia da política monetária mudou na transição do governo Lula para o governo Dilma. O resultado foi inconclusivo para o governo Lula e indicou dominância fiscal no governo Dilma. Ainda verificou-se não haver modificação na eficácia da política monetária.Economic stabilization, in the 1990s, and utilization of an economic tripod, after 1999, represents the end of a delicate chapter in Brazilian history. Ever since, it was necessary the existence of a certain agreement between monetary and fiscal politic, in order to maintain under control a variety of economic indicators. However, this reciprocity (in economic politic) starts discussions about the real government orientations when it comes to define its priority on this subject: are the fiscal variables priorized, and then, determined, forcing monetary variables to adjust themselves, or the opposite? The answer to these questions emerge from the fiscal dominance discussion. This paper intends to empiric verify, using econometric modeling VAR and event study, if there is fiscal dominance or monetary in Brazilian economy and whether the effectiveness of monetary politic has changed in the transition from Lula's government to the Dilma government. The result was inconclusive for the Lula government and indicated fiscal dominance in the Dilma government. There was still no change in the efficiency of the monetary politic.CAPE

    Mapping the interactions between the NS4B and NS3 proteins of dengue virus

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    Flavivirus RNA synthesis is mediated by a multiprotein complex associated with the endoplasmic reticulum membrane, named the replication complex (RC). Within the flavivirus RC, NS4B, an integral membrane protein with a role in virulence and regulation of the innate immune response, binds to the NS3 protease-helicase. NS4B modulates the RNA helicase activity of NS3, but the molecular details of their interaction remain elusive. Here, we used dengue virus (DENV) to map the determinants for the NS3-NS4B interaction. Coimmunoprecipitation and an in situ proximity ligation assay confirmed that NS3 colocalizes with NS4B in both DENV-infected cells and cells coexpressing both proteins. Surface plasmon resonance demonstrated that subdomains 2 and 3 of the NS3 helicase region and the cytoplasmic loop of NS4B are required for binding. Using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), we found that the isolated cytoplasmic loop of NS4B is flexible, with a tendency to form a three-turn α-helix and two short β-strands. Upon binding to the NS3 helicase, 12 amino acids within the cytoplasmic loop of NS4B exhibited line broadening, suggesting a participation in the interaction. Sequence alignment showed that 4 of these 12 residues are strictly conserved across different flaviviruses. Mutagenesis analysis showed that three (Q134, G140, and N144) of the four evolutionarily conserved NS4B residues are essential for DENV replication. The mapping of the NS3/NS4B-interacting regions described here can assist the design of inhibitors that disrupt their interface for antiviral therapy. IMPORTANCE: NS3 and NS4B are essential components of the flavivirus RC. Using DENV as a model, we mapped the interaction between the viral NS3 and NS4B proteins. The subdomains 2 and 3 of NS3 helicase as well as the cytoplasmic loop of NS4B are critical for the interaction. Functional analysis delineated residues within the NS4B cytoplasmic loop that are crucial for DENV replication. Our findings reveal molecular details of how flavivirus NS3 protein cooperates with NS4B within the RC. In addition, this study has established the rationale and assays to search for inhibitors disrupting the NS3-NS4B interaction for antiviral drug discovery.NMRC (Natl Medical Research Council, S’pore)Published versio

    Recognition of RNA duplexes by chemically modified triplex-forming oligonucleotides

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    Triplex is emerging as an important RNA tertiary structure motif, in which consecutive non-canonical base pairs form between a duplex and a third strand. RNA duplex region is also often functionally important site for protein binding. Thus, triplex-forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) may be developed to regulate various biological functions involving RNA, such as viral ribosomal frameshifting and reverse transcription. How chemical modification in TFOs affects RNA triplex stability, however, is not well understood. Here, we incorporated locked nucleic acid, 2-thio U- and 2′-O methyl-modified residues in a series of all pyrimidine RNA TFOs, and we studied the binding to two RNA hairpin structures. The 12-base-triple major-groove pyrimidine–purine–pyrimidine triplex structures form between the duplex regions of RNA/DNA hairpins and the complementary RNA TFOs. Ultraviolet-absorbance-detected thermal melting studies reveal that the locked nucleic acid and 2-thio U modifications in TFOs strongly enhance triplex formation with both parental RNA and DNA duplex regions. In addition, we found that incorporation of 2′-O methyl-modified residues in a TFO destabilizes and stabilizes triplex formation with RNA and DNA duplex regions, respectively. The (de)stabilization of RNA triplex formation may be facilitated through modulation of van der Waals contact, base stacking, hydrogen bonding, backbone pre-organization, geometric compatibility and/or dehydration energy. Better understanding of the molecular determinants of RNA triplex structure stability lays the foundation for designing and discovering novel sequence-specific duplex-binding ligands as diagnostic and therapeutic agents targeting RNA.Published versio

    Modulation of the Vault Protein-Protein Interaction for Tuning of Molecular Release.

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    Vaults are naturally occurring ovoid nanoparticles constructed from a protein shell that is composed of multiple copies of major vault protein (MVP). The vault-interacting domain of vault poly(ADP-ribose)-polymerase (INT) has been used as a shuttle to pack biomolecular cargo in the vault lumen. However, the interaction between INT and MVP is poorly understood. It is hypothesized that the release rate of biomolecular cargo from the vault lumen is related to the interaction between MVP and INT. To tune the release of molecular cargos from the vault nanoparticles, we determined the interactions between the isolated INT-interacting MVP domains (iMVP) and wild-type INT and compared them to two structurally modified INT: 15-amino acid deletion at the C terminus (INTΔC15) and histidine substituted at the interaction surface (INT/DSA/3 H) to impart a pH-sensitive response. The apparent affinity constants determined using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor technology are 262 ± 4 nM for iMVP/INT, 1800 ± 160 nM for iMVP/INTΔC15 at pH 7.4. The INT/DSA/3 H exhibits stronger affinity to iMVP (K Dapp  = 24 nM) and dissociates at a slower rate than wild-type INT at pH 6.0

    On a mouse monoclonal antibody that neutralizes all four dengue virus serotypes

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    The flavivirus envelope glycoprotein (E) is responsible for viral attachment and entry by membrane fusion. Its ectodomain is the primary target of the humoral immune response. In particular, the C-terminal Ig-like domain III of E, which is exposed at the surface of the viral particle, forms an attractive antigen for raising protective monoclonal antibodies (mAb). 9F12, a mouse mAb raised against a dengue virus (DENV) serotype 2 recombinant domain III, cross-reacts with corresponding domains from the other three DENV serotypes and also with West Nile virus. mAb 9F12 binds with nanomolar affinity to a conserved epitope that maps to the viral surface comprising residues 305, 307, 310 and 330 of the E protein. mAb 9F12 neutralizes all four DENV serotypes in plaque reduction assays. We expressed a single-chain Fv from 9F12 that retains the binding activity of the parent mAb. Adsorption and fusion inhibition assays indicate that mAb 9F12 prevents early steps of viral entry. Its virus inhibition activity and broad cross-reactivity makes mAb 9F12 a suitable candidate for optimization and humanization into a therapeutic antibody to treat severe infections by dengue

    Functional divergence of FimX in PilZ binding and Type IV pilus regulation

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    Type IV pili (T4P) are polar surface structures that play important roles in bacterial motility, biofilm formation, and pathogenicity. The protein FimX and its orthologs are known to mediate T4P formation in the human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa and some other bacterial species. It was reported recently that FimXXAC2398 from Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri interacts with PilZXAC1133 directly through the nonenzymatic EAL domain of FimXXAC2398. Here we present experimental data to reveal that the strong interaction between FimXXAC2398 and PilZXAC1133 is not conserved in P. aeruginosa and likely other Pseudomonas species. In vitro and in vivo binding experiments showed that the interaction between FimX and PilZ in P. aeruginosa is below the measurable limit. Surface plasmon resonance assays further confirmed that the interaction between the P. aeruginosa proteins is at least more than 3 orders of magnitude weaker than that between the X. axonopodis pv. citri pair. The N-terminal lobe region of FimXXAC2398 was identified as the binding surface for PilZXAC1133 by amide hydrogen-deuterium exchange and site-directed mutagenesis studies. Lack of several key residues in the N-terminal lobe region of the EAL domain of FimX is likely to account for the greatly reduced binding affinity between FimX and PilZ in P. aeruginosa. All together, the results suggest that the interaction between PilZ and FimX in Xanthomonas species is not conserved in P. aeruginosa due to the evolutionary divergence among the FimX orthologs. The precise roles of FimX and PilZ in bacterial motility and T4P biogenesis are likely to vary among bacterial species

    Binding of TCR multimers and a TCR-like antibody with distinct fine-specificities is dependent on the surface density of HLA complexes.

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    Class I Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) molecules evolved to sample degraded protein fragments from the interior of the cell, and to display them at the surface for immune surveillance by CD8(+) T cells. The ability of these lymphocytes to identify immunogenic peptide-MHC (pMHC) products on, for example, infected hepatocytes, and to subsequently eliminate those cells, is crucial for the control of hepatitis B virus (HBV). Various protein scaffolds have been designed to recapitulate the specific recognition of presented antigens with the aim to be exploited both diagnostically (e.g. to visualize cells exposed to infectious agents or cellular transformation) and therapeutically (e.g. for the delivery of drugs to compromised cells). In line with this, we report the construction of a soluble tetrameric form of an αβ T cell receptor (TCR) specific for the HBV epitope Env(183-191) restricted by HLA-A*02:01, and compare its avidity and fine-specificity with a TCR-like monoclonal antibody generated against the same HLA target. A flow cytometry-based assay with streptavidin-coated beads loaded with Env(183-191)/HLA-A*02:01 complexes at high surface density, enabled us to probe the specific interaction of these molecules with their cognate pMHC. We demonstrate that the TCR tetramer has similar avidity for the pMHC as the antibody, but they differ in their fine-specificity, with only the TCR tetramer being capable of binding both natural variants of the Env(183-191) epitope found in HBV genotypes A/C/D (187Arg) and genotype B (187Lys). Collectively, the results highlight the promiscuity of our soluble TCR, which could be an advantageous feature when targeting cells infected with a mutation-prone virus, but that binding of the soluble oligomeric TCR relies considerably on the surface density of the presented antigen

    Targetscan’s [10] predicted binding sites of miR-181a to the 3’UTRs of CDKN1β and E2F7.

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    <p>The total context score is based on six features: site-type contribution, 3' pairing contribution, local AU contribution, position contribution, TA (target site abundance) contribution and SPS (seed-pairing stability) contribution. The more negative the context score, the higher the probability of mRNA binding. The probability of conserved targeting, P<sub>CT</sub>, refers to the likelihood of the sequence being conserved so as to allow regulation by the miRNA. The higher the P<sub>CT</sub>, the higher the chance of miRNA:mRNA binding.</p