2,229 research outputs found

    Coarse-grained Description of Polymer Blends as Interacting Soft-Colloidal Particles

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    We present a theoretical approach which maps polymer blends onto mixtures of soft-colloidal particles. The analytical mesoscale pair distribution functions reproduce well data from united atom molecular dynamics simulations of polyolefin mixtures without fitting parameters. The theory exactly recovers the analytical expressions for density and concentration fluctuation structure factors of soft colloidal mixtures (liquid alloys).Comment: 27 REVTex4 pages, 8 PostScript figures, 1 table accepted for publication in Journal of Chemical Physic

    Adiabatic creation of entangled states by a bichromatic field designed from the topology of the dressed eigenenergies

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    Preparation of entangled pairs of coupled two-state systems driven by a bichromatic external field is studied. We use a system of two coupled spin-1/2 that can be translated into a three-state ladder model whose intermediate state represents the entangled state. We show that this entangled state can be prepared in a robust way with appropriate fields. Their frequencies and envelopes are derived from the topological properties of the model.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Prenatal diagnosis of trisomy 6q25.3-qter and monosomy 10q26.12-qter by array CGH in a fetus with an apparently normal karyotype.

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    We present the prenatal case of a 12.5-Mb duplication involving 6q25-qter and a 12.2-Mb deletion encompassing 10q26-qter diagnosed by aCGH, while conventional karyotype showed normal results. The genotype-phenotype correlation between individual microarray and clinical findings adds to the emerging atlas of chromosomal abnormalities associated with specific prenatal ultrasound abnormalities

    Instability of equilibrium and appearance of ordered spatial structures on the free surface of ferrofluid

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    The process of ordered spatial structures’ formation on the free surface of a magnetizable fluid in a steady magnetic field is considered. The stability boundary for the equilibrium state of the ferrofluid layer in a cylindrical solenoid with circular and rectangular crosssections is defined in a range of physical parameters. The initial stage of the flat free surface evolution is investigated when stability is lost

    Control of Symetry by Lyapunov Exponents

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    In this paper we describe control systems with local and global symmetry. Recent results in control theory have demonstrated that control can lead to symmetry breaking in chaotic systems with a simple type of symmetry. In our work we analyze controllability of Lyapunov exponents using continuous control functions. We show that, by controlling Lyapunov exponents, a chaotic attractor lying in some invariant subspace can be made unstable with respect to perturbations transverse to the invariant subspace. Furthermore, a symmetry-increasing bifurcation can occur, after which the attractor possesses the system symmetry. We demonstrate control of local Lyapunov exponents for the control of symmetry in nonlinear dynamical systems. We also study the effect of noise in the system. It is shown that the small-amplitude noise can restore the symmetry in the attractor after the bifurcation and that the average time for trajectories to switch between the symmetry-broken components of the attractor scales algebraically with the noise amplitude. We demonstrate the relation between Lyapunov exponents, order parameters (Haken, 1983, 1988) and symmetry using a simple physical system and discuss the applicability of our approach to the study of state transitions in the epileptic brain.Дослідження останніх років у галузі систем керування показують, що зовнішні збурення можуть призводити до порушення симетрії в системах з хаотичною динамікою з певним типом симетрії. В роботі проаналізовано можливість керування показниками Ліяпунова за допомогою неперервного зовнішнього впливу. Показано, що хаотичний атрактор може стати нестабільним по відношенню до трансверсальних до інваріантного підпростору збурень. При цьому можуть виникати біфуркації, після яких утворюється нова симетрія атрактора. Ми також: показуємо існування співвідношення між: показниками Ляпунова, параметрами порядку (Хакен, 1983, 1988) та симетрією на прикладі простої фізичної системи. Обговорюється можливість використання нашого підходу до вивчення перехідних режимів в епілептичному головному мозку

    On the Definition of Effective Permittivity and Permeability For Thin Composite Layers

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    The problem of definition of effective material parameters (permittivity and permeability) for composite layers containing only one-two parallel arrays of complex-shaped inclusions is discussed. Such structures are of high importance for the design of novel metamaterials, where the realizable layers quite often have only one or two layers of particles across the sample thickness. Effective parameters which describe the averaged induced polarizations are introduced. As an explicit example, we develop an analytical model suitable for calculation of the effective material parameters ϵeff\epsilon_{\rm{eff}} and μeff\mu_{\rm{eff}} for double arrays of electrically small electrically polarizable scatterers. Electric and magnetic dipole moments induced in the structure and the corresponding reflection and transmission coefficients are calculated using the local field approach for the normal plane-wave incidence, and effective parameters are introduced through the averaged fields and polarizations. In the absence of losses both material parameters are purely real and satisfy the Kramers-Kronig relations and the second law of thermodynamics. We compare the analytical results to the simulated and experimental results available in the literature. The physical meaning of the introduced parameters is discussed in detail.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Agrobiological assessment of productivity and nitrogen fixation of vegetable soybean (edamame) in the conditions of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine

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    Received: May 25th, 2023 ; Accepted: October 18th, 2023 ; Published: October 30th, 2023 ; Correspondence: [email protected] evaluation of vegetable soybean cultivars (Glycine max var. Shirofumi) according to a complex of economically valuable traits for introduction in the conditions of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine it was carried out with the aim of selecting the source material and selecting promising breeding forms according to morpho-biological and physiologicalbiochemical characteristics. The research was conducted in the conditions of the educational and production department of Uman National University of Horticulture during 2020–2022, collection cultivars of different ecological and geographical origins were used. The cultivars ‘Sac’ (166.00 g plant-1 ), ‘Vesta’ (139.33 g plant-1 ), ‘Fiskeby V’ (133.33 g plant-1 ), and ‘Fiskeby V-E5’ (146.67 g plant-1 ) possessed a large mass of edamame beans. The maximum yield of edamame beans was formed by plants of the ‘L 380-2-13’ (12.67 t ha-1 ), ‘Vesta’ (12.33 t ha-1 ), ‘Sac’ (13.20 t ha-1 ), ‘Fiskeby V’ (13.97 t ha-1 ), and ‘Fiskeby V-E5’ (14.53 t ha-1 ). Weather conditions during the period of research significantly influenced the yield and biochemical composition of edamame varieties. The yield of edamame beans ranged from 5.40 t ha-1 in 2020 (min) to 22.40 t ha-1 in 2021 (max), and the coefficient of variation by varieties was at the level of 19–41%. This phenomenon is explained by the minimum amount of precipitation in 2020 and the high amount in 2021, which is confirmed by the hydrothermal coefficient during the period of intensive pod growth (VII–VIII) - 2020 - 0.3; 2021 - 1.3 and 1.1 respectively for the month. The protein concentration in Edamame beans was in the range of 27.94–36.29%. A higher protein content relative to the standard was noted in one sample - ‘Karikachi’ - 36.29%. Minimal accumulation of oligosaccharides was noted in ‘Sac’ and ‘Astra’ cultivars, which indicates their suitability for consumption. Promising cultivars were identified by the amount of fixed nitrogen - ‘Sac’ (168.00 ± 4.32 kg ha-1 ), ‘Astra’ (161.67 ± 2.36 kg ha-1 ) and SybNYYSOH 6 (158.19 ± 4.56 kg ha-1 ). The conducted regression analysis showed close relationships (from moderate to functional) between various indicators of the development and productivity of the nodulation apparatus of edamame cultivars. The evaluation of the collection cultivars of vegetable soybeans, their use according to the variability of morphological features and productivity made it possible to single out the ‘Sac’ among the introduced collection cultivars based on a set of valuable traits for use in the selection process to create new cultivars of vegetable soybeans

    On the topology of adiabatic passage

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    We examine the topology of eigenenergy surfaces characterizing the population transfer processes based on adiabatic passage. We show that this topology is the essential feature for the analysis of the population transfers and the prediction of its final result. We reinterpret diverse known processes, such as stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP), frequency-chirped adiabatic passage and Stark-chirped rapid adiabatic passage (SCRAP). Moreover, using this picture, we display new related possibilities of transfer. In particular, we show that we can selectively control the level which will be populated in STIRAP process in Lambda or V systems by the choice of the peak amplitudes or the pulse sequence

    Thermoformation of composite sheets on the basis of abs – plastics with high surface luster

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    The possibility of application of composite sheet materials on the basis of acrylonitrile-butadienstyrene plastics (ABS-plastics) for production of details of the exterior and interior parts of roadbuilding equipment by a method of a positive thermoformation has been investigated in the article. It was of a great interest to estimate physicomechanical properties of composite ABSplastic formable products, to study the influence of technological parameters of a termoformation on operational properties of details. Objects of research are the multilayered sheet products received by a method of positive thermoformation. The resistance of ABS-plastics in the conditions of practical use has also been investigated.The authors have made recommendations on the use of thermoformed ABS-plastic details for manufacturing of road-building technics