139 research outputs found

    Negotiating Motherhood: the Difficulties and Challenges of Rural First-Time Mothers in Parung, West Java

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    A hermeneutic phenomenological study was carried out to explore the difficulties and challenges of being a first-time mother in a rural area in Indonesia. The purposes of the present study were to provide health care providers with a greater understanding of the difficulties and the challenges of early motherhood. The thirteen Indonesian women who participated in this study described their experiences of first-time motherhood during early motherhood. Data were collected through semi structured conversational interviews. Three majors difficulties and challenges were identified: (1) being a new mother is not easy (2) a new mother is not as free as she was before and (3) trying to be a good mother. These challenges have offered insight, information and understanding into the experiences of Indonesian women with early motherhood. Also, this study will give a richer and deeper understanding of the needs of women during this period and about their feelings on the mothering role, which is useful for health care providers and others, who are concerned about this issue.&nbsp

    Attitudes, Belief, and Barriers of Indonesian Oncology Nurses on Providing Assistance to Overcome Sexuality Problem

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    Background: Sexuality and problems related to sexuality have been identified as components of nursing care by the nursing profession, nurse educators, other disciplines and patients.Purpose: This study aimed to describe the attitudes and beliefs of the Indonesian oncology nurses towards providing sexual care for the patients with cancer.Methods: The study used a descriptive design. Using convenient sampling method, 135 oncology nurses from three hospitals in Jakarta, Indonesia participated in this study.Results: Over 85% of the nurses believed that discussing sexuality with patients is a taboo and private issue. More than 90% of nurses understood that giving a patient permission to talk about sexual concerns is a nursing responsibility. About 73.3% nurses had beliefs that most hospitalized patients are too sick to be interested in sexuality and agreed that sexuality should be discussed if only the patient initiates it. However, more than 70% of the nurses believed that the patients expect nurses to ask about their sexual concerns.Conclusion: This study revealed that inappropriate attitude and belief of nurses on sexuality aspect of their patients might become a barrier in facilitating the needs of cancer patients to manage the sexuality problem caused by cancer and the treatment. Nurses need to overcome those various barriers so that they can increase the quality of life of the cancer patients

    Studi Fenomenologi Tentang Pengalaman Wanita Di Daerah Pedesaan Dalam Menjalani Masa Kehamilan Pertama

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    Pregnancy often assumed as transition period in the woman's life. A Qualitative studi, using fenomenology hermeunetic was carried out to explore women's experiences in rural area of their first pregnancy, included their experiences received from the health care provider. Data were obtained from 9 women whose unstructured formal interviews were tape-recorded dan transcribed. Interviews were conducted in the women's homes on two occasions during pregnancy. The findings reported the women's experiences were varied and diverse. Most had difficulty coping with the physical and emotional symptoms of pregnancy. Loss of control caused anxiety toward with their childbirth The need for support emerged as important from their family and the health care providers. The findings of this study will provide the health care providers deeper understanding about the expectances of new expectant mothers with their first pregnancy, healthy dan wellness

    Penggunaan Literatur Dalam Penelitian Kualitatif

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    Either in quantitative research or in qualitative research, using the literature is critical. It is conducted to generate a picture of what is known and not known about a particular situation. Searching and reviewing of the relevant literature of the study could be conducted before, during, and after the data collection and analysis of the study. In qualitative research particularly the purpose conducting the literature review varies, based on the type of study to be conducted. In general, to keep the scientific nature of data, using the extensive literature should be conducted after the study has been conducted

    Persepsi Menjadi Ibu Yang Baik: Suatu Pengalaman Wanita Pedesaan Pertama Kali Menjadi Seorang Ibu

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    A hermeneutic phenomenological study was carried out to explore the experience of first-time motherhood in rural Indonesia particurly their perception to be a good mother. The purposes of the study were to provide information, insights and a greater understanding for health care practicians to have a better understanding of the needs of new mothers and the ways in which the ferform new roles as a new mother. Thirteen Indonesian women were participated in this study and described their experiences of the first-time motherhood and the ways in which they conduct their role as a good mother. Data were collected through semi structured conversational interviews. The major theme of this study was trying to be a good mother. With sub themes of: (1) to be a good mother must be patient, (2) a good mother has responsibilities to care for the baby, (3) a good mother should be able to manage her time wisely, and (4) a good mother prioritize the baby's needs ahead of their own needs. The result of will provide health care practicians deeper understanding about expectances of new mothers in becoming a good mother

    Intervensi Psikoedukasi Dapat Menurunkan depresi pada Pasien Kanker

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    This study aims to examine the effect of psychoeducational interventions on cancer patients who experience depression. The method used was a systematic literature search from randomized controlled trials conducted from 2 September 2022 to 7 September 2022, using Clinical Key Nursing, Embase, Proquest, and Science Direct databases. The results showed that the psychoeducational intervention in the included studies showed a beneficial effect on cancer patients with depression as assessed before the intervention and after using the Patient Health Questionnaire-8 (PHQ-8), Distress Thermometer, and Hospital Anxiety & Depression Scale (HADS). ). The five articles reviewed obtained statistical data on psychological outcomes, namely depression, from P <0.05-0.95. The psychoeducational interventions provided by the five articles are MBST (Mindfulness Based Swinging Technique), iCanDo, LTLWC (Learning to Live with Cancer), iCARE, and MINDCAN, which combine lecture-based education, skills practice, discussion, and counseling. Psychoeducational interventions are carried out online and offline by a team of health professionals. Five studies reported a significant effect in reducing depression in cancer patients. In conclusion, preliminary evidence suggests that psychoeducational interventions have beneficial effects and can relieve depression in cancer patients.   Keywords: Depression, Psychoeducational Intervention, Cance

    Penggunaan Literatur dalam Penelitian Kualitatif

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    AbstrakPenggunaan literatur baik pada penelitian kuantitatif maupun pada penelitian kualitatif mutlak diperlukan. Literatur digunakan untuk memberikan suatu gambaran hal-hal yang telah diketahui dan yang belum diketahui dari suatu fenomena khusus. Penelusuran dan peninjauan ulang berbagai literatur yang relevan dengan suatu topik penelitian dapat dilakukan sebelum, selama dan setelah dilakukannya proses pengambilan dan analisis data penelitian tersebut. Khususnya pada penelitian kualitatif, penggunaan literature memiliki berbagai tujuan berdasarkan jenis penelitian kualitatif yang dilakukan. Secara umum, untuk mempertahankan kealamiahan data, penggunaan literatur secara ekstensif dilakukan setelah penelitian dilakukan. AbstractEither in quantitative research or in qualitative research, using the literature is critical. It is conducted to generate a picture of what is known and not known about a particular situation. Searching and reviewing of the relevant literature of the study could be conducted before, during, and after the data collection and analysis of the study. In qualitative research particularly the purpose conducting the literature review varies, based on the type of study to be conducted. In general, to keep the scientific nature of data, using the extensive literature should be conducted after the study has been conducted

    Persepsi Menjadi Ibu yang Baik: Suatu Pengalaman Wanita Pedesaan Pertama Kali Menjadi Seorang Ibu

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    AbstrakSuatu studi hermeneutik fenomenologi telah dilakukan untuk mengeksplorasi suatu pengalaman pertama para wanita Indonesia di daerah pedesaan tentang persepsi mereka menjadi seorang ibu yang baik. Tujuan dari studi ini memberikan informasi, wawasan, dan pemahaman kepada para praktisi kesehatan untuk lebih memahami kebutuhan-kebutuhan seorang ibu baru (ibu yang baru pertama kali memiliki anak) dan lebih memahami bagaimana seorang ibu baru menjalani peran barunya menjadi ibu untuk pertama kali dalam kehidupan mereka. Tiga belas partisipan yang berpartisipasi dalam studi ini telah mengungkapkan pengalaman pertama dan berbagai usaha yang mereka untuk menjadi seorang ibu yang baik. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara semi struktur. Tema utama dari hasil studi ini adalah mencoba menjadi seorang ibu yang baik. Dalam penelitian ini, diketahui bahwa ibu yang baik dipersepsikan sebagai ibu yang: (1) sabar dalam merawat anak (2) memiliki tanggung jawab untuk merawat anaknya sendiri, (3) mampu membagi waktu dengan baik, dan (4) memprioritaskan kebutuhan anaknya dari kebutuhan dirinya sendiri. Dengan hasil studi ini diharapkan para praktisi kesehatan akan lebih memahami harapan-harapan seorang ibu baru untuk dapat menjadi seorang ibu yang baik. AbstractA hermeneutic phenomenological study was carried out to explore the experience of first-time motherhood in rural Indonesia particurly their perception to be a good mother. The purposes of the study were to provide information, insights and a greater understanding for health care practicians to have a better understanding of the needs of new mothers and the ways in which the ferform new roles as a new mother. Thirteen Indonesian women were participated in this study and described their experiences of the first-time motherhood and the ways in which they conduct their role as a good mother. Data were collected through semi structured conversational interviews. The major theme of this study was trying to be a good mother. With sub themes of: (1) to be a good mother must be patient, (2) a good mother has responsibilities to care for the baby, (3) a good mother should be able to manage her time wisely, and (4) a good mother prioritize the baby’s needs ahead of their own needs. The result of will provide health care practicians deeper understanding about expectances of new mothers in becoming a good mother

    Focus Group Discussion (Diskusi Kelompok Terfokus) sebagai Metode Pengumpulan Data Penelitian Kualitatif

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    AbstrakMetode Focus Group Discussion (FGD) merupakan pendekatan yang umum digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data/informasi pada penelitian kualitatif, tidak terkecuali penelitian keperawatan yang saat ini semakin populer menggunakan metode FGD sebagai metode pengumpulan data. Metode ini memiliki karakteristik utama yaitu menggunakan data interaksi yang dihasilkan dari diskusi diantara para partisipannya. Kekuatan utama metode FGD terbukti dapat memberikan data yang lebih mendalam, lebih informatif, dan lebih bernilai dibanding metode lainnya. Namun, pelaksanaan yang optimal dari metode ini masih menjadi perdebatan yang dilaporkan pada banyak literatur dan konsensus metode FGD sebagai metode yang ideal untuk pengumpulan data belum disepakati oleh banyak ahli penelitian. AbstractFocus Group Discussions (FGD) method is a common approach for data collection in qualitative research projects, without exception in nursing research in recent years. The primary characteristic of this method is to use interaction data resulting from discussion among participants. The primary strength of the FGD method is that it can provide rich data, more informative, and valuable insight which can not be discovered through other methods. However, the optimal execution of the FGD method has been debated in the literatures, and consensus related to ideal methodology has not been achieved by researchers


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    AbstrakKehamilan seringkali dianggap sebagai periode transisi dalam kehidupan seorang wanita. Suatu studi kualitatif secara hermeneutic fenomenologi telah dilakukan untuk mengeksplorasi berbagai pengalaman wanita di daerah pedesaan dengan kehamilan pertamanya termasuk pengalaman mereka menerima pelayanan kesehatan dari para praktisi kesehatan Data studi ini diperoleh dari 9 ibu muda, dikumpulkan melalui wawancara formal tidak berstruktur yang mendalam sebanyak dua kali di rumah partisipan masing-masing. Wawancara direkam kemudian dibuat dalam bentuk transkrip wawancara. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan berbagai pengalaman wanita yang bervariasi. Kebanyakan ibu muda dalam studi ini mengalami kesulitan mengatasi berbagai ketidaknyamanan fisik dan psikologis akibat kehamilan dan mengalami kecemasan menghadapi proses kelahiran bayi mereka. Mereka membutuhkan dukungan dan bantuan, baik dari para praktisi kesehatan maupun anggota keluarga. Dengan hasil studi ini, diharapkan para praktisi kesehatan akan lebih memahami harapan-harapan seorang ibu hamil untuk dapat menjalani masa kehamilannya dengan sehat dan sejahtera. AbstractPregnancy often assumed as transition period in the woman’s life. A Qualitative studi, using fenomenology hermeunetic was carried out to explore women’s experiences in rural area of their first pregnancy, included their experiences received from the health care provider. Data were obtained from 9 women whose unstructured formal interviews were tape-recorded dan transcribed. Interviews were conducted in the women’s homes on two occasions during pregnancy. The findings reported the women’s experiences were varied and diverse. Most had difficulty coping with the physical and emotional symptoms of pregnancy. Loss of control caused anxiety toward with their childbirth The need for support emerged as important from their family and the health care providers. The findings of this study will provide the health care providers deeper understanding about the expectances of new expectant mothers with their first pregnancy, healthy dan wellness
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